Imperial Sex Exchange II | By : handcuffgirl Category: Star Wars (All) > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 3129 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars, or any of the characters in this fic, and I do not make any money from these writings. |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Colonel Drasi didn't mention Myri's nocturnal simulator activity the next morning when they reported for duty. He didn't mention it when she gave him a mid-morning blow job, or when he gave her five licks with his paddle. Of course he paddled her right before making her sit in on the ninety-minute-long holonet meeting he had with General Shaw, and the rest of the high ranking members of Imperial Security in the sector. He didn't mention the extra simulator session when they went to lunch together either. Still, she didn't really believe she'd gotten away with it until they went back to the simulators that night, and he still hadn't acted like anything out of the ordinary had happened.
Just like previously, they started with some dogfights against random Imperials. Jysella and Myri's controls were dialed down, and they got shocked when they scored a hit, and vibrated when they got hit. After about twenty minutes though, Colonel Drasi didn't immediately start their next match-ups.
“Now ladies, I've got something different for you,” he told them over their comlinks. Instead of random dogfights, you have a mission. You will be taking part in the Battle of Borleias.”
“What?” Myri replied in surprise, while Jysella merely laughed in response.
“You heard me,” he replied. “You can choose which side you fly for though. If you fly for the Rebels, then you'll be shocked when you score hits, and vibrated when you get hit, as usual. If you fly for the glorious Empire though, then you'll get a small vibration when you shoot a Rebel, and a small shock when one of them scores a hit on you.”
Myri glanced towards Jysella's simulator incredulously. Still, she couldn't say she was really surprised that Colonel Drasi wanted them to do something like this. Well, maybe not trying to get them to literally simulate flying against their own dads in a battle.
“Oh, and if you fly for the Rebels, then your controls will be dialed down like always. For the Empire... they'll still be dialed down... but just a little,” he added.
“Of course,” Jysella responded in amusement.
Myri let out another quick laugh. They could fly for the Empire, and be encouraged to shoot New Republic fighters, or fly for the Rebels, and be punished for shooting at Imperial fighters. “We'll take the New Republic side, Colonel,” Myri informed him decisively. There was no way they were going to fly against the New Republic... at least to start with. Maybe later though. Maybe.
“Yes,” Jysella agreed.
“Okay,” he answered. “Now, instead of getting vaped though, when the computer registers that you've taken enough damage to be destroyed or disabled, you'll be reactivated entering the battle again,” he explained. “That way you'll get to keep flying.”
“Yes Sir,” Myri acknowledged.
“Jysella, you'll be Slut One, and Myri will be Slut Two,” he told them. “And I'll be acting as flight control for just you two. My call sign will be... Master.”
Myri rolled her eyes. “Yes, Master,” she replied with more than a little sarcasm.
“Okay, one last surprise for you,” he began. “Starting with this battle, when you get shot, both your vibrators and butt plugs will vibrate. However, if you shoot an Imperial fighter, you'll get shocked from both your collars, and your butt plugs.”
What the frakk!? Myri thought. That was definitely going to be... interesting. Luckily winning wasn't the point of this exercise.
“You mean you've been able to shock us with these butt plugs in our asses the whole time?” Jysella asked over the comlink.
“Of course, Slut One,” he replied calmly.
Before Myri could contemplate the implications further, her screen came to life. The battle seemed to have just gotten underway, with the planet ahead of and below them. Myri stuck to Jysella's wing, and followed her in. Even though they were in Interceptors, the X-wings they were accompanying—piloted by the simulated Rogue Squadron—were obviously able to maneuver better than them. The enemy TIEs were like buzz flies. The appearance of two Squints with New Republic transponders seemed to attract some extra attention from the Imperials. Myri let out a moan when she got hit. Her butt plug vibrating along with the one in her pussy was definitely a bigger turn-on that she'd expected. A half-minute or so later, she moaned out again. A couple of dives and twists later, she got hit a third time, moaned, and her screen went dark. Damn she was horny.
