Divine Inspiration | By : LuckyPanda13 Category: S through Z > Troy Views: 5273 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Troy or the Iliad, nor any character from such, and I make no money from this story. |
Those were not the words that were supposed to come out of my mouth. A dark crimson blush spread from my ears to my face and down my chest. I couldn’t look away from Achilles as my embarrassment stole every ounce of self-discipline I had. My heart thudded loudly and nervously in my chest and panic filled me. The words were out. I couldn’t take them back, couldn’t refute them, couldn’t wish them away, couldn’t do anything but wait for Achilles to respond. When my mind stopped reveling in the panic, I finally spotted the wonder and awe in his eyes as he saw the honesty in my words, despite their unwilling appearance. A smug smirk slipped over his face and he kissed me deeply, his hands burying into my hair while my hands mimicked the movement in his golden locks.
“I’m going to stay.” Achilles replied breathlessly as he pulled back a mere inch. He kissed me again and again, grinning in the same dorky manner I was. And I knew. I knew that he was going to stay were his heart was: with me. The three simple words that I did not mean to say at all, that could be so easy to say to a brother or mother or son were incredibly impossible to say to a lover. Achilles wouldn’t be breaking that wall any time soon. And it didn’t bother me. I knew how he felt without him saying the words. He was right: Astyanax had explained his feelings fully enough.
“Then you should be putting on my clothes.” I pointed out. Achilles burst out laughing, drawing me into his mirth. Whatever it was we had was too fucked up and absurdly ridiculous to take seriously. And yet I wouldn’t have it any other way. We were equals in our partnership in a way I had never experienced before. There was always a dominant and a submissive. I was submissive to my father. I was dominant to my wife. I was dominant to my siblings. I was submissive to the gods. There was always a status difference. Always. And yet… And yet. Those two words described all the impossible reasons for Achilles and me.
When Sarpedon knocked and entered to escort us to the coronation, his mouth froze half-open as he took in our matching appearances. We were dressed as kings were expected to dress, me in the colors of Troy and him in the colors of Phthia, but the clothes obviously came from the same wardrobe of Trojan style. I didn’t even know that my father had anything in Phthia’s colors, but it worked out fantastically. Achilles, much to my annoyance, had forced me to sit still while he attempted to tame my unruly mane. His hair was easily fixed in the Phthian style with the gold circlet almost blending into his hair. Mine was much less cooperative, but somehow my lover managed to get the curls to behave enough to fit into the Trojan style.
“All right, I should have seen this coming, my king.” Sarpedon blinked.
“Do you think people will mind?” I grinned.
“More than somewhat.” My second chuckled. “You’ll catch hell for this, my king.”
“I have a son.” I waved the concern away. “They can’t complain too loudly.”
“Speaking of,” Sarpedon smiled, “Where is he? I am to accompany all three of you to the ceremony.”
“Daddy!” Astyanas ran up to me and hugged my leg, his wide eyes taking in how he matched with both Achilles and I. “I toldja so!” He pointed at our clothes, giggling happily. “I toldja he loves you, too!”
“Yes, you did, Astyanax.” Achilles chuckled at the blush on my face.
“If you’re in love with Daddy, does that make you my Papa?” I laughed at how quickly the mirth in Achilles’ face died.
“Only if you want him to be.” I answered, saving Achilles from the five-year-old.
“Yeah!” Astyanax hugged Achilles’ leg happily. “I like him, Daddy!”
“Me, too.” I picked up the little boy and nodded at Sarpedon. “Lead me to my doom, sir.”
“Just your coronation, my king.” My second replied with a chuckle, obediently leading us from the room and down the halls. “Nothing quite so dramatic.”
“Wait until you see what Helen and Mother whipped up.” I muttered.
“Princess Helen was involved?” Sarpedon gasped melodramatically. “Well, my king, I apologize in advance for leading you to the unfortunate end of death via flowers.”
“Ah, there you are, Achilles.” Odysseus appeared before us, startling poor Sarpedon and Astyanax. Achilles and I had been around the king enough to have gotten used to his sudden appearances and disappearances. The Greek king didn’t even blink at the matching outfits my son, my lover, and I wore.
“King Odysseus.” I mock-bowed. Odysseus snorted, waving the formality away.
“I’m here to lead Achilles, pardon me, Prince Achilles of Phthia to the seats set aside for the hostages, I mean, foreign dignitaries.” He grinned. “It happens to be surrounded by Trojan guards, but it’s rather nice. On the bright side, you two were intelligent enough to avoid putting him in Trojan colors, though no one will miss the style, especially when they see you and Astyanax.”
“Do you think people will mind?” Achilles grinned, echoing my earlier words.
