Cover Me | By : Huronoryu Category: S through Z > Transformers (Movie Only) > Transformers (Movie Only) Views: 72026 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 9 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Transformers movie, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Cover Me
By Black Dragon Queen
Authors Note: I hope this chapter works out okay. ^^;
PAIRINGS REVEALED THUS FAR: Wheeljack x Ratchet, Inferno x Red Alert, Sunstreaker X Sideswipe, Past Prowl x Jazz
Font Index: “Speaking”, ‘Thinking’, “-Radio Transmissions-”, “Cybertronion” “:Link:”
Chapter Fifty: Muddied Waters
Sam grumbled as he shifted from where he was pressed up against Optimus’ door panel trying to find a comfortable position while crammed like a sardine. Mikaela was next to him and Miles was way against the other door while a few more bags were shoved all around them. Sam stared at the ball of white and orange purring fluff that dozed contently on Optimus’ dashboard. “Is he bothering you?” Sam suddenly found himself asking. Miles and Mikaela glanced over at him puzzled by the sudden question but Sam was looking down at the CB radio waiting.
“Is what bothering me?” Optimus asked a little surprised as well at the sudden question.
“The cat,” Sam clarified and now both of his friends turned to look at the snoozing puffball.
“Oh no, he’s quite fine… it tickles a bit though when he purrs.”
Sam let out a quick snort of laughter as he leaned back in the seat, wondering how everyone else was doing while he shifted the small box on his lap. Mikaela glanced over at him before she reached around the box on her own lap and gave his leg a small pat. “I’m sure they’re fine,” she told him.
Sam glanced over at her and gave both his friends a comforting smile. “I know.”
Keller sighed as he stared at his two bodyguards sitting in the two front seats of the Nissan Enthusiast named Bluestreak. He was shoved against the door; boxed in by not only by suitcases, but groceries as well. He didn’t mind; it was certainly better than sitting in that long empty limo. Keller looked down at the bag on his lap. “Well, life is certainly interesting now…” he muttered.
One of the guards turned to glance at him over his shoulder. “Sir?”
Keller shook his head. “No. Nothing,” he replied, shifting slightly to get more comfortable. He looked around the interior of the Autobot. “So you’re Bluestreak?” he asked the car.
“Um… yes sir,” Bluestreak replied a little hesitantly. The two guards shared an uneasy glance but Keller ignored them.
“So what do you do?” Keller continued asking trying to make some conversation.
“Um… I’m just a gunner,” Bluestreak replied at little confused.
“Oh, so you’re like Ironhide.”
“Uh, he’s my squad leader,” Bluestreak replied. “Along with Inferno and the other gunners.”
“I see,” Keller nodded. “So what do you think of our planet?” he asked.
“Um… it’s very… nice?”
The last word was spoken with some hesitation and Keller glanced down at the Autobot’s dash confused. “You don’t like it?” he asked surprised.
“Oh, well…” Bluestreak paused for a moment before he asked. “Do all humans treat their cars so… violently?” he asked instead.
Keller gave a small smirk. “That’s right, you gave the ladies a ride to the store, didn’t you?”
“It was horrifying!” Bluestreak finally cried out. “There were these awful little cart things that were running into everything!”
Keller chuckled slightly as he gave the door a small pat. “I’m sorry that you were so traumatized.”
“I’ve never been in a situation anywhere remotely like that! I don’t know how Optimus and the others have been able to stand it! From what I understand, ‘Bee gives Sam rides everywhere! I have to talk to him when we get back about how he can stand those parking lots! There has to be a trick or something that he’s able to bear it! I just don’t understand humans. They all have these cars but they’re so easily damaged! Those carts were made of the most basic of materials but they managed to create such large dents! If one had hit me, I’m sure that Ratchet wouldn’t have been at all pleased and would have probably refused to fix me! I still can’t believe that ‘Bee does this on a regular basis and that he goes there willingly-”
Bluestreak continued on for a long while, never once pausing. Keller just stared at the dash, his two bodyguards glancing back at him once again, unsure as the ‘Bot continued talking. Keller just shrugged as they listened to the Autobot’s nonstop triad about the horrors of parking lots. ‘He sure is a chatty fellow,’ Keller thought as he sat back and shifted the bag on his lap once again. ‘But I suppose that’s not so bad.’