“Not too good, Slut Two,” Colonel Drasi admonished her over the comm. “Five seconds until reactivation.”
Myri didn't really have a reply to that—partially because she was still getting over the new vibrations she'd gotten in her ass when she had been vaped—so she just watched the timer on her screen count down, and her controls came back to life. Thirty seconds or so later, Jysella's icon blinked out, indicating she'd been vaped as well. Barely a few seconds after that, Myri got hit, and her vibrators gave her another quick buzz.
In the reactivation, Myri managed to score a hit. If getting vibrated in her pussy and ass at the same time was an experience, then the metal butt plug shocking her ass was even more so. She was so stunned by it that she didn't think she'd be able to get another laser bolt for a bit even if her controls were at full strength.
Their simulation of the first Battle of Borleias took about twenty minutes. Myri was pretty sure the actual battle was over quicker than that. Twenty minutes was long enough for her to get vaped four more times, and Jysella three. Myri did manage a couple of hits, while Jysella was able to actually destroy an Imperial TIE fighter. Both were practically squirming in their pilots' couches from their arousal when it ended.
“So, you Sluts want to switch over to the winning side now, or are you still Rebel Sluts?” Colonel Drasi asked them.
“Still Rebel Sluts, Sir,” Myri answered.
Suddenly her collar's shock function activated.
“That's still Rebel Sluts, Master,” he corrected her.
Myri let out a sigh of annoyance. “Yes, Master,” she replied obediently.
“I've put in a couple of variables for simulation two,” he informed them. “Just to keep it interesting.”
“Yes Master,” Jysella answered over the comm.
Myri's simulator came back to life and she looked over her screen. The deployment of the New Republic forces were different this time, with the capital ships spread out more. Myri and Jysella were several dozen klicks sunward of the nearest New Republic X-wings, and a little ahead of them as well. A pair of TIE fighters had split off from attacking Rogue Squadron, and were heading for them. Jysella began juking and weaving, and Myri did the same on her wing. About half-a-klick from the TIEs, Myri let out a moan from the vibrators in her pussy and ass turning on, from her getting shot. Less than a minute later, she was vaped.
The second simulator run saw Myri get vaped six times, and Jysella four. Both were pretty horny from the vibrators by this time. For the third run, Colonel Drasi assigned them to escort the landing shuttles, which were already in-route. He made sure to let them know how many New Republic soldiers died with each shuttle they let be destroyed.
After letting them cool down a bit, Colonel Drasi began the fourth simulator run. Myri's screen came to life, and she quickly saw that there were more New Republic ships that there should be. She scanned her display, and realized this was the same deployment the New Republic had in the movie version they'd watched the night before.
There was a Star Destroyer, along with two large Mon Calimari Cruisers, and several support ships, including a frigate and a pair of Corellian Corvettes. The Empire's forces were still what they should be, the base itself, and four squadrons of TIEs.
The Imperial base's ion cannons began systematically disabling each of the New Republic capital ships with little difficulty. The simulated X and Y-wings were rapidly vaped by the Imperial TIE fighters. Just as Myri's simulator came back on after she'd been vaped for the forth time, the Eviscerator showed up. Ysanne Isard's simulated voice came over the comm, demanding all Rebel Forces surrender immediately. Myri snorted in derision, and followed Jysella as they engaged the nearest pair of enemy TIEs.
To neither of their surprise, both women's vibrators were buzzing in short order from them being shot. The first buzzing was quickly followed by a second. It didn't take long for Myri to get vaped again, with Jysella only lasting a little longer. They each got vaped one more time, and their simulators stayed dark.
“Well Sluts, that's another failed mission for both of you,” Colonel Drasi told them over their comlinks. “I want to do one more before I take you to my quarters and fuck you like the Rebel sluts you are.”
“Sure, Master,” Jysella replied.
Myri could practically hear her arousal over the comm. She was still pretty horny herself from getting vibrated so much.
