Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Erikson Legacy | By : SuperGamerCharger Category: Star Wars (All) > FemSlash - Female/Female Views: 3122 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. The OCS are mine but I don't make any money off this. Thank you and Enjoy. |
A/N: My Spelling is not the greatest so go easy on me :).
The War between The Sith and The Jedi. The Dark Jedi vs The True Jedi. Whatever you wanted to call it has been going on for as long as Anyone can remember. The Legacy Story we know is of Darth Vader also known as Anakin Skywalker vs his son Luke Skywalker but the Legacy we do not know about is the Legacy Of The Erikson family. The Erikson family is one of the most controversial family in the history of the Galaxy. One Half served the Galactic Republic and the other Half Served the Sith Empire. However the start of the Legacy was not with their parents.
Joselyn Erikson,A member of the Jedi Council and Dylan Erikson one of the Sith Empire's most ruthless Champions. a couple that both sides thought would never come to be however,It did and it gave tension between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. The war continued despite this and things seemed to go from bad to worse. Years past and the new generation of Erikson's were born on the side of the Republic and people though this would be a change from their messed up family however something happened that would once again pit the Republic Side of the family against the Sith Side. This was The Cold War.
Verashan The last of two Jedi Temple grounds. Devon a young male with blue eyes and brownish looking hair standing at about 6"4 and Victoria a young women at about 5"7 and long blonde hair in Padawan training Gear.
"Caden! Mallory!" A female voice called as the two turned waving as it was their mother Joselyn Erikson a member of the Jedi Council as the two siblings smiled. However, Suddenly a shot of Force Lighting right at Joselyn's heart was shot from the sky striking her square in the middle of the chest.
"MOM!" The two siblings shouted racing over to her. Victoria felt her neck and shook her head that she was gone the second the blast had hit as Devon turned his head in anger tightening his fists.
Suddenly the two siblings looked up as an Empire Ship began descending down towards the planet as Devon and Victoria got up activating their training Sabers.
"Empire? How the hell did they find us?!" Mallory asked in shock.
"It doesn't matter they are dead for killing mom!" Caden Snapped as Victoria looked at him in shock.
'Calm down Caden If a Sith is coming the LAST thing you need is being mad' Mallory said to herself.
As The Ship Landed Victoria ready herself for what was to come. Unfortunately her worst fears had come true as Suddenly a young women with short blonde hair and a cloth like robed stepped out from the ship with a lightsaber on her side as she looked around.
"So this is were the Jedi Scum were hiding their Padawan's now? hmmm not a bad planet but not the best either I cant say I'm impressed" The women said as Mallory's face went white as she reconised the figures face from her studies.
"Lord Zash...why oh WHY did it have to be her" Mallory stated but knowing she had to be brave and with Caden's current anger she had to step up as she prepared her saber.
"Hold it right there Lord Zash!" Mallory stated as Zash looked over blinking as Mallory continued. "My Name is Mallory Padawan of the Jedi Order. In the name of The Galactic Republic I order you to drop your weapons and come peacefully!" Mallory Ordered as Zash looked at her with a small chuckle before speaking.
"Oh you poor poor Padawan you have so much to LEARN!" Zash shouted launching her lighting at Mallory sending her flying crashing into a statue.
"MALLORY!" Caden shouted as his sister got sent flying coughing.
"Im fine Caden.." She said slowly getting up as Zash slowly began exiting her ship and began to speak.
"Peace is a Lie there is only Passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force Shall set me Free!" She recited before launching a blast a lighting back at Mallory as she raised her Saber up only to be knocked back again.
'A Sith lord it just HAD to be a Sith Lord' Mallory groaned as Caden turned towards Zash readying his saber.
"ENOUGH ZASH!" He shouted as Zash blinked turning towards the other. "You're fight is with me!" He shouted as Zash looked at him a small smirk came across her face. Sensing the mans Anger was almost nourishing to the Sith Lord. She had planed on simply taking this training grounds to its knees. However, bringing a Padwan over to the Dark Side was just to much of a gift to pass up.
"Very well.." Zash said drawing and activating her Lightsaber.