“More than somewhat.” Odysseus’ smirk told us that he was aware he was mimicking Sarpedon’s earlier response to me. “But I sincerely doubt any will complain since you just single-handedly won the war by killing the opposing king in defense of your murdered predecessor. Astyanax is also a rather compelling reason for them to shut it. That being said, people will faint from shock and your assembly will probably want an explanation, preferably a private one, so they can figure out the best way to ‘fix this’ and minimize the backlash.”
“Ah.” Mischief filled my mind and I blamed Odysseus’ influence. “Well, we can’t have that.”
“Be careful with how you approach it, my king.” Sarpedon warned, not liking the look on my face. “You don’t want anyone to accuse you as a traitor.”
“Don’t worry, Sarpedon.” I grinned, a plan coming into my mind. “I’ve got it covered.”
“Then Achilles and I shoulder be off. He’ll cause a stir, but not as much as when you and Astyanax walk in.” Odysseus said. Achilles shot me a smug smirk as he left, like he knew what I was planning. Which he might.
“Are you ready, my king? My prince?” Sarpedon asked, looking between my son and I. I looked at the small boy by my side.
“Are you ready, Astyanax?” I asked. My son nodded.
“Yesh! I wanna be a prince!” He crowed happily. I laughed, not bothering to remind him that he was already a prince. I followed Sarpedon, reminding Astyanax of all the duties he had for the ceremony and the rules he was to obey. The poor five-year-old would have to sit still for a long time. Sarpedon left me at the door to the hall and took Astyanax into the crowded entrance hall.
True to Odysseus’ predictions, when I entered many people immediately saw the similarity between Achilles and I. Several people fainted in shock, but mostly, people gaped silently. I ignored them and kept walking until I reached my myriad of siblings in front of the throne. The ceremony itself passed in a blur and suddenly I was sitting on the throne, wearing my father’s crown, with Astyanax beside me and his crown securely in place. People cheered loudly, having forgotten Achilles’ dress throughout the ceremony. I focused on my lover and the smug smirk on his face and I just knew that he was thinking about how he had been fucked by a king barley two hours before. I bit the smirk and chuckle back and got to my feet, silencing the crowd.
“As my first official act,” I called, “I wish to call forth the heroes of the war, honoring the valuable warriors from both sides.” People muttered to themselves in confusion, but I didn’t give them the chance to think about it. I recited name after name of all the warriors I had seen in battle, all the warriors that had become well-respected on both sides, including Achilles, though I didn’t grant him anything more than I had granted anyone else. The group gathered before me and I bestowed upon them all the honorifics they deserved. People cheered for their favorite heroes, giving up on complaining about my equal treatment for all the warriors. I pulled out individuals, like Odysseus and Sarpedon, and granted them specific honors. Finally, I called forward Achilles and Astyanax couldn’t sit still any longer.
“Papa!” He ran forward and hugged Achilles’ leg, happily getting away from the boring silence of his throne. He had been doing so well. I was proud of how long he lasted before cracking. Neither Achilles nor I could help the smiles on our faces. Achilles picked the boy up and kept approaching the throne, walking past the row of warriors to stand at my shoulder. I looked at the crowd of shocked faces, biting back my laughter at their expressions.
“Prince Achilles of Phthia is my lover.” I announced. “Anyone who wishes to brand either of us as traitors will have to challenge us in open combat, else their words will not be heard. Anyone who has a problem with it may challenge us now.” I let the room sit in silence for several long minutes, waiting for someone to speak up or complain. Odysseus looked more amused than anything else. Not a word was spoken. Everyone in the room could see the political advantage of our union and none of them needed to know the personal reasons for it. Astyanax was mumbling to Achilles behind me and my lover was snickering at whatever the five-year-old was saying.
“For all the Trojans wondering at Achilles’ loyalty, just recall: he saved the Crown Prince on the battlefield without a second thought. I trust him with the future king of Troy, just as I trust him in my bed. Speak now against this if you wish, because I will not hear any complaints beyond today. Trust me as your king to not be rash in my decisions.” I ignored the fact that our entire relationship had started on several rash decisions. No one else needed to know that. Once again, I gave the crowd a good amount of time to decide on their approval. The silence spoke volumes of the trust my people placed in me.
“I don’t think your assembly will be very happy.” Achilles grinned at me as soon as we were out of sight of the public and walking through the halls to the assembly room. “But it was hilarious.”
“Our assembly.” I corrected. “If you’re going to stay here as my lover, you have to deal with them, too.” Achilles groaned loudly.
“Can’t we just kill the annoying ones?” He whined. The guards near us stiffened, but my laughter made them look confused.
“I wish.” I replied. “But no.”
“Fine.” The guards relaxed as Achilles agreed to not kill the assembly. “Wait! Someone has to care for Astyanax!”
