Star Wars Jedi Academy - The Dark Side | By : credfield75 Category: Star Wars (All) > FemSlash - Female/Female Views: 13728 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Star Wars movie series, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Note: Story takes place during Star Wars: Jedi Academy Game. My version of Jaden Korr is:
1) Female
2) A Blue Twi'Lek
3) Has gone to the Darkside.
Also I will eventually be posting links to pictures of the characters for those that might not know who they are (and so you can see my Jaden Korr, as you can design the whole look of the character.
Star Wars: Jedi Academy - The Dark Side Pt 1
By Starfyrre
"I will not cower as I did before Katarn.... Finish it. Kill Me!!!" Tavion states. She is on her knees, defeated. Anticipating the fall of your lightsaber.
The beautiful Jaden Korr looks down at her defeated opponent. It would be ever so easy to take her life, every fiber in her being is telling her to. Tavion has lost by trail of combat. Still, something within the Rutian Twi'lek stayed her hand. Tavion was gasping, and perspiring. The blade that was ever so close to her made the caucasian witches skin sweat.
Before even thinking to raise her arm the force alerted Jaden to a presence. Jaden reached out to the mystical power. She need only concentrate for a moment as she sensed the presence of her former master, Kyle Katarn, arriving on Korriban. She could feel him move at almost lightning speed. He was closing in on her position very rapidly. Jaden knew that in moments he will transverse the path and reach this temple.
Manipulating the force, Jaden telekinetically summons the Scepter of Ragnos to her left hand.
"On Your Feet." Jaden orders the prone witch.
Tavion looks up. She cannot believe that she is still alive as the lightsaber in Jaden's hand turns off. Jaden quickly attaches it to her belt and then gazes down upon witch. Tavion suddenly finds herself short of breath. Jaden has clenched her fist and through the force begins telekinetically choking Tavion. The former Witch of Dathomir gasps as she tries to pry off the invisible grip upon her throat.
"You belong to me now. Your life is mine to do with as I wish, do you understand." Jaden states.
Tavion does not answer, she simply gasps for air.
"Time is running out Tavion. You either stand at my side now or you die. If you still wish to die you can do so by my hand, or Katarn's it is entirely up to you.”
Tavion looks up, eyes glassy due to lack of air, at Jaden.
“Decide quickly."
Tavion, not knowing what more she can lose, nods in compliance. Jaden releases her grip and Tavion takes her last gasp and begins sucking in air. Her hands are upon her throat. Jaden uses the staff to fire a bolt of force energy along the main corridor collapse it.
“Come Tavion.” Jaden orders and using the scepter nudges the witch ahead of her. Firing another blast, she creates a makeshift exit that leads down the side of the tomb.
The two escape just as the rubble blocking the entry way is pushed aside.
"Jaden" Kyle yells but it is too late.
Jaden Korr, promising Jedi Knight has escaped with the Scepter of Ragnos.
The Imperial Shuttle Vespa docked with the Star Destroyer Vindicator that was currently in orbit around the planet Korriban. The security detachment watched as the gantry lowered and out came the two imperial pilots, followed immediately by Tavion who was then followed by a female Twi'lek. Jaden was still in her Jedi garb, but she was adorned with two lightsabers, one on each hip, and the Scepter of Ragnos was currently strapped to her back.
The stormtroopers present brought their weapons up and began taking aim at the blue skinned Jedi but suddenly found the weapons removed from their hands by Tavion. The witch tossed the weapons aside and forced the troopers to their knees with the force.
"No one is to do anything. As of this moment she is in command!!!" Tavion decreed.
This statement baffled the remaining stormtroopers and support crew. Tavion was known to be one of the stronger dark Jedi under the command of Desann when he was alive. To question her orders was suicide and all knew this.
"Take me to the bridge." Jaden ordered as she and Tavion marched past the humbled troopers.
"As you wish my lady." Replied the now servile Tavion.
The turbolift carried the duo the bridge. As Jaden expected, a detachment of stormtroopers was awaiting them, weapons at the ready. The captain was looking rather smug as he stood back. A ysalamir was perched on the man's shoulder and the duo knew what was about to happen. The smug imperial officer obviously assumed he was in the same league as Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ysanne Isard when it came to planning.
He was not.
Jaden used the force to affect the minds of the stormtroopers out of the protective vicinity of the ysalamir. A trooper spun, took aim and with a pull of the trigger ended the life of the creature.
The captain paled immediately.
Before he could move Jaden was behind him and in one deft move she spun her body, ignited her blue lightsaber blade, and decapitated the former captain. Jaden then drew and pressed the stud on her second lightsaber and the violet blade came to life. Six stormtroopers seeking to avenge their captain began shooting at the former Jedi Knight only to have the red bolts of energy immediately deflected back at them. The crew watched as the bolt struck the helmets of each of the troopers, ending their lives. The remaining stormtroopers opted not to follow suit so stupidly and simply took aim and waited to see what would happen next.