“This time though, you'll be flying for the Empire,” he informed them. “And be rewarded for shooting Rebel starfighters.”
Myri considered that a heartbeat. “No thanks, Master,” she answered.
“No thanks, Master,” Jysella echoed.
Suddenly Myri's vibrators came to life—stronger than even when she was vaped during a sim. She could hear Jysella moaning as well.
“If you don't, then I'm not gonna let either of you cum tonight,” he said, turning the vibes down. “You can fly a little simulator mission as Imperials though—” he paused and turned the vibes back up—“and I'll make your cum until you can't climb out of the cockpit.”
Myri squeezed her legs together, all her thoughts between her legs.
“No!” she responded firmly. “Master,” she added after a breathless pause.
“What about you, Jysella?” he asked, turning their vibrators down then up again.
“OHH!” Jysella moaned out over the comlink. “NO! Master!”
“Well, okay then,” he replied, turning their vibrators down, then off.
Both woman groaned in frustration.
“I guess that's it for tonight.”
They climbed out of the simulators, and changed back into their regular uniforms, under Colonel Drasi's watchful eyes to make sure they didn't try to play with themselves. They were both pretty sure he planned on enforcing that by shocking their asses, so they didn't try. Then they went to his quarters, where he had them strip naked, except for their chokers, comlink cuffs, vibrators, butt plugs, and high heeled boots. He locked their bondage collars back around their necks, and to their dismay, cuffed their hands behind their backs.
Once he was sure they couldn't masturbate, he sat down on his poufcouch, naked, and made them give him a blow job while he watched the holoscreen. After they'd sucked him off, and cleaned him with their tongues, he let them sit on the poufcouch on either side of him, with their hands still cuffed behind their backs while they watched the holoscreen, and generally hung out. Close to an hour later, when he was sure they had cooled down, he uncuffed them, made them remove and clean their vibrators and butt plugs. Then he had them put their uniforms back on, and sent them back to their room. He also ordered them not to orgasm until he gave them permission once they were on duty the next morning. The both assured him that they would obey.
“So, want to have sex when we get to our room?” Myri asked as they strutted through the corridor in their seventeen-centimeter heeled boots.
Jysella let out an unintelligible grunt, then replied, “Not really, but kinda, just because he told us not too after getting us so worked up earlier. Especially shocking us with out butt plugs.”
“Yeah, that was kriffed up,” Myri agreed. “But fun,” she added with a mischievous grin, reaching out and casually caressing her ass.
Jysella caught her hand as she ended the caress, flashed her a smile, and held her last couple of fingers with hers as they walked the rest of the way to their room.
Through silent agreement, they didn't have sex that night. They simply stripped down to their collars and comlink cuffs, got ready for bed, and laid down next to each other like they always did, only sharing a brief kiss.
The next morning they spent a half-hour in the gym, then showered, and had a quick breakfast before reporting for duty. Colonel Drasi immediately questioned whether or not they had orgasmed after they'd left his quarters the night before—after checking them out in their fetishy Imperial uniforms—something he never seemed to get tired of.
“Of course not, Sir,” Jysella assured him.
“You told us not to,” Myri said. “And we always obey you, Sir.”
Colonel Drasi eyed Myri suspiciously a heartbeat. “Good. I'll reward you for your obedience later. Probably this afternoon.”
Both women let out barely audible sighs. They had hoped he'd let them orgasm sooner, like first thing this morning.
Then he had them take off their uniforms, and made them put their butt plugs in, but not their vibrators.
“Now, time to get to work,” he told them once they'd gotten dressed again. “The Empire needs us.”
“Yes Sir,” they answered, both feeling a little weird with their asses full, and not their pussies.
A few hours later, Colonel Drasi took them to lunch in the officers' cantina. Then they promptly returned to his office, and their desk. Each of them kept going into his office, on some pretense or another, hoping he'd fuck them. They each even separately offered him blowjobs which he refused with an amused smile each time, and reminded them that they weren't allowed to orgasm until he gave them his permission.
