4 Turtles and a girl | By : AlienaGore Category: S through Z > TMNT - Movies Views: 6332 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the TMNT, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from it. |
4 Turtles and a girl
Beth dropped the grocery bag onto the kitchen table with a flop. “They were out of curly fries Mikey, so I got you the regular ones instead,” she said.“Aw,” Mikey said as he approached her. “I was looking forward to those.”
“Its Memorial Day weekend, the stores are packed with people getting ready.”
“What are you planning this weekend?” Leo asked as he helped Beth put the groceries away.
“Nothing really. I was hoping to spend it with you guys this year,” she said.
“Hey, that’s right. This weekend is the anniversary that we met,” Donnie said as he looked up from his computer.
“Yep, one year ago I was made the luckiest girl alive when you guys saved me from those thugs.”
Leo laughed. “I think it’s the other way around Beth. Since we met you we are the luckiest guys alive.”
Beth tilted her head. “Thanks Leo.”
“It sure went fast,” Mikey said as he tossed a gummy worm into his mouth.
“Time has a way of doing that,” she said.
“I hope they weren’t out of sparkplugs,” Raph said as he began to look around the bags.
“No, they were not,” she said handing them to him. “I got your coil thingies too Don,” she added.
“Great, now I can finish this project I’ve been working on,” he said as he took them from her.
“You know Beth, I wish we could pay you back for all the stuff you buy for us,” Leo said.
“You pay me back in other ways,” she said. “I’m just glad I can help you guys out.”
“We don’t deserve you,” Leo said.
“No, we do not,” Mikey said as he drank down a mountain dew.
“I’d tell you that stuff will kill you, but in your case I don’t think you have to worry,” she said as she sat on the couch beside Raph.
“Yeah, Mikey has an iron stomach,” Raph said.
Beth picked up a magazine and began to flip through it. “I wish I could eat like that and get away with it. He hardly gains an ounce.”
“I hope you’re not implying that you’re overweight,” Raph said. “Cause you’re not.”
She put down the magazine and looked over at him. “I didn’t realize you noticed things like that.”
Raph shrugged. “I notice lots of things like that.”
“Yeah, that’s because he’s been hiding out on the roof across the street from that exercise place so he can notice things like that on all those girls who go in and out of there,” Mikey said with a laugh.
Raph was on his feet in seconds. “Shut your mouth Mikey or I’ll shut it for you!”
Beth pulled on Raph’s arm. “Don’t let him get to you. It’s the job of every little brother to antagonize his older brothers.”
Raphael appeared flustered and unsure what to do.
“It’s not like you don’t do the same thing Mikey,” Leo said with a frown.
“Yeah, but that’s different. I go with Don to take pictures of girls.”
Don ducked his head into a book, but Beth detected a touch of red in his cheeks.
“How is that different?” Beth asked.
“Well, when we take pictures of them it’s as artists,” Mikey said stoically.
Leo rolled his eyes. “Give me a break.”
Beth sat up straighter. “I didn’t realize you guys found human females attractive.”
“What else do we have to find attractive?” Mikey asked as he squirted mustard on a hotdog.
“It’s not like we’ll ever have girlfriends anyway,” Leo said.
“Why not?” Beth asked.
“One look at us and they all go runnin’,” Raph said.
“I didn’t,” she said. “And I’m sure other women would react the same once they got to know you.”
“It’s not like we can have women traipsing in and out of the lair all day long. Our secret would be out in a matter of days,” Leo said as he filled a cup with soda.
“So, that’s the end of it? The four of you will remain without female companionship for the rest of your lives?”
“It’s not just finding someone. We don’t even know if we would be compatible with a human female if we did find one,” Don said.
“Oh, you mean sexually,” Beth said with a knowing nod of her head.
Leo spit his drink out all over Mikey in response to her reply.
“What?” She asked.
“Maybe we shouldn’t be having this conversation right now,” Leo said as he started to clean his soda up.
“Why not?” Mikey said as he took a bite of his hot dog. “It’s not like we haven’t all thought it a million times,” he said as he talked through the food in his mouth.
Beth got up from the couch. “I don’t see what the problem is. You put tab A into slot B and Bam! There you have it, just that easy.”
“That’s right,” Mikey said slapping her on the arm.
“If it’s that easy maybe you’d like to demonstrate on one of us just how easy it would be,” Raph said from the couch.
Beth could not detect if he was being sarcastic or not. “I’d be completely willing to try with one of you.”
All four turtles fell silent as they digested what she had just offered.
Leo cleared throat. “He was being sarcastic Beth.”
“What if I wasn’t Leo?” Raph asked.
“I’m still willing to try. What would it hurt?”
Leo touched Beth’s arm. “You could get hurt.”
“It’s not like you’d be wild and out of control and unable to stop if I asked you to.”
“Mikey’s out,” Don said as he finally spoke up.
“Hey!” Mikey said. “I want this just as much as you three do.”
“I never said I wanted this,” Leo said firmly.
“Then you don’t have to do it,” Raph said.
Leo glared at him. “You can’t be serious about this.”
Raph got up from the couch. “I am serious Leo. We’re almost twenty-two and I’m beginnin’ to think we’ll never know what it’s like to have…you know…sex.”
“We weren’t put on this Earth to have sex,” Leo said. “We are here to train and protect the Earth and the people of the city.”
“Boring,” Mikey said with a yawn. “We do that all the time. I want to do other things.”
“Have the three of you thought about who would be this hypothetical test subject?” Leo asked.
The three turtles looked at each other thoughtfully.
“Last turtle standing?” Raph asked.
“You always win last turtle standing,” Mikey said.
“Let Beth choose?” Don offered.
Beth sat down. “I could never pick one of you.”
“Hypothetically speakin’,” Raph said. “Who’d you pick first?”
“Well, hypothetically speaking, I suppose Donnie because he’s scientific and would be able to handle things in a clinical way.”
“Clinical way? I thought this was for fun,” Mikey said.
“Who’d be your second choice?” Raph asked.
“I suppose Mikey since he is game for just about anything and would make me feel comfortable with his humor.”
Raph slapped his hand on the table. “Mikey would be second?”
“Well, they’d have to go first since you’d probably exhaust me,” she said sweetly.
He beamed. “That’s the truth.”
“I can’t believe we are even having this conversation,” Leo chimed in.
“That’s because you’d be last,” Mikey said with a snort.
“Yeah, he’d bore her to death,” Raph said.
“Either that or train her to death,” Donnie added smartly.
“Hey guys,” Beth said. “Take it easy on him. He does have a good point. Maybe I jumped into this idea without thinking it through.”
“I agree,” Leo said. “You should take a few days to think about this. I’m sure you would see reason as to why this is a bad idea.”
All three remaining turtles groaned and hissed at him.
“Enough of the yacking,” Raph said. “Pick one of us.”
She sat down with a sigh. “This isn’t really fair since I love you all equally.”
“That’s a great idea!” Mikey perked up.
“What?” Beth asked.
“You do it with all of us.”
Leo leaned over Mikey. “That’s not what she meant.”
“Wait a minute Leo. That is the only way this will work. I can’t be with just one of you and then the rest of you go without. The others would feel left out and jealous and that could lead to fighting and discord among all of you. I couldn’t do that to you.”
“You would be willing to be with all of us?” Leo asked in genuine surprise.
Beth thought for a second. “Sure, it’s not like I’m seeing anyone up top anyway.”
“Okay, let’s say you agree to do this. What order would we go in?” Don asked.
“That’s right,” Leo jumped in. “You’d have to go in order and the last one to do it would feel left out.”
“Not after he’s had his turn,” Mikey said. “After that we’d all be the same.”
“Still, you would have to choose the order,” Leo said.
“I could draw names out of a hat,” Beth said.
“That works for me,” Raph said.
“Me too,” Donnie added with a nod.
“I’m down with that,” Mikey said.
“I can’t believe you guys are going along with this,” Leo said as he threw his hands up. “Master Splinter would never allow this to even take place.”
“You would not be correct in that assumption,” Splinter said from the subway car doorway.
Leo looked dumbfounded. “Huh?”
“Frustration at not being able to mate with a female will only grow and worsen as time passes. It is a correct assumption that we cannot have many females in the lair, but if Beth is offering to alleviate this frustration then you will be stronger in the end.”