Jaden stood in a defensive position silently for a few moments taking in her surroundings. Occasionally she would twirl a lightsaber about. First the right, and then the left. No one was behind her so if a blaster bolt flew it would be from in front of her. The crew listened as only the sounds of the control panels and the hum of the energy blades existed for the moment.
Tavion at least had an inkling of her role in the grand scheme of things; the crew of the Vindicator did not.
"Who is the executive officer here?" Jaden inquired.
"I am." A rather bold dark skinned man stated from the right of the control room.
"And you are?" Jaden asked. Her lightsabers at the ready, still ready to deal with anyone else would dare shoot at her.
"Lieutenant Danos Visard." The man answered.
"You are in command of the Vindicator now Captain Visard. As of this moment I am the supreme commander of this remnant fleet. You will all follow my orders, or else. Are there any questions?" Jaden asked.
"No my lady." Captain Visard responded.
"How many more ships do we have?" Jaden asked.
"Two my lady." Tavion answered. "The ships and their crews are currently out escorting several reborn and are investigating planets that were thought to have had great force power."
"Very well. Captain, set a course for the nearest imperial port. We have much to do if we wish to restore the empire to its former glory." Jaden stated. "As soon as we are underway make contact with our two ships and have them rendezvous with us when they have finished their current investigations."
"Yes my lady." Captain Visard responded.
"I will be claiming the captain’s quarters as my own, you are free to stay in your own or claim those previously held by Tavion.
Captain Visard nodded in the affirmative.
Captain Visard then said, "Troopers, holster arms. All stations stand down alerts."
The stormtroopers followed their orders and immediately holstered their weapons. The immediate crisis averted, the fell out of their positions and proceeded to return to their normal duties. Only when the last trooper was out of earshot did Jaden extinguish the blades of her sabers.
"Tavion, with me." Jaden ordered.
"Yes my lady." Tavion said and fell into step along side Jaden. When the two finally departed the bridge crew let out a collective sigh of relief.
The door to the captain's quarters slid up and Tavion entered first, followed closely by her Twi'lek Mistress.
Jaden immediately took in her surroundings making sure to make note of everything that could be a monitoring or listening device. She used the force to open doors and drawers and take stock of everything that was currently in the room. Jaden instructed Tavion to remove all the former captain's belongings from the drawers and to have them incinerated. A humbled Tavion did this without even a murmur or a glance of disgust at the menial chore. Taking the initiative Tavion then removed all the unimportant items from the former captains wall lockers and the locked safe.
Only when the last item had been disposed of did Jaden allow Tavion a moment to relax. It was the dathomirian witches first since her defeat on Korriban.
Removing the lightsabers from her hips, Jaden proceeded to placed them within a secure cabinet. Through the force, she reprogrammed the lock to a very specific combination.
"You will be allowed to have a lightsaber again soon." Jaden stated. "When in this room, you will secure it in this safe. I have seen to it that you will not be able to open this without me present."
Tavion nodded her head in acceptance.
Jaden used the force to open the wall locker and then proceeded to place the Scepter of Ragnos within it.
Jaden sat in the very comfortable lounge chair that resided in the captain’s quarters. She slowly removed her knee length boots one by one. Tavion could not help but watch as the black boots were peeled away from her mistresses’ legs. Jaden then removed her gloves and for the first moment since killing Rosh allowed herself to relax and bask in her accomplishments. She then took notice of the look in Tavion's eyes. The look fed the hunger that she had been denying since she spared Tavion's life.
Reaching out through the force she summons the scepter to her. Tavion watches the scepter fly across the room to Jaden and falls to the floor as Jaden used the scepter to empower herself with the force energy it contained.
"Yes!!!" Jaden decreed. "Do you see the power that you were prepared to give to Ragnos? You would have been content to raise a ghost and sever him. You could have used the scepter to become a queen, or an empress and rule the galaxy yourself."
Tavion looked on and for the first time, she realized exactly what she had lost, what she had given up. She was now, truly humbled.
Jaden spun the scepter around and to Tavion's surprise, drew a sword from it. This was no ordinary sword, Tavion knew from studying sith lore that it was a Sith Sword. One of the few melee weapons that was the equal of a lightsaber.
"Now, you shall swear your loyalty to me!" Jaden ordered.
Tavion took up a kneeling stance and with her forehead pressed to the floor said, "I swear my life... to you. I am your servant."
Jaden ran the cold metal blade along Tavion's back, her exposed flesh, and up towards her head.
"I am your Mistress and you will address me as so unless military décor is need in which you will address me as My Lady."
"Yes Mistress. I understand my lady." Tavion responded.
"Hence forth you are mine to do with as I wish, you will serve me however I wish you to do so."
"Yes Mistress."
Tavion held her breath as she felt Jade twist the sword so that the edge of the blade was pressed against her head. The Twi’lek added pressure, but not enough to break the skin on Tavion's head, just enough to 'make a point'.
"Defy me once, and I will take the force energy you have for my own, and then you will know true suffering, cut off from the very thing you scoured the galaxy for!" Jaden informed the witch.
