The Fighting Irish: Catalyst and the Dtai'kai'rish | By : girlyhero Category: M through R > Predator Views: 4401 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own nor profit from Predator, Alien Vs. Predator, Alien franchises. |
Jesse felt the pain before she heard the voices. Her bullet wound was throbbing and felt wet, more wet than by blood. She rolled her head and opened her eyes. The wound was foaming red and blue. A rubber cord was wrapped above it, tied tightly cutting off circulation. Her fingers tingled, but they weren't numb yet.
It was Naranarti's voice that caught her attention. He wasn't speaking English, but she could understand the anger in his voice. There was another voice saying his name, trying to get his attention. She leaned her head forward and looked about. Doing so, she also noticed the breathing mask over her mouth. She was in the medical bay of Naranarti's ship-- she remembered the first time she'd been in it having shoved a needle into the back of Naranrti's neck. In a corner sitting on an empty counter was one of Naranarti's kind, golden skin with brown dreadlocks. His eyes were locked on her; he was the one calling to Nara. Near him, her duffel bag was opened, and her books and medicines were spread out over the remaining counter-space. Her eyes drifted to the end of the table she was laying on.
Mhrende was leaning against the table with her anatomy book in hand. She recognized his red skin, red hair and short stature. She was slightly astonished that he was actually reading the book. Naranarti was in front of him with another one of them she did not recognize in his grasp by the collar of his coat. The other looked strangely calm for the position he was in; he also looked mildly exotic compared to what she had seen of them with the blue strips. Naranarti was hissing and growling his words at him too loud to hear the gold-skinned one yelling for him.
He wouldn't ignore her, though.
"Nara," she said as she tried to push herself up from the table with her good arm. "What's going on?"
Naranarti dropped the blue one and was by her side within a blink. He helped her sit up and stroked her face of the sweat that had beaded over her forehead. "Jess'si, we made a mistake! I am sorry..."
She shook her head, "Okay, what happened? Maybe I can help you out; why is my arm foaming?"
"Remember the injection you gave me? It has the ability to dissolve bullets, and we thought it would be better to use it than to cut it out of your arm." He saw the look on her face change to pain as her wound foamed more. "It is not supposed to do this."
She leaned her head on his shoulder to find some comfort in the pain. Even though he spoke clear English to her, she couldn't catch half of what he was saying. The pain was too much. "Tylenol. I need Tylenol," she told him. "It's a red bottle, white pills. Two-- no, three of them. No! I don't know what it will do-- fuck," she hissed the last sentence. She grit her teeth and squeezed shut her eyes holding back a cry.
"[Out,]" the blue-striped one demanded of the gold-skinned one and Mhrende, "[Out! Get out!]" The two obeyed him, Mhrende taking the book with him, then spinning about and depositing it on the counter near the door as he realized he still had it before making his exit.
"I know Mhrende," Jesse inquired in hopes of taking her mind off the pain, "Who are the other two?"
"The one still here is Denarde, our surgeon and medical officer," Naranarti replied, nuzzling her cheek with the joint of his lower mandible. "Who left with Mhrende was Yekita, an Elite Warrior and former student of mine."
"[Hold still,]" Denarde said to Naranarti as he jabbed a needle into his back.
"[PAUK!!! The hell are you doing!? Son of a whore!]" Naranarti pulled away from Jesse for a second as a reaction to the heinous poke and extraction of his own blood from under the muscle.
"[Let's just say I know what I'm doing, and you'll be smart to forget the ethics concerning it,]" Denarde replied in an icy tone. He pulled the needle out and came around from behind Naranarti.
"[Ethics?]" Naranarti was confused, but he had a sudden realization at Denarde's plan when he saw where he was pointing that needle. "[Whoa! Stop--!]" Denarde pushed the syringe into Jesse's wound and injected the flourescent green blood. Jesse had not opened her eyes, nor did she notice the shot, the pain was so great. "[Oh, fuck my life, did you just--]"
"[Shut your face, Naranarti-- with all due respect, that is,]" Denarde cut him off as he pulled the syringe out and tossed it into the waste-bin. "[Your blood should neutralize the reaction and stop the eating of her muscle tissue... though there are several other effects.]"
"[There's a reason blood transfusion with other races is forbidden, Denarde, even if it is just for an experiment. If this hurts her more, I will kill you.]"