“So what are we going to do about the holiday?” Steve questioned from where he had been sitting in the back of Hound with his wife.
“There are people after our kids and you’re worried about whether or not you’re going to get your turkey?” Carol demanded aghast.
Steve just shrugged. “I’m just asking,” he muttered.
“Oh, that reminds me, we have to call your family,” Judy said to Ron in the front. Ron just shrugged as he leaned back in his seat.
“What’s so special about a bird?” Hound asked as they drove.
“It’s just a part of a tradition,” Judy explained to the Autobot.
“Tradition?” Hound asked.
“Of one of our national holidays,” Judy replied. “It’s just one of those things.”
“Did you have anything like that?” Ron asked curiously.
“A bit,” Hound told them. “We have the Thirteen Days of Remembrance.”
“Thirteen?” Carol asked.
“One day for each of the First Cybertronions.”
“I think Sam mentioned something like that once,” Judy murmured as they continued on.
“Thirteen huh?” Ron murmured under his breath as he thought. “That number seems to come up a lot around here…” Judy glanced questioningly but Ron had already closed his eyes and gone to sleep.
“What the hell was that?” Will screeched as the two rangers scrambled back into the jeep. There was the sound of water splashing again and Will began hitting Epps in the shoulder repeatedly as he stared at the creature headed towards them. “GET THIS THING MOVING!” he shouted as Epps tried to get the keys back into the ignition.
“I’m trying!” Epps snarled as he continually turned the key, trying to get the engine to respond. There was more splashing and Will’s eyes went wide as another large green crocodile came out of the water and started hissing at them.
“Holy shit!” Will murmured as his pounding became more furious. “MOVE!”
The engine finally sprang to life and Epps instantly threw the jeep in reverse and they backed up rapidly as the first crocodile began walking towards them. Will and Epps stared in complete shock at the two creatures. “What the fuck?” Epps muttered as he backed the jeep even further back and away from the creatures. “Why the hell are those things out here in the desert?”
“You’re asking me?” Will cried out hysterically. “How the hell should I know!”
“Do you think we could shoot ‘em?” Epps questioned as he stared at the two large creatures that were now lying down on the dirt, apparently sunbathing.
“No idea,” Will muttered. “They have rather thick hides.”
“And how do you know that?” Epps questioned as he rolled the jeep back a little more.
“Don’t you watch the discovery channel?” Will replied.
“Well if you’re such an expert, what do we do now?” Epps asked as he glanced at the few planks that spanned the moat now only inches over the water. “We can’t get across that!”
“What we do best,” Will muttered as he stood up in his seat and looked over at the base for someone, anyone. “HELP!”
Epps rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he muttered as he slowly continued rolling backwards as Will shouted his head off. That was until the engine made a rather frightening rattling sound and suddenly went dead.
Will and Epps looked down at the hood in shocked surprise as they continued rolling back slightly before the jeep slowly came to a halt. Epps and Will shared a horrified glance before Epps joined in the yelling. “SOMEBODY HELP US!”
Barricade twitched. It was a Decepticon habit, reinforced by mutual mistrust that he never turned off his perimeter scanners so as a result he was surprised when he suddenly heard something drift over his audio sensors. “What the…?”
He paused as he began listening intently, turning up his scanners as he waited. Then he heard it again; it almost sounded like someone was yelling. Glancing over at his supposed “guard” he snorted as he saw Bumblebee still in recharge, completely oblivious. With a mental shake of his head, Barricade began slowly rolling out of the hanger, amused that Bumblebee clearly wasn’t all that worried about him. “Trusting Autobots,” he muttered as he left the hanger and began heading in the direction of the shouts. “This better be good…”
“Barricade!” Will shouted in surprise, as the dented black and white pull up to the fence line.
“What?” Epps looked over at the ‘Con in surprise. “Where’s ‘Bee?”
“How should I know?” Will asked as he waved at the ‘Con. “Barricade! Hey, over here!”
Barricade slowed down rather surprised as he saw the two rangers still in the jeep slowly backing up with smoke seeping out of the grill until he noticed the two green creatures that were settled in front of them. Barricade snickered. “Did you need something?” he called out with a soft chuckle.
“Damn it Barricade! Help us!” Epps shouted.
“What can I do?” Barricade called out at them. “I’m just a car!”
“Well you can go get help, that’s what!” Will shouted in exasperation. “Where are the Autobots? You can’t tell me you’re alone there!”
“No, no… they’re around.” Barricade however made no effort to move as he stared at the crocodiles. “Aren’t they meat eaters?” he questioned innocently.
“Will you stop joking around? It’s not funny!” Epps snarled and Barricade just let out a small chuckle.
“Why are you alone?” Will asked.
“Well, Optimus and the others have yet to return from visiting the Lancaster’s and Red and that husband of his are off searching the far back with that radio ‘Bot, and everyone else is still in their hangers,” Barricade explained with a mental shrug.
“Well go get someone! Go get help! Ironhide! Get Iornhide! Tell him we need help!” Will shouted.
“Yeah! Get Ironhide!” Epps repeated as he stared at the two reptiles.
“What am I? A slagging dog?” Barricade demanded irritably with a huff. “I am not a collie! And if anyone calls me ‘Lassie’ they’re dead!”
“DAMN IT! GO GET SOMEONE!” Will barked as he crawled into the back seat and further away from the two crocodiles.
Barricade sighed as he activated his scanners. It seemed that Optimus and the other two Autobots with him weren’t that far down the road and the three outside the base were meandering their way back. He wondered if he should get Ratchet and his intended but quickly dismissed that idea considering the engineer was still very leery of him. “Well, one thing to do,” he muttered. “If I can’t go to them, just make them come to us.”
With a deep breath, Barricade activated his sirens and waited for the cavalry to arrive.
“What the hell?” Ratchet muttered as he glanced up in surprise at the sudden sound of sirens from the courtyard. “I don’t think that’s Red.”
“Red?” Wheeljack turned to Ratchet a bit confused.
Ratchet sighed as he set down one of his modified drills and began heading out towards all the commotion. “Those are emergency sirens,” he called over his shoulder as he disappeared out the door. Curious, Wheeljack set down his own project and began heading out after his grumbling intended.
“Did you hear that?” Red asked as he straightened up in surprise.
“Hear what?” Inferno glanced at him confused but Blaster had moved next to the security chief and seem to be listening intently.
“What is that?” Blaster questioned the other two with a small frown. “I’ve never heard anything like it.”
“Trouble, that’s what it is,” Red grumbled as he began sprinting back to the base. The other two jerked in surprise before they took off after the running mech.
“Slag it,” Optimus grumbled as he quickly began speeding up.
Beeper meowed in surprise as he began sliding down off the dashboard at the increased momentum. Miles reached forward and caught the cat, setting him down on the box in his lap, ignoring the cat’s growling. “What happened?” he asked surprised.
“-Hey Optimus? What’s going on?-” Hound’s worried voice floated out of the radio as the space between them suddenly increased.
“Optimus, what is it?” Sam asked worriedly as he watched the scenery whiz by. “What happened?”
“Something’s going on at the base,” Optimus replied tersely. All three ‘Bots went faster.
“Oh, that can’t be good,” Sides muttered as he heard the wail of the siren.
“I knew this was a stupid idea,” Sunny growled.
“What?” Sides shouted shocked.
Sunny just frowned at him before he glanced back out of their hanger. “Do we even dare go out there?”
“No idea,” Sides replied when suddenly something rather bright quickly passed their door at a dead run. The Lamborghinis stared in surprise before they glanced at one another and quickly ran out the door.
Ironhide jerked out of recharge as he heard the sirens and soon recognized both Will and Epps’ voices underneath the sound of the wailing. “What the slag?” he demanded as he quickly transformed and dashed out the hanger, never once noticing the rather startling reflection in the window as he ran out to see what was going on outside. His only thought was to get to Will before something happened to his human.
“What did he do now?” ‘Bee muttered as he finally was jerked out of recharge at the sound of the sirens. “Primus, I hope no one decided to take action against him,” he muttered as he quickly shifted out of alt mode and began heading out towards the courtyard.
It was rather entertaining timing on the Autobots part as Barricade watched everyone converge on his position at the exact same time. Cutting his sirens, he mentally smirked as he saw the large weapons specialist. ‘That came out better than I thought,’ he mused as he stared at the rather bright gunner. The twins just boggled at the large Top Kick in front of them and Ratchet was desperately trying not to laugh as they took in his friends altered look.
No one had time to say anything about ‘Hide’s newest appearance as just then one of the crocodiles suddenly surged towards the immobile jeep and the two humans with in. There was a suddenly flash of light from a pulse cannon and the poor creature exploded into a raining multitude of flesh and blood before anyone else had even pulled out their weapons. The other one quickly disappeared back into the moat at the death of his companion.
There was a beat of stunned silence. “What the slag is going on around here?” Ironhide bellowed.
Sam and his friends stepped out of Optimus as the adults emerged as well at the demise of the crocodile and just stared at the smoking crater. Meanwhile, since they were still full of boxes and assorted things, Optimus nor Bluestreak or Hound could transform but everyone could tell that Optimus was fuming. “WHAT THE SLAG HAPPENED?” he bellowed at them.
Ironhide ignored his leader however, his attention riveted at Will. “WILL! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” he asked as he stepped over the moat and made his way towards the two and looked them over. “What happened?” he asked after he did a quick scan of the two men and determined they were all right.
Epps and Will finally stepped out of the jeep as they looked around at the mechs staring down at them. “We don’t know,” Will told the assembled Autobots. “Those crocs were here before we got back.”
“Okay, even I know that crocodiles are rarely found in California,” Ironhide snarled. “So how did they get here?”
“Rather who was it that got them here?” Ratchet asked sharply. It was more of a rhetorical question however as everyone turned to the twins. “What were you thinking?” Ratchet bellowed. “Didn’t you realize how dangerous it was to bring those creatures here?”
“But we were just trying to help!” Sides argued back stepping a bit closer to his partner. “You said it was humans that were after us right? We just made Red’s moat better.”
“BETTER!” Red shouted offended before he marched over to the two and grabbing their shoulders he banged the two together. “What the matrix were you thinking!” The twins stepped back and away from the fuming security chief as Sides shook his head and tried to get rid of the fuzz running across his visual screen.
“Clearly they weren’t,” Wheeljack muttered as he glared at the two.
“What?” Sunny demanded. “We really were trying to help. It was suppose to be a surprise. We thought you would like the idea.”
“Why in the world would we like these insane shenanigans?” Ironhide bellowed as he glared at the two. “You two put not only Will and Epps in danger, but all of the humans! I can’t believe you did something so crosswired and thought that this would be okay!”
Will and Epps glanced at each other before Will made his way over to the large gunner. “Ironhide, it’s fine. We’re okay,” he began, but Ironhide looked down at him with a dark scowl.
Optimus just sighed as he rolled forward. “All right everyone, calm down!” he shouted before he looked over at Will and Epps. “You two really okay?” he asked.
Will sighed. “Yeah, we’re fine.”
Epps snorted. “Speak for yourself, that thin ate my lunch!”
“We’re fine,” Will insisted as he saw Carol and Steve wander over, followed by Sam’s parents and he groaned at the sight of them. What a first impression! A real life moat, complete with crocodiles and everything! ‘They must think the Autobots are nuts,’ he thought glumly. ‘Not to mentioned ‘Hide’s rather altered appearance.’
Steve said nothing however as he stared down at the hole before he looked back over at Ironhide and then turned to Sam. “I thought you said all these Autobots were guys.”
Sam just shrugged, still in a slight state of shock as Keller tried not to laugh as he looked over at the rather colorful Autobot. “Well, they’re not really one or the other,” Keller replied with a smirk.
