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Reviews for Corresponding Marks

By : LaurenGraceJurious
  • From ANON - Peya Luna on September 15, 2012
    first: thanks so much for finally allowing anonymous reviews! and about your story: I LOVE IT!! for once hb is paired with a female OC that is not a mary sue but really interesting....and i´m SO hoping you´ll date up one day! i want to see if my theories are correct, one that the kids are merely bait for red, since HE is the 'kid' from the prophesy, born from the union of witch and (fullblooded)demon - which technically makes hb a halfdemon, so the prophesy doesn´t fit his kids - which is also the reason their stone-hands are crippled: only hb possesses the 'key' to hell. also i need to see the babies get rescued, hb forgiving john, and if my second theory, more a hunch, is right: that hb is using the few hours before the leave to marry larena - so that people won´t stammer between mrs/ms, and to stuff mannings big mouth...heck, he would have done it anyway, but the sudden time-jump in her pregnancy made marrying before giving birth impossible ;-)
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  • From Sharalea on April 14, 2010
    I really love your story, Grace. Will there be any more? You write so well and so convincingly! Please email me at, I have a Hellboy story I would really like your opinion on. Thanks!
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  • From oliversangel on March 21, 2009
    Okily dokily. Finally I have time to review. ^.^ Well, Red was just as I imagined him to be. All territorial and wanting his babies back. I hate that freaking douche Manning, (or myers, I always get them confused, did both their names have to start with 'm'?) for being so clinical and detached about the missing sextuplets, and ooh, what he called them, I wanted to kick him "square" in the balls. I adored that Red flipped over the table, and how cagey he seemed. Then of course his concern for Larena. Just like a man to forget her suffering too. But he can't really help it, he's got strong demon instincts plucking at him to find his young. Abe was sweet to reassure Larena like that. I'm glad that Larena's instincts were listened to. They could have lost precious time in finding the kidlets. Poor poor Larena by the way. I would be absolutely insane and hysterical if someone stole my newborn babies. I'd be on some sort of rampage with sharp objects, hurting anyone who got in my way. I also loved Red's flashback. I thought it was so cute that he didn't want her to see his feet, and again, kudos for describing something that people would normally overlook. I always did wonder about his feet. Poor man, has to walk on folded legs when he wears shoes, which is well, most of the time. *hugs Red* The conversation with Larena trying to guess what had him so flustered was funny. It made me laugh out loud. And then, her calm acceptance, and wonderment, and concern for him having to be uncomfortable most of the time. Did she shock the hell out of Red? (no pun intended, honestly) I amso anxious to see what's going to happen with the babies. I am on pins and needles. You and Laura kill me with these damn cliffhangers. Sheesh. I mean, I wrote a couple, but not nearly as evil as you two write. LOL. As always, I can't wait to read more, and sorry if this is short, my brain is sort of fried, typing up the entirely handwritten chapter of the JD story. *sigh* Now I get to do the Pirates one. *double sigh* Stupid power cord. XXOO
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  • From psychebemused on February 22, 2009
    This was a terrific chapter. I love the way you weave memories of earlier parts of their relationship in. I'll admit, I was worried we would miss those little moments. I like how HB is 'reminded' that others are grieving too. I think alot of times people can be so overwhelmed by a loss that it takes someone reminding them that others are struggling with the same loss (from a different perspective).

    And thanks for saying I inspire you. I just wish i knew more than you and Ero Sennin were enjoying it.
    Looking forward to the next chapter!

    Psyche b
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  • From bonnyblonde on February 22, 2009
    I loved the back story, Grace! This fiction dovetails so neatly with what I know of the Hellboy lexicon that I'm beginning to suspect that you might secretly be Mike Mignola. Larena fits into the world so well, so naturally. This amazing story just sucks a person right in, y'know? The imagery is beautiful and the language always, such a pleasure to read. :) Keep going, I can't wait to see what comes next.
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  • From psychebemused on February 14, 2009
    Once again, this just keeps getting better and better! As far as suggestions, i think you're doing just fine on your own. You've certainly held my interest, and every time i see you've updated i get all excited....and all jealous because I can't get a chapter out that fast. *L*

    Loving it!
    psyche b
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  • From oliversangel on February 13, 2009
    *screams* I felt all warm and fuzzy, until I read the last sentance. Firstly, a guess, because I like to make them, and mostly, I tend to be right....I think the dream Larena had while she was unconscious was about Red's mother, and her prayers to have him. ^.^ Next, poor Larena. The havoc wreaked upon her poor little body, having the six babies, nearly killed her. I'm glad Abe didn't need to do surgery to repair any aterial damage she had. Another guess, is "kivitzing" yiddish for worrying? ^.^ I'm glad that the Professor is happy to be a grandpa, and accepting of Larena. The moment they had, with the kiss was sweet, and funny with Abe's warning. I know that Larena will figure out how to be a mother to seven children, (yes seven...^.^)all mothers do, but I still can't help but hold mothers of multiples in the highest of reguards. I liked the part about Larena, and her lust for Red's body, and realizing that she couldn't become a nun because he's just stone cold sexy. LOL. I am sad that the babies are gone, and I have no idea or guess as to who took them, or where they are. I know that Red will get them back, I'm sure his posessive and demonic instincts will kick in, and he will be able to locate his children...if he doesn't go into a flat out panic and destroy half of the compound in the process. LOL. As for your invitation....I would never encroach upon a talented authoress, I am happy to read the story as you and your muse see fit to write it. I can't wait for more. And I hope that when you have time, you will read my newest chapter. There's good stuff in there. ^.^ I am off to read and review Laura's story, I got the email update, and then our internet was out for a few days, and we just got it back recently. I feel awful, but I am sure she will understand. XXOO
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  • From bonnyblonde on February 13, 2009
    OMG! Don't you be leaving us hanging like that!!! Geez, you're a cruel woman. ('Course, being a fan of writing cliff-hangers myself, guess I can't exactly talk, huh??). Just had to tell you, though, that I loved the line, "...her body never too tender to bear his touch." Awww. That's so simple and yet so touching. Keep up the wonderful work, I can't wait to see where this is going.
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  • From oliversangel on February 08, 2009
    I tried to leave a review yesterday, but something went wrong. I was pissed, cause it was long. I am going to try and remember everything I had in here. ^.^ Firstly....whoa Nelly!! Congrats to HB and Larena on their litter. LOL. Sheesh. Six babies. I'm with HB. I would have given up after three. Maybe even two. LOL. The memory of their first time was sweet, but I have to confess, that was nowhere near my train of thought during labor and delivery, but it makes sense for her, when she wondered how his erm...*blushes* member could fit, and that if it did, then the babies could too. Most of the labor with my first was a blur, but I remember distinctly saying, "I'm never going to have sex again." LOL. Kudos to Larena for enduring such a long labor too. Mine were short but horrible, and I can't imagine going through what she went through. HB comforting her, and being so loving during the process was so sweet. Men just take the abuse we give during that time, I hope it's because they feel so guilty for what we're going through. ^.^ See, now I love Abe even more. It was so sweet how he was thrilled to be a part of the births, and it was even sweeter he wanted to thank them for allowing him to be a part of it. Stupid Manning for being all paranoid and such and ruining the Professor's "I'm a grandpa" sort of moment. And listen here, Mr. Manning. *gets out large leather paddle and brandishes it menacingly* I have spanked Criss Angel with this thing for his horrifying behavior in the past, and I will not hesitate to do the same to you in a heartbeat if nuetering is ever mentioned again. Don't let my small stature fool you. You'll be bent over my knee quicker that you can blink. on your best behavior. Normally, I don't give warnings, so count yourself lucky mister. *wags finger* LOL. I can't wait to read more. XXOO
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  • From bonnyblonde on February 07, 2009
    Excellent chapter, Grace. Your descriptions of labour were enough to make me sore again! :) Glad you are getting the chance to explore this new realm; it has so very clearly captured your vivid imagination. Regardless of the genre, I always enjoy your writing.
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  • From psychebemused on February 07, 2009
    WOW!! SIX??? I mean....six?? That she's never going to sleep again. *L* I love the story...and the memory of their first time. The interaction between them is wonderful too....always so sweet and loving. I like how it took awhile to hit HB that he was a father. That's a huge life transition when it happens after nine months...with one baby. A few weeks and six babies...WOW... more it!!
    psyche b
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 03, 2009
    When I first read your story, I couldntget into it....I don't know why. I was bored and skimming the fanfiction movies when I saw your again and decided to give you another sooo glad I did! This story is great! Pleeeeeaaase update ASAP! Bad cliffhanger! (Sniffs)
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  • From psychebemused on February 02, 2009
    Awww...such a beautiful scene between the Professor and HB....well the whole thing was wonderful but that's the part that really caught my eye.

    Like always...i can't wait for more...*and i'm still jealous*
    psyche b
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  • From Kurokajin on February 01, 2009
    Great chapter yet again. I'm so happy that I didnt have to wait long for you to update again. I have noticed though that you have a thing for cliffhangers....u_u *§igh*. Please dont torture me >.< I'm very excited to see, what else happens. I enjoy your writing style, its very developed. So very easy to be enveloped in. I'm glad changed the sub menus to include recently updated stories from all categories, or else I might not have found your story. Thanks for writing and I'm hoping (begging?) for the next chapter to be out soon. _|¯|O ←me humbly hoping for a swift update

    Kurojin ♥♥♥
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  • From ElenaPajaro91 on January 31, 2009
    Is it TWINS!?
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