"[The benefits out-weigh the risk for Oomans, my friend,]" Denarde said with a smug look on his face, dabbing the wound of the foam with a cloth. "[Just that small amount increased her life by at least ten Ooman years, I'm certain.]" He saw the astonished look on Naranarti's face, the green and orange eyes widened. "[Didn't know that, eh? Bet you didn't know about the Ooman that actively seeks us out when we're on safari to make a meal of us-- he's several thousands of years old now, I believe. Our years.]"
"[What?! Where did you hear that-- how did you hear such a thing before me?! You'd think an Arbitrator would have been sent to dispose of such a threat.]" Naranarti took the cloth from him and started wiping away the excess blood himself. When he did it, she nuzzled his chest with her cheek affectionately, almost initiating a purr from him. He could see Jesse's wound was healing already, the bleeding and foaming having come to a stop.
"[You'd think,]" Denarde said undoing the rubber tie over her arm. "[Yari'mso shared that tidbit of information with me several years ago. It was decided not to send Arbitrators because the mildest rumor of such an Ooman bouncing around would send every able Warrior and Hunter on a hunt to our undoing. He's less of a threat if Yautja don't seek him out-- he has enough of a time doing so to us. The only technology he has of ours is so old your father wouldn't know what to do with it.]"
"[I wouldn't let him hear you say that if I were you,]" Naranarti commented. He turned his attention to Jesse who had stopped wincing. "Do you feel any better? Your wound has started to heal."
Jesse had been listening to them speak. She was aware Denarde had done something, but she did not feel the injection. She felt hot, but her skin seemed clammy and cold. She pressed herself to Naranarti, more. "The pain has stopped; either that or I've gone numb." She wrapped her arms around his chest and looked up at him. "What happens now?"
Denarde tilted his head as he watched her. His English was rusty, but he understood the jist of what she said. "[She's such a strange Ooman, isn't she?]"
"[Why do you think I like her so much,]" Naranarti lifted Jesse from the table and set her down on her feet. "I assume you would rather walk than I carry you this time."
"I appreciate that," she replied with a smirk. She inspected herself at a quick glance. Her sports coat was missing, but she still had the rest of her clothing on including her shoes. Her shirt sleeve was ruined with reddish brown, bright blue, and --to her surprise-- neon green stains from blood and alien medicine. The green she hadn't noticed before and wondered if it was an effect from whatever they'd given her to fix the problem with the blue medicine.
"Are you tired or do wish to clean up?"
The idea of a shower sounded refreshing, as she felt gritty and gross. She didn't even want to know what she smelled like, self-conscious because of the significance to him. "I would like to get clean for damn sure." Part of that was a lie. There were other things she's rather do than shower.
She didn't have to tell him, either. Her scent, though heavy with blood, nitrate, sweat and chemical, bloomed with secret desires. Naranarti started running ways to court her through his mind, thinking of gifts, suggestions and "romance" that might entice a female as Jess'si'deinz. From the green in Denarde's cheeks and forehead, he noticed the change in scent, too. "[By Paya,]" Denarde started as they were heading out of the medical bay and he handed Naranarti her bag with the contents haphazardly returned inside, "[Don't let Yekita know she can do that!]"
"What did he say?" She asked as Naranarti closed the door behind them. She took his arm to walk with him.
Naranarti really wasn't sure how to explain what was said. "Well...just stay away from Yekita, and you will have little to worry about." He didn't realize how unreassuring that was until after he said it.
"Oh, wow," Jesse replied nervously. "That's, um...should I have a weapon?"
"No, no! It is not-- it--eh..." Naranarti had stopped in the hallway and was a bit frazzled. "He wouldn't hurt you, as to say... not intentionally. He...his intentions..."
"Are like yours?" Jesse started to smile mischievously. "I see," she turned to continue down the hallway baring a seductive gait, aware that she wasn't in her sexiest pair of jeans and trying extra hard for the effect. "Should I ask whose intentions are better?"
"Mine, of course!...Wait, what?..."" His answer was abrupt, and when he heard her giggle, he quickly became confused. Did he not understand her right? Was she talking about their honor or something else?
Jesse turned around and looked at him with an alluring gaze, glancing up and down his body, a large smile over her lips.
Something else.
Naranarti practically feel her scent rising with sexual desires. "That came out in my favor, didn't it?"
"Oh, yes," she replied with a grin. "So we were heading to the showers?"