"Yes Mistress." Tavion replied with earnest.
Jaden used the sword to slice the thread that held the witches hair up. Her amber hair fell down to its shoulder length.
Tavion's whole body was flush as Jaden seemed to torture her with the sword. The cool blade against her warm skin was creating an odd sensation within her.
Jaden grinned, lifted her sith sword and proceeded to make two quick cuts.
Tavion's top fell down to the floor and the humbled witch feels the cool air of the room now on her exposed breasts. Her nipples are firm and she is very flush. Tavion hesitates only for a brief moment before she rises to her feet. Shedding her own boots, Tavion proceeded to slowly remove her belt, followed immediately by her pants.
For the first time in a very long time Tavion felt weak. She stands bare before her Mistress, and the look in Jaden Korr's yellow and red eyes tell her exactly how she would be serving her mistress this evening.
Tavion did not wait to be told what to do. In a cat like manner she climbed up on the bed and with a poise and grace that she didn't even know she possessed exposed herself to her mistress. Jaden could feel the affect that Tavion had upon her as her juices began flowing. She could also see that this situation was not without rewards for Tavion as she too was damp at her lower lips. Tavion, having shown her lower half to her mistress, moved every so seductively down upon her back. She lowered her left leg, twisted her waist and moved her right leg up so she appeared to invite her Mistress to have her way with her.
Jaden stood before Tavion, never taking her eyes off the witch, and slowly released the two clasps that held her bodice. When the clasps were release Jaden let the garment fall from her shoulders. Tavion watched as her soon to be lover released the clasps that held her skirt and that garment joined her bodice on the floor. The Twi’lek was now only adorned in the gray work out top and form fitting shorts that concealed her tantalizing private parts from exposure. Jaden was reaching for the hem of her work out top when Tavion decided to climb up on her knees. She sauntered over towards Jaden and with a subservient look, reached for the hem of the dark gray top and proceeded to lift it up over her mistresses’ head. Discarding the top, Tavion placed her fingers inside the band of Jaden's shorts and very slowly moved them down the blue shapely hips of the beautiful Twi’lek.
Jaden took a step back and allowed the shorts to fall all the way to the floor. Tavion scooted back and resumed her previous position on the bed. Jaden walked forward and like a lioness crept up on her prey. Tavion gasped as Jaden seized her lips in a fiery kiss. Jaden wrapped her left hand in the amber locks of Tavion's hair and held the witches head in place so that she could drink deeply into her lover's mouth. Tavion was lost in the kiss. It was like Jaden was trying to devour her, and at this moment she couldn't care if her mistress did so. Tavion's eyes and mouth went as wide as they could go a moment later when Jaden's right hand penetrated her body. The witch moaned and groaned in ecstasy at the stimulation to her lower pleasure centers. If she thought she was wet before they began having sex she was absolutely drenched now.
Jaden withdrew from the kiss to catch her breath and allow Tavion to do so as well. She looked her love slave in the eyes and said, "You are mine, and mine alone."
Jaden then ran her thumb over Tavion's clit. Tavion's head fell back against the pillows and as Jaden ever so slowly moved the thumb back and forth upon it. Hearing the witch whimper Janden began moving her thumb from side-to-side at a faster rate. Tavion groaned and began thrashing her head. Jaden grinned as began running first two, then three finger upon the nub. The long hairs on Tavion’s head began sticking to her perspiring face as she could feel herself reaching her sexual peak already.
"Mine." Jaden repeated as she increased her ministrations to the Caucasian witches clitoris. Returning to just using her thumb, Jaden then plunges several finger’s into Tavion’s very wet sex.
"YES!!!" Tavion cries out at the penetration. "Ohhhhhhhhhh yes. I am yours my lady."
Jaden then seizes the nipple of Tavion's left breast in her teeth. She bit down sensuously and pulled back upon the nub. Tavion tried to suppress a moan but was unable to and she practically sounded like an alarm klaxon as she screamed in pleasure. Jaden repeated this with the other breast. Moving from one to the other with Tavion within the throws of ecstasy, all the time driving three fingers into Tavion. After torturing the witch for what seemed to be a lifetime she allowed her love slave to climax.
Tavion's heart was pounding so hard and fast she thought that she would require a healer to breath normally. Jaden pressed her warm blue body against the pale witches and moved her ample breast against her lover. She leans forward and licks the left ear of the witch, every so often nibbling upon it.
"You must have gone quite a while without sexual gratification if you climaxed so quickly dear Tavion. We will have to work on your endurance, ohhhhhhhh yes. We will have to spend quite a bit on your... training."
"Yes my mistress." Tavion cooed.
Jaden then moved so that she was on her back, arching her chest so that her larger breasts were at Tavion's eye level.
"Now, my servant... it is time to serve your mistress."
Author Notes:
1) Yes, Tavion dies in the Darkside ending, but I thought this would be more fun.
2) This was originally going to be just a 1 shot but I’m opting for 2 parts as I reeeeeeally wanted to see what you readers thought about this and couldn’t hold off posting it any longer.
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