Leo looked as if he were about to vomit. “I can’t believe you feel this way Sensei.”
“I do not pretend to know what it is to be young and unable to mate with a female. As a human I was able to experience these sensations with my wife before I was turned.”
“But what about Beth’s health? Surely, that counts for something,” Leo said.
“Of course it does,” Splinter said. “I could not condone this if that was not taken into careful consideration.”
"What research I have done so far suggests that our bodies are compatible with human females,” Donnie said.
"And the rest we can figure out as we go along," Raph added.
“Then it’s settled,” Mikey said. “I’ll get a hat.”
Leo put his hands up in frustration before stalking off.
“Maybe I better go after him,” she said.
“Don’t worry about him,” Raph said. “He’ll get over it.”
“I think he’s right that I should think about it,” Beth said. “It would make him feel better if I did.”
“Then he’s the only one that will feel good about it,” Mikey said.
Beth squeezed his arm. “Don’t worry. He’ll come around,” she said.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” Raph said. “He’s always screwing up our plans.”
By the next day Beth had time to think about what had transpired between them. Her feelings had not changed in any way. If anything, she was even more determined to help them out. They deserved to experience the same thing just about every human had. She stayed away long enough that surely the turtles had time to think about it too. They could have changed their minds or Leo had convinced them not to do it. She steeled herself for the possibility that they had even forgotten about it.“Hey Beth,” Leo said outside the lair entrance.
“Hi Leo,” she said happy to see him.
“I was waiting for you to come by.”
“Oh? Why’s that?” She asked.
“I was hoping you had time to think over your plans with my brothers.”
“They didn’t change their minds?”
He crossed his arms. “They are still determined to do this with you.”
“While you are still determined they not do it,” she said.
“I believe you will all regret it if this plan goes through.”
“Do you want to stay the same all your life?” She argued.
“We can’t have the lives you humans have. We’ll never get married or get a job. We’ll definitely never have any kids.”
“That’s not necessarily true Leo,” she said. “The world is a huge place that is just crammed full of possibilities.”
“Possibilities that do not include us.”
She sighed. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”
“Then why are you even willing to do this?” He asked.
“Because you guys are my best friends, you saved my life and now you are my family. You’re the only family I have. I’d do anything to make you happy. You deserve happiness.”
Leo’s face softened. “So do you.”
She turned away from him. “I’m happy being with you guys.”
“But we’re not humans. We can’t give you all the things that human males can.”
She snorted angrily. “None of those men up top are even remotely worth anything. One by one they’ve all managed to hurt me. You remember what my so called fiancé did to me the night we met.”
Leo nodded. “I remember that clearly.”
“He took all my stuff and my money before leaving me for another woman the day before our wedding. If you guys hadn’t of shown up in that alley that night I would have been raped and maybe even killed by those thugs,” she said as hot tears filled her eyes.
Leo wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his shell. “I know Beth. I didn’t mean to make you upset. I just don’t want you to be hurt again.”
She looked up at him. “You guys would never do that to me.”
He released her. “You have no idea what we’re capable of when a woman is involved.”
“Neither do you, but I’m not afraid to at least try.”
He stepped back from her. “Then I have nothing left to say about it.”
“No, you don’t,” Raph said from behind them.
“Oh, Raphael,” she said. “I didn’t know you were there.”
Raph approached them looking dour and grouchy. “Ninja,” he said gruffly.
“Of course,” she said as she looked awkwardly at Leo.
“There you are Beth,” Mikey said as he came up behind them on his skateboard. “We’ve been waiting for you to come back.”
“Oh? Why’s that?” She asked.
“Duh, to see what you have decided,” Donnie said appearing just as grouchy as Raph was.
“What’s up with you guys today?” She asked.
“Oh, you know how things are around here,” Mikey said. “We had to fight about whether or not we’re doing this.”
“And what have you decided?” She asked.
“What do you think?” Raph asked.
“At this point I’m not so sure.”
“They are doing it,” Leo said.
“Only if you want to,” Raph added.
Her eyes flashed to Leo’s. “Um, I’m still game to try.”
“Goody,” Mikey said. “Let me go get a hat.”
Moments later Beth was standing in front of a hat that contained the three willing turtle’s names. Leo hovered just out of range in the kitchen as he prepared some dinner.
“Okay, let’s do this,” she said as she wiped her sweaty palms on her pants before digging her hand into the hat and snatching up a name.
“Well?” Donnie asked. “Who is first?”
She opened the paper. “You are,” she said holding it open so they could all see it.
“Oh, man,” Mikey said. “I wanted to go first.”
Raph went to the fridge to get a soda. “Figures.”
“When will we do this?” Donnie asked.
“I guess whenever we feel like it,” she said as the realization of what was about to happen started to sink in for real.
“Let me get started on my notes first,” he said as he approached his desk and dug out a notebook. “I want to record everything as it happens.”
“As it happens?” She asked.
Raph snatched the notebook out of his hands. “You don’t record nothin’. Beth isn’t some lab experiment.”
Beth took the notebook from him and handed it back to Donnie. “He’ll deal with it his way and you’ll deal with it your way, deal?”
Raph waved a hand in discontent. “Deal.”
“Mikey, why don’t we go spar for a bit,” Leo said.
“Why not,” Mikey said. “It’ll make the wait go faster.”
“Oh, one more thing,” Beth said. “We do this one day at a time. Not all in the same day,” she said.
“We could discover that sex between us isn’t even possible,” Donnie said. “This could all be over within a matter of minutes.”
“We could only hope,” Leo said as he slid his Katanas onto his back. “Then we can get back to the way things used to be.”
“But I don’t wanna go back to the way things used to be,” Mikey said as he followed him out.
“Think I’ll go out on my bike for a while,” Raphael said as he also left the lair.
“Did they just leave us alone on purpose?” Beth asked.
Donnie shrugged. “Does it matter?”
“I guess not.”
“Shall we go to my room then?” He asked as he picked up a box of gear.
“Depends on what you plan on doing with that stuff.”
“It’s just some heartrate and brainwave monitoring equipment. It won’t hurt a bit.”
“Okay,” she said as they headed for his room.
Don’s room was just as she imagined it to be. He had a single bed, which was unmade, a nightstand, a desk covered with computer parts and the remainder of the space was filled with various forms of equipment.
“Sorry it’s such a mess,” he said as he set down the box on the bed.
“It’s okay,” she said.
“If you’ll sit down I’ll get these electrodes hooked up.”
“They won’t hurt a bit,” he said as he set up a machine on the nightstand and turned it on. “Oh, you can take your clothes off now.”
She pulled her shirt off over her head and slipped her bra off. “I never did ask if you guys have a sexual organ.”
“Sure we do,” he said. “It only protrudes from beneath our shells when prepared to have sex.”
“That explains a lot,” she said as she slipped off her jeans next. She took out a small bottle of lubrication and applied some between her legs.
When he was finished with his machines, Don turned to face her. He took in her exposed breasts for a long moment before turning his full attention to applying electrodes to various parts of her chest and head.
“Aren’t these going to get in the way?” She asked as she attempted to keep them untangled.
He began to hook up the electrodes to his body next. “Not that much.”
“Okay, whatever you say. This is your experience.”
“You can lie down now,” he said.
She did as he asked attempting to move the wires around to keep them from popping off.
Don sat on the bed beside her. “I think I might need some help with this stage,” he said awkwardly.
“Okay, I think it would be best if you lay on top of me.”
“Won’t I crush you?”
“Not if you don’t put all the pressure on me,” she said. “Hold yourself up with your arms.”
He nestled between her legs as she described. “Now what?”
“Well, do whatever you feel like doing.”
“Like what?”
“Kiss me or touch me. Whatever will turn you on. Then whenever you’re ready just push it inside me,” she said. “I’ll try to guide you.”
“What if I don’t fit inside you?” He asked.
“You’ll fit. The female vagina is flexible.”
“Good to know,” he said as he reached for his notebook and jotted it down.
Beth smiled at his diligence.
He returned to her body and began to run his hand carefully over her breasts and down across her belly. “Does this feel good to you?”
“Yes, touching feels good.”
“Can I touch you down there?” He asked nervously motioning to between her legs.
She took his hand and guided it to her neatly trimmed folds. “You can touch me anywhere you like.”
His fingers explored her entrance taking in every nook and cranny inquisitively.
She leaned back as he began to rub her with his fingers.
“Does this feel good?”
She nodded. “Uh huh.”
After a few minutes he looked into her face. “I think I’m ready.”
“Okay,” she said as she attempted to reach down around his shell to grasp his penis. It was long and hard and not so much different than a human male. She guided him to her entrance and he prodded her until he slipped inside.
“Is this right?” He asked as he pushed a bit harder.
“Yes, just right,” she said as she grasped his shell and pulled him all the way into her.
He sucked in a breath as he moved freely inside her. “This is amazing,” he said.
“Yes it is,” she said as the pleasure of him inside her began to build.
“Do I just keep doing this?” He asked.
“Just do what feels good and everything will fall into place.”
He moved in tighter between her legs and began to thrust harder. “I feel different now. Like I’m going to explode.”
“Don’t worry. It’s normal.”
He groaned as he came suddenly as if sooner than he expected. He clutched the mattress as he continued to thrust until he was spent. He collapsed on top of her for a moment until the machine began to beep.
“What’s it doing now?” She asked as she attempted to breathe with the weight of him on top of her.
He leaned up as if suddenly realizing what he was doing. “Oh, it’s telling me that the electrodes have fallen off.”
“Really,” she said. “I can’t see why they have fallen off.”
Don pulled out of her and sat up. “That was a lot more different than I thought it would be.”
“In what way?”
He started to remove her electrodes. “It was the most pleasure I’ve felt…ever. It was as if it was all over my body and nothing else in the world mattered at that precise moment.”
She began to help remove his. “I hear that it gets better when you do it with someone you love.”
“It gets better? I can’t imagine it being better than that.”
“Neither can I,” she said as she picked up her bra and put it on.
“I made noises without thinking. Do you think anyone heard us?” He asked.
“No one was home, so I doubt it.”
“I wouldn’t want them to expect the same thing as me,” he said as he began to read a paper he took out of the printer.
She pulled on her jeans. “Don’t worry about that. I’m sure it will be different for everyone.”
“At least we know it’s possible to have sex with women,” he said. “I’d like more input from you over the next couple of days.”
“What kind of input?”
“How different you feel after sex with my brothers and if your body reacts differently than with a human male.”
“I’m not so sure that is such a good idea.”
“But it will just be with me.”
“And what happens when someone comes across your notebook and reads it?”
“I’ll keep it locked up where no one can get it. Please, it’s for science.”
She rolled her eyes. “Okay, for you.”
“Great!” He said. “So, how did it compare with me over human males you’ve been with?”
“Electrodes aside, it was exactly the same.”
He jotted down her words. “Thank you for sharing this with me,” he said. “The data is amazing. It will take me weeks to analyze the information gathered.”
“No problem,” she said.
“In the meantime, I’m starving,” he said.
“Me too,” she added as they left the room together. To her relief the lair was still empty and silent.
“You need to draw the next name when they get back.”
“Perhaps we can do that when I come tomorrow.”
“Are you leaving?” He asked.
“Yeah, I have to get some things done before it gets too late.”
“What about dinner?”
“I’ll pick something up,” she said as she headed for the exit. “See you tomorrow.”
“Okay, thanks,” he said.
“Tell the guys goodbye for me,” she said over her shoulder.
Once she was alone in the sewer she immediately began to replay the sex with Donnie. It was clinical and uneventful and she was relieved that everything seemed to go as planned. At least he seemed happy with the results and that was all that mattered.
“Leaving already?” Mikey asked as he approached her in the sewer.
She jumped at his sudden presence. “Yeah. I just have to get home now.”
“Are you all right?” Leo asked.
She found she could not look him in the eye. “Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”
“You have one of Donnie’s electrodes attached to your hair,” he said as he pulled it loose.
She laughed nervously. “I thought we got them all.”
“Man, leave it to Donnie to go all Frankenstein on you,” Mikey said as he continued on his way to the lair.
“Let me walk you home,” Leo said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, okay,” she said.
He walked with her out of the sewer. “I take it everything worked out between you two?”
The last thing she wanted to discuss with him was sex with Donnie. “Yeah, just fine.”
“He didn’t hurt you or anything?” He asked softly.
“No, not at all. He would never hurt me.”
“Good. That’s really good,” he said nervously.
“You don’t think less of me now?” She asked.
He halted. “Not at all. I would never think less of you.”
“Even if I choose Raph next?”
He sighed and rubbed his temple.
“What’s wrong Leo?” She asked.
“I was thinking that I’d like my name added to the hat,” he said.
She balked. “What?”
“It’s true,” he said.
“After all you said, why now?”
“If you have sex with my brothers and not me things will change. They will look at me differently. I’m their leader, but somehow they will think less of me. I fear they will move on without me.”
“They wouldn’t do that. Would they?”
“Raph would start it and the other two would follow.”
“That seems harsh even for Raph.”
“We don’t have to really have sex, but I would like them to think it happened.”
She was surprised by a surge of disappointment that flooded her guts. “Okay, that’s fine by me.”
“We’ll pretend to have sex and instead I’ll treat you to a meal out or something.”
“I’d like that Leo,” she said.
“Me too,” he said as they stopped in front of her apartment. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
She dug her keys out. “For sure.”
“All right then,” he said as he turned to go.
“Leo,” she said.
He turned back to face her. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble. That wasn’t my intention. I just want you guys to experience everything the world offers."
“I know Beth.”
Once he retreated back into the darkness she went into her apartment, got undressed and ran a bath. Tomorrow she would draw the next name.
By the time Beth showed up at the lair Donnie had already told the others some of what transpired between them. Mikey was impatient, Raph was unimpressed and Leo was anxious.“You know guys. I’ve been thinking that it isn’t fair to leave Leo out of the drawing,” she said.
This had all of their attention.
“Why should he be in there?” Raph said angrily. “He didn’t even want us to do this in the first place.”
“Yeah,” Mikey said. “He might get his name picked before me.”
“And I ain’t doin’ it after him,” Raph said.
“That’s a bit rude, don’t you think?” She said to Raph.
Raph’s expression softened a bit. “It’s got nothin’ to do with you.”
She crossed her arms. “Oh really?”
He closed his eyes in exasperation. “It has to do with you, just that I didn’t mean anythin’ against you.”
“I’ll go last,” Leo said. “The order isn’t important to me.”
She held her hand up. “I know, but I think it is only fair that you are all treated equally in this.”
“Fine, put him in the hat,” Raph said as he plopped down on the couch.
Mikey sighed. “Here ya go Leo,” he said as he tossed a paper into the hat. “Now, please do the honors.”
Beth shook them around and drew out a name.
“Who is it?” Mikey asked as he attempted to see what it said.
“It’s your lucky day Mikey,” she said as she revealed it was him.
“All right!” He said. “Let’s go.”
“Right now?” She asked as he pulled her toward his room.
“Why not?”
“Okay, why not,” she said as she shared an awkward look with Leo as they passed him.
Mikey’s room was familiar as she had been in it before when she attempted to help him clean it. It was already a jumbled mess with pizza and food boxes littering the room. Empty dishes and cups were just about everywhere. There were skateboards, video game consoles, comic books, balls from just about every sport, posters all over the walls and an unmade bed with crumpled up sheets.
“This place is a mess Mikey,” she said.
He shrugged. “Oh well. I like it.”
“You’ll need to clean this up if you ever bring a woman you have feelings for in here.”
“I feel things for you,” he said as he led her to the bed.
She rolled her eyes. “I meant feelings of love or romance.”
“I think we both know that will never happen,” he said as he helped her pull her shirt off over her head.
She unbuttoned her shorts and he pulled them off just as fast as he had the shirt, leaving her there totally naked.
“Donnie said I wouldn’t hurt you,” he said as he delicately touched her breasts.
“You shouldn’t,” she said as she sat down.
Mikey began to kiss her neck moving his mouth down to her breasts and kissing all over them. He suckled her nipple and she gasped.
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked.
“Not at all,” she said as she lay back on his bed. “Keep on doing what you’re doing.”
Now finished with her nipples, he continued down over her belly to her inner thighs and began to kiss the tender flesh there. She arched her back at the sensation. “Oh yeah, right there.”
He continued a moment longer before stopping abruptly to position himself between her legs. "I do it like this?" He asked.
"However you like," she said as she quickly put some lubrication on so he could easily move inside her.
He prodded around a bit before shoving straight into her. He was a bit more aggressive than Donnie at getting inside, but once there he froze with a gasp.
"Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yesssss,” he moaned. “It feels so much better than Donnie said.”
She smiled. “I’m glad you think so.”
He jerked in and out of her for a moment as if savoring the feeling. “I’m never gonna forget how this feels,” he said.
“Take your time,” she said. “I have nowhere to be tonight.”
He thrust hard into her and she moaned.
“Did that feel good?” He asked.
She laughed. “Yes, keep going.”
He took her instructions to heart as he began to thrust harder. He gripped her hips as he moved as deep inside as he could. He slowly thrust into her pausing every now and then just to feel her. After fifteen minutes of toying around inside her his movements grew stronger until he exploded in orgasm. He grunted as he continued to thrust inside her until he had nothing left to give.
“That was awesome!” He practically shouted as he pulled out and plopped onto the bed a touch out of breath.
She smacked him. “Not so loud, you want the others to hear?”
“It’s not like they don’t know what we’re doing in here.”
“I don’t want to give them a play-by-play.”
“I do,” he said with a grin.
“You would,” she said as she gathered up her clothes and began to get dressed.
“Thanks for doing this with me.”
“You’re welcome,” she said.
“I wish we could keep doing this anytime we want.”
“If we did I’d never leave this room.”
He laughed. “That’s right.”
“Where did you learn to do what you did to me down there?” She asked.
“Magazines and movies mostly,” he said. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to do that to a girl.”
“Did you like it?”
“Sure did. I’d do it again too.”
“That is a good thing to do with a woman, but you might want to try doing it a little longer next time.”
“So the girl can have an orgasm too.”
“Oh, so that’s why they are doing all that moaning and groaning.”
Once they were presentable again, Mikey opened the door a crack and glanced outside. “No one is there.”
“Good,” she said. “I’ll make my break for it.”
“Do you have to go?” He asked. “I can make you something to eat.”
“It’s a bit awkward for me to see anyone afterwards,” she said.
“Why? You’ll be with the other two soon enough.”
“I know, but until then I think it best if I slip out unnoticed.”
“Like that’s gonna happen,” he said as he shoved her out into the hallway.
“There you are,” Donnie said. “I’ve been waiting for you to finish up.”
“So I can get your opinion on sex with Mikey.”
She blushed. “I’m not kissing and telling.”
“Oh, come on. It’s for science.”
She quickly glanced around pleased to find Raph and Leo were not there. “Where are the others?” She asked.
“They high tailed it out of here the moment after Mikey pulled you to his room,” Donnie said. “Now about your sex with Mikey.”
She sighed. “If it’s okay with Mikey, I’ll answer your questions.”
Mikey opened the fridge. “I’m game.”
Don asked her many different questions about what they had done. He jotted down the answers with the seriousness of a doctor.
She was leaving the sewer when Leo and Raph showed up looking hot, sweaty and angry.
“Hey guys,” she said. “Everything okay?”
“Leo just doesn’t like havin’ his shell kicked by me.”
“You wish,” Leo said.
“Are you two ever going to get along?” She asked.
“Not with his attitude,” Leo said.
“Hey, it’s not my attitude that’s the problem, it’s yours.”
Beth stepped between them. “I think I’ll leave you two to cool off.”
“Goin’ so soon?” Raph asked.
“Yeah, I’m sort of tired tonight.”
“Don’t tell me Mikey tired you out,” Raph said.
“No, not at all.”
Leo stepped up close to her. “You can stop this at any time,” he said. “No one will be upset if you do.”
Raph bumped his shoulder. “Speak for yourself Leonardo.”
“You would really force her to do something she doesn’t want to do?” Leo demanded.
Raph calmed considerably. “I would never do that. Beth, if you want out, then you’re out.”
She held her hands up. “You don’t have to worry. I’ve come this far. I’m not about to stop now.”
Leo’s face filled with disappointment. “It’s your decision,” he said.
“I better get going,” she said. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”
Beth went home, bathed and changed into her pajamas. Sex with Mikey had been a step up compared with Donnie, but she still was left unsatisfied. She was okay with that as this was for the guys to experience. Her thoughts were now on Raphael and Leo. These two were the ones she was the most nervous about. At least with Leo she knew nothing would happen, but Raph was a different story. She had no idea what to expect with him.
By the next afternoon she made her way to the lair. Mikey was gone, but the other three were still there. She reached into the hat and pulled out a paper.“Who’d you get?” Donnie asked.
She held it up. “Raphael.”
“It’s about time,” Raph said as he punched his fist into his hand in front of Leo.
Leo ignored him as he went to his room.
She smacked Raph on his shell. “Did you have to rub it in like that?”
“Yeah, I think I did.”
“I’m going to go talk to him,” she said.
He held his hand up to stop her. “Later, right now we got plans.”
She allowed Raph to lead her out of the lair. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” he said as he took her down a different part of the sewer. They went from one way to the next until she was completely lost.
“This is new,” she said.
“Not to me,” he said coming to a stop in front of a door.
“Where are we?”
“Someplace I’ve never shown anyone before,” he said as he swung the door open.
Inside was a long room with high ceilings. There were tons of candles lit everywhere and several different pillows were scattered about on a mattress on the floor. “This is so beautiful,” she said.
“I come here when I want to be alone,” he said as he closed the door behind them.
“You mean every day?” She said smartly.
“The guys don’t know about this place,” he said as he turned on some music.
“Your secret is safe with me,” she said.
“I know it is,” he said as he approached her.
“And the candles?” She asked.
He moved closer to her. “I wanted you to feel special.”
“I do feel special.” she whispered.
He leaned in and kissed her on the mouth. It was the first time any of them had tried it and she found she liked it, a lot. She pulled him against her body as the kiss deepened. They stumbled back against the wall as his hands roamed beneath her skirt easily slipping her panties down. She fumbled for her lubricant and Raph yanked it from her hand. “You won’t be needin’ that,” he said as he tossed it aside.
She had no time to question the reason as his hand moved up under her skirt where his fingers began to rub her folds. An electric jolt of passion filled her loins at his touch.
“Oh,” she groaned as he began to massage her clit masterfully. “That feels so good.”
“It should,” he said as he continued his work on her clit while he kissed her neck.
She came so hard and so suddenly that she cried out as she began to spasm beneath his touch.
His reaction was to shove her skirt off and wrap her legs around his shell. He shoved into her with no resistance from her body whatsoever. She cried out in ecstasy as he filled her up fully. She clutched onto his shell as his strong arms held her against the wall while he thrust into her. After a few minutes she came again so hard that she nearly passed out.
“You okay?” He whispered against her mouth.
“Totally,” she said as she held on tightly to him. “Don’t stop.”
“I don’t intend to just yet,” he said as he lifted her from the wall and carried her over to the mattress. He pulled out of her and flipped her over onto her knees. She braced herself as he slipped into her from behind. The pleasure was too much as he began to thrust hard into her.
She was matching his grunts and groans when another orgasm ripped through her. “Oh Raph!” She cried as she clutched the mattress tightly beneath her.
She could feel his hand running along her back coming to stop at her hips. He clutched them tightly as he thrust even harder until he came with a loud groan. As soon as he was finished emptying inside her they both fell to the mattress spent.
Neither of them spoke as they began to regain their composures. She rolled over to face him. “My God, three orgasms. That’s never happened before.”
“How many do you usually have?” He asked.
“With human men? None.”
His eyes widened. “None?”
“I usually would take care of myself after they had gone.”
He leaned back on his shell. “What about with Mike and Don?”
“Nope,” she said.
He pulled her onto his chest. “That’s too bad.”
“You’re not going to go bragging to them about this are you?”
He shook his head. “This is between us.”
“Yes it is,” she said.
“But I knew I had what it took to satisfy you.”
She laughed. “I think I knew it too.”
He got up from the mattress. “Want somethin’ to drink?”
“I’d love a soda.”
He went to retrieve the soda and handed it to her.
She sat up. “I didn’t even take off my shirt and bra,” she said as if noticing it for the first time.
He sat down next to her. “We’ll take care of that next time.”
She nearly choked on the mouthful of soda. “Next time?”
“Yeah, since you had the best time with me I sorta figured we’d keep at it.”
“You forget that I haven’t been with Leo yet.”
He scowled. “After what we just did you are still goin’ to be with him?”
“I have to be with all four of you so that it’s fair. That was the agreement going into this, right?”
He lightly punched a pillow. “Yeah, I guess.”
“This isn’t going to be an issue is it?” She asked.
He put his hands behind his neck as he sat back. “Naw, it’s not goin’ to be an issue. I seriously doubt Leo will even be able to do it with you.”
She propped herself up on her elbow. “You know, if the two of you joined together as allies instead of opponents you would be unstoppable.”
Raph flexed his large biceps. “I don’t need Leo to be unstoppable.”
She laughed as she shoved on his shell. “Get over yourself.”
He pulled her into his arms. “How ‘bout we take off that shirt and bra and have another go at it?”
She was about to decline when she found her body did not want her to. “I could do it again.”
He yanked the shirt off before she could get the words out. She unfastened the bra and let it slide down off her arms. Raph’s hands enveloped her breasts as he felt the weight of them. “I knew they would be amazing,” he said.
She blushed. “Thanks.”
His hands tapered down to her nipples as he lightly squeezed them between his fingers causing her instant heat in her belly. He leaned forward and sucked on them so hard she nearly had another orgasm.
“I knew you’d like that,” he said with a chuckle.
“Quit messing around and get inside me,” she said as she pulled him on top of her.
“Gladly,” he said as he drove into her causing her to cry out at the sudden sensation.
Another orgasm or two later and the two of them lay exhausted in a heap on the mattress. She was too drained to even bother to get up so she stayed there in his arms the whole night. By the time she woke up it was late the next morning.
“I can’t believe I slept the whole night,” she exclaimed as she put on her bra.
Raph watched her dress with great interest. “So what, it’s not like we have anywhere to be today.”
“The others will worry about us,” she said as she pulled on her skirt.
“You’re just worried they’ll find out we slept together all night.”
“Hell yeah I’m worried they’ll find out,” she said.
“It’s not like we’re havin’ an affair or anythin’. It was my turn.”
She relaxed at the reminder. “I guess that’s true.”
“It’s too late for me to walk you home, but I can walk you to your manhole cover.”
“That would be great,” she said as she headed out the door.
Raph placed an arm around her shoulder as they walked. “So, when do you think you’ll get it on with Leo?”
She rolled her eyes. “When he’s ready I guess. How should I know?”
“Don’t let him drag it out for days on end,” he said.
“I’m not going to pressure him on this,” she said as they approached the lair.
Mikey road up to them on his skateboard. “Man, you two are busted.”
“Busted for what?” She asked.
“Being gone all night long.”
Leo huffed toward them. “Where the heck were you two?”
Raph prepared to fight. “Not that it’s any of your business, but we went for a walk.”
“All night long?” He demanded.
“You’re gonna want to get out of my face Leo,” Raph said.
Leo gripped her arm by his hand. “Let’s go.”
Raph pulled her back from him. “Where you takin’ her?”
“My turn,” Leo said as he continued to pull her away from him.
Raph was steaming mad as he released her. “Not for long.”
Leo pulled her into his room and slammed the door shut behind him. It was the first time she had been in his room. It was neat and tidy with no trash or computer equipment around. His bed was tightly made and ninja weapons were gathered in a cabinet. One thing that surprised her was that he had movie posters all over the walls.
His eyes examined her from top to bottom. “You’re a mess. Were you with him all night?”
“Yeah, I fell asleep after we…you know.”
He began to pace. “I knew he’d do something stupid like that.”
“He didn’t do anything wrong Leo.”
“Everything he does is wrong,” he fumed.
She stopped him from pacing. “What’s this about?”
“We have so many enemies who would love to get their hands on you. We had no idea if you were dead or kidnapped or what.”
“You knew I was with Raph.”
“But I didn’t know where you went. At least with Don and Mikey I knew.”
“I’m sorry I worried you, but I didn’t know it would be a problem.”
His expression softened. “It’s our responsibility that you never get hurt by knowing us.”
“And I haven’t been hurt.”
“Not yet anyway.”
“Do you mind if I go home now? I’d like to get cleaned up.”
He nodded. “I will walk you home.”
They made it to her manhole cover and as she gripped the ladder Leo stopped her. “Are those bruises on your wrists?”
She immediately glanced at them. “Looks like it.”
“Those look like fingers.”
“I must have gotten those last night with Raph.”
She regretted her words the second they left her mouth.
“I’ll kill him,” he growled as he headed back toward the lair.
She grabbed onto his shell to stop him. “It’s okay Leo. He didn’t do it to hurt me.”
“He was far too aggressive with you,” he said as he continued down the sewer.
“Sometimes things like this happen during sex. You’re not always in control of your body when you feel that much pleasure.”
“I can’t imagine losing control like that.”
“That’s because you haven’t tried it yet. Maybe if you did, you’d see how easy it is to lose control.”
He jabbed a finger in her face. “I would never do that with you. I care too much about you to do such a thing.”
“Sex is a natural stage in life.”
“Not for us,” he said shooting a thumb toward his shell.
“Only if you think like that,” she said.
He shook his head pitifully. “I can’t help but feel my brothers have violated you now.”
She was stunned by his admission. “They have not violated me in any way. All three of them have been kind and caring of me the entire time.”
He scoffed. “Don had you wired up with electrodes, Mikey thought of you as a conquest and Raph bruised you up.”
She crossed her arms. “You make it sound way worse than it actually was.”
“So it was bad,” he said.
“No, you’re twisting my words Leo.”
“Sex should be between two beings who love each other, not just for the heck of it.”
His words made her feel ashamed for what she had done with them. Never had she felt so low before in her whole life. “You’re right about that. I just never had anyone love me before so that’s all I’ve ever known.”
A look of compassion filled his face. “I’m sorry Beth. I didn’t know.”
She suddenly found that she could not look him in the face.
“Maybe you should take a break from us for a while,” he said softly.
Panic rushed into her heart. “What?”
“I think it might be good for all of us if we take a step back and absorb what has happened.”
“What has happened doesn’t even include you and now you want to take the others from me?”
“I’m not taking them away from you permanently. It’s just for a couple of weeks.”
She balked. “A couple of weeks? I can’t stand to be away for longer than a few days at a time.”
“I think it would be best if you agree with my orders,” he said.
“Fine Leonardo, I’ll listen to you orders,” she snapped. “Just don’t come begging me back when you need me,” she said as she stalked away. To her relief he didn’t follow her.
Once she was safely inside her apartment she started to cry. Her agreement to have sex with the turtles was nothing more than an excuse to be with someone. Now that she had used them she felt ashamed and disgusted with herself. Loneliness was hard to deal with when you had no family and few friends. None of the men she had dated had cared for her the way the turtles did, not even her ex-fiancé.
She showered off and got ready for bed without bothering to eat. Her stomach was twisted so tightly in knots she doubted she could get anything down anyway.
“What did he do to you?” Raph asked from the darkness.
She jumped at the sound of his voice. “He didn’t do anything to me, except maybe crush my spirit.”
Raph’s hand toyed with the handle of his Sai. “Leo told us that you are off limits for at least two weeks.”
“He asked me to stay away.”
Raph approached her. “And you just agreed with him?”
She threw her clothes into the hamper. “What choice do I have?”
“We are not his pets that he can do whatever he wants with. We have our own lives to live too.”
“But I’m afraid I’m just messing your lives up.”
Raph took her by the arms. “You’re not messin’ up nothin’.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” he said.
“As long as you’re sure.”
“I am sure. What brought this up anyway?”
“He thought you hurt me during sex.”
“What would make him think that?”
“He saw the bruises you left on my wrists,” she said holding up her hands so he could see the evidence.
Raph’s eyes grew round. “I did that?”
“It’s not unusual during sex to do things like this. I tried to tell Leo that.”
He touched her arm. “Man, I’m sorry Beth.”
“I think it might be better that I do as Leo says and stay away for a while.”
“No Beth. I will not end this just because Leo is a stuck up prude with no imagination.”
“He’s trying to keep you safe.”
“He’s trying to keep us in the dark ages. None of us want to stay like we are, that’s why we agreed to do it in the first place.”
“I think it best that we do as he says and take the break. It might do us some good after all.”
“You can’t possibly be serious about listenin’ to him.”
She wasn’t about to tell Raph that Leo made her feel like a whore, so she nodded. “I am.”
Raph turned for the window. “You’ll regret this Beth, which is why I’m not willin’ to give you up so easily.”
She watched him go dying to stop him and allow him stay there holding and comforting her, but she knew letting him go was the right thing to do no matter how bad it made her feel.
The first few days without the turtles were boring and insignificant. She went to work as usual, came home, ate in front of the tv, then went to bed. On the first day away she found the strenuous sex with Raph made her sore, which drew attention to her at work. She claimed it was from too much exercise, but inside her heart raced at the secret she was hiding from them.
“Hard day at work?” Raph’s voice came from the darkness of her apartment.
“Raphael?” She asked in surprise.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he said.
“What are you doing here?” She asked as she hugged him tightly.
“Can’t a guy visit a girl without a reason?”
“I can guess your reason,” she said over her shoulder.
“What’s that?”
She gave him a look. “I am just now getting over our first night together. I’ll probably be crippled if we do it again.”
“I can’t help it if I’m that good,” he said proudly. “Besides, I can go easy on ya.”
“But Leo and I haven’t had our time together yet.”
He scowled. “I thought when you went into his room that you took care of that.”
“Yeah, because Leo would want to have sex with me with your sperm running down my leg.”
“I suppose I get that,” he said. “But why do you still want him after he threw you out of our lair.”
“He didn’t throw me out.”
“What do you call it then?”
“He just asked us to take a break.”
“I don’t see why. It’s not like we’re doin’ anythin’ important.”
A sound at the window caught both of their attentions. To her relief it was Mikey and Don coming to see her.
“Good to see you again Beth,” Donnie said as he planted a warm kiss on her cheek. “I missed you.”
“Me too,” Mikey said as he hugged her for a really long time.
Raph shoved them back. “Can you two not drool all over her?”
“Leo told us you weren’t going to come around for a while, but that doesn’t mean we can’t come see you,” Mikey said.
“I would like that, but Leo will have a fit if he finds out,” she said.
“Then we’ll take turns coming over,” Donnie said.
“As long as you guys think it’s okay.”
“It’s okay,” Raph said.
The next week went rather quickly. Each of the turtles took their turns sneaking out to see her. Mikey brought a movie one night and the next night Don was there to fix her laptop. When Raph showed up they had sex for the second time, but that time it wasn’t as wild as before and she only came once, a fact that Raph picked up on quickly.
She didn’t want to tell him that her mind was on Leo and how much she missed him, even if he didn’t want her around anymore.
By the middle of the second week she was used to Raph being there for their usual sex after work. She rushed inside and immediately began to undress.
“Sorry I’m so late. I never thought I’d get out of there,” she said. “Roger spilled coffee down my shirt and insisted that he give me another one.”
“Who is Roger?” Leo said from the darkness.
She pulled her shirt closed. “Leo?”
He stepped into the light. “Who else were you expecting?”
Knowing she was caught she sat down. “Raph.”
“Well, I appreciate the honesty,” he said as he sat down across from her.
“You’re not mad?” She asked.
He shook his head. “I figured they’d sneak out to see you.”
“Oh,” she said.
“You’ve been having sex with Raph?” He asked never taking his eyes from hers.
She stood from the chair. “That’s not really your business any longer.”
“My brothers will always be my business.”
“What do you want Leo?” She asked with a sigh.
“What would it take for you to stop?” He asked.
“It would take you,” she said.
“Yes, you.”
He toyed nervously with his fingers. “I do feel bad for how we left things,” he said. “I wanted to see if I could make it up to you.”
She paused. “Now? You want to make it up to me now?”
He nodded. “It’s not too late to have you back.”
“Please, don’t do me any favors,” she said.
“You’d be doing me the favor,” he said.
“If you want me back prove it to me.”
He held his hand out to her. “Okay, let’s go.”
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“I’m taking you somewhere fun,” he said.
She was curious as to where he thought it would be fun, so she allowed him to lead the way. They walked several blocks in the sewer to avoid any people.
“It’s just up here,” he said as he climbed up and removed the manhole cover.
She followed him up finding they were just outside a swimming pool behind a gate.
“Is this the local pool?”
He pulled back a loose piece of fencing. “It is.”
“I’ve never been here before,” she said as she ducked under the fence.
“I thought we could swim together,” he said as he slipped into the water.
She threw off her sandals, skirt and shirt and jumped in behind him. She gripped his shell as he swam through the water pulling her behind him. He was a strong swimmer and soon she fell off. He rushed back to her and she splashed him just as he got to her.
“You’re going to regret doing that,” he said as he splashed her so much she could barely breathe.
“Okay, you got me,” she said with a laugh.
He stopped splashing her and treaded water. “I am sorry for what I said to you,” he said. “I never wanted to ever hurt you.”
“I have long since forgiven you,” she said with a wave of her hand.
“That easily?” He asked.
“Truth be told I was missing you terribly,” she said.
He held his head up. “You missed me?”
“Of course,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Is this before or after you had sex with Raph again?”
She released him. “Raph made me feel better after what happened between us. He has a way of doing that with me.”
“You love him?”
“I do love him, but he’s not the one who has my heart.”
He appeared stunned by her admission. “Do you mean me?”
She began to swim around him. “Why are you so surprised? You’re strong and brave and smart and kind. You love your family above all things and you are an amazing leader. I’m always impressed by how quickly you know how to do the right thing in a fight.”
“I didn’t realize you noticed,” he said shyly.
“Of course I did,” she said.
With a renewed confidence, he pulled her into his arms. “Can you do the back float?” He asked.
She released her body to his arms and began floating on her back. She could feel his hands on her back guiding her as they slowly turned in the water. She was just about to start relaxing when she felt him tense up.
“What’s the matter?” She asked.
“I think I heard something,” he said.
She stood up in the water and looked around. She could hear voices coming from the front of the building. Leo scooped her up and rushed her out of the water. They made it through the fence just as two employees entered the area.
“What are they doing here so late?” He asked as they watched them from the bushes.
“Probably just hanging out and relaxing,” she said.
“That’s okay, I have more to our night together,” he said.
“But they have my clothes,” she said.
“It’s okay. You won’t need them.”
She looked at him curiously.
“Just come on.”
She followed him as they made their way to central park. He led her to a secluded area with the most trees. To her surprise there was a blanket on the ground with a pizza box and two sodas.
“How is there hot pizza and cold soda out here?” She asked.
“I had Mikey bring me a pizza and the soda on his way home. I figured he’d be here just as we finished swimming.”
“He’s most likely watching us from the bushes,” she said.
Leo shrugged. “He’ll be too bored to watch for long,” he said. “Not with his short attention span and pizza waiting to be eaten at home.”
She loved how well he knew him. “That’s true.”
He opened the pizza box to find a note taped to the lid that said, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Leo pulled the note off. “That doesn’t leave much.”
She laughed. “He’s willing to try anything.”
Leo glanced at her. “Anything?”
She smacked him on the arm. “I meant outside of sex.”
“Oh,” he said as he handed her a plate.
She took a bite of pizza and leaned back on her elbows. “You know, you guys do so much for the people of New York and they don’t even know it.”
He looked up at the city around them. “They can never know.”
She took his hand in hers. “Well, at least I know the truth. I’m grateful to you on their behalf.”
He glanced down at her. “Thanks Beth.”
She noticed something glimmering in the moonlight and went to pick it up. It was a Frisbee. “Hey look, we can toss this to each other.”
He jumped up and held his hands out waiting for it. She tossed it and he jumped and caught it with little effort. He sent it back to her and she had to run out to get it. They did this for a while until she held it behind her back. “If you want it, you’re going to have to get it from me,” she taunted him.
He came after her like a ninja and she almost regretted teasing him with it. She ran toward the blanket, but he caught up to her fast. He grabbed her around the waist and fell to the ground on his shell with her in his arms.
To distract him she leaned down and kissed him square on the mouth. He stared at her in shock for a moment before reaching up behind her neck and pulling her mouth down onto his. It was a kiss like no other she had ever experienced. It jolted her heart and tugged at her womb in the most pleasurable way.
He continued to kiss her until she felt something pressing against her belly. She glanced down to find his erect penis throbbing before her. He stopped kissing her immediately. “Oh, sorry about that,” he said as he attempted to hide it from her with his hand.
She covered his hand with hers. “Don’t worry. If you’re game I know just what to do with this.”
He swallowed. “I’m okay with it.”
She slid her panties down and discarded them as she straddled his hips. The tip of his penis slipped inside her entrance with no trouble. He sat up and pulled her fully down onto him with one thrust. She chewed her lip with a groan.
“Am I hurting you?” He asked as he braced her back.
“Not at all,” she murmured. “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
He thrust in and out of her and she clung to his shell as she began to match his thrusts. Each movement was almost excruciating in pleasure. Nothing compared to how it felt to have him inside her. She never wanted it to end.
They began to pant heavily as his hands moved to her waist so he could hold her more tightly to his body as his powerful thrusts began to hasten. Their eyes locked onto each other as they came at the same time. She cried out not caring who heard. Nothing in the world mattered at that moment.
When he was finished coming, he held her tightly as he dug in deep inside her. “I could stay inside you forever.”
“That would be awkward,” she said as she kissed him.
He lay back down with her still on his chest and held her to him. He smoothed some loose hair out of her face. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
She actually blushed. “Aw, thank you Leo. You are not so bad yourself.”
“You find me attractive?” He asked.
“I did from that first night I met you.”
“But Raphael saved you before I could help.”
“It was the way you were so compassionate and caring toward me. It was as if I was the only woman in the world to you.”
“You were the only woman in the world to me.”
She laughed. “True.”
“Over the last year I found that you had my heart too.”
Her heart began to speed up. “Really?”
“You couldn’t tell?” He asked.
She shook her head. “Not at all.”
“I have wanted you from that first night we met. I just didn’t think I deserved you.”
“That’s why you pushed me away?”
“I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing you with my brothers when I wanted what they had.”
She lightly punched his chest. “I think I mostly did the whole sex thing so I could have an excuse to be with you.”
“And then I chickened out.”
She laughed. “Yes you did, but I got you in the end.”
“You sure did.”
“I can’t believe we wanted each other this whole time and never knew it.”
“I know. It’s crazy to think that now.”
She snuggled against him. “And we just did it out here without a care in the world.”
Leo pulled a twig from her hair. “I know, you are a mess,” he said. “We probably should get you home.”
She reluctantly left his arms as he pulled out of her. She gathered her panties and slipped them on while he picked up the picnic blanket and pizza box. He placed a comforting hand on her back while they left the park and headed for her apartment.
He was looking around the city as if seeing it for the first time.
“How’re you doing there?” She asked.
“I feel like invasion of the body snatchers.”
She laughed. “What?”
“You know, when all those pod people are trying to convince the last guy left that being changed is a good thing and that he’ll like it. He fights it, but once he’s turned he realizes what they were going on and on about.”
“That is quite a comparison,” she said. “The guys must have really talked about sex when I wasn’t around.”
“It was all in general, nothing specific,” he said. “But I did think they were exaggerating how good sex felt, especially Mikey.”
“You guys never believe him,” she said with a shake of her head.
“I think I will more often now.”
They showed up at her apartment far quicker than she had hoped.
“Well, here you are, safe and sound,” he said.
“You should come in and stay the night with me,” she said as she smoothed a hand down his chest.
He paused as if weighing it over in his mind. “I can’t stay all night, but I can stay for a while longer.”
They went inside and she was relieved to find Raph wasn’t there waiting for them in the shadows.
“I think I’ll take a quick shower,” she said.
“Good idea,” Leo said.
“Maybe you should join me,” she said as she slipped off her panties and bra.
He made his way to the bathroom. “Will we both fit in there?”
“Oh yeah, you will fit just fine,” she said as she pulled him into the running water.
Once inside the shower, Leo lathered up the soap and began to slowly wash her breasts and then down over her waist all the way to her pubic region. She closed her eyes as she took in his touch. It was both seductive and completely comforting and gentle.
He turned her around and began to work on her back before moving down over her butt. He put the soap down and ran his fingers from her butt crack all the way to her wet folds. She spread her legs with a sigh. He lightly prodded her from behind until he slowly and gently moved into her. She braced the wall with her hands as he began to move in and out of her in a slow torture. The heat in her groin moved into her belly and she stood on her tip toes so he could get inside her more easily.
“Oh God,” she groaned as she came with a writhing shudder.
Her orgasm seemed to hasten his pleasure as he began to thrust harder. He gripped her breasts from behind as he moved in and out of her with abandon. By the time he came inside her for the second time that night her legs were shaking so hard she could barely stand on them.
He scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bed where he joined her. She snuggled into his arms feeling completely at ease with the world. No matter what happened from that day on, her life was now complete.
“When the hell did this happen?” Raph snapped the moment they entered the lair.“What?” Beth asked sounding extremely guilty.
“You doin’ it with Leo,” he snapped.
Leo stepped in front of her. “Don’t yell at her.”
Raph shoved Leo in the chest. “I’m not speakin’ to you.”
Beth stepped forward. “It was his turn…”
“He had his chance and he threw it away,” Raph said angrily with a wave of his hand.
“Raph, please, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Raph’s anger escalated. “After all he did to you and you still let him use your body like that?”
“I didn’t use her body. It’s not like that at all,” Leo said.
“None of us used her Raph,” Donnie said smacking him on the arm. “It was part of the deal. Remember the deal?”
“We’re way past that now,” Raph said. “She’s my girl now.”
Leo stepped up to him. “She’s not your girl.”
“Alright, if that needs to be decided, then we’ll spar over her. Winner gets Beth,” he said as he pulled out his Sais.
“You will not fight over me Raphael!” She shouted. “I’m not some prize to be won.”
“Then choose one of us, right now!” He shouted back.
She pointed toward the exit. “I would rather walk out that door forever than pick one of you over the other.”
“Hey now, don’t go doing that,” Mikey said as he finally got in on the argument.
“Then you four had better figure out how to deal with this,” she said. “I won’t allow you to fight over me like Splinter and Shredder did all those years ago.”
Her words were like a pitcher of cold water being tossed in their faces. Even Raphael calmed considerably.
“Now don’t say that,” Leo said as he patted her on the arm. “It’s not going to get that bad.”
“You’re damn right it won’t. I didn’t do this to tear you all apart. I thought it would bring you closer together.”
“That makes sense,” Donnie said.
“Then I’m going to go now. I’ll come back when you’ve decided how things will be around here in regards to me.”
Raph rushed to catch up to her. “What about everythin’ we’ve done together? I thought you had feelings for me.”
“I do love you Raphael, don’t ever doubt that, but I won’t be forced to pick just one of you.”
Beth left the lair and stayed away for several days. Finally, Mikey showed up at her window informing her that they had made a decision about her. She followed an unusually solemn Mikey into the lair not knowing what to expect.
All of them were sitting down and waiting for her as she arrived. Raph was sitting on the couch refusing to even look her direction. Leo gave her a small smile while Donnie appeared stoic.
“You are all so serious,” she said as Mikey joined Raph on the couch.
“Have a seat,” Leo said motioning to the chair.
Her heart began to race as she sat down. She prepared to hear the news that they were officially kicking her out as that had to be the only reason why they were so somber.
“We’ve had some time to discuss the situation regarding you,” Leo said.
Mikey snorted. “More like fight and argue.”
Raph smacked him on the leg to silence him.
“And?” She asked.
Leo’s eyes darted to his hands clasped before him. “We’ve mutually decided that sharing you is the only answer.”
She let out the breath she had been holding. “Share me?”
Donnie held up a presentation board with weeks outlined with each of their names. “You will move into the lair and share a room with one of us for an entire week. Once that week is over, you will move into the next room. This will go on for the entire month and then we’ll start over with a new monthly schedule.”
Her mouth hung open at the idea.
“Now, as there are extra days in some months, those will be yours to do with as you wish,” he continued. “We figure that way everyone gets time with you. Of course, the weeks will be rotated as during your period you will not be able to have sex at that time.”
She sat there stunned by their plan. What they were suggesting would mean that she was the girlfriend to all four of them.
“Well?” Mikey asked.
Raph smacked him again. “Give her time to think.”
“And you all agreed to this?” She asked looking directly at Raph. “Willingly agreed?”
They all nodded.
“It’s the only way it will work if we want to keep you in our lives,” Leo said.
“While not wanting to kill each other,” Mikey added.
“Of course, you must be in complete agreement with this arrangement or it won’t work,” Donnie said.
“That means no doin’ it with the others while you’re with one of us,” Raph said as he finally looked at her.
She took in everything they had said and added up how much sex she would be having if she agreed.
“I do have to work during the week,” she said.
“We’ve taken that into consideration,” Leo said. “We do know you have your own life to live too.”
“And if I don’t agree with this?” She asked. “What’s the alternative?”
All of them looked away from her.
“We would have to end our relationship with you,” Donnie said softly.
“Take some time to think it over,” Leo said. “You don’t have to rush into this…”
“I’ll do it,” she said as she stood.
“Are you sure about this?” Leo asked.
“I might as well be dead if I can’t be with you,” she said. “My love for you four is stronger than with any human I’ve ever known.”
Leo took her hand. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured or forced into this.”
She squeezed his hand. “I’m completely sure.”
“Great. I’ll help you go pack,” Mikey said as he stood from the couch.
Donnie put an arm around her shoulder. “You made the right decision. I know you won’t be disappointed.”
Raphael just looked away from her without saying a word. She knew it would still be a difficult adjustment for him, but she was proud for how well he was keeping his anger in check.
“What is your opinion on this Raphael?” She asked as she sat down beside him.
“I’d rather not share you, but if it keeps us from breakin’ up I’ll tolerate it. Besides, I get to be with you first.”
She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Sounds good to me,” she said as she watched Leonardo walk away looking forlorn.
It took nearly all day for her to get some time alone with Leo. He hugged her and held her tightly. “I’m so sorry it has to be this way.”
She sighed. “It’s better than never getting to be together at all.”
“Hey, we can still spend time together even when it’s not our week,” he said.
“We just can’t sleep together.”
“Yeah,” he said.
“I have an idea that might fix things though,” she said.
He leaned down to glance at her. “Oh?”
“I am going to find women for the others so they don’t want me anymore.”
“We already discussed the fact that it won’t work.”
“It will work if we are careful in who we choose.”
“How will you choose women?”
“I’ll go to comic, horror and computer conventions and see if I can find any women suitable to Mikey and Donnie.”
“And Raph?”
“Raph will be a tough one. I’m not really sure of his type. I mean, he likes me, but am I really his type?”
Leo laughed. “I’m not sure anyone is his type.”
“You have to admit that he accepted this whole situation better than expected.”
“Yeah, but we had to fight it out to get to this point.”
She looked up at him. “You fought anyway?”
Leo shrugged. “When don’t we fight?”
“True,” she said.
“Besides, I think he’s warming up to the idea of sharing you, for now anyway.”
Her week with Raph went fairly quickly considering she now lived with them. Her week with Leo flew by and before she knew it she was with Donnie. Donnie had been waiting patiently for his second chance with her and this time it was quite different from before. They had sex just about every day of the week and there wasn’t an electrode or computer to be seen. By the time she got to Mikey she was feeling worn out. Luckily, he seemed to pick up on her condition and went easy on her.By the end of the month she had already hit up some conventions in search of the lucky women for Mikey and Donnie. She met a few women that she felt might be accepting of them as large mutant turtles, but she wasn’t near close enough to introducing them. First she had to make sure they were trustworthy of meeting them.
“What do you think?” Raph asked as he broke into her thoughts.
She looked up at him and was suddenly overcome by nausea. She snatched up the trash can just in time to throw up.
“Woah,” Raph said as he held her hair out of her face. “That good huh.”
She continued to vomit until it subsided. She sat up and wiped her mouth with her hand. “Oh,” she said as she sat back on the couch.
“Are you okay?” Leo asked as he appeared before her with a damp towel.
“Yeah, I think it was something I ate. That will teach me to eat crab dip at work.”
Raph took the towel from Leo and began to wipe her face with it.
“You look kind of pale. Are you sure you’re okay?” Leo asked.
She took the towel from Raph and finished the job. “Yeah, it’s just the flu or something. I think I’ll go to bed early tonight,” she said.
Raph scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his room. He set her in the bed and pulled the cover up over her. “Get some sleep. I’ll be in soon,” he said.
The next few days she woke up sick each time. She dragged through her work day unwilling to miss work or draw attention to herself. She was on the way to lunch when she passed out at work and woke up in the ER.
“There she is,” the nurse beside the bed said.
She was disgusted to find Roger the intern sitting beside her bed. “Hey there Beth.”
“Did you bring me here?” She asked.
“I was the only one who could get away,” he said.
The doctor entered the curtain. “I see you are back with us,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
“A bit woozy,” she said as she took the cup of water the nurse offered her. “What happened?”
“You had a fainting spell at work,” the doctor said.
She laughed. “I fainted?”
“Roger told me that you have been ill in the mornings. Is it possible that you might be pregnant?”
She jolted upright. “What?”
“Fainting and morning sickness are signs of early pregnancy. When was your last period,” he asked as he looked down at her chart.
Her heart raced as she tried to remember the last time she had bled. “Um, I think a month and a half ago or so.”
“Let’s get a pregnancy test before you go,” he said to the nurse.
She could hardly get any urine in the cup her hand was shaking so badly. Could she be pregnant? She thought as she capped the urine and set the cup on the sink. She reassured herself that it would be negative as the guys didn’t have compatible DNA with her.
By the time the doctor returned nearly an hour later she was feeling ill again, only this time it was fear and terror at what the test results would be.
“Congratulations,” he said. “It looks like you’re pregnant.”
The world turned foggy around her as she absorbed his words. “I can’t be.”
“Have you been sexually active in the last few months?” He asked.
She nodded. “Yeah, but I didn’t think I could get pregnant.”
“It only takes one time,” he said. “I’ll get you a list of some prenatal vitamins. In the meantime you need to see your doctor.”
“A doctor?” She asked numbly as she took the list from him.
“Can you take her home?” The doctor asked Roger.
“You bet,” he said.
“Just drive me back to work,” she said. “I can’t leave my car there all night.”
“Whatever you say,” Roger said.
They were barely on the road when Roger started in on her. “You must be excited by the news,” he said.
“What?” She asked.
“About your pregnancy.”
“Oh yeah, excited.”
“You don’t seem so excited. Do you know who the father is?”
She glared at him. “That is none of your business.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to get personal.”
“Don’t tell anyone about this at work,” she said. “My boyfriends can make your life a living hell if you do.”
“Boyfriends?” He asked.
She sighed. “My boyfriend is experienced in weight lifting and the martial arts. He would not be happy to hear you hurt me.”
“Okay, I won’t say anything, Jeez,” he said.
By the time she got to work she just got in her car and drove away. She made it down the street from the entrance she used to get to the lair and simply waited in the car for hours unable to go inside.
A knock on the window made her gasp in fright. She looked up to find it was Raph. “Hey, what’s goin’ on?” He asked.
She got out of the car. “Oh, um, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t followed.”
“By who?” Leo asked as he approached Raph from behind.
“That intern Roger,” she said with great annoyance.
“Why would he follow you?” Donnie asked as he rested against her car fiddling with an object filled with wires.
“I’m not sure,” she said. “Let’s just go inside.”
“We were just about to go out on patrol,” Leo said.
“I think maybe we better talk first.”
“Why what’s up?” Raph asked.
“Something amazing,”
Look for “4 Turtles and a Baby” coming soon!
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