*****"That smells," Naranarti dropped the small bar of soap back into her bag as he almost gagged. "Horrendous." He shuddered. He opened a drawer and rummaged inside it.
"It's the only soap I have," Jesse said with mild disappointment. She didn't expect even the mildest fragrance would bother him. Glad I never bothered with perfume, she thought. "I can't only use water to get clean. Our bodies are porous, and I need something to get the oils out and off of me. Do you have some kind of lye based...stuff? That's what soap is-- except this just has an alcohol based fragrance..."
The use of lye as a noun was new to him. "I do not know what 'lye' is," he said as he grabbed a small, black stone and handed it to her. "But this is what we use. We usually scrape it over our skin, except for the tender parts. You might not want to, though... it foams when wet, and you can use the foam instead."
It reminded her of a pumice stone. Considering their skin, she could see how they'd benefit from it, but rubbing a pumicr stone over any other part besides her feet didn't sound appealing. She turned around to the large tub, that was more like an in-ground jacuzzi, and dunked the stone under the hot water. Naranarti had to cool the water for her; they favored a much hotter temperature than she or any other human for that matter could handle. She started to notice this more and more about the air, too. The water immediately pushed a cream-colored foam from the stone, and it bubbled on the surface-- that was the lye-base. The smell was earthy and made her wonder if she'd smell like she'd rolling in the mud after using it. Whatever it was, it was reacting nicely with the stone itself.
"Okay," she said, "I'll use this. Now, get on out of here so I can clean up."
Naranarti looked alittle surprised at her demand. He tilted his head at her and was about to ask why, when she started to push and pull at him until he was in the doorway. "But...why? I mean, I -- I thought, I mean..."
"Nara, this doesn't mean I'm not going to jump your bones," she explained giggling. "You'll see me naked soon enough, I'm just waiting for the right moment...and I'm a big tease anyway."
He could have planted his feet, and she'd have never gotten him out of the room, but he appeased her. He was having trouble understanding what she was talking about at first, as he felt his Ing'lish might have been out-dated or just rusty, but he understood the significance of nudity with Oomans. "Alright," he replied with mild disappointment as he walked out into the hallway. "When you are done, hit that yellow button, and the dryer will start-- hit it again when you're finished. And, I have a strange question-- what did you mean by 'jump my bones'?"
"Oh-ho," Jesse laughed and blushed, "Like you don't know-- context clues, baby! Think about it." As she said her last sentence, she did something to him of great significance, yet unrealized.
Naranarti watched her hand reach out to him. Her fingers started just under the collar of his armor and laid her palm flat to his chest against the exposed skin. She flexed a light massage over the giant pectoral muscle, then slid her hand off as she turned away. While she reached for the door controls, a subconscious trigger in Naranarti's brain was set off, and without control of himself, his body quivered and his legs released an energy pushing him forward.
Jesse squealed and jumped forward with the sound against the door. She huffed and then called out to Nara. "Nara!? What was that!?"
Naranarti stumbled backward into the wall clutching his forehead. "[Nothing! Nothing!] I fell--it was nothing!" He stood back up, shaking the shock from his head. "[Ow, goddamn.]" She had set him off with the Chi'r'ka. Whether it was intentional, he didn't know, but considering the air between them, he was going to consider it until she said otherwise. A scent finally caught his attention along with the sound of metal sandals hitting the floor at a run. Mhrende was already standing at the corner watching Naranarti regain his composure. Yekita ran up behind him reacting to the noise of body mass crashing into metal. "[How long have you been there?]" he asked Mhrende.
"[Long enough,]" Mhrende trilled. "[You've got it bad, Naranarti.]"
Naranarti shrugged. "[Can you blame me?]"
While Naranarti and Mhrende trilled, Yekita slinked by the both of them and pressed an ear to the bathroom door. "[Nope, don't blame you at all--- oh, Paya! I can smell her!!]"
"[Yeah, and she may be the last thing you smell if you don't back the hell up!]" Naranarti hissed at Yekita. It was a low hiss with a hostility that made the scales on Mhrende's skin lift.
Yekita's drive made him ignore the effect, though. The moment Naranarti had carried her out of his shuttle, Yekita was bewildered and dazzled. Never having seen an Ooman female, he didn't know what to expect and had to piece together possibilities in his head. Everything he imagined panned out to nothing but smoke and haze when he saw Jess'si'deinz in her true form. He could see why Naranarti waned towards Mhrende-- earlier he had joked that Mhrende was a male, Yautjan version of her, except she was most likely much smarter. "[I think if she were the last thing I smelled,]" Yekita replied, "[I could die happy.]"
