Divide | By : kheavSarah Category: M through R > Predator Views: 12320 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Don't own Predators or Aliens and I DEFINITELY don't make any money from this!!!! |
A/N: Thanks everyone for the wonderful reviews!
== With his head bowed low, Vor’mekta listened while Nihkou’te spoke with the other two Elders in the quarters. The arrival of the High Elder and his Clans had the whole Yautjas buzzing with excitement. It would be a great honor to be in the present one such as High Elder Nrak'ytara. But news of his arrival might travel to unwanted company. Vor’mekta was sure there were many Yautjas out there that might want to object to the Peace Treaty. If so, then he was sure trouble will be brewing ahead. “I have no other objection to the treaty, the oomans had finally met with our demands and nothing else matters,” Bakuub looked over the papers one more time before handing them to Nihkou’te. “Few of our weapons and some knowledge of our ships were what they mostly required.” Nihkou’te grunted as he scanned the duplicate papers of the treaty. “Oomans have no honor; I will not be surprised if they try to attack us with our own weapons one day.” “I agree with Elder Nihkou’te,” Elder Ju'dha growled. “Not all oomans are the same, Elders,” Bakuub sighed, his tired eyes looking over to the silent Arbitrator standing near the doors. “One day we might need their help…” The two Elders scoffed at the idea. “Now, if you two will excuse me I must rest…” Bakuub walked towards the door but stopped in front of the unmoving Vor’mekta. “Escort me to my quarters, Arbitrator.” Startled by his request, all Vor’mekta could do was nod. Nihkou’te watched with narrowed eyes as the doors closed behind the two Yautja. Something was going on in his Sire’s head, and Nihkou’te wasn’t about to let it interfere with his plans. == “Is everything alright, Elder Bakuub?” asked Vor’mekta, his eyes staring at his grandfather with concern. The older Yautja gave a dry chuckle. “There’s something I must discuss with you, Vor’mekta, in private.” Not one to refuse his Elder, he nodded, “Of course.” Entering Bakuub’s quarters, Vor’mekta helped the older warrior into the chair by the window. Pulling back, it was the first time he realized just how old the Elder was. Despite his built body and proud ancient face, Vor’mekta knew the Bakuub had lived a long life and was now… “Vor’mekta, I can see in your eyes you know.” Bakuub sighed, his hand playing with the trinket bonded to one of his gray dreadlocks. “Whatever sickness ails you, Elder, I’m sure you will overcome it,” Vor’mekta said, convinced of his Elder’s strength. Amusement sparkled in Bakuub’s eyes, “You and I both know I’ve lived well past my time…” sighing heavily, Bakuub’s hand unconsciously rubbed on the brown pouch attached to his waist belt, his ancient eyes drifting off to a time during his youth when his ooman mate first gifted him a very precious trinket. “How many times have I told you not to leave the bed?” Bakuub frowned worriedly as he watched his tiny mate pace back and forth in their quarters. Her black hair was tied back in a bun, her face screwed up in irritation and exhaustion. Her hands were pressed against her arched back with her enormous belly thrust out. Though they’d been on the Clan Ship since he’d claimed her as his mate, his mate had been keeping up with the Earth’s calendar to keep track of her birthing cycle. Six months into her pregnancy and it looked as though she was ready to burst. Bakuub had repeatedly told her to stay in bed while he attended to his duties as an Elder. To be honest, Bakuub wasn’t surprised to come back and find his mate walking back and forth through their quarters in angry strides. “Lacey, this isn’t healthy for you,” he scolded her as if she were a pup. His mate shot him a look of pure frustration. “I have been lying in that bed for the past…” she glanced over her shoulder to look at her homemade calendar hanging on the wall, before saying, “Five days, Bakuub, my ass is sore and stiff and I’m dying of boredom!” Without a word, Bakuub strolled to his mate and lifted her effortlessly in his arms and carried her back toward the bed. Unfortunately for him his little mate was struggling. “I swear, Bakuub, if you put me back in that bed I’ll castrate you!” she screeched. “It’s not like I’m leaving the damn quarters, I just need to move around!” He winced at her threat, but decided to ignore it. She smacked him on the chest and cursed him as he carefully and gently placed her on the huge bed. “Why are you being so cruel to me!?” she whimpered pitifully. Knowing it was only the hormones, Bakuub sighed at the sight of her wide gray eyes filling with tears. Whining low in his throat, he was careful to brush the tears trickling down her flush cheeks. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself, Lacey,” Bakuub murmured. “The suckling is already causing you enough distress…” At the thought of their baby, her eyes sparkled with delight, her red lips curving into a bright smile. “Maybe in a month or two and little Nicky will be running around.” He chuckled sadly, “Its pronounced Nihkou’te.” She frowned stubbornly. “I like Nicky better.” Bakuub couldn’t fault her for not being able to pronounce ‘Nihkou’te’ in fact, she had wanted him to do surgery and change the muscles in her throat, in order for her to learn and speak the Yautja’s language. But Bakuub had instantly refused her request; he didn’t want anything to change his little mate. “Oh, while you were away…I made something for you.” Curious, Bakuub watched with eager eyes as Lacey reached into her pouch and held out her fist towards him with a huge, but shy smile. “Here you go!” Watching as she uncurled her delicate fingers, revealing the object in hand. His eyes widened at the handmade necklace. Peering closely, Bakuub suspected the string she used was from his netting; in the center was small gray stone. “I didn’t have much to work with…” she muttered shyly, her big gray eyes staring anywhere but him. Taking her gift in hand, Bakuub bowed his head low, “You honor me with your gift,” he said sincerely. The faint blush spread across her cheeks told him she was truly warmed by his words. Smiling happily, Lacey took the necklace and placed it around his neck. Purring his affection, Bakuub carefully rubbed his sharp tusks against her cheek. The day they found out she carried his suckling, Bakuub had been enthusiastic. It was the moment he’d decided to bring her back to the Clan Ship; she was the reason why he went from being an Honored Warrior to an Elder. Watching as she lovingly caressed her huge belly, Bakuub made quick work of removing his armor before getting into bed with his mate. Gathering her small frame into his arms, Bakuub hid his worried eyes from her by burying his face in between her swelled bosoms. From the beginning, Bakuub had been doing research on ooman females carrying a Yautja’s pup. And all results ended the same, the female always died during birth. It was something that Bakuub greatly feared for his little mate. From the moment he’d seen her all he wanted was her. But had he known of the consequences of their mating he would have never gotten her with suckling. The thought of not having Lacey beside him was enough to choke the air from his lungs. Six ooman months of being together suddenly wasn’t enough for him. “Bakuub, is there something wrong?” Bakuub snapped out of thought when he felt her delicate fingers caressing his lower tusks. The feel of her touch always melted his being; his body would always crave her touch. True her intoxicating scent was addicting, but it was her touch he craved the most. A low purr vibrated from his chest at her touch and he watched with delight at the blush spreading across her cheeks. Grinning, she asked, “What’s on your mind, big guy?” From the moment Bakuub found out of results of the ooman Bearers, he wanted nothing more than to rid of her the suckling. But when the subject came under discussion, Lacey had thrown a fit. Never before had Bakuub seen his mate in such anger. She’d even refused to speak or acknowledge his presence for two months. Forcing her to be rid of the suckling would only result in him losing her and that was something Bakuub didn’t want to happen. But just the thought of her death nearly drove him to knock her out and take the suckling out without her knowledge. But honor demanded he respect her and her decision, no matter how much it pained him. “You won’t hate him, will you?” At her soft whisper, Bakuub snapped his eyes open to see her staring at him with watery eyes. Sniffling back a sob, Lacey laid her head on his strong chest and closed her eyes. “If I do…die…I don’t want you to hate our son…” His tusks tightened at her words. “Nicky deserves a chance to live and be loved by his father…” The hand resting at his side curled into a tight fist. “Bakuub, I want you to swear to me that you will always protect him…” A low growl rumbled in his throat. Frowning worriedly, Lacey lifted her head from his chest to stare at the stoic face of her mate. “Bakuub?” “I won’t swear such a thing, Lacey,” he snarled before leaving the bed. Startled by his anger, she watched with wide and frightened eyes as he stood before her with narrowed eyes. “Bu-But…Bakuub…” “I rather you live and not the suckling,” he growled angrily, not caring for once if he hurt her feelings, “I don’t want to lose