"Bring it on" She simply said with a grin as Devon charged forward Mallory tried to get up only to fail as the Force Lighting had taken a lot out of her. Her brother and Zash's training Sabers and Lightsabers connected as Mallory was Injured. Zash's lighting had done a number on her to say the least she removed her arm to see that some blood was coming from her arm as she cursed. "Damn you Zash..." She muttered before noticing her brother's strikes were getting more aggressive.
"Caden Calm Down Brother Remember what GAH!" Mallory cried as right as she was trying to calm her brother down was struck by force Lighting as she grabbed onto a side of the temple. "Trainee Mallory!" A female voice shouted jumping from the rocks that were falling holding her as she helped her up. "" She muttered a tear falling down her cheek. "Shhh its alright Trainee.." The women said. This was Grand Master Satele Shan. The Training Saber was knocked out of Caden's hand as Mallory and Satele Shan looked on in horror as Zash placed the lightsaber to his neck as Caden growled looking up before Zash began to speak.
"You are strong young one but you could be stronger.." Zash said as Caden looked up. "How?" He asked as Zash chuckled before speaking. "Come with me young one. I shall apoint you a master who shall show you the true power of the dark side. It is as I said before. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force Shall Set me free" Zash explained as Caden slowly stood. "No Brother! Snap out of it!" Mallory shouted tears running down her face as Satele sighed in sadness for the young Trainee.
"Now come and let me show you the power.." Zash said extending her hand as Caden nodded. "Of course Lord Zash show me the way" Caden stated as him and Zash disappeared onto the ship before it took off as Mallory let some tears out as Satele brought her into a hug as Explosions blasted all over the area as Satele lead her into a ship as it took off to space..Mallory had just lost her brother to the Dark Side.
However, that was three years ago. Time had passed and Mallory had finally begun her Jedi Knight training. She had learned she was force sensitive shortly after the situation with her brother and would soon later on find out that her brother was also force sensitive. On the planet Tython a ship came flying onto the training grounds for future Padawan's as a ship landed on Mallory Erikson exited the ship. Her final trials were here at last and she could finally go on the journey to find her brother.
Mallory walked forward on the landing ground as a older male waved towards her. This man was Derrin Weller one of the instructors on helping Padawan's get though their final tests. "Welcome to Tython Padawan Mallory The Jedi Council told me you would be coming. You've been though a lot" He said as Mallory nodded trying to forget what happened. "Yes Master Weller it's hard to take in.." She said sadly as Weller gave her a comforting hug before speaking. "Don't worry it will pass and remember if you finish these Trials you can go into space to find your brother.." He reminded her as Mallory nodded following Weller into the room behind them.
"Your former master Rick Blackmoon. He praised your combat skills quite well Padawan. They say your becoming an expert Duelist." Derrin Weller stated causing Mallory to blush in embarrassment before rubbing the back of her neck and smiled. "What can I say. When driven by a drive to save your brother from the Dark Side and trained by the best its easy to excel" Mallory said with a smile as Derrin shook his head. "Don't be modest now Padawan your fighting ability's is thanks to you and you alone. Your Drive to save your brother only gave you a boost." Derrin said with a small smile.
"The Jedi Council will asign you a new master to over see your final trials. You will be tested in ways you cant imagine. But when you leave Tython you will know what it means to be a Jedi Knight but more importantly You'll know yourself. Lastly you will be one step closer to saving your brother." Derrin explained as Mallory nodded before speaking. "Thank you Master Derrin I will do my best" She said as Derrin nodded. "I know you will but remember you must focus on your trials for when you face your brother. Because I am sure at this very moment your brother may be ariving on Korriban to under go his trials to become Sith" He explained as Mallory gulped. "You think?" She asked as Derrin shook his head. "I know Mallory how you might ask. Its because their is a disturbance in the force.." He explained.
Meanwhile on the Desert planet known as Korriban Lord Zash's ship was arriving on the outskirts where the Trials for all Sith began as she stepped out with a small smirk on her face. Slowly a man with a dark hooded cloak exited the ship before flipping off the hood revealing Caden who had Arrived on Korriban. "Welcome to your new home Acolyte. I am sorry it is not much but you will learn to love the Empire. First however, we must have you pass the Trials to become a sith Apprentice. I would love nothing more than to Train you myself but that will come in due time for now you must prove yourself worth to that disgusting Pig Darth Barras don't worry things will come together in due time" Zash said as Caden nodded. "Of course Lord Zash" Caden said as the two walked into a room before a man turned around. This man was Overseer Tremel of the Sith Empire.