Their work ran past seventeen-hundred, which wasn't unusual. A little past eighteen-hundred, he announced they could leave the office for the day. They both begged him for sex on the spot, but he insisted that they wait until after dinner. Luckily that didn't take very long.
Finally they were in his quarters. He told both of them to strip down to their high-heeled boots, comlink cuffs, and chokers. He locked their thicker bondage collars around their necks, and cuffed their hands behind their backs. Their asses were still plugged. Then he told them that they would be allowed to lick each others' pussies.
Both women thanked him, and quickly dropped down to their knees. Jysella laid on the floor face up—arching her back to keep some of their weight off her cuffed wrists—and Myri laid down on top of her.
As Colonel Drasi settled down on his poufcouch to watch, Myri and Jysella began eagerly licking each others' pussies. Just as Jysella was about to bring Myri to orgasm though, Colonel Drasi ordered them to stop. Jysella was so caught up that she didn't really want to. Colonel Drasi gave them both a shock—a little stronger than mild—with their collars and butt plugs to get them to obey.
“Now it's my turn,” he told them as he leaned down and grabbed each of them by a bicep. He half-lifted them to their feet, and pulled them to his bed room.
He pushed Jysella onto his bed, then Myri. Then he told Myri to lick Jysella's pussy, but warned her not to orgasm until Myri did. Then Colonel Drasi grabbed a vibrator, and pushed it into Myri's soaking pussy. Next he positioned her on her knees, slowly pulled her butt plug out, and began fucking her ass from behind. It didn't take him long to get Myri to cum. He quickly had them switch places—including moving the vibrator from Myri's pussy to Jysella's—and Jysella licked Myri while he fucked Jysella's ass.
After the women had orgasmed a couple of times each, and Drasi once, they laid on the bed a bit, a tangle of naked limbs. Jysella and Myri still hand their hands cuffed behind their backs, and their high heeled boots on their feet, along with their collars, of course. Finally Colonel Drasi got up and went to the 'fresher.
He returned to find them snuggled together, smiling happily as they kissed and nuzzled one another. Instead of letting them start back up, he ordered them to stop, then uncuffed them and had them get dressed again, including their vibrators and butt plugs. Then they went back to the simulators, changed into their fetish Imperial-style flight suits, and climbed into the simulator cockpits.
“Now, Rebel Sluts, I think we'll try the Battle of Borleias again,” Colonel Drasi announced over their comlinks. “Which side do you want to fight on?”
“Well, we are Rebel Sluts, Master” Myri replied.
“Hmmmm, you have a point,” he responded thoughtfully. “Perhaps I should start calling you two Imperial Slaves?”
“We'd still fight for the Galactic Alliance, Master,” Jysella informed him.
“And I will continue to punish you, Slut One,” he told her.
“Promise?” Myri cooed over the comm.
Colonel Drasi let out a little snort, and began the simulation.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
The following day was pretty typical. They hit the gym for half-an-hour, showered, had a quick breakfast, then reported for duty, plugged in their pussies and asses. They each gave Colonel Drasi a blow job before lunch, and he paddled each of them for some arbitrary reason. The three of them had lunch together, a bit later than normal, then Colonel Drasi went on an inspection tour of the Imperial Security section of the station. Today Jysella went with him, while Myri went back to the office.
The inspection was cut a little short for an unscheduled holonet meeting. Myri sat in on the meeting, while Jysella stayed at their stand-up desk outside his office. That lasted late into the afternoon, pushing back some of Colonel Drasi's other work.
After working late, they ate dinner in his quarters—takeout from the Officers' cantina—and went back to the simulators, followed by another threesome in Colonel Drasi's quarters that involved both Jysella and Myri in bondage.
The next day they were able to finish work at more of a normal time, a little after eighteen-hundred. They had a quick dinner, then Jysella and Myri had their regular salon appointment. After that, they met Colonel Drasi at the simulators. He told them he had a surprise for them, but wouldