The Fighting Irish: Catalyst and the Dtai'kai'rish | By : girlyhero Category: M through R > Predator Views: 4401 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own nor profit from Predator, Alien Vs. Predator, Alien franchises. |
Jesse had been late to her first class, having fallen asleep in the parking lot. Only four hours of sleep would do that to her. Some of them were appreciative for the extra study time, though. She was going to pass them all and not worry about it--she'd never be back anyway. By the time her third class rolled around--classes being extended by an extra half-hour for exams, she was getting antsy. She was running back and forth from her office to classrooms. One thing she wanted to do was give Nick a fighting chance in life. She had already finished the letter to the Dean to have him transferred to the new Specialized Applied Sciences program. Before his class started, she dropped it off at the Dean's office along with a resignation letter stating she was heading back to Ireland. It wasn't long before Nick was finished with his exam, but instead of heading out like the others were, he stuck around, eventually resting his head on the desk.
It was making her nervous. It had been eight hours since she'd received word from Nara. "Less than half a cycle" could range from one to eleven hours if he was even talking her schedule-- she could be waiting for him for thirty hours for all she knew. One thing she was certain of, if the communicator in her pocket beeped while she was in class, she'd get up and leave without a word. It would be the best if she didn't try and explain things. Her resignation letter would cut things loose as far as she needed. She was too nice, and she still felt she owed it to the institute that gave her a good job out of the kindness of their hearts. Over her, they could have chosen other more qualified scientists, but she got the pity vote for being from the west. Just like she didn't have to write the letter for Nick.
Everything froze. Her hands stopped fidgeting, her body stopped breathing, and she was certain her heart stopped beating for a moment. Two people she had never expected to see again, and especially not that day, were sitting at the top of the stadium seating of the classroom. They were in their traditional black suit and ties, black sunglasses, and white earwigs. She had just taken a glance upwards, and there they were staring back. Her mind ran in all directions as she stared at them. First and foremost, why the fuck were they there?! Was it because she had done the resignation letter-- bastards! She knew it was all too good to be true; she must have only landed the job because of the government wanting to keep tabs on her. Maybe it was because this was her first "summer," and they only wanted to see what she planned on doing for it.
She was fucked either way. The last five students got up and handed in their tests, three of which she figured were cheating, but what the hell did it matter. She had more important issues to be concerned about. Nick approached her desk. Jesse stood up to meet him as she watched the last students leave next to the Spooks. She spoke before he could. "I gave the Dean your recommendation, and I'm passing you." He looked amazed, but she continued before he could comment. "This isn't because of the other night, though. I think you deserve a fighting chance because you're a smart guy. Look, I'm leaving and may never come back."
Nick was startled. "What, why? Is it because of that Nara-guy and Ireland?"
She had told him Nara was someone she'd met and fallen in love with while "out of the country," not so much a lie as withholding the whole truth. "Yes," she lowered her voice to a whisper. "And because of those assholes up top-- don't look. If you want to make it up to me, stall those fuckers so I can get the hell outta here."
Nick smirked deviously. He had already thought of a plan-- he had friends waiting outside for him. "In ten minutes, go to the restroom through the north side. We'll have cover for you to leave on the south side. I've got a buddy who's fuck-all-awesome at killing some tires, too, if we see their car," he whispered back.
"You're a sweetheart, Nick, and I'd kiss you if they weren't in here."
"Don't sweat it; save those lips for your boyfriend," he winked and started to walk up the stadium stairs. He raised his voice. "And thanks again, Professor Danes. I'll have that extra-credit to you by the end of the night!" As he left, he took a good look at the two Spooks, nodding to them politely. The door closed behind him, and Nick rushed to his friends. "Hey, guys! Did you see any Fed-lookin' cars out front?"
"DUDE!! I saw a couple of guys get outta sedan with earwigs on! Some shit's goin' down, yo!!"
"I'll give you a fifty to fuck their tires up," Nick offered.