you!” Her throat tightened painfully at the raw anguish in his glowing purple eyes. Swallowing down the lump in her throat, Lacey struggled off the bed and approached her mate. “Don’t say such a thing!” she sobbed, “You promised me you wouldn’t bring up that subject!” He growled, “You’re my mate, Lacey, and I refuse to stand aside and watch you die!” Sobbing, her gray eyes dropped to her huge belly and held it protectively in her arms. “What’s done is done, mate, I love you…but I also love our son and I will not kill him.” As much as he hated to see tears in her eyes, Bakuub held his ground before turning his back on her. “I can’t…I can’t honor your words…” He didn’t care how selfish his words were; for once Bakuub felt a dark anger tightening hold of his heart. Ignoring the whimpering of his mate, Bakuub left the quarter without a backward glance. “Elder Bakuub, is something wrong?” At the question, Bakuub snapped out of thought. “Did you ask me something, Arbitrator?” Bemused by the Elder’s wondering gaze, Vor’mekta said, “Thinking of the past?” “It’s hard not to sometime,” he admitted fondly, “Of all my memories as a warrior, I think my most memorable ones were with my ooman mate, Lacey. Though our times were brief, I memorized everything we did and shared together.” Vor’mekta shifted uncomfortably at their conversation. “Because of her you never mated again?” He nodded. “I couldn’t bear the thought of mating with another female, Yautja or ooman,” he chuckled at another memory, “There were times where she would ramble on and on about absolutely nothing, but I would just nod along to satisfy to her and see her smile…” Without realizing it, Vor’mekta’s tusks lifted into a warm smile. “Edwina was the same…if I had ears they would’ve fallen off a long time ago because of her.” Unknown to Vor’mekta, Bakuub’s eyes widened slightly at what the Arbitrator just confessed. Didn’t the young warrior just realize he’d revealed to him of having affection for an ooman female? But seeing the pain and anguish in his eyes, Bakuub knew this wasn’t just any ooman…but the name Edwina was a dead giveaway and Bakuub knew, without having to ask, who she was. Sighing heavily, he said, “Even if she didn’t have a name…you gave her one, didn’t you, Vor’mekta?” No slaves on any Clan Ships had names. Edwina, was that the name Vor’mekta gifted Nihkou’te’s ooman mate? Vor’mekta stiffened uncomfortably at the Elder’s words. “I…don’t know what you’re talking about…” Lifting his tusks into a sad, but understanding smile, Bakuub kept his eyes outside the window before saying, “I don’t know what hold Nihkou’te has on you, young one, but I know it involved his ooman mate,” Bakuub stole a quick glance at the young warrior and took delight at his shock and pained expression, “So…I was right, you were in love with Nihkou’te’s ooman mate…” == His fists clenching and unclenching at his sides, Edwin watched with narrowed eye as the young pup was tossed carelessly off the mat, but to his surprise the young warrior hopped back to his feet. The General hated to admit it, but the whelp was beginning to show improvements in his fighting skills. Leaning against the doorway, the General continued to watch Connor and the twins spar with one another. Every hit the Unblood received seemed not to faze him. Edwin couldn’t help but nod his approval. “Dammit, Halkrath, are you trying to break every bone in my body!?” Connor snapped as he struggled to his feet. The older warrior grunted his amusement at the Unblood’s outburst. “You wish to be stronger, yes?” Connor’s red eyes narrowed, but he gave a curt nod. “Of course, that’s my whole reason of training with you two.” “Then stop bitching!” he roared. Lar’ja stifled back a laugh at Halkrath, he knew teaching his brother those words would come in handy someday. The young Yautja stiffened at Halkrath’s crude words, but glared his defiance. “Your English is horrible by the way,” he growled out childishly. Arms crossed over his massive scarred chest, Halkrath snorted. “My English is better than you trying to speak Yautja.” Connor’s mandible twitched in irritation and blurted out the only thing he could think of, “Ell-osde' pauk!” he growled. This time Lar’ja wasn’t able to hold back his laughter. The angry and yet astonished look on his brother’s face was priceless! Shaking his head in both amazement and weariness, Edwin pushed away from the doorframe and approached the trio. Sensing him, the three Yautjas turn to watch him make his way toward them. “I must say I was impressed today,” Edwin remarked in a bored tone. Connor glared daggers at him. Giving a low warning growl towards the disrespectful pup, Edwin turned his attention back to the twins. “Leave us,” he ordered harshly. The twins stiffened but bowed their respect before leaving the training room. Once the doors were closed, Edwin turned his attention back to the scowling pup. Connor eyed his mother’s father cautiously because the only time the General wanted to be alone with him was only to hurt him, “You here to challenge me, General?” Edwin scoffed. “The time hasn’t come yet, pup…” His brows furrowed in confusion, “Then why are you here?” A question that needed an answer and Edwin didn’t have one. To be honest, the General didn’t know why he walked into the training room. Today was the day the President of the Colonies was arriving and yet here he was…standing in front of a spoiled, whiney, annoying pup. Edwin eyed the wound on Connor’s shoulder and noted with satisfaction at how its healing had progressed. It was the wound the Unblood received while saving…him from the Xenomorph. Edwin realized than he’d never got the chance to thank the pup for helping him. Pushing aside the annoyance he felt every time he came close to the Unblood, Edwin held out his hand towards him and waited. Connor eyed the hand suspiciously, “What’s with the hand?” He grunted. “I want to thank you for…assisting me during the hunt.” Connor scoffed, “I didn’t assist you, and you practically dragged me out there with you!” A hard smile curved the General’s scarred lips, “But now you know what to expect during a hunt with a hard meat, right?” Hands on his hips, Connor rolled his eyes. “Yeah, getting my ass kicked by an almighty Emperor was exactly what I wanted,” he bit out sarcastically. Edwin narrowed his cold gray eye at the Unblood stance, “You sound like a rude teenage girl with that attitude.” Immediately Connor dropped his hands to his side and glared at the amused General, but without a word he took the offered hand and gave it a firm shake. Hell, he still had some manners he’d learned from his mother. “But if anything, thank you for the experience,” he muttered stiffly. “Unblood normally aren’t allowed to go hunting until their Chiva.” Edwin nodded. “I know…but I just thought you needed to see…” Cocking his head to the side, Connor realized he was seeing a side of the General he’d never seen before. If anything, every time they come in contact, it was mainly verbal assaults or physical attacks. Staring closely at Edwin, Connor couldn’t help but take advantage of the General opening up to him. “But why take me on the hunt?” questioned Connor, “I thought you couldn’t stand me for reasons unknown.” Running his fingers through his thick hair, Edwin shrugged. “I don’t have to explain anything to you, Unblood.” He scowled stubbornly, “Try…” Holding back the urge to sigh his annoyance, Edwin let go of Connor’s hand and made a move to leave. Without warning he was tackled to the ground from behind. Growling a curse, Edwin wasn’t prepared when he was suddenly locked into a submission hold with the Unblood locking his arms behind his back. As much as he struggled he couldn’t break out of the hold without hurting himself. “Goddammit let me go!” Smirking at the General’s helpless position, Connor merely tightened his hold on him. “Answer my question and I’ll let you go!” His only response was to snarl a curse and struggle. Connor chuckle his amusement, “Answer me!” “I swear when I get out of this I’ll break you in half!” Paling at the threat, Connor shook his head of his fear and merely tightened his hold, “Why do you hate me so much!? What have I ever done to earn your resentment!?” Gritting his teeth, Edwin merely spat out more curses. “I get it, I get why you hate Yautjas, but why is it that have I earned the blunt of your anger?” More and more questions piled in his head and all Connor wanted was to have the General answer at least one! He needed to know why…he just needed to know why his gray eye stared at him with so much rage. From the day the General found him hiding in his mother’s quarters Connor could never shake off the disgust and hate in his eye. What was it about him that the General couldn’t stand? Sure he was a Yautja and the General hated Yautja, but there was something else to that hate and Connor needed to know what it was. “When I look at you…I see me.” The words were so low even Connor’s sensitive earing almost didn’t catch it. Loosening his arms on the General, Connor could only say the one thing on his mind, “Huh?” Grunting, Edwin pushed the stunned Unblood off him and sat up. Running his finger through his hair, he adjusted his eye patch before turning to the bewildered looking Connor. Just the sight of him was enough to make Edwin wince. “Every time I see you it’s a reminder of what I used to be,” the General admitted bitterly, “I hate being reminded of my past and