The forest | By : Silverling Category: S through Z > Transformers (Movie Only) > Transformers (Movie Only) Views: 9214 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers. All characters belong to Hasbro. I just own my own character(s). I do not earn money from writing this. I write this to my own enjoyment! Any similarity with the reality is just coincidence and nothing more. |
A/N: First oneshot about our most favourite Special Ops Officer, Jazz. Sexual and interfacing contents in the fiction. Xenophilia and romance.
This is the first oneshot about Jazz but there will be many more because I just love this mech! Mainly I am writing from Jazz’s POV in third person.
My own character:
Gender: female
Name: Amanda Lewis
Age: 18 years old
So enjoy this fic.
The forest
Amanda was waiting patiently at the entrance of the high school. It was Friday and she finished a lot sooner than she expected. She thought her parents would pick her up but instead of her parents she received a call.
’’Yes?’’ The call was from the Autobot base. Strange because she didn’t expect any of them to just... talk to her. Though when she heard the voice from the other end, her heart skipped a beat. She loved that voice. Smooth and deep.
’’Hey! It’s me, Jazz.’’ The silver Autobot greeted his friend. Unconsciously his spark had reacted to the girl’s voice, giving out demands that started to cloud his processor.
’’Hey! What are you up to?’’ The excitement in her voice seemed to spark his spark. It thrummed angrily behind its casing. Though he had to force back his vocalizer to normal because he didn’t want to give away his desire towards the female.
’’Imma goin’ ta give ya a ride.’’ He stated and waited for the girl to acknowledge his offer. Well not offer because he had already talked with her creators. And another reason why he wanted to be the one who picked her up. His spark writhed impatiently in its casing just thinking about it.
’’But my parents are already on their way here. You don’t have to drive this far just to get me home.’’ The sweet voice was doing wonders to his already rapidly heating frame as he pushed past the driving limit and racing towards the female who made his spark react in such a way. He had had his fair amount of femmes back on Cybertron but he didn’t have this kind of strong pull towards any of them.
’’Nah, Ah just talked ta yer creators so they won’t freak out when they won’t find ya at yer school.’’ Silence was the only answer he got though he knew she wouldn’t be able to refuse him since nobody would be able to bring her home.
’’So what time will you be here?’’ That voice was sparking his whole frame with electrical surges and sending him into a pleasurable state. He thought if she could just spark him up like this with miles being between them, he could only imagine what she could do to his frame if they were alone. Preferably in his quarters.
’’Any time now.’’
’’I will be waiting for you then.’’ She hung up and put her cellphone back into her pocket wondering why he insisted on picking her up. Though her stomach felt like bursting from tiny butterflies and she couldn’t help the pink blush from appearing on her cheeks. She had always been attracted to the silver mech.
Humanity was still not used to having aliens/robots on their planet after the accident in Los Angeles where Optimus brought back the silver mech with the shrads of the Allspark. And harbouring attraction to another race was taboo for humanity. It was a sin against God to have feelings for a robot! Months after the resurrection and Sam introduced Amanda to the autobots and the silver mech had always been with her: telling her jokes, telling stories of past battles, about Cybertron and giving her hints about the personalities of other autobots and going with him for a ride and seeing the true beauty around Tranquillity and N.E.S.T. base in San Diego. But she also told him that she preferred their original form over the human one because a fake human holoform was not them. She liked their appearance because that made them, them.
She loved hearing his voice. It always sent a deep ache within her very core from just hearing that deep, smooth, cheeky voice. It sent pleasure down her nerves and she always blushed in his proximity. He had even been bold enough to ask her about preferences of human males. It had made her wonder why he was asking for hair and eye colour. Skin colour, any kinds of tattoos or piercings. Small or tall, slender or more muscular.
She dismissed the idea thinking that he only wanted to blend into the crowd they had been forced to live in. Though once or twice his faceplates had been too close for comfort as he gazed deep into her hazel eyes. Hers on the other hand had been widened to the point she feared they would pop out of their place. Her heart always raced and the tiny hairs on her body always stood up.
He thoroughly examed her from head to toe. She even heard his cooling fans working to cool down his frame although she didn’t know why. She was nothing special to look at especially to a gorgeous robot who was an outstandingly handsome bot even among humans. Some of his moves that were a sin to the eyes/optics made her want him. Just hearing his voice made her so wet and made her so uncomfortable and often she left the base to cool herself down. She noted sadly that a few of the rescued and living femmes had optics for Jazz.
She shook her head as she waited for the mech who had stolen her heart. At the same time dreading the contact with him because she knew she meant nothing to him only a friend but nothing romantic would be resulting. With a broken sigh she looked up only to hear the engine that belongs to the Porsche. Yes, Jazz changed his alt-mode from the Pontiac Solstice to Porsche 911 and also silver in colour and having the Autobot Emblem proudly on the hood.
She sighed dreamily then steaded herself because she couldn’t let herself carried away. She meant nothing, end of thoughts. ’’Hey! You’ve arrived a lot sooner than I thought.’’ She greeted him, forcing a fake but bright smile though she hoped that the clever Autobot spy wouldn’t notice. Appearantly he hadn’t.
’’Yep, Imma ’ere. Hop in and let’s get outta here.’’ He opened the door eagarly anticipating the delicious weight on his leather seat. He felt her put the bag gently onto the back seat and watched as she fastened the seat belt. He closed his door and sped up leaving the high school with the woman he loved dearly.
It was an impossibly deep love for the human that it scared him out of his frame. No femme made him feel like this. The gentle and reassuring look she had on her face whenever he was stressed after a new mission. That gaze calmed him down but at the same time he wanted to see fire and passion in those hazel eyes. He longed to run his digits down her sides, down those curved legs, press into her intimately and feel her skin against his metal. To feel those full rosy lips against his lipplates, to nuzzle his cheeks into her neck and worship her body with metallic fingers. To hear her sigh his designation and pleasure her till she begged him to end the sweet torture.
He wanted to pleasure her with his servos, with his glossa, oh how much he wanted to taste her fluids that he was sure would be the richest of liquids he would ever taste. To see her whole expression change to ecstasy and all because of him. So unlike Cybertronian femmes but so very his. To leave love bites on her skin just to signal that she was taken.
And when she was pleasured to insanity he would take her with his spike, which at the moment ached at these images, slowly in the beginning to let her know how much he loved her. His spark considered the tiny organic woman his equal despite the fact that they didn’t have any interfacing intercourse. His spark sang at the idea to have the woman by his side forever and forever his. He would show her the depths of his love and his desire to claim her.
His sick and twisted mind had already involved different places for their love-making. His quarters, the med bay, the training room where Ironhide tested new weapons, the command center, even Prowl’s office, outside the base under the stars and wherever they could be caught. He almost moaned at these thoughts. He couldn’t wait to begin. He sure would make love to her every night and on every occasion.
The jealousy that seeped into his spark and clouded his processor when she was laughing with a guard or even with another Autobot. It sent pure rage through him when the lamborghini twins befriended her despite the worry of all beings on the base. His processor threatened to crash every time he saw her talking with a male and mech.
Then he was drawn back to reality and to his femme who sat silently on his seat looking deep in thoughts. She sighed softly before looking out the window. He watched her as he left miles behind them. Watched her chest rise and fall with each breath she took. As her eyes fluttered close before reopening them. The small and cute nose that made him melt. Her hair done into tiny spikes. Her ears with three-three piercings in them.
His next fantasy had always involved those soft hands of hers around his spike and using that beautiful looking mouth to give him pleasure. He felt his spike quiver at the thought and wanted to start everything now and here. He had to make their first time perfect, well, as perfect as he could when he was not on his original home planet.
’’Yer so silent.’’ He said in a low tone to not startle her. Suddenly she looked at the interior as if piercing right into his spark but he saw slight hurt in her eyes which disturbed him. He hadn’t said anything to upset her.
’’Just thinking.’’ Was all she said before looking out again. This behaviour alerted him. Not even a small smile playing on her lips just the hurt flashing in her haunting eyes. His spark ached because he knew something had happened to her and he had not been with her. He wanted to take away her pain and replace it with the steady love of his. To kiss away every tear that would dare stain her cheeks. To be the one to offer a shoulder to cry on and hold her when she needed.
His spark was so ready to join another one but he knew that she did not have one. It made his spark whine in protest, if there were no spark then it wanted his beloved’s hands touching him so intimately that he felt his processors heating.
’’Tell me.’’ He coaxed her because he really wanted to hear it and help her if he could. She ran a hand through her short hair and pushed the glasses up her nose. His scanners told him that she was nervous and upset about something. Her heart was beating way too quickly for his taste.
