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Reviews for Finding Home

By : psychebemused
  • From ANON - Terra on February 27, 2013
    I know it has been almost four years since you've updated this, but I would truly appreciate a continuation of this story. I've started reading your other fics after finding "What the Cat Dragged in" and I truly appreciate your style and writing voice. In this story, I love that their relationship is a slice of normalcy amidst all the monster fighting. You focus on the human emotion--and not just Bethany's, or even just her's and Hellboys, but the people around them that are put in these circumstances as well. If you've ever had a thought of continuing this fic, pleaseplease do so.

    And don't leave me hanging on "What the Cat Dragged in" either.
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  • From ANON - Colw on October 02, 2009
    Please update soon!! I'm loving this! :)
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  • From ANON - Kia on September 20, 2009
    This is so amazing!!!!! I ususally don't read fics like this in fear that they'll be unrealistic and cliche and yet. This isn't at all. I'm surprised I haven't stumble upon this on another fanfic site. It's believable how their relationship is like and how things aren't rushed. Like when things get 'hot' or stuff. Please update soon!
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  • From torturequeen06 on June 04, 2009
    I love this story! I hope that there will be more in the future. You are a tremendous author. Update soon if the story insn't dead.
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  • From oliversangel on May 16, 2009
    Wow. Poor Bethany was poisoned by those ickle cavewights. I'm impressed at the research you did on the medical perspective on this chapter. Nothing ruins the suspension of belief more than spotty research, or none at all. So, good job. ^.^ I can't believe that Manning would want Bethany to leave, and did I get the insinuation that Glen had something to do with it too? Jerks. Hellboy was so sweet to be worried and wanting to watch over her like that. And that bit of smut at the end of the chapter was unexpected, but certainly a welcome surprise. I always get rediculously excited when I see an update, and I am immediately sucked into the story when I begin reading, and can't help but feel sad there isn't more. But I don't mind the wait. It's worth it. ^.^ As usual, it was a spectacular chapter, and I can't wait to read the next installment. And reguarding reviews, all readers that don't leave a review after reading a chapter should be flogged. It's a small price to pay for being entertained by a talented authoress. ^.^

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  • From oliversangel on April 19, 2009
    Oh NO!! What happened to Bethany? Did she get scratched by one of those darts? Did they have some sort of poison on them? Did she get scratched by one of those nasty buggers? Ack, I'm so worried. There's no way she's just sick. And why did the cave wights not want to attack her? This story is getting intense!! I just want to say again that you are doing such a fabulous job, and thank you for writing it and sharing it with us. This is different from anything I've read, and I get all kinds of excited when I see an update!! I wish I knew other people that were into this fandom so they could read it. I really liked the descriptions of the caves, very beautiful. And the old man was sweet. ^.^ Red's comments on the cave, and Bethany's realization that he was watching her decorating show was too funny. ^.^ As always, I can't wait to read more!!

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  • From oliversangel on March 28, 2009
    If I may take moment to gush again about this story and how well written it is. Everyone's character's are spot on, and I love that among all the love between HB and Bethany you take the time to add in missions to go on. I love reading the missions, they are incredibly detailed,and well researched, and dammit, it's a shame more people or ready this story because it's bloody fabulous. I'm sorry it took so long to read and review. My power cord for my laptop stopped working, and it was a whole month before I got a new one. Anywho....Bethany healing like that was amazing. I'm wondering, like Abe if HB doesn't have like super sperm or something. LOL. Oh lord, *rolls eyes* if that were the case, every single man would offer everytime we got hurt or sick. As it is, if I get a headache or something my hubby says, "You know what's good for that...." LOL. Silly men. In all seriousness though, I am torn betweent the idea of supersperm, and another having to do with Red himself. Something about having found a mate, and marking her as his gave her a connection with him, and obviously his healng abilities. That would be kind of cool. Healed by lurve. LOL. I still adore Abe and the Professor as always, and I am so glad that Bethany has found a friend in Christine. It seems like Bethany had quite a lonely life growing up, not much chance to make and keep friends, and we all know how importnt that is for a woman. ^.^ I am SO excited to read about the cave wights, I have to say again I am impressed at all the creature research you do. I am curious about the dreams both of them had, most likely some sort of foreshadowing going on. And the way the chaper finished with Red giving her the reliquary (sp) was sweet. ^.^ So it's off to West Virginia we go!!!
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  • From ANON - Ames on March 21, 2009
    Hej there, I just spent a good part of my night reading your story and I just couldn't stop. I really, really love your style, the way you portray the characters, those you invented and of course, Bethany. You had a few typing errors but that's just something I noticed on the way. I would love to read more! Please write on soon, I am dying to know what happens next!
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  • From LaurenGraceJurious on February 28, 2009
    Yay! I got to spend all day shopping at the Pennsylvania Horse World Expo, and then find your update waiting for me when I got home! What a marvelous day, and an even more marvelous chapter!:-)(Oh, and I have a feeling that Ero Sennin is having computer issues, she's suddenly disappeared, but I wouldn't count her out.)