just looking at you makes me think of my pitiful childhood.” Connor had always heard of the General being raised on the Clan Ship but never knew of the details. If he, an albino Yautja, was scorned for his looks…then just imagine how it had been for the General for looking human! His time on the Clan Ship would probably pale in comparison to the General’s. “I also don’t like the fact you cling on to my daughter like a lifeline.” Connor’s brows snapped forward, “I don’t cling on to my mother!” Edwin merely arched an amused brow, “You could’ve fooled me.” If Connor could blush red, he would. “I don’t cling,” he repeated angrily, and then sobered at the General’s serious look. Fidgeting with his claws, he muttered. “For what it’s worth, thanks for sharing.” Shifting uncomfortably on the floor, Edwin quickly stood up and casually brushed back the collar of his trench coat. Clearing his throat roughly, he said, “Don’t tell anyone of this conversation, or I swear I’ll kill you…” without a backward glance he left the training room. Connor scoffed. He was definitely going to talk to his mother about this. == “Okay, now I really have to go,” Cross panted breathlessly as she tried to pull herself free from her mate’s possessive grip. His yellow eyes narrowed with amusement before pulling her back into the bed. At her squeal, he was quick to tuck her squirming form beneath him and hold her there. “You should have thought of that before coming back here.” She frowned. “I came back to my quarters to retrieve my files; I didn’t think you would be in here.” Though she wasn’t complaining about the hour of sex they just had, but she really needed to get back to work. Betanu really surprised her when she came back to her quarters to only have her mate strip her of her clothing in record timing. Before she could remove herself from underneath him, she let out a startled gasp when he hooked one of her legs over his waist and thrust into her without hesitation. He filled her so completely she could scarcely breathe. It always amazed her how gentle he was every time he took her despite his animalistic nature. His whisper was taut and ragged. “I’m not hurting you, am I?” Betanu surprised himself for being able to speak, all his body wanted to do was thrust into her tight wet body. No matter how many times he took her she would always be deliciously tight for him, he knew he would’ve hurt her if it hadn’t been for her being so sweetly wet. His body was ready to burst if she didn’t answer him soon. Her breath coming out in little pants, Cross moaned at the feel of her body being stretch to her limit. The only answer she could give him was a shake to the head. She bit her lips when he withdrew from her only to thrust back in, deeper this time. She sucked in a sharp breath as his powerful body continued to pound its way inside her. Reveling in the feel of him inside her, she ran her hands over his scarred muscular chest. His moves were untamed as he thrust into her. Cross was surprised at how quick her body was able to adapt to his without pain. Purring deep within his chest, Betanu leaned back on his legs so that he could stare down at her. Cross swallowed at the sight of him above her as she stared into his lust-filled yellow eyes. He held her leg in his hand as he continued to drive himself even deeper into her. Betanu growled at the sight of her flush body and glowing purple eyes. Such a small body and yet it brought him so much pleasure. Never in a million year had he thought of taking an ooman female as a mate. And yet here he was, driving his throbbing cock into his newly mated female. The sight of her lustful eyes and little mews were enough to drive him crazy. Cross whimpered helplessly when she felt her body reaching its peak, she threw back her head and cried out in pleasure when he again hit her sensitive spot. Betanu’s chest filled with pride at her excited cries and proceeded to hit the same spot again and again. Unable to hold back any longer, Cross buried her face against the pillow to muffle her cries as her orgasm hit her with full force. Feeling his mate’s juice coating his cock, Betanu threw back his head and hissed through his tusks as his own release came. His hot seed filling and spilling from her womb, already she could feel it trickling down her thighs. Waiting until he was done, Cross lay back down, her breath coming in little pant as she watched him through hooded eyes. Pulling himself out of her with a hiss, Betanu could barely keep himself on collapsing on top of her. Breathing hard and dripping sweat, he dropped beside her and held her close to his side. His moment of bliss lasted for a brief second before his mate muttered a curse and rolled off the bed. He’d barely cracked an eye open before Cross rushed towards the bathroom and turned on the shower. “Dammit, Betanu, I was supposed to meet with my father fifteen minutes ago!” she exclaimed from the shower. On the bed, Betanu merely grunted. Grumbling at his silence, Cross coated her body with soap before standing under the shower. “Um, my father knows about us…” Adjusting the straps to his severed limp to keep it trapped to his side, the Honored Warrior merely cocked a brow. “I’m surprise he’s not at that door beating it down…” She snorted. “He will,” she assured him dryly. “When he sees you I’m sure he’ll try and gut you.” Tightening the straps, he pondered, “Has your Sire ever been like this with your previous mate?” Washing the suds off her body she grinned at a rather fond memory, “Actually he did catch me and Constantine together one time…” He frowned, the name sounded oddly familiar. “Constantine?” Halting in the mist of washing her hair, a dark shadow cast over her eyes before answering, “He was with me the day I freed you from your confinement.” Betanu felt his body stiffened at the memory, Constantine was the ooman who ‘died’ while Cross fought with the hard meat’s Queen. Last he heard her former mate’s body was never found. Everyone assumed he was dead. “Because of that incident of finding us together my father had one of the medic’s implant the chip inside my thigh,” she chuckled, “I think I was…sixteen or seventeen when my dad caught Constantine and I in my room…” she sighed heavily at the embarrassing memory. “I thought for sure he would have castrated him right on the spot.” Leaving the bed, Betanu did quick work of putting on his mesh-suit and loin-cloth. He was just adjusting his chest plate when Cross emerged from the bathroom naked. Seeing her wet body, Betanu stiffened when he felt his loin tightening, again. He’d doubt he’ll ever get tire of his mate’s little body. Forcing his eyes off her delicious body, he turned his back on her while putting on his bio-mask. Putting on her uniform, Cross watched him attached the hoses to his mask. Frowning, her eyes roamed his body and noticed he was dressed to his fullest. “Are you planning on going into battle or something?” Glancing over his shoulder and shrugged. “You can never be too sure with your Sire involved.” The Captain couldn’t help but nod her agreement. “Ready?” Tightening the straps to his wrist-blade, he nodded. “Actually there’s something I must attend to first.” She held her disappointment behind a smile. “I’ll see you later then.” == Stretching out his sore arms, Connor grimaced as he made his way down the corridors. Hopeful his mother would still be in her quarters by the time he got there, he began to pick up the pace, knowing he had a slim chance of catching her. He really needed to talk to her about what the General just revealed to him. He came just in time as his mother was leaving her quarters; behind her was the sperm donor. Throwing a quick glare at the Honored Warrior, his expression softened at his mother’s smiling face. She approached him. “Connor, is there anything I can do for you?” He opened his mouth to only clamp shut when an unusual scent invaded his senses. Chirping, he took a step towards her and leaned down before inhaling deeply in her scent. Confused by his action, Cross took a step back only to have her son growl at her. “I get why his scent was on you…” his red eyes glared at the stoic Yautja behind her. “But why can I smell him in you?” Blushing to the root of her hair, Cross gave a nervous cough into her hand. “You-You can smell him inside me?” “His scent is practically spewing from your spores!” he snapped. At the Unblood’s disrespectful tone, Betanu have a warning growl. Unfazed by the warning, Connor kept his attention on his mother. “Did you…did you…” his face screwed in disgust before forcing out the words, “Have sex with him?” Clearing her throat, she gave a curt nod. “Listen, Connor, I’ll appreciate if we talk about this some other time…but right I have to meet with the General.” His red eyes narrowed at the sperm donor but his frown instantly disappeared at his missing arm. “Wh-What…” Unconsciously, Betanu turned to the side to hide his missing arm from his pup. Forcing the urge to spew out curses, Connor turned away and took in deep breaths. The hands at his sides curled into tight fists. Shaking his head, he sighed heavily when he felt his rage cooled down. “I accept it…but that doesn’t mean I have to like it,” with that the Unblood continued walking down the corridors. Smiling at the fact that her son was finally maturing, Cross turned and walked her way but stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. “Is there something