’’It’s nothing. Just personal things I would really not like to share with anyone.’’ The silence that came after was making him frustrated. He hit on the brakes and parked within the forest. She looked around franctically as if someone had shot her. She became nervous and practically oozing fear. What had happened to her?
’’Now yer gonna lis’en ta meh. Ah ain’t gonna be fed up by yer answuh. Either tell meh or face the Jazzman’s wrath.’’ He growled at her and saw her stop her attempt to get out of him. She looked at her hands now folded neatly in her lap and give out a squeak when the seat beneath her vibrated. She gulped nervously before she started sweating.
Then what he smelt next through him over the edge. His raw insticts were pushing him forward because he smelt her arousal. He awaited everything that came from her mouth: yells, curses and hysteria but not arousal. So this was why she had been nervous. She was nervous about his reaction to her natural lubricants on his leather seat.
If anything, that turned him on greatly before he drove deep into the woods to seek privacy from passerby cars. If she was in the mood then by all means he would show her how he felt. His straining spike nagged him to free it from the tiny housing. His whole frame trembled in anticipation. He hoped to reach the base and knew that he would have to pursue her to play with him.
Instead of these she unconsciously let her guard down and let him know that she was... ready for him. His spark almost burst out of its casing. ’’Jazz?’’ The small voice tore a deep moan from his vocalizer which added another notch to her already growing arousal. He couldn’t think straight just to stop somewhere and have his way with Amanda.
’’We’re stopping sweetspark.’’ The word ’sweetspark’ made her heart skip a beat and blush, ashamed at herself. Then her thoughts drifted back to that mouthwatering moan that came from the speakers. She shuddered at the intensity behind that single moan. She was not sure how or when she started to feel aroused and by all means she was deeply disgusted by herself.
It would disgust this wonderful mech from her. She so knew that he was not attracted to her that it sent a cold chill down her spine. Her silence alerted the mech again because something caused her arousal to lessen and he didn’t want that. He wanted a quivering and willing femme and Amanda was losing her interest because of something.
He started to vibrate the seat under her again and watched for reactions. The smell of her fluids caused a bead of pre-fluid to get out of the head of his spike and caused him to whimper. He felt his seat get damp with her fluid and by Primus he wanted to lick every precious fluid from it. Amanda struggled to sit still while the mech vibrated the seat under her so deliciously that she wanted to moan.
’’Get out.’’ The growling command shook her slightly but at the same time made her more wet than she already was. Now that she thought about it, it was fortunate that she shaved herself in all places not because she thought about this... but now she was glad. She even wore decent underwear... She was going too much ahead... what if he just called it off... but the way he moaned and... whimpered made her think that maybe there might be something...
She got out of the car and watched as he trembled impossibly before a miniature version of a holographic Jazz appeard in front of her. He was a head taller than her but other than that he looked exactly like his true form. She wanted to melt. She loved his frame. All sexy, smooth and aerodynamic.
’’Ya like this dontcha?’’ he asked in a low tone as he stepped closer to her already trembling form. Why was she so afraid of him? She had told him that she preferred this form because it was just him in this form not some stranger human as Jazz.
’’I-’’ She gulped and looked away. She looked at his retreating form and her heart dropped to her feet. So she had been right.
He went to the driver’s seat and got into himself on his knees before leaning towards the seat where she had been sitting. She gasped when he leaned down and started to lick the small fluid smeared on the seat. Her cheeks flushed bright pink and looked away as he cleaned himself with his... tongue? Glossa, she heard them saying.
’’You taste divine.’’ The breath was caught up in her throat as she chanced a glance at him to see that he was staring at her with a predatory gleam dancing across his visor while he lapped up the non-cybertronian fluids. Her shyness caused a deep ache within himself that he wanted to fill. He loved her so much and he would start loving her here if necessary. ’’Come here.’’
She stood frozen to her spot but she shook her head. She was embarrassed and no need to heighten that feeling. She heard the leaves rustling beneath his pedes as he walked leisurely to her. He put a finger under her chin and brought it up to his face. ’’Look at me.’’
She closed her eyes then looked at him and she felt a deep jolt of pain erupt for a second before replaced with wonder. He smiled tenderly at her and wrapped his powerful arms around her and brought her closer. He leaned in and captured her lips with his own in a hesitant yet desperate way. He had never kissed before. Kissing among his race was not known until they came to Earth but the untouched sensors on his lipplates were begging to ravish those which caused them such pleasure. Now he could understand why humans liked kissing each other senseless.
It was so great having the one he loved in his arms. It would be better if his true form were instead of this holoform but he was contented with this too. Her soft pliable body pushed so intimately to his own hard one was overwhelming. He never wanted to let her go. He felt her shudder into his embrace as he moved his lips on hers. She gasped and put her hands on his chestplates directly over where his his was located.
He moaned into her mouth and tightened his hold on her. Amanda was feeling her chest tighten in deep emotion. The one she loved was currently kissing her. She felt safe in his arms. She was embraced to a delicious warmth that caused her to shudder. If she could get wetter then she was feeling it dampen her jeans.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and reacted to his kissing. Her hands were linked behind his helm and pushed him closer to her while one of her hand sneaked up to one of his horns. It caused him to jolt for a moment and give out a feral growl. His kissing grew more passionate as his glossa begged for entrance and licked her bottom lip.
Her skin was full of goosebumps as his servos caressed her shoulders tenderly almost as if he was hesitant. Her small tongue and his more powerful glossa danced with each other, stroaked each other. He roved the insides of her mouth, seeking to know everything. It sent a powerful wave of lust through his frame when her shy little muscle touched his in an attempt to start their erotic dancing.
He wanted to feel her. He wanted those offending garments off of her perfectly flawless body. He wanted to be pressed up to her and he wanted to pleasure her so badly that it hurt. Warnings of overload flashed on his internal screen but he dismissed them all. He would wait for her. He didn’t want to overload without knowing where she squirmed, where she would scream to the heaven and where she would sigh. He wanted to know the depths of her body and all the reactions he could coax out of her with his touches.
He pushed his hands under her shirt and touched her bare back. It sent electricity through his frame. It was soft as silk but he felt the shudder on them. He stroaked the newly discovered skin and pushed a little higher. She gave a moan before separating herself from him. She breathed heavily and it clicked in that she needed to breath. The glazed look in her eyes and beautiful pink blush on her cheeks were almost enough to send him into a blissful of overloads and her kiss-bruised lips were still begging him to ravish them. She put her head on his shoulder as he got the opportunity to taste her skin for the first time. He latched on her neck only to feel the vein under his lipplates beat the precious fluid which kept his beloved alive. He was touched that she trusted him so much. Her skin tasted somewhat salty with the flavor of coconuts and sweat. The combination stirred his spike more to the level where he would have begged a femme to just frag him.
The air practically smelt like her arousal. If someone dared to interrupt them, by Primus he would kill them. The possessiveness caused him to tug at the shirt she wore before she lifted her arms above her head so he could pull it off of her. She awaited the material to be rid of her hypersensitive skin. She swore his fans were overworking themselves to cool his heated frame. She felt so powerful to know that she was the cause of his hyperventillation.
He watched in wonder as he inched the garment upwards and her skin to be revealed to his adoring and hungry gaze. He watched her stomach move with the movements. Watched as her squirming caused her ribs to show. Watched as he saw for the first time, her bra hiding her ample breasts from him. He was careful when he reached her head and let her do the rest. She stepped away from him and let the shirt fall to the ground with a ’whoosh’. She stood before him shyly folding her arms before her stomach. He admired the beauty before him and he keened.
Suddenly she reached behind her and unclasped the bra which loosened on her torso. His optics widened behind his visor when the more intimate cloth fell to the ground too. She was half-naked before a robot. She was so nervous that she wanted to faint and never wake up. She waited the reaction from the saboteur. She was sure he would turn her down and leave the place with an awkward silence. Their friendship would be over.
Instead of rejecting her, she felt his servos reach for her neck. She felt his fingers glide from her ears down to her neck, to her collarbone and down her arms and grabbed her by the hands and tugged them around his powerful neck. She felt so wanted right now that it almost brought tears to her eyes. His moutplates were parted as he drew in unnecessary breaths. Jazz was awed by his human. No femme could compete with the beauty of his female. To other males she would not be so wanted but Jazz had seen the true personality that did not match the outside appearance. Her personality caused him wanting the owner of the personality. She was beautiful in his optics and that was all that mattered.
He touched her back, caressed her skin with tenderness as his fingertips left fire in their wake. She arched into his touch and gasped when he caressed a certain spot under the shoulder blade. He lingered there for a moment and moved to her neck. He licked and nibbled the skin behind her ear and tilted her head on his shoulder to get better access.
No words were needed as the two unknown body explored each other. Amanda’s hand moved along his powerful shoulders and her tiny fingers dipped under the armour while stroking highly-sensitive wires. Jazz moaned in pure esctasy as his hand cupped a full breast. His research on the topic of pleasuring a human female now awakening his senses. The optics behind the visor were fully purple from the arousal as he watched for the tiniest reaction. When she jerked away from his touch with a grimace on her face, he understood that she was ticklish on that spot. He smirked and filed that spot into his memory banks for later torments.
But he had completely forgotten that Amanda brushed against highly sensitive sensors on his back strut and her fingers danced along them. Like she knew where to touch him. He pushed his hips forward and he gave a guttural moan. ’’Am-’’
Amanda shook from the volume he wanted to say her name went back to explore the frame before her gaze. She loved every ridge, every angle, the tiniest wire under the heavy armour. Her adoring gaze lingered on his visors for a moment, wishing that in her presence he would remove them. Though she didn’t want to pressure him.
With a slow motion she moved their lips together in a gentle kiss which drew another heated moan from the autobot. Jazz was going positively insane with the shy exploration of her deliciously tiny hands. He palmed the breast in his hand and held her from behind. His heated gaze devouring every movement hungrily. They were fitting nicely!
He had decided to move their foreplay to the ground but hoped that it would be at least somewhat warm to the touch. ’’Stop! Let’s move ta a more comfortable place ok?’’
Amanda nodded not trusting her voice as she was lowered by Jazz to the ground. Above her Jazz looked at her lovely half-naked form and gave a purr. He got on all fours and kissed her with a passion he didn’t know he possessed. He ran his hands up and down her sides and was deligthened when she moaned and arched into his touch.
He started to fumble with the buttons and zipper on her jeans before he growled. Amanda chuckled and pulled the jeans down her ass before yelped as Jazz practically tore them down her leg. ’’You are beautiful.’’
She blushed at him and wanted to cover herself up out of modesty when the hands of the autobot grabbed them with a growl of their owner. She watched as he pushed both her hands above her head and started to explore her in earnest.
She couldn’t help but cry out when his mouthplates latched onto one of her nipples. Tugging, licking, nibbling the skin, palming and nuzzling the side of breasts. She couldn’t help but cry out every time he did any of them. Jazz on the other hand was having a hard time going slowly as he was listening to all the beautiful sounds his beloved was making.
He now understood why human males were so fascinated by female breasts. Even when they were not ’dating’ he had seen the soldiers glancing at Amanda’s aft and breasts. Now he knew why. He loved the fullness of her aft when he cupped them. He loved her breasts even so that she was not Cybertronian. His spark had long accepted the fact that the mind of Jazz wanted the human female. ’’Amanda. Love.’’
’’Jazz- Ah-’’ He groaned above her as he let go of her hands and moved south because he couldn’t wait to taste her. He kissed along her stomach and paid considerable attention to her navel and hooked his fingers under the light purple panties and pulled them down. He cycled air into his fans now that his femme was completely bare before his optics. ’’You like?’’
The small question drew his attention and he looked into the shy and nervous eyes. She tried to force a smile but the shame that he would not like what he saw overrode any intimate feeling. He leaned back and looked deeply into her eyes. ’’Ah could ravish ya any time of the day. Don’ think that Ah don’t like how ya look like. Yer ooks are just fo' me an' Ah love what Ah see under me.’’
She let out the breath she was holding and kissed his cheek to thank him. He kissed her temple then moved back towards her navel. The pictures on the internet taught him what to expect but Amanda was freshly shaven. He gently parted her legs without any force and stared at the glistening slit between the swollen lips. His mouth watered at the sight as he laid down on his front and put her legs on his shoulders. Before she could question his motives he licked the fluid-covered skin and growled in appreciation. Above him Amanda let out a scream when he suddenly delved into her depths.
’’Jazz- You- don’t- God- Jazz!’’ She tried to form a coherent thought but only pieces came out of her. Jazz ravished the skin with tiny bites and kisses. He licked along the tender skin as he parted her legs more. Her hips buckled and he had to force them to remain still. His already swollen spike was angrily thumping on the codpiece but he still forced his urges down. He wanted her to reach overload.