Judy and Ron were trying not to laugh as well. It really wasn’t a comical situation, what with the rangers’s nearly becoming lunch themselves but seriously, it was rather funny. “Hello ‘Hide!” Judy called over.
Ironhide glanced over at them confused as a few more snickers escaped a couple of the other Autobots and gave a small nod. Ron let loose a rather snorting laugh before he wandered back over to Hound and began unloading him. Carol and Judy followed, Judy trying her best to hold in her own laughter. “I take it that’s not his normal appearance?” Carol asked with a giggle. The other woman just snickered harder.
Optimus just sighed before he aimed his voice towards the twins. “Consider yourselves serving an extra three Earth weeks in solitary!” he snarled at them.
“For trying to help?” Sunny shouted appalled.
“For putting our allies in potential harm’s way,” Optimus snarled. “Not to mention for ‘Hide as well.”
Ironhide glanced at his leader confused, but due to the fact that Optimus was still in alt mode, it was rather hard to figure out what he meant. “What?” Ironhide demanded. “What about me?” The others finally busted out laughing and even Will gave a small snicker as Epps howled beside him. “What? What are you all laughing about?”
“But we didn’t do that!” Sides protested over the laughing.
“Do what?” Ironhide shouted again.
“Why don’t I believe you,” Optimus replied sardonically, ignoring ‘Hide’s question.
“But we didn’t!” Sunny insisted. “We did order the crocodiles, but we most certainly did not paint ‘Hide pink!”
“WHAT!” Ironhide bellowed as he finally looked down in shock at the bright color that coated his person. “WHAT THE SLAG! You’re dead!” he shouted at the twins and lunged at them.
Red and Inferno both quickly grabbed the angered gunner, grateful that they were on the opposite side of the moat then the twins as the two Lamborghini’s quickly hid behind Ratchet and Perceptor. “We didn’t do it!” Sunny shouted again. “Why would we lie?”
“Well who else would do such a thing?” Optimus demanded and all of the other mechs turned and stared at the two incredulously. All save one.
‘Bee crossed his arms and just stared down at Barricade, his foot tapping angrily, the very image of a pissed off Judy. Barricade suppressed a snicker as he looked up at him. “Yes?”
“How did you do it?” ‘Bee demanded, gaining some of the other Autobot’s attention.
“Do what?” Barricade asked innocently.
“The paint,” ‘Bee clarified. “How did you do it?”
“You think I did that?” Barricade asked in mock offense. “How could I even do such a thing? I’m just a car.”
‘Bee tilted his head as Sam groaned while he helped his father with the boxes. “Don’t even try to lie ‘Cade!” he called out over the moat sternly.
Barricade gasped, pretending to be insulted. “Why would you think it was me and not the Lambo’s?”
“Lambo’s?” Now everyone looked at Barricade a little curiously. Sunny looked rather miffed at the nickname but Sides seemed to be considering the shortened word.
“What? ‘Lamborghini’ is a long word and I’m a lazy bastard,” Barricade insisted. “Why I call him Autobit.”
“And I really wish you didn’t,” ‘Bee sighed irritably and ‘Cade chuckled.
“Well what else am I suppose to call you?” Barricade demanded, suddenly serious. “You never gave me permission to call you by your name.”
Everyone turned surprised at the announcement and glanced over at Bumblebee curiously. Bumblebee frowned and was about to protest when he suddenly thought about it. Had he given Barricade permission to use his name? He couldn’t remember. With a bit of embarrassment, he realized that he hadn’t. “Well you can,” he muttered.
Everyone stared at ‘Bee before they turned to stare at the ‘Con in complete disbelief. “You mean it was you?” Optimus questioned in surprise. “You did it?”
Barricade would have shrugged if he had been able. “Okay, yeah I admit it. I saw some extra cans of paint and couldn’t resist. What are you going to do to me? Put me in solitary?”
Ironhide growled while Optimus just groaned and everyone else just continued to stare at the ‘Con in disbelief. The twins looked at one another before they turned to ‘Bee. “We like him,” they said in unison, much to the camaro’s surprise. Most of the older ‘Bots groaned as Barricade somehow managed to preen.