Mhrende was watching the entire scene unfold as his father approached. Denarde had intended to catch up with his son, when he heard the commotion near the bathroom. Like walking into a wall, the thick, hostile muck hit him. Even with the scent, neither expected what would happen next.
Naranarti grabbed Yekita's wrists and pulled them behind him. He twisted them into an X and slung him into the opposite wall. The maneuver was originally for a submissive hold and difficult to break, but Naranarti used it just to move him away from the door. Before Yekita could let out a hiss, Naranarti started. "[You'll stay away from her unless you intend on a proper challenge, goddamnit!]"
Yekita stood shocked at what had happened and what was said. "[Proper challenge? What are you saying? I understand that she's more than a fanciful-fuck, but-- proper challenge?! What makes her your proper mate?!]"
Naranarti couldn't help but smirk when he raised a talon to his chest.
"[Rjet c'jit,]" Yekita hissed.
"[It's true,]" Mhrende growled. "[I was here when she did it!]"
Yekita looked from Mhrende to Naranarti with a narrowed glare. "[Well,]" he commented with a low growl in his chest. "[Isn't that convenient.]"
"[What are you insinuating--]" Naranarti was balling his fists when he was cut off by the sound of the door opening.
All attention was on Jesse as she stepped out of the bathroom in the bikini-bottom and a tank-top. Her hair was shinier and seemed to be crimped and alive. She was going to comment about how wonderful "soap stone" is, but when she realized she and Naranarti were no longer alone, she was taken aback. "Um, what's going on, Nara?"
Naranarti's eyes shifted to glance at Yekita. "Mhrende will show you to my quarters," he addressed her. "I will be there shortly."
He didn't have to relay to Mhrende his wishes; the small Warrior, knowing Ooman languages better than the rest of them, took her bag for her and started to lead her away. Jesse paused, though. "Is there a problem?"
"Nothing you need to be concerned about," Mhrende replied and continued to lead her away.
As they got further away, she could hear Naranarti raising his voice and the hissing a growling that seemed to follow each time he argued with his kind. "Mir-en-day?" She had issue pronouncing his name, but she got it out minus the flare his dialect added to it. "What is going on? Please tell me."
Mhrende opened the door to Naranarti's room and showed her inside. He didn't want to say anything until he was certain they were out of earshot. As she marveled at the room, he shut the door and set her things against a free space near the wall. "They are fighting over you," he replied.
"What?!" Her exclaiming startled him, and he let out a small bark. "Sorry. I mean, why are they fighting about me? He said that there wasn't a problem with my being here."
"Oh, there is no problem with you being here," Mhrende clarified with a higher pitch to emphasize his tone. "Like I said, they are fighting over you, not about you. Yekita is under the impression that you are now Naranarti's mate."
Jesse scratched the back of her neck and blushed. "Um, I had that impression, too, I guess."
Mhrende's eyes widened. "[Oh? Well, that's interesting. I wasn't aware Oomans understood the Chi'r'ka.]"
There was that word again, ooman; sounded like "human". She felt mildly uncomfortable. "What was that?"
"Sorry," Mhrende apologized with a forced smile. "I was saying that I was somewhat shocked. I figured you would be more comfortable, what is it? 'Casual sex' than mating. But I know you two care much about one another, and emotions run strongly when dealing with sex in general for oomans. So in hindsight, it makes sense, I suppose."
It seemed more like he was talking to himself than anything. Her real question hadn't been answered. "Yeah, okay, but you said they were fighting over me. Why?"
"When a female agrees to mate a male, she opens that male up to challenges from other males who were not chosen, ones who feel cheated or more worthy. If the challenging male wins a fight, then he wins the mating rights given to him."
"Whoa! Hey, wait! What!?" Jesse started to panic. "I love Nara, not that other guy! So, he needs to back off! I'm not dealing with this high-school-bullshit!"
"[Funny you put it that way,]" Mhrende murmured as he switched the conditions of the room to suit her. When she realized what he had done, she removed her mask. Mhrende looked about in her open bag. He wanted to get his hands on her books; the one he had been reading was most interesting-- with a glossary in the back to boot for helping out with the technical terms. "You have nothing to worry about, Jess'si'deinz. Yekita may be a... dumbass, but he is not stupid enough to challenge Naranarti. Odd question, but may I read your books?"