“We have maids.” I pointed out. “Stop being a coward. Is the great leader of the Myrmidons afraid of a group of old men?” Achilles glowered at me.
“Shut up.”
“As you wish, Achilles.” I switched to Greek to watch him squirm. His whole body stiffened and Astyanax just stared between us, having no clue what made the Greek warrior flush.
“You’re playing with fire, Hector.” Achilles growled. I smiled sweetly and we stopped by our rooms, where Odysseus and Eudorus waited for us.
“Well, that was pretty blunt.” Odysseus grinned in amusement. “Your assembly is going to be pissed.”
“It’s a good thing you warned the Myrmidons.” Eudorus. I glanced at Achilles, whose gaze narrowed.
“Warned?” He asked. Eudorus shrugged.
“Tent walls are thin, sir.” Achilles snickered and I turned bright red. “That being said, Troy is a nice place to live and perhaps raise a family.”
“This is why you’re my second.” Achilles clapped the man on the shoulder, laughing.
“And I think most of the men would agree with me.” Eudorus added.
“Papa, are you staying with us forever?” Astyanax asked.
“Well, I’m going to have to go to Phthia to take care of some business.” Achilles told the child in his arms. “But I’ll stay here as long as your father wants.” I mentally swore. Damn that man for placing the question squarely on me.
“Daddy,” My son glowered at me sternly, “Papa gets to stay with us forever, right?”
“Of course, my prince.” I bowed to my son to hide my laughter. Eudorus and Odysseus had no such reservations.
“See, Papa?” Astyanax ignored the laughing warriors to point at me and stare at my lover. “I toldja he loves you! He’s not gonna kick you out.”
“You are brilliant, Astyanax.” Achilles nodded sagely. “Hector, we should bring him to the meeting. He’ll persuade all the assembly members for us.” Astyanax turned bright red and shook his head quickly.
“I do believe you are correct.” Odysseus nodded. Astyanax shook his head violently, too shy to even think about speaking in front of all the old men.
“He could be very effective.” Eudorus added.
“No!” Astyanax hid his face in Achilles’ chest.
“Well, let’s not use him against the assembly.” I mussed Astyanax’s hair gently, to calm him down. “It would be too much for them to handle. He’s too brilliant.”
“True.” Achilles rubbed Astyanax’s back, keeping him calm. “He should play games with his babysitters so they don’t feel so lonely.”
“Yeah!” My son’s brief panic ended as he excitedly wriggled from Achilles’ grasp. He started babbling happily clinging to my hand as we waited for his maid and bodyguards. Once Astyanax had been safely passed off to his babysitters, I let Achilles, Odysseus, and Eudorus to the assembly chamber, where all the Greek and Trojan leaders were congregating, ready to compromise for peace. Well, I wasn’t sure if they were ready to compromise, but they’d get used to is to appease Achilles and me. And they wanted to appease Achilles and me.
The only problem was Helen. I couldn’t destroy Menelaus’ honor by killing his elder brother, stealing his greatest army, and allowing Paris to keep Helen. I had an idea how to solve that problem, but Paris would be furious about it. I had Helen meet us at the assembly doors to get her opinion first. I sent Odysseus and Eudorus inside while Achilles and I lingered to speak with the woman. She, rightly, looked petrified. I led her away from the entrance and any potential eavesdroppers, and decided that being abrupt would be the quickest way to get everything solved.
“Helen, you know we will be discussing your fate momentarily, so I have two questions for you. First, do you want to stay in Troy or would you rather go back to Sparta? Second, do you want to speak your mind before the assembly or would you rather I keep your opinion anonymous?” I asked, softly. Helen looked surprised.
“My king…” She curtsied and I held up a hand, annoyed.
“Helen, don’t.” I interrupted. “Tell me bluntly and without reservation. Do you want to live in Troy, Sparta, or neither? Do you want Paris, Menelaus, or neither?”
“Neither?” She blinked at me, surprised that I would give her that option.
“Yes.” I glanced at Achilles, who was stone-faced. “If you want to stay in Troy, but not with Paris, I can make that happen. If you want to go back to Sparta, but not with Menelaus, I can ensure that you are left alone. You need only say what you want.”
“I love Troy.” Helen spoke slowly and softly. “But I cannot stay with Paris. It would insult Menelaus too highly and, frankly, I would rather be left alone after all of this. I’d rather not be married off, again.”
“Then I will have you become Cassandra’s companion.” I offered, speaking my idea slowly. “You will take a vow of chastity, devoting yourself to the Temple of Apollo alongside my sister. No man will touch you. Paris will not have you. Menelaus will not have you. You will be able to stay here in Troy; however, you must stay with Cassandra.” I knew that it wasn’t the most optimal idea for Helen. Cassandra was, by and large, considered insane, but I always knew her as sweet and gentle, but misguided. She had the gift of prophecy, but no one believed her. Even knowing that she was right, when she spoke a prophecy, it just seemed so absurd, even though logic said she was right. The gods were capricious that way.
