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Reviews for Freedom's Slave

By : Aithilin
  • From berkie88 on July 14, 2007
    why did you stop writing! did you leave the fandom?
    I want to know why Jack wasn't told about the son by Bill! and why was Anamaria being so stubborn? (you'd think it would be easier to keep an eye on him if she actually talked to him?)
    but why did you say Jack'd lost Will? brushing him off one time because he didn't want to talk about his dead father who was his friend doesn't seem enough to lose him... maybe he has to apologise (maybe grovel a bit) but other than that?...
    there are a lot more fics around now... maybe you can find inspiration here somewhere to write again? *holds out bait* ;-)
    hope you'll continue! and your other fics too!

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  • From ANON - Anon on March 01, 2005
    I wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying the story. I don't usually like AUs, but this one is great! I really like Anamaria as Will's "body guard". BTW, how did Barbossa know where Will and his mother were living? And why did he go to all of that trouble to kill her and burn down the house? Thanks for the great story!
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  • From ANON - jammies2000 on January 24, 2004
    Hey I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your stories. I have just found the PoTC a couple of weeks ago and I have yet to 'leave' the area. Anyway I read your note and wanted to let you know that if you are still willing to have some suggestions I might give a few. I will have to go back and read the stories again I don't want to confuse myself. I know how it is to kind of run out of steam on a story or it seems like people are not reading. I have a fic at that I have kind of run out of stream on I know where I want the story to go but the getting there is giving me troubles. I have ideas but I have not been overly inspired. Anyway if you are still open to ideas my email addy is
    Hope to see you update soon you write very well.
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  • From ANON - Night on January 20, 2004
    Helpful reviews huh? Well alright, exactly how is it that Will is upset with Jack in the very end with the medallion scene and how do you plan on fixing it? Without a curse, what is the Purpose of Jack's voyage? Is it to help will? Is it to just be a pe? We? What? Sorry, clarification but is Barbossa dead, or is he still lurking and will we encounter him again? If so when? Are Anna and Will all hunky dory now, or will there be more speed bumps in the relationship? Will Anna get to slap Jack a few more times in the story, or will jack and will patch things up and e a happy couple!?! (Either works for me, and preferably both to a certain degree and not very extreme)!! I really like it so far though!! It's nicely writtena and Anna and Will's relationship is absolutely hilarious and heartwarming! I love it! So if any of this helps, I hope you continue to write!
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  • From ANON - Desertrain on January 03, 2004
    Eep. Okay, a good review, that you can respond to. I can identify, I look for those, too...let's see here...

    I definitely think you've done a good job up to this point of keeping the characters real. Maybe not just like their characters in the movie, but let's face it: this is an alternate universe. They wouldn't be the same people. Different life experience, different growth. I think you're characterizations are just fine, dear. I wouldn't worry too much about that.

    As for chapter length: whoo, boy. I can never write a long chapter. Don't worry about that, either. I would rather have 2ort,ort, well written chapters than 12 long, choppy ones. As for the flow of writing, I think you have a beautiful storytelling technique. Don't ever lose that.

    Lastly: an 'Oh, shit' moment indeed. I could just see the ook on Jack's face when Gibbs pointed out that he had just hurt Will. Ouch. That slaps gonna hurt..

    I do hope you can come back and update this story soon, it's quite good. i shall look back oten, just to be sure I don't miss it when you do get it updated. But, once again, I am very familiar with this thing we're all supposed to have called a 'real life'. Kinda sucks, but there you go. I will, however, be very happy when an update doesmaterialize.

    Until then!

    ~Desertrain (on fanfictiot)
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  • From ANON - Desertrain on January 03, 2004
    Just finished chapter nine, but just had to say: one, great story thus far and two: Voltaire...::thumo, falls over:: Hot man, great singer. See him at DragonCon-a science fiction convention-every year. Gets a little strange about 1 or 2 in the morning, though. Still, gotta love a man who can sing about Grannies being tripped with one bretah and then turn around and sing a beautiful song about Edgar Allen. Wow.

    Okay, on to the next 3 chapters of the story, then another review! Whoopee!

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  • From ANON - hellsangel25 on December 23, 2003
    I love this story but it's driving me nuts that you haven't updated it. Remeber you promised major ana blow ups. LOL Please update it. You know have jack and will relationship progress. And I really want to know what happens when ana finds out about the relationship once it's gone farther. So all in all I want more and I really lover Coming Along and It's sequel and wouldn't mind an update on that either
    Love a fan of potc and your writing Angel L. AKA hellsangel25
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  • From GraycefulChaos on December 16, 2003
    This was the first story that I have read that wasn't set during or after the movie story line. All though, I am personally confused as to how much your versions of the characters are going to be like the ones that Disney owns. Not a problem on your part, just thoughts in my head about it. As of right now I'm just going to leave my review at this because I read the story last night but wanted to leave a signed review (wouldn't let me log in) and I can't quite remember the exacts of what my thoughts last night, other than the fact that I added this to my suggested reading list. Take your time with the updates, I'll read them no matter how long it takes (assuming you decide to keep going).

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  • From ANON - Angel Interceptor on November 30, 2003
    I'm really enjoying this - and that's quite a compliment from me because I just can't find POTC fics which appeal to me; they're mostly jOOC OOC PWP, I have to say this is only the second one i've found where I've enjoyed the character development and actually cared what happens either way to them. I especially like Anamaria being so angry - there aren't often good, strong female characters in slash stories, so I must applaud you.

    Take care xx
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  • From ANON - missy on October 25, 2003
    Dang it, i had a pressing question to ask, but it was chapters back and i've forgotten already. Although another I had - is this pendant that was found on the slaver, the one that Bootstrap had, was it the aztec gold? If so, why didn't Barbossa take it, or at least search for it, when he killed bootstrap all those years ago? Hmm, no wait - I recall you mentioning that there wasn't Aztec gold in this AU? Does that mean *at all* or just simply the events in the film? Bah! I'm confused.
    But I am very much enjoying reading so far. I love your characterisation of Ana and Gibs, and i'm glad you tried to put a little bit more of the 'movie' Jack back into his char during the battle, and in his confrontation with Ana.
    I just hope that i remember to come back here to find updates. (I hunt fic in bouts of a week or two, every 6 months, so if something isn't completed, i'm unlikey to read the conclusion). Do you have a mailing list or something that I can more easily acces your fics?
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  • From ANON - dearne on September 14, 2003
    Hi :)
    I read though your diatribe (lol sorry, but there's really no other word for it) and i hope beyond hope that you regain confidence in your characterisation of the characters soon because from what i've read (in both this and your first fic) your pretty damn brilliant at it :) i think you're one of the few writers i've read who've actually managed to catch the essence of such a...jittery character as Jack Sparrow as well as bringing your own dimensions to the character. He's multi-faceted in your writing and more than just a strangely alluring man with an odd candence to his speech ;) you write him brilliantly, as well as all the other characters; easpecially in the fact that you didn't vilify Nottingham (i rather liked him in the movie). You even got me reading slash which is an extreme rarity lol. Good luck with everything, and i hope you continue writing soon,
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  • From ANON - VanaE on September 11, 2003
    Well...seeing as you are stuck for ideas and needing a heap of time for them said ideas to rear their ugly little torturous heads up with avengeance and keep you awake till 4am the Monday of the following week right before you need to wake up anyway and go to a 9 hour day of hard hand work then a lovely "little" bit of night school where you then come home and find that your damn muses HAVE EATEN ALL THE POPCORN!!!! *breathes* I'll help you to get out of the a way...somehow. *sends her 4 Muse Squad into YOUR muse's bedroom and shuts the door* Shh, they may be a while, but they do a damn good job.

    Anyway...can I be a character aswell? can't really use this name as it's lotr based know. Anyway, do you have a cabin boy? Yyeahyeah I know it's a male character, but to be realistic here, I eve ever Role Play male characters anyway as I am petrified of the dreaded Mary Sue complex. But yeah, I just have this weird yet funky little idea (that is actually spawned from thinking about 'Moby Dick' the movie all day, the one with Patrick Stuart in it) about a black 14 year old (I'm nearly 20 by the way so this is more of a personality thing) cabin boy with maybe a little too much energy and eagerness. Has a complete devotion complex to Ana Marie and hounds her every step, especially if he saw her in action or something. Picked up in a port somewhere randomly after the slave ship fight...becomes her little shadow...WAY too energetic for his own good and releases it by entertaining the crew all the time by banging his little hand drum and doing jigs and singing in his own language (African chants). Gets killed later maybe...hey, it's for dramatic persuasion here! Anyway...I think it would do Ana Marie some good, considering he annoys tell ell out of her but she will never admit that the kid is just too darn cute (personality-wise) for his own good and no, he doesn't replace Will, actually is a little afraid of Will for some (you can make one up) reason. *pants* bloody heck now this has given ME a seriously bad plot bunny *yells at Muse #2*. OK...I won't write it before you do...I'll send you an email with all this info too ok, just in case. hehe...there ye go. Oh, and his name is Job "Gibs! Go give Job a work" *snickers* lovely confusion.
    Right, am rambling...told you it's a personality insert thing. heh.

    Right, keep it up ok...LOVE this!!!! More pain please...don't ask, it's a Torture Fanfic Fan's (TFF) curse.

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  • From ANON - Jessie Seagull on September 11, 2003
    Love the fic, but I was wondering: Since Will has been staying in Jack's cabin, where has Jack been sleeping? I can't really see Jack as sleeping in a chair or on the deck, yet it also seems like there'd be a lot more sexual tension between the two if they'd been sharing a bunk. ay, ay, hope you get over that writer's block soon.
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  • From ANON - Aiko on September 11, 2003
    Hi Aithlin!

    I only want to tell you that i LOVE all your fics and i hope you´ll start writining soon again.
    I think you´re one of the best writers about PotC in and it will be a pity you´ll not continuing tour stories.
    About the caracters, i think your Jack and Will are very good and i don´t understand why are you depressed.
    Well, i hope you´ll staritiniting soon...
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  • From ANON - Jack4Turner on September 11, 2003
    Hey Hey

    Excellent story so are very districtive in your work. You also hold the characters in tune. Now I know that you are upset about the hurry and update reviews so I'm not going to give you one of those....however I suck at reviews because I'm not that great of a writer and my grammar and spelling are horrible. So I just don't notice things like that....
    Can't wait to find out what should make Ana hit Jack just because he made Will unhappy for a moment. :) Hey I've got to run and drive to school now so I'll finish my review later:)

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