"What? Yeah," she was taken aback by the last question. "Go ahead. I brought them mainly to help out, anyway. Just careful with the Home Diagnostic book. Some of the pages want to fall out." Jesse had been walking about the room, curiously inspecting items and furnishings. The walls were riddled with metal-wire drawers filled with armor and weapons. In the center of the room was a couch not dissimilar to human furniture. It was dark gray leather and looked like it could seat two to three. The wall it faced was decorated with strings of skulls ranging in several sizes and types. Some of them were decorated by carvings, paintings, and embossings of stones and metals. Against the back was a large bed with what felt like silk sheets tucked into the mattress. She sat down on the edge and looked over to Mhrende who had grabbed up the anatomy and biology theory books. "Hypothetically, what would happen if Yekita won a fight against Nara? Not that I don't have faith in Nara, I'm jist curious."
"Yekita would win the right to mate you," Mhrende replied relocating his place in the anatomy book. "But even if he was stupid enough to challenge him, Naranarti would break his face all over the hallway. Naranarti may be shorter than some of the Elites in our clan, but there is a reason he has stayed the Arbitrator." He looked up to see the look on her face had not changed. She was worried about something. Considering he had just repeated himself to answer her new question, he wondered if he had understood what she was asking. "The word is 'm'ko' if another were to court you. It is a negative like 'no'. Even if they won mating rights, females still have the final say; it is just not as common to see a female stay with the loser of a challenge, but then again, you are not mating Naranarti because he's stronger than anyone. Oomans have a more complex method for choosing mates."
"Not shit," Jesse laughed. "My method was so complex that I had to look outside my own species." Even Mhrende trilled.
The door opening startled Jesse but not Mhrende-- he already knew Naranarti was approaching by scent and sound. Naranarti walked into his room and immediately looked to Jesse. The glare on his face softened when she smiled at him. He saw her glance at Mhrende who was again with his face in one of her books. "[Mhrende, leave us,]" he ordered. Without looking up, Mhrende left the room in a less than graceful manner as he bounced off the door frame and Naranarti who let out a quick bark of irritation. He closed the door and then walked over to the bed. "You let him borrow your things?"
"It's fine. I trust he'll take care of them," she replied. "He's learned alot of English." She was nervous and not because she knew what they would soon be doing, but because of the supposed fight that may have ensued in the hallway.
Naranarti could sense her nervousness but did not know the exact reason. He started to remove his armor but not as quickly as he would have under normal circumstances. Maybe she needed a moment to let it all sink in. He would keep up her small-talk if it would make her feel comfortable. It was a fun Ooman trait, their need for social interaction; it made his job much easier, at the very least. He could learn more about Oomans by listening to a single one speak than by observing an entire population. "Unfortunately, he is better than I am. He is more attune to the slang and analogies you use."
"I guess I'll have to reteach you, then, won't I?" She scooted over to sit in front of him as he undressed. She thought it was funny that sitting on the bed, she was taller than if she were standing. She was at least two feet shorter than him, and she was not small for a human female at five foot and eight-- almost as tall as most men. "Or, we could have our own little private language; are there any he wouldn't know that you and I do? I know two other languages fluently." She reached up and undid a strap to a shoulder piece he had yet to get to.
Naranarti purred at her touch, and she let her hand linger on his shoulder as she dealt with the armor. "I know of only one that you speak besides your old region's; it had intrigued me when I heard you speak it. I had heard it before, but we did not take many from that area, so I did not bother with it." His armor off, Naranarti sat on the bed beside her and started to caress her exposed skin. He continued to purr as he brought his hand up to her face.
Jesse pressed her cheek into his palm and grasped the back of his hand. "An féidir leat a thuiscint dom?" She smiled as she spoke old Irish, the "old language" as her parents had called it. Naranarti tilted his head, and she giggled. "Okay, how about: Pouvez-vous me comprenez?"
"Je vous comprends.," he replied in French. With his other hand, he made his way up her leg to massage the inside of her thigh. She let out a soft moan, the likes he had never heard before, but it was something enticing. He let go her face and lifted her into his lap. Jesse kissed his neck a number of times. As he purred and moved his head, she caught the joint of his mandible in her mouth and sucked gently on it. Naranarti pulled her closer, his hands moving all about her body, unsure of what to make of such a magnificent sensation. "[Oh, fuck yes,]" he purred.