That being said, many didn’t want to spend any time with her, because they thought her insane. However, when I finished speaking, Helen’s eyes filled with tears and she hugged me tightly, sobbing into my shoulder. I held her gently, very confused. I shared a lost look with Achilles before Helen pulled back, smiling.
“Thank you, Hector.” She looked beautiful even through her tears. “If you can convince them to allow me that, I am forever in your debt. If you can convince them, you are blessed by the gods.”
“Would you like to remain anonymous?” I asked. She nodded, sniffling.
“Paris and I have become friends, in addition to lovers.” She said. “I’d like to maintain the friendship.” I nodded.
“Fine. None shall know that it was not my decision.”
“But it was your decision.” Achilles said, smirking. Helen’s smile lit up the hallway and she hugged Achilles, too, making him stare at me in confusion.
“Go, Helen.” I said. “I’m sure Pairs will find you as soon as a decision is made.” Smiling and crying happily, Helen hurried away from the assembly room. I turned to Achilles with an eye roll. He snickered, but looked just as annoyed.
“That was fairly dramatic.” Achilles said.
“As always.” I shrugged. “Hence the overabundance of flowers at the coronation.”
“How shall we enter?” My lover asked.
“Together and impatient.” I replied instantly. “I’m going to be High General Hector, not King Hector. It’ll make everyone more succinct and less obnoxious if they think I’m going to stab them for being wordy. Also, I’m going to kill myself if I have to keep wearing this flowery nonsense.” I pulled my knife out and hacked off the long, draped robe until it resembled a warrior’s chiton, granting me more freedom of movement. I would be able to fight, if need be.
“I’m not going to lie,” Achilles grinned, “You look like a warrior now.” Which was the highest compliment he could give me. The heat in his gaze gave the compliment more intimate implications.
“Fix yours.” I handed him the knife. He hacked off the extra cloth in the same manner I had until we matched in our ragged finery. “I’m going to need to get all the king’s wardrobe altered. I’m a warrior and I need to be able to move regardless of how fancy I am supposed to appear.”
“You need not explain it to me, Hector.” Achilles pulled me close to slip my knife into its sheath while he kissed me. My hand grabbed the back of his neck, preventing his chaste kiss from remaining thus for long. When we pulled apart, his eyes were almost black with lust.
“We will finish this later.” I promised. “Before we enter, we should discuss what you want from this compromise. Do you want a position in the Trojan army, or would you rather the Myrmidons remain independent?”
“I gave up my independence when I bound myself to you.” Achilles replied, matter-of-factly.
“Yes, but you, even as my lover, are not bound to take part in Troy’s wars if you don’t wish to.” I pointed out.
“You know I won’t be happy sitting out of a war.” Achilles replied with a grin. “Especially if it means I get to see you fight.”
“Regardless,” I laughed, “Do you want the Myrmidons to remain independent or become a part of the Trojan army?”
“Definitely independent.” Achilles said. “Maybe we could combine them later, when the war isn’t so recent in everyone’s mind. For me, I’d rather prove myself to your armies than have you order everyone to respect me.”
“I don’t need to order anyone to respect you. They respect you anyway.” I replied. “Let’s just ignore us and this until someone else brings it up. It’s not anything that needs to be dealt with at this time.”
“Shall we just go with the obvious?” Achilles suggested. “We’re lovers, we’re together, and there’s nothing anyone can say or do to alter that.”
“Yes.” I agreed. “They less they know about us, the better.”
“Okay.” Achilles kissed me again. “Let’s go deal with bullshit.”
“If you behave,” I offered, “I’ll let you decide the next position.” Immediately, Achilles leered at me, lecherously. I smirked and nodded at the door. “Behave.”
“Yes, my king.” He murmured. Well, he was feeling particularly kinky at the moment and it might have been affecting me, too. It was a shame that we couldn’t take a break to take care of our arousals. Together, we walked into the crowded chaos of the assembly room. Silenced pervaded the room as we entered with Greek and Trojan eyes staring at us in anger and confusion. I led Achilles to the pair of chairs at the head of the room. Eudorus and Sarpedon waited for us next to the chairs, nodding respectfully as we sat.
Thanks for reading! I hope you’re enjoying it. This part took me forever to write, simply because I didn’t have an idea of Helen and I wasn’t sure what to do with her at this point. There is no way that Menelaus would just let her go and stay with Paris after ten years of war for her. So, I had to find a solution that wouldn’t throw everyone back into war again. Let me know what you think!
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