"You give me three fifties, and I'll rip out the cadillac converter before anyone can even take a shit."
Nick pulled out his wallet and handed him two hundred dollars. "An extra to keep me out of this if you get caught. Say Lewis put you up to it-- he's got a record anyway. As for everyone else, we've got ten minutes to get everyone in the building rowdy at the north and south halls..."
*****"Is it Green and White still, or did you Spooks change your names like Spooks do?" Jesse sat in her chair and glared at them as they approached. "The hell do you cock-suckers want?"
They looked cocky for certain, like they knew something that could pin her. "We're still Green and White, Miss Danes," White replied.
"Though it could be Doctor Danes if you cooperate," Green commented.
Jesse raised an eyebrow. "What have you been smoking?"
"Miss Danes," Green said as he took a place to the right of her desk, White to the left. "There have been many programs in the past dedicated to interstellar travel, but never before have there been programs meant to send humans into the greater depths of space."
That was a bold-faced lie, she knew, recalling the Project:Exodus Rina had told her about. "Astronomy department is in the east wing, morons. This is biology."
"Miss Danes, we recently heard you were heading back to Ireland," White said suddenly.
She'd called it. Her career track was a set up. "Yeah, and? I have the right to travel the fucking globe if I want to-- I'm not a fucking convict, nor am I bound here for surveillance...or was that a load of bullshit?" She already knew it was.
"Why go to Ireland, when you can go to the reaches of unknown space?" Green said with a strange whimsical tone.
Jesse stared at him for a moment. She was getting nervous but was trying her best not to show it. If the government was trying another Project:Exodus, then why the hell were they wanting her in it? She spoke abruptly and irritated. "Are you retarded?"
White's mouth contorted. "Miss Danes, we already know you've been in to space once before. We would have hoped you'd been more cooperative about this."
There was that nervousness again, but she knew how to hide it. "Are you retarded," she said again in the same manner.
Green chuckled at his partners annoyance. "Seriously, Miss Danes, we would like you to be apart of the next interstellar project. You are a gifted biologist, and we believe you'd do so much good."
"And my ass is fat," she retorted, "So what's your fucking game?" She stood up this time, her nerves getting the better of her. "I know damn well you fucks have been trying to pry things out of me that aren't even there. You didn't like it when I left the country, why the fuck should I trust you'd let me leave the planet?"
Green's face turned to stone. "Because we can have more control of your movements when set into the confines of a space-craft, Miss Danes. I'd hate to break it to you, but you're going to be apart of this whether you want to or not. We know what you know, and we know that you know it. You're a better asset out there than down here. The only question is are you going to come quietly or not?"
Jesse stood motionless for a long moment. They couldn't have had shit on her, but that wasn't the issue. They were abducting her, and just before Nara was coming to get her. She glanced at the small clock on her desk. She'd play defeat. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but since you're being so pushy... let me gather my shit together and use the bathroom-- I haven't had the time with the exams."
They nodded and went to wait outside the classroom. Before leaving, White turned and tossed a small object onto her desk. She stared at it, a small, flat, shiny oval. Her heart started to flutter with fear and worry. The sound of the door closing made her regain her senses, and she reached out and grabbed the thing. It was a dog tag with two creases on either of its sides. Her hand shook and face paled as she read it: Col. Bradon, Rick M.
"Oh, fuck my life..."
*****Jesse exited the classroom. Green and White were waiting on a bench against the wall and stood when they saw her. She nodded at them and pointed at the open entry way of the women's restroom. "Give me a minute, would you? I think this whole thing threw me into my period," she said in irritation.
White looked off, and Green coughed to hide his embarrassment. "Sure. We'll be waiting, Miss Danes." They took a place on either side of the entry way. Jesse walked through just as a loud racket started in the hallway. Several guys ran down, shirtless and painted, screaming and hollering nonsenses. It was startling to the agents. They stiffened against the wall as the rowdy students ran around. The hallways became crowded all of a sudden.
The bathroom hall zigzagged for ten feet for privacy then opened up into stalls and sinks. On the opposite side from where Jesse had entered was another opening. Jesse marched to that opening and went through the other ten foot zigzag. She carefully peered around the corner. The south side of the building was very active, but there were no suits and no one who didn't seem familiar. "Those dumb-fucks," she murmured. She exited and started towards the stairwell. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm. She almost came up and hit the person, but Nick announced himself.
Nick handed her a baggy hoodie and sunglasses. "Here, I didn't know if there was gonna be anymore of them. I'll take you where you need to go." They started down the stairs.
"I don't want you getting involved any further, Nick," Jesse said as she pulled the hood over her head and pushed the sunglasses close to her face. "Though, believe me, I appreciate it."
"My last exam, I'm failing the class anyway," he replied. They exited the building. Nick through his arm around her as though they were a couple, and she pressed against his chest. "Looks like my friend came through," he pointed to the government sedan on the curb. Underneath it, Jesse could see the shadow of car parts. "My car is further up."
"I need to stop by mine first."
Just behind them, Green and White emerged exasperated looking about. "We'll cut her off at her car and send squads to her apartment and to her hideout," White said.
"Hideout? The house on 69th? You trust Glass' intel?" Green questioned as they got into their car.
"For the meantime, it's all we have, isn't it?" Keys in the ignition, he attempted to turn the engine over. Nothing. Again. Nothing. Green got out and inspected the car.
"Goddamnit!!" Green lifted the tubular metal cadillac converter to the window's view. "She got us. Call the squads, now!"
*****Jesse was laying in the back seat of Nick's car, her head resting on her duffel. She could tell they were on Highway 60, the smell of the ocean coming in through the air conditioning. The drive was quiet besides Nick asking for confirmation of the directions. She had pulled out her communicator and told Nara of the sudden predicament she was in. She wasn't sure if she was understandable in her message, but it wasn't long before Nara messaged her back, telling her to keep her communicator with her, so he could track her. His ship had just passed by the moon, and he told her he would be there in less than half an hour. Their messaging was immediate and this settled her.
The car pulled over and stopped. Jesse sat up and looked out the window. They had arrived to 69th Street. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you up to the house?" Nick asked.
"Yes, I don't want you to get caught," she grabbed her stuff and got out of the car. Nick rolled down his window. "Nick, this is a goodbye. I really hope life goes easier for you than it did me."
"If it was gonna be easy, it wouldn't be any fun," he said with a smile. His expression sank, though. "Take care of yourself, Jesse."
Jesse nodded to him, circled his car and took off down the street. She didn't turn back to see if he'd left, she only ran. She would head for the woods since Nara was coming to get her now, and it was still active outdoors on the beach. She was just entering the outskirts of the forest, when she heard several car engines coming up behind her. She didn't look back, just sprinted into the forest in time to hear her name over a megaphone asking her to stop.
The woods were dense enough she could lose them, so long as they didn't send dogs after her. There were no barks of dogs, but she could hear the rush of people through the woods. She could recognize Agent Green's voice giving orders. They were loud for Spooks, and she could hear the directions clearly, but then again, she was going up a slight incline and the sound carried better to her than it would on a flat plain. Her heart was pounding in her ears and throat. The duffel seemed like it weighed ten times more than it did before. As she took a moment to think about it, she lost her footing and stumbled. "Fuck!" she cried out when her knee slammed into a slab of limestone jutting from the dirt.
A beeping got her attention. In her pocket, the communicator had received another message. She pulled it out and read the odd request. Stay still.
The sound of movement in the brush made her twist around suddenly. The next sound was followed by an extreme pain in her arm and her body slamming into the ground. It was a very loud clap like an explosion, not like thunder as everyone always wanted to describe gunfire. That's right, she thought, I've been shot!
Agent White stepped forward, his gun still aimed at her. "Goddamnit!" he hissed. "I'm glad I missed-- I thought you were armed!"
His radio was going off with cries of "Shots fired" and " Report." Green's voice started over the radio. "White, what happened?!"
"I shot her in the arm," he replied. "We need medical up here, but I got her."
Jesse pushed herself up to sit. Her arm throbbed and bled, but she could still use it; the bullet doing more harm to her skin and fat than her muscle and bone. "You motherfu--"
The shuttle made an odd noise as it landed and embedded the nose into the dirt only six feet away from them. White tumbled backwards but rolled back onto his feet. He aimed his gun, but didn't fire. His eyes were wide in disbelief, mouth agape and trembling. Jesse pushed herself up from the dirt and started towards the shuttle as the door hissed open, the duffel bag's handles wrapped around her forearm. White saw the movement and changed his aim for her.
Naranarti fired his plasma castor at the male Ooman. The shot took out both his burner and his chest. He fell back in a mess of seared flesh and blood. Green nearly fell over his dead partner as he leaped through the bushes. He looked up to see Jesse piling into the shuttle behind the Goliath-being, the strange alien helmet and armor along with the strange weapon on his shoulder familiar to what he had read in reports.
Naranarti stepped back into the shuttle and hit the controls for both the hatch and engine, Agent Green firing his gun for bullets to ricochet off the exterior. He situated himself into his leaning seat, taking Jesse into his arms. The shuttle was bullet-proof and set to auto-pilot, so he was able to tend to her. He gently pressed his palm to her wound, and she winced.
"The bullet is still inside," Jesse twisted about and pulled herself closer to him with her other arm. She pressed her lips to his chest and neck. "Nara, oh, Nara, I missed you so much!"
Naranarti wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up to his level. He nuzzled her neck and purred deep, whispering her name and saying things she couldn't understand. She ran her fingers up the back of his neck and into his dreadlocks. The feel sent him into a dizzying desire, but the motion made her muscle tighten over the bullet in her arm. She cried out, and Naranarti reacted afraid he had harmed her. "Jess'si! Did I--"
"No," she replied through gritted teeth. "We have to do something about my arm soon."
He nodded, releasing her from his tight embrace, her body relaxing over his chest as the shuttle started to make the greater effort to break through the atmosphere, gravitational force bothering her. "I will take care of you, Jess'si'deinz, I swear," he said, stroking her hair with the back of his fingers, "You won't regret coming home with me."
"I regret not staying with you to begin with," Jesse replied as she buried her face into his chest. "Nara...the g-force..." Her body started to shiver as she tried to move, and she lost consciousness. They had been moving too fast for her as they exited the atmosphere.
Naranarti had forgotten to turn the thrusters down to accommodate a pull she could handle. He shifted her in his embrace and scanned her vitals through his helmet. She was fine, having only fainted. Once the shuttle had broken away from the planet's gravitational pull, he started to nudge her awake, but she was still out cold. It could have been because she sleeps so heavily, or it could have to do with the combined bullet wound with the g-force. He hit the communicator controls. "[Denarde, get to the shuttle bay,]" he ordered explaining the situation. In a small compartment to the side, the small breathing mask sat. He grabbed it and gingerly positioned it over her face. With Mhrende's help, they had altered the mask, removing bulk on the side to have a better suction-hold on her narrow face. He gave the mask a good press and the suction closed over the jowls of her cheeks. It did not close well over her nose, as Oomans' had a protruding feature of cartilage and bone for their olfactory nerve, unlike Yautja, whose "nose" was within the mouth-- nodules in the back of the throat.
Naranarti nudged her again. She shuttered and moaned, her eyelids fluttering as her head lolled against his chest. He sighed in relief. "Keep the mask on and relax. We will be there shortly, and I will have your arm fixed soon," he said to her reassuringly. She closed her eyes and was soon unconscious again. Naranarti started to panic, but she murmured she was fine and only tired when he shook her gently. He laid his head back and watched as his ship came into view. When he looked back to her again, he caught a glimpse of her bag. He tilted his head curiously.
Wonder what she brought with her...
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