else, Betanu?” Tightening his grip on her for a brief second, Betanu turned his mate to face him before warning, “Go straight to your Sire and don’t leave his side until I get back. There’s no telling what Elder Nihkou’te will do if he finds you mated to me.” Her brows pulled together at his words, “Nick is really dead set against you being mated with me, huh?” It was Betanu’s turned to frowned his confusion, “Nick?” “Um, you know, Elder Nick…my grandfather?” Understanding came to mind, “Ah, Elder Nihkou’te and yes, perhaps.” Arms crossed over her chest, Cross arched a brow. “Oh? Did you find anything on him?” Scowling his frustration, he shook his head, “I couldn’t find anything on him…and…I think Vor’mekta is involved as well…” Cross sighed her disappointment at the thought of her uncle’s involvement but nodded her understanding. “Okay, I’ll stay with my father until you get back.” Satisfied that she wasn’t going to argue with him, Betanu gave her hair a playful tug before leaving the corridors. Cross watched until he was out of sight before walking towards the General’s office. == “Come, Guan, we have a very important meeting to attend.” Lifting his head from polishing his weapons, Guan frowned at the dark look in Nihkou’te’s eyes. Shifting uncomfortably in his chair, he nodded. “Where are we going, Elder?” Adjusting his cloak, Nihkou’te glanced over his shoulder at Blooded Warrior and grinned. “We’re going to meet R’ka and his pup. But first…there is something you must do.” == “If you continue to act this way Elder Bakuub will suspect something.” Halkrath glared at his brother in annoyance before turning his back on him. “I’m not some pup who lets his emotion rule him,” he growled bitterly,” he hissed. “If she is mated than there’s nothing I can do…” Lar’ja eyed his brother with obvious distrust. “I know you, Halkrath, you can’t fool me with this…act,” he spat out, “Elder will know of your infatuation with his blood…” “He will not!” Halkrath snapped. “We are her guards and it is our duty to watch over her…nothing more.” With a snarl, Halkrath stalked out of their quarters and slammed the doors behind him. Inside, Lar’ja growled his frustration at his brother’s childish way before gathering his things to meet up with the Elder. Stomping through the emptied corridors and into the ooman’s side, Halkrath didn’t know where he was going; all he wanted was to get away, away from his brother’s rambling mouth and away from this damned place. Maybe it would be best if he went away… Than that would mean he was running away from his duty. Growling a curse, Halkrath ignored the way the oomans stared at him as he made his way. Unfortunately for him he wasn’t one to be patient, and without warning he gave a loud bark at a pair of gawking oomans. To his satisfaction the two oomans jumped before crying out in fear. His golden eyes narrowed with amusement as the pair ran down the corridors. “Very mature of you, Hulk,” an amused feminine voice said from behind. Halkrath stiffened at the familiar voice and was quick to attach his mask to his face. Taking in a deep breath he turned to her with a grunt. “Staring is rude,” he muttered. She chuckled, “I couldn’t agree more. Are you going somewhere?” He shook his head and asked, “Are you?” “Yes, I’m on my way to meet the General.” Straightening his back, he gave a stern nod. “I-I go too.” Cross opened her mouth to politely decline his offer, but Betanu’s words came floating in her head. True her father would be there but there’s no harm in having her guard behind her. Beside, her father did mentioned this would be an important meeting…there’s no harm in bringing one more. == Leaning back in his chair, Edwin glared stonily at the clock ticking noisily on the desk. He’d already called his daughter to his office half an hour ago and still she wasn’t here. Elder Nihkou’te was already on his way and Edwin needed time to speak to Cross beforehand. What the hell could she be doing!? With a curse, Edwin pushed back his chair and stood up with every intention of dragging that tardy pup by the shirt. He was approaching the door when suddenly they parted open, revealing Vor’mekta standing on the other side. Edwin stiffened at the sight of him but refused to run and hide like a coward. Clearing his throat roughly, he asked, “What the hell do you want?” Stepping inside, he locked the doors behind him. Vor’mekta walked past his angered brother to stand beside the window. His hands behind his back and his head held high, the Elder’s words kept replaying in his head and Vor’mekta knew now was the time. “I must speak with you…” Unfortunately Edwin was already trying to punch in the code to unlock the doors. Grunting his annoyance, Vor’mekta slowly but firmly