"You like this, baby," she whispered moving from one mandible to the other. She could feel his hard cock throbbing just under her buttocks. She leaned away and pulled her shirt over her head, slinging it across the room. It pleased her to see his eyes light up with excitement at the sight of her breasts. In the four years apart, she had lost nearly twenty pounds and most of it from the top giving her just a fancy b-cup size. Her thighs were still thick with muscle and fat, and her abdomen was soft but not pudgy.
"I have to admit," he said leaning closer to her and nuzzling her neck, flexing his mandibles over her collar bone. "I don't know what to do with the sexy-likes of you, Jess'si."
Jesse giggled. "I can show you just as easily." She took Naranarti's stray hands and pressed them against her pale breast. She moved them about in a gentle massage until her nipples hardened between his fingers. She moved his thumbs over them, the coarse feel of the calloused scales making her moan loud into the air while he whispered in his language.
Naranarti pulled a hand away and undid the wrap around his waist, pushing himself off the bed slightly to pull them away. He hadn't even noticed he'd been speaking in Yautja and not Ing'lish. "[I want you so bad it's not even fair. I don't even know what I'm doing. I want to mate you hard and deep, but I know you want more than that. Show me what to do. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it, Jess'si. I'm yours.]" He pulled the strings of her bikini-bottom. With the release of the fabric, the scent of her natural oils and sweat smacked him into a thrilling heat.
"I don't know what you said, but it sounded ni--wahh!" She had started to speak while he undressed her fully, when he suddenly lifted her up, and in a quick twist, had her on her back. She laughed and squealed, "I thought you said you didn't know what to do with me!" She looked over his muscular body. She hadn't forgotten a single placement of his scars and saw some new ones he had picked up during their time apart. His muddy-green spots showed bright against the creamy-orange skin tone. The sight of his cock, proportionate to the rest of his mass, set a new ignition to her sexual hunger. His long dreadlocks fell over his shoulders as he leaned over and nuzzled her breasts and stomach, his hands running down her sides to pick her hips up. She reached for one of his hands and pushed it down between her legs. She didn't have to tell him to watch his talons; he gingerly kneaded her lips apart with his knuckle. She moaned and cooed, "Oh, Nara, yes! I want you in me~!"
Naranarti stopped his playing with her and grasped his shaft to help press himself inside her. "Je veux vas te faire encule," he exclaimed in French. It was either the choice of words or the sound of him speaking the language that set him off, but either way he continued. "Je tiens à reproduire avec vous!"
"Emmenez moi! Emmene-- ahhh~!" She called out to him as he slowly slid inside of her. She didn't expect her "looseness" to suddenly disappear as though her body had a new-found virginity she was unaware of. She had overestimated her short-coming; Nara's cock was a tight fit, and it felt unlike anyone (or even thing) she'd ever had.
Naranarti was having a similar experience. He knew she was small and knew he had to take her slowly, lest he hurt her. Jesse was tight, warm, and wet, the latter of the two he had dealt with, but the tightness made him mewl like Mhrende. Compared to Jesse, any Yautja female was just another hole. He started to understand Yekita's kink for other beings. Jesse reached for his shoulders and, once she had a hold of him, pulled herself up to straddle him. Naranarti helped by sitting back and grasping both sides of her buttocks. Whatever she was planning, he was enjoying just the movement around his cock, but once she gasped, he became concerned. "Did I hurt you!?"
Jesse bit her lip and shook her head smiling. Gasping, she slowly slid herself further down his cock, putting it deeper inside of her. She moaned as she got closer to the base of his shaft. He tightened his grip on her buttocks and steadied her. The feel of his hands set her off further; it was as though she would cum at the slightest twitch. She pulled herself back up, Naranarti helping her along the way. More sure of herself, she dropped herself down stopping at the right place for both of them.
This wasn't the first time Naranarti had been ridden, but with Jesse, he was free to have more fun-- it is much easier to lift a female weighing fifteen stones than one weighing forty. He lifted her up and brought her back down, giving alittle thrust of his pelvis. She moaned and called out his name drawing it out with a loud "ahhh~". He could feel her natural lubricant rewetting his shaft like warm oil being poured over him, and his cocked throbbed with the onset of his first orgasm.
"Ahh-haa~ Naraaa-ahh~!" Jesse dug her fingers into his shoulders as she came over his cock.