He absolutely loved the taste of her intimate fluids. Not like femme transfluid but still it added a new flavor to his heightened senses. He parted the folds and watched as newly formed fluids escaped the channel before he licked them up and pushed his glossa into the tight wetness. Amanda was sobbing in esctasy. She had never felt something like this before. Her heart wanted to leap out of her chest. Her skin was so sensitive that sometimes when he danced his fingertips along her legs, it hurt. But that sinful glossa doing wicked things to her pussy was heavenly.
Jazz pushed in and out of her wetness with a vigor. He lapped up everything wanting more from her. He pushed a finger inside her and groaned at the heat greeting the invasive digit. Gently he pumped her while continued to lick at the bundle of nerve too. The way her ’valve’ was contracting and tightening around his fingers were a sure sign that he was doing everything well. He added another finger to stretch her to his girth.
Jazz was well-endowed compared to his size and the last thing he wanted was to hurt his femme. But Primus be cursed he was going to overload without even being inside her. His spike hurt and anticipated the pleasures her valve would give it. He wanted to watch her overload. He absolutely wanted to savor those precious moments.
So suddenly even too soon for his taste she tensed above him and he looked up from between her legs but never stopped pleasuring. She thrashed and cried out his name to the sky. Her tighs gripping his head tightly as her hands supported her back. It was truly a beautiful sight.
He noted to pleasure her once a day with his glossa. He loved pleasuring a femme with his glossa and his new dessert would always be a delicious overload from her, every fragging day. Her skin felt wet against his touch as he left bite marks on her tighs and hips. She was his and he made sure all those fraggers on the base and outside the base knew this.
’’Jazz. God, Jazz. You didn’t have to do that.’’ She talked in between breaths as he put his weight on his elbows and gazed into the still pleasure laden eyes. He kissed her letting her taste herself on his lips. He wanted to show her how delicious she was to him. She moaned as her hands gripped his sides. ’’Thank you.’’
’’We’re not done sweetspark.’’ His smirk never let his face before she heard a click and she looked down. The pelvic plating retracted and a hardened cable extended. Her eyes widened at this. If this was what she thought was his interfacing equipment... he was huge. The head of the organ was like the nose of an aeroplane and ridged on the side. It sprang freely and rested heavily on her stomach. ’’Touch me.’’ He breathed into her ears as her hand shyly touched him.
His hips pushed towards her hand as she gently grabbed him. It felt like plastic to the touch but... flexible plastic. He groaned above her and watched as she slowly started to move her hand up and down. It was so slagging hot to see her around his spike.
Though his warnings were pinging at him he didn’t want to reach overload without being in her. ’’Stop or- overload.’’ He removed her warm hands and opened her legs again before laying between them. He started trembling because he so wanted to be inside her. ’’Guide me in, love.’’ He offlined his optics safely hidden behind the visor as he kissed her ear then rested his helm on her shoulder. He felt her gently grab him then so achingly slowly moved towards where he had been only minutes ago.
She breathed heavily as she moved him to her entrance. She closed her eyes and pushed the head of his organ into before he knew that it was free from here. His hips pushed slowly towards hers as the head pushed inside. Jazz panted and kissed her fervently before he felt his head being engulfed by her tight passage. He had never imaged such heat and the silkness of her valve was processor-blowing.
She whimpered silently because this part of her had never been used before. She felt pleasure but pain at the same time. He was huge by her standards and was nervous if he even would fit inside of her. The ridged side of the organ was doing wonderful things to her walls as he surged into her. His whole frame shook and heard his true body tremble too.
He looked at Amanda and saw the slightly pained expression of hers when he felt something tear inside of her. She gave a pained cry before tears formed in her eyes. He frowned at this. Then the next lesson about human females almost brought him to his knees. She had been a virgin and never experienced this before. He was her first lover and his spark soared at the thought. He kissed away the tears and gently rocked inside of her. He wanted to give her pleasure too.
’’Amanda. Look at me.’’ He gently touched her cheeks with his tembling hands. She looked at him slightly before a wave of pained pleasure washed over her. She gasped as his hips moved forward and he was all the way inside. He stopped to give her time to adjust to his size. His self-control rapidly leaving him as he watched heatedly as she struggled to stay still. The length and girth of him made her so full, she thought she would burst.
Then he gently rocked inside of her and rotated his hips to reach every nerve in her valve. He was so overcome by passion that he didn’t notice her legs wrapping around him, keeping him deep in her. He kissed her and slipped his glossa inside to heighten her pleasure.
She gave a mewl as his spike jolted a really sensitive nerve as the heavy organ brushed over it. Jazz noticed this and angled his penetration so he would brush over that nerve. She began crying out his name as he ever so slowly thrusted into her. ’’I love you.’’ The sentence halted his movement and he stared into her beautiful eyes.
She was watching him carefully through dazed eyes wanting to know his reaction. He moaned and dropped his head and kissed her possessively, she thought she would go insane. ’’I love you too.’’
He slowly picked up speed but not hard nor fast but still giving her nerves the first brushes of intimacy. He thrust forward and tried to get deeper into because it seemed every time was not too deep for him. He wanted to devour her whole body. He wanted to bring pleasure as much time as he could. Amanda was panting, whimpering in need and cried his name every time he found a new spot to pleasure.
Warnings were now giving out red lights and he felt the edge of his overload. He wanted to experience this blissful overload with her. He angled his thrusts upwards so his spike brushed the roof of her valve with a delicious friction. He caressed everything on her body within reach and kissed her soundly.
He felt the best overload reaching him as he felt her tense under him and cry out his name while her valve tightened around him impossibly like a vice. He surged into her one more time before roaring out his pleasure to Primus. He felt his transfluid coat her walls as he still pumped into her.
Her voice died down to small whimpers feeling his fluids inside her while her valve contracted around him, milking him. He moaned and lightly pushed into her a few more times before stopping. ’’Jazz-’’
’’Hush. Don’t speak.’’ He silenced her with a kiss then lightly pushed more then once into her, her whimpers of pleasure music to his audios. ’’You were wonderful.’’
’’You were the best.’’ He grinned at her before allowing his visor to retract. She stared at him in wonder. His purple optics didn’t even change back to blue after his overload. His system felt drained as he looked at his true body and noted the bluish fluid under him. He chuckled before looking back at his love.
’’You have beautiful optics.’’ She kissed his brow and let her legs fall from around him and hugged him. He slipped out of her before getting a devious idea. ’’Jazz! What are you- Ah!’’
He kneeled between her tighs and licked her core with abandon. Their mixed fluids giving him another burst of lust but he just settled for licking their fluids. He licked everything before him and growled in sudden arousal. ’’Jazz, St-op!’’ Amanda was so sensitive all over her body that she didn’t know if she would live through his mechhandling. Whoever thought that Special Operations Agent Jazz was so crazy about interface.
’’Mine.’’ He growled against her skin before pushing his glossa all the way into her. He ravished her with his glossa all the more when hearing her scream. His limp spike slowly coming back to life although his need for recharge would soon become inevitable. He had to have her one more time before resting. ’’Roll over.’’ Reluctantly but she obeyed the mech and she laid on her front. The ground under her was warm from her heat and she felt Jazz get behind her. He nibbled at her neck and felt him bite into her shoulder. He fondled her ass and kissed the round cheeks before she heard his servos land beside her head.
She felt him lower himself on her back before he rested his weight on his elbows. She felt the hard interfacing cable brush against her ass as she parted her legs. He nudged the entrance before pushing inside. Both of them moaned at the feeling. Both of them felt the difference in the penetration as he pushed faster into her. This time he sure as pit picked up speed as he licked her shoulders and wrapped his arms around her front to keep the deep intimate connection. He held her to him as she cried in bliss.
He surged into her quickly and noted all the delightful noises she rewarded him with. He felt he could just lie there with her for eternity. Not wanting to pull out of her for a moment. He turned her head sidelong to kiss her all the while keeping up his pace. She whimpered as he gave a powerful thrust. He growled possessively into her mouth and suckled her bottom lip.
Primus he never wanted to slip out of her. He wanted her to surround him every day. Oh so soon he gave a cry and overloaded inside his love bringing the girl with him. The post overload bliss still clouding him as he rotated in her when the transfluid shot into her made Amanda groan from time to time.
She felt him empty all his fluids but still he didn’t stop. She didn’t know he had such stamina. She tightened her wall around him which caused him to thrust more into her before she hissed.
’’That- is- enough for today.’’ He pouted at her but saw the tired look on her face as he gave a few more pumps and slipped out of her and settled beside her wrapping her into a tight hug. ’’You sure have stamina.’’
’’Oh, Imma sure to train ya too swee’spark.’’ With that they drifted into a peaceful recharge.
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