“You’re not that bad yourselves!” the mustang chirped.
‘Bee gave the mustang a small kick, more like a tap than anything. “You hush.” Barricade said nothing but muttered a sarcastic “yes master” under his breath. A few of the ‘Bots couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at the petulant tone emitting from the ‘Con.
Ironhide looked around angrily at the other mechs before he suddenly leaned down and plucked Will off the ground, startling the man as he stepped back over the moat and headed towards his hanger. “You’re all a bunch of slagging jerks!” he shouted over his shoulder as he disappeared around a building, Will trying to soothe the agitated ‘Bot as they disappeared.
Everyone sobered as the rather bright salmon pink truck disappeared before Optimus sighed. “That was a little uncalled for,” he aimed at the Decepticon.
“What?” Barricade asked surprised. “I think it was rather more a case of bad timing.”
Optimus just sighed again as Keller wandered over to groaning big rig. “So how are we suppose to get the Lancaster’s things over the moat?” he asked curiously.
“Better question,” Perceptor spoke up from where he was looking at the brown water. “Where did the other creature go?”
“Back to Florida if it knows what’s good for him,” Ratchet growled.
“Florida?” Hound repeated confused.
“All right, that’s enough,” Optimus said. “Lets start helping the Lancasters get settled.”
Barricade pulled back a ways as the Autobots all stepped over the muddy moat and began helping collect the assorted boxes as the women began gathering the groceries from Bluestreak. “Is it always like this?” Carol asked Judy quietly. “They’re all so… childish.”
“I’m not sure,” Judy replied with a small shrug. “I only knew the main four, and later on the Lambos,” this word was said with a bit of a snicker, “but the others, I have no knowledge of.”
“Well, it certainly won’t be boring, that’s for sure,” Steve chuckled. Keller just laughed as he handed off two duffel bags to each of his guards while he took one of the boxes himself. The two guards did not look happy.
“You have no idea,” Ron smirked as he handed a rather large box to someone who introduced himself as Wheeljack. “Thanks,” Ron nodded to the mech before he turned back to fetch a few more items. Wheeljack stared down at the few humans who were all talking non-stop. The three teenagers were talking to Bumblebee excitedly about why the Lancasters were there, while Judy was speaking rather cheerfully to Ratchet who it seemed was enjoying the rather bizarre conversation. Just what was a ‘Stairmaster’ anyway?
Wheeljack glanced over at Perceptor and Inferno, both of whom already had a rather large stack of boxes in their hands. Inferno wandered over with a quick nod. “I’m beginning to think that the ‘Con was right,” the larger rig stated as he watched the humans interacting with each other and the three remaining First Arrivals. “They’re just like these little humans.”
“Yeah, slag it,” Wheeljack agreed irritably.
“Does this mean no more tests?” Perceptor asked hopefully. The other two just shrugged.
Barricade meanwhile, just watched the Autobots for a little while before finally turning to head back to his hanger. He was almost half way there when he suddenly saw the white Autobot standing in the doorway of one of the opposite hangers. Barricade instantly froze as he watched and waited to see what it was that Prowl was going to do; but the commander did nothing as he merely glanced over at Barricade then turned to head back into his own, or rather Optimus’ hanger, closing the door behind him. Barricade let out a small sigh of relief. “The insanity never stops,” he muttered before finally reached his own hanger to await both Bumblebee and Sam and probably Optimus and Ratchet as well to chew him out. “Well, it won’t be dull that’s for sure.” And with that, Barricade went into recharge without another thought.
To be continued~
Author's note: Well there you have it. Silly twins messing around with Red's moat. You would think they would know better. Join us next week for chapter Fifty One of Cover Me: Heart to Spark
EDIT: Please, please, please, please, PLEASE stop telling me "BTW, Crocidiles don't live in/aren't native to the US" THEY DO! To quote Wikipedia on the "AMERICAN CROCIDILE": "there is a remnant population of less than 1200 in Florida, United States" I am NOT stupid! I actually RESEARCHED this before I wrote it! The site: en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/American_crocodile
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