Internally, he was cursing himself for not relaxing enough to cum at least once, but he would get another chance again. At least, now, he knew he would have to work quickly as it wasn't so hard to please her. Gently, he laid her down on the bed and slid out of her pulsing and heaving body. As he leaned away, she grabbed his hair and pulled him down. "Where you going, Nara? You didn't even cum yet! Is something wrong, baby?" she said in a voice so sweet to him, like she were begging for more of him (which she was).
"Nothing is wrong. I thought you were finished..." After he said this, she sat herself up on her elbows behind her back. The look she gave him was quizzical. It took him a moment for him to realize something. "Ooman females have multiple orgasms?"
She smirked. "Yes. We can cum an hour straight if you make us."
"Good to know," he purred and leaped back upon her with the same vigor he'd felt in the hallway when she'd touched his chest. His purring mixed with a low growl from his chest as he lifted her by the thighs to his cock. "Your females have many? So do our males," he said as he thrust into her still-slick sex.
And there was no protest from Jesse. "Oh God, yes, Nara! Fuck, baby, fuck me~!"
He could feel the muscles tighten around him as he rammed her with an increased pace, and like she was sucking it from him, he came a great amount, more than he normally did for a first round.
The hot ooze flowing into her created more heat for her body to lust over. The skin over her breasts and collar bone flushed a bright red, the freckles encircling her cheeks and shoulders brightening and enlarging. She came over him, fluids mingling and wetting their nethers. She wrapped her legs around his sides and pulled her butt off the bed creating a whole new angle for him to reach into. She screamed and moaned for him as she came a third time.
Naranarti leaned forward, one hand on her hip and the other creeping over her breast. She reached up and cradled his cheeks in her hands. She nipped and sucked on his lower mandible. She slid her tongue over the pink skin on the inside of his mandibles. His body quivered as she licked and sucked, and he came again. She moved her hands further up his face, her fingers finding the tips of his scars. She slowly traced upward, feeling the smoothed, silken skin, a great difference from the micro-scales over the rest of him. At least until she thought about the sleek, hard cock inside of her, pounding with a fever she had merely dreamed of for so long. Jesse pulled away from his mouth and cried out when she started coming. Her back arched, and she banged her head into the mattress as she voiced her want, her coming explosive. Naranarti leaned up and roared as he came hard and long for a final time.
The room became very quiet as the two remained still, both their sexes pulsing to their heart beats and gushing the last of their liquids. Naranarti caught himself so not to collapse on Jesse. He leaned to the side and fell next to her on the bed, his member sliding out of her. Jesse rolled over and wrapped her arms around his torso, snuggling into his ribcage.
Naranarti wanted to speak, but his vision was blurry and gray, his mind disoriented. This must have been what Mhrende felt like-- the desire to sleep great and overtaking. He could feel Jesse'a body against his side, her hand stroking his chest soothing him. Her other hand reached back up to his prized facial scars and slowly rubbed them. He purred as he breathed, falling asleep with ease.
Jesse couldn't sleep, however. Her eyes were awake and brain sparking with activity. The sex she just had was like none other she'd ever experienced. Then again, though she'd been on his ship before, her life was experiencing things she'd never believed would happen. She was entering a new world that was going to be very different from the one she'd left behind, the one she had lived the passed thirty years. On a logical level, it was not enough that she was with the one she loved. What happens from there? Is marriage an institute of their society? Was mating the replacement?
And mating was usually followed with offspring. Could she have his children; was it physically possible? Was she ready for them at any rate? Her intention six years ago was to have them. She'd been with a steady boyfriend for most of college. Attempts at discussing marriage and family were futile, though, then she was certain it was what she wanted. When he left her, she forgot all about it. In fact, thinking on it now, she didn't remember his name. Her life in Wyoming slowly disappearing everyday...
At any rate, if she were going be ready for children, she needed to be ready soon. Not getting any younger, she had at least a few years before her body would start flashing Yield signs at her biological clock. Once she turned thirty-seven, it would be a Stop sign, too dangerous to have human children, maybe even more so for whatever mixture she and Nara would make.
Jesse would have to vocalize her concerns with him, but she would do so later. She didn't want to complicate his life more than she was already by merely being there. It didn't matter what he said, she knew she was going to be a great disruption and had a burning in the back of her mind that though she may make many friends, she would make a few powerful enemies.
*****Next installment should be in by January, guys! Thanks for reading!
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