uncurled the whip from his waist belt. “If you wish to act like a pup, then I’ll treat you like a pup, little brother.” == Cross came to a halt when she noticed someone blocking her path in the corridors, beside her she felt Halkrath tense up. “Guan,” Cross greeted the young warrior with uncertainty, “Is there something I can help you with?” Guan didn’t bother to acknowledge the other warrior behind her, “I…heard a rumor…” he said, his voice low and harsh. Cross frowned. Something was definitely bothering him, whenever they talked Guan would always be calm and collective…but not today. In fact, just looking at his posture told her he was downright pissed. “And what is this rumor?” she asked. Standing in front of her Guan hand reached out towards her chest when she was suddenly yanked back from his reach. Angered, Guan mismatched eyes glared at the stoic Halkrath. “No touching female,” the Honored Warrior hissed, his grip of Cross’s shirt tightened. Head tilting to the side in a curious manner, Guan sneered, “You’re not the male who mated with her…” Halkrath shoved his words aside with a shrug. “Regardless, it is my duty to protect her.” Guan wasn’t at all fooled by the warrior’s casual words. Feeling things tense up between the two male, Cross carefully took a step forward to get Guan’s attention. “What rumor did you hear, Guan?” His eyes glaring hatred at the Honored Warrior behind her, Guan forcefully tore his eyes away from him to stare down at the little female in front of him. Suppressing the urge to give in to his rage, Guan sighed, “Being this close to you I don’t need to ask if you’re mated…” a low growl rumbled in his throat, “I can practically smell him in you.” A faint blush spread across her cheeks at his bold words, it reminded her of what Connor had said earlier, clearing her throat she nodded, “Yes, I’m mated to Betanu.” Unknown to Cross, Guan could easily smell the raw anger radiating off the warrior behind her. His mismatched eyes sparkled with amusement and interest, knowing he wasn’t the only one affected by the female’s new mate. Pushing that useful information aside, Guan bowed his head low, “Congratulation, Akira, may he sire many strong pups from you.” Halkrath grunted, he knew damn well the distrustful worm was hiding something. Breathing easily at his change of mood, Cross gave her nod of thanks. “I’m sure there won’t be any kids, but I appreciate your congratulations.” His tusks lifted into an easy-going grin. “You must be on your way to R’ka’s quarters,” he observed thoughtfully, “Is there any chance I can accompany you?” at her cautious look, he added, “I was supposed to escort Elder Nihkou’te earlier, but I had other matters to attend to…” Not seeing the harm of having him tag along, she nodded. “It’s no problem.” == “Now, little brother, you will sit there and listen to me.” Struggling against the chain whip wrapped around him, Edwin glared heatedly at the calm Yautja standing in front of him. At a moment such as this one curses and threats should have been spilling from his scarred lips, but before he even had the chance to, Vor’mekta had slapped duct-tape over his mouth. And now the only thing the General could do was glare at him with a promise of pain. Unfortunately, Vor’mekta continued to stare at him patiently until he was done using whatever energy he had left to try and break from the chain. The chair beneath him creaked and groaned in protest at his harsh movement. Sighing heavily, Vor’mekta resisted the urge to rub his aching head. “The sooner you’re done throwing your tantrum… the sooner I can explain to you my story.” A muffled of curses were his only answer. Ignoring the curses, Vor’mekta crossed his arms over his massive chest and closed his weary eyes. “R’ka, you never knew your mother…but I did.” Edwin’s breath hitched at the mention of his mother. It was a rare thing, during his time on the Clan Ship, to hear any story about the ooman female Nihkou’te had taken as a mate. Edwin remembered a time when he first asked his Sire about his mother and all he’d gotten was a beating that nearly rendered him dead, it was the one and only time Edwin ever mentioned that forbidden topic. “Your mother was different from the other slaves…she wasn’t submissive…or afraid, in fact, she was defiant and brave…” Edwin lifted his head to see Vor’mekta with his eyes closed. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, his half-brother’s mind was fixed on his mother. “R’ka…my story…my pitiful story…involved an Unblood who fell in love with a slave girl.” == A/N: Please Review! Next chapter will be on Vor’mekta’s POV!While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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