    Anyway, I'm curious as hell to find out what this mysteriously healed bite wound means! I have a few ideas that range from the werewolves to...well, I'm not saying it...I can wait! Okay, I can't really, but still, I'm not saying it...don't want to ruin it! I'm so intrigued by this...her healing, as far as the shoulder goes, is accelerated, but yet her body is not "feeling up to" round two with Red...hmmm...Oh, and I loved the part about Red spreading his powerful immune system through bodily fluids...all bodily fluids!lol That's sort of the reverse of getting an STD!lol If that were so though, it would have made for an interesting rest of the story...Red's already feeling horny over Bethany, and if he can leech accelerated healing into her, then any time she coughed or sneezed, he'd be all "I have something for that!"lol The bite wound/healing thing is a great plot detail, it's got me wondering!

    And I like how Bethany and Christine have gotten closer throughout the story, and I like that Glenn is still a jerk too! You've done a really great job establishing relationships between your characters that makes them seem so very viable!

    And so now it's off to West Virginia to knock out a Cavewight problem? Fantastic! I love how you handle the monster side of this too! Truly, your chapters never let me down in anyway!:-)

    Thank you for updating, and I'll see if I can't round up a few more readers for you too! But one thing is for certain; if you're not reading this story, then it's your loss! I don't know how anyone could be a fan of Hellboy and not get into this yarn you're so expertly spinning! Great job, and just what I needed to get back to working on my chapter...been a busy week, so I needed your update so very very much!:-) Thanks again!


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  • From ANON - Hellishness Review from LiveJournal on February 23, 2009
    Hey Psyche, this is a review that was posted on the LiveJournal Community "Hellishness" about your story, so I re-posted it here. Not the longest review, but here it is:

    "Good! I love every part of this. I wait for next chapter.

    Sorry for my English." -- No Name Given

    Hope there's more to come!

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  • From LaurenGraceJurious on February 08, 2009
    I was so excited to see that you'd updated, and you made it worth the wait! (Sorry if this review is sorta short, a horse broke two fingers for me and now they're taped together, but here goes my attempt at "hunt & peck") Anyway, what was so fantastic here is that we got to see Red and Bethany as a couple, the feelings between them are evolving and I love the irony of how Red's overall approach to what he feels for her is differing from the prior "do this, cuz that's what I want you to do" to more letting her choose the path she takes, knowing it will lead to him, but just when we see him doing that, we get this very primal, possessive bite to the shoulder that he obviously couldn't help doing. Again, juxtaposing those two things was a real thrill for me to read, good fiction and good fiction writers do that sort of thing! I'm also anxious to find out just what that means too! You always come up with such wonderful and meaningful answers to the stuff you write and I'm going to be thinking about what the next one might be all night in regards to the bite!:-)

    And, Red telling her "I just wanna feel your mouth" was sooooo sexy! The whole oral sex scene was daring and fun and hot, and you succeeded in giving us that without making the emotion around it seem out of place at the same time! It was wonderful and I've read it now about 3 times!lol

    So, keep going...though I know what your schedule is likely now...I'm going through the same thing on my end! Great job again and sorry for the "spotty" review...but I think I fixed all my typos!:-) More please! What does it mean when "the demon of love" can't keep his teeth out of you?lol

    Grace Lee
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  • From oliversangel on February 08, 2009
    Awww, this was so sweet. Well, not the part with bite, but the way he wanted to take care of her, and the bath he ran for her and whatnot. I just love Abe. I can only imagine what he would think, knowing that Bethany used the bubble that way. LOL. Wouldn't that be handy for underwater felatio? LOL. Yeah, I'm a perv I know. LOL. I'm sort of jealous of Bethany for that skill. Poor thing, I can only imagine how large Red's...*ahem* member is, and I can't imagine that huge thing going anywhere near there, and fitting even somewhat comfortably. And kudos to Bethany for the felatio by the way. A very brave undertaking for the same reasons. ^.^ I'm glad his father wasn't upset at him for the nooky, and I am also glad that he will try to research the biting/not remembering it afterwards thing. Maybe it has something to do with the demon part of him, and mating and posessiveness or something of that nature? Just guessing. ^.^ I'm sure that I am forgetting something I wanted to comment on.....stupid memory. Oh well, this was fantastic as usual, and I can't wait to read more. XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on January 21, 2009
    OK, so I just read your reviews, and some of them on the first page made me mad. I feel that the pacing of your story is very appropriate, not everyone jumps into the sack upon first sight. It is nice to read a story that progresses as a normal (LOL) relationship would. And I absolutly HATE it when people accuse all OFC's as being Mary Sue's, I mean seriously, just because we don't want to use an existing character, does NOT mean that the one we create is a Mary Sue. Bethany is far from one by the way, she is complex, and has her quirks, basically opposite of a Mary Sue. She is not perfect, she gets angry, she has good days and bad days, and anybody who thinks that she is can go to hell. I hate it when people offer their criticisms with no merit or basis, and no way of improving if they think that's what is needed. What really bakes my lasagna, is when you click on their name and they haven't published anything themselves. If they don't like the story, there are plenty more t read on here. And someone critisizing because it isn't slash? Seriously? I am one hundred percent certain you said this story is NOT slash, so I am confused as to how someone could complain about that. I really don't see HB that way anyways. I do read slash once in a great while, but like Grace said I think, I think it makes the most sense when the character is already gay or bi. Sorry about my rant. I just had to let you know how I felt about those reviews, although I doubt they got you as worked up as I am right now, and it's not even my story. LOL. XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on January 21, 2009
    *jumps up and down squeeing excitedly* This. Is. Awesome. You are amazing. This story is *insert descriptive word here* I felt as though I were watching a movie instead of reading a story. I am SO glad Grace Lee reccomended this story to me. I have only read one other HB story, hers, and they both are just wonderful. You have HB down pat, I love Bethany. She is such an adorable character. I really feel like this is a lost part of the HB story...if that makes sense. LOL. Your descriptions, the creatures, the missions, everything is divine. I really hate that douch nozzle Glen though, but I know we are supposed to. ^.^ I'm glad they finally did "it". *giggles like a school girl* I figured there was a good chance of it seeing as how there were 9 chapters when I set out to read it....I love how HB is always warm, I love that you don't forget about his tail, and it's cute how it always wraps around some part of Bethany. I love how they can't sleep well unless they are next to each other. I love HB himself. I always found him adorable, and witty and devestatingly handsome, and in your story it's no different. ^.^ It makes me want to watch the movies again....or wait impatiently for the next installment of your delightful story. ^.^ I love Abe too, I have always held a soft spot for his gentleness, and his intelligence. Thank you so much for writing this absolutely wonderful story, and don't you ever stop writing it. You can't. You're stuck writing this thing forever, because you've gotten me hopelessly hooked luv. I can't wait to read the next chapter, and I really mean that, I can't wait. LOL. I will be checking back here obsessively for updates. ^.^ XXOO
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  • From LaurenGraceJurious on January 18, 2009
    Oh, beautiful!:-) Had to read this one twice too! I think you truly captured that moment! I love all the mentions of Red's intensity being "a little frightening" and especially the mention of him biting her shoulder so hard, because he isn't just an ordinary "man" and you can't write him like he is. However, writing him as if he were some type of other species would just be...well, "eeeeeeew! ick! *skin crawls*" least for me, anyway. But I'm impressed by how well you handle things like working his tail into the moment without it being weird, and again by how you show him as being almost too hard to handle, but able to be reined in before he bites her arm off or That's perfect! Add into all of this the element of virgin vs. well endowed lover, and it's a chapter that sends the most fantastic chills down your spine!:-) Great job!

    I said before that I'm aware of the popularity of slash in this fandom, but really, I like this is SO MUCH better than any other Hellboy fics I've read! Thank you for sharing, and for your email!:-) Will respond soon!

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