"L Lord Zash what a surprise. Aren't you normally looking after the Slaves to see if one is worthy of becoming Sith?" Tremel asked as Zash nodded. "That is normally the case Tremel but allow me to introduce to you a new Acolyte who I have brought over to The Dark Side this is Caden Erikson son of one of Dark Council members who married a member of the old Jedi Council." Zash explained as Tremel's eyes widdened. "Lord Zash you converted an Erikson back to the Dark Side. I must say I am impressed." Tremel said as Zash gave an evil giggle. "Oh spare me the compliments Tremel it was nothing. Now than I want you to send him on his first Trial right away to prepare him to become Sith" Zash said as Tremel nodded and bowed. "Right away Lord Zash" He said as Zash made her way out of sight.
"Welcome to The Empire and the dark side of the force Caden allow me to introduce myself. I am Overseer Tremel for Decades I have administered the Trials to prove who is or is not worthy to join the Sith Order. The Trials are a chance to weed out the weak. But Judging that you were hand picked out of a handful of Padwan to be brought to the Dark Side. I trust you are not one of them Caden" Tremel said as Caden scoffed. "My sister is the weak one and I will prove it when I become Sith. My sister always swung for the same fence she is and it has made her soft I will show her the true power of the Dark Side" Caden stated as Tremel nodded and smirked. 'Good good he fall to the dark side is quickening' Tremel said to himself.
"Good it seems Destiny has always willed it that at least one Erikson would join The Dark Side and it seems you are no exception Caden. Your father was a fine addition to the Dark Council and I am sure when the time comes so will you but for now we must prepare you as Lord Zash said. I can sense the force is strong in you Caden but their is an Acolyte here named Vemrin he will try to kill you. be prepared" Tremel explained as Caden laughed before speaking. "Him? Kill Me? Oh that's a laugh Tremel you know when this Sith thing is done you should really consider a job as a comedian" Caden said causing Tremel to laugh. "Perhaps-" He said before looking behind Caden to see his Blade and shook his head. "Is something wrong Overseer?" Caden asked.
"Oh no no no no. This blade will never do. It is used by those of The Jedi you need a dominating weapon to show Dark Baras you are no Joke now let me think." Tremel said leaning against the wall before speak. "AHA! I got it. In The Tomb Of Ajunta Pall there exists an old armory. A strong Sith Warblade awaits you there. The tomb is thick with claw slugs deadly nasty disgusting creatures destroy them all in your path to the warblade. Than meet Lord Zash in her chambers in the academy for further instructions." Tremel said gaining a smirk on Caden's face. "With pleasure.." He said before placing the hood over his head and leaving the room.
Meanwhile back at Tython Mallory held her head as Derrin helped her stay steady. "Mallory? What's wrong?" He asked as Mallory spoke. "There is a disturbance in the force somewhere its.." She said before her eyes widened in shock. "It's Caden...he's started his Sith Trials..." She muttered as Derrin cursed. "Than there is no time to waste we have less time than I thought there is a speeder here tha-Hold on" He said before taking out a hologram. Mallory could not really see the hollogram enough to see what what the Padawan was saying but apparently Derrin could as the Padawan was getting blasted before the transmission was cut off. "Flesh Raiders? Armed with Blasters? she must be mistaken.." Derrin said as Mallory crossed her arms and spoke. "With all due respect Master. Mistaken or not that Padawan was under attack." Mallory stated in concern for the Padawan's safety.
"They've never come this close before." Derrin said before turning around and began punching in some codes. "Flesh Raiders are a species of hostile natives They are smart enough to use tools and violent beyond reason." Derrin said as he typed in some more numbers and continued. "I am sending every able Jedi and Padwan down to the training grounds right away. Including you" Derrin said as Mallory nodded. "Ok I'll stall them as long as I can contact the Jedi Council right away" She said as Derrin smiled and nodded. "You got it and may the force be with you" Derrin said as Mallory raced out of the room with Training Sword in hand before taking off on the speeder towards the Training grounds. Her Final Trials to become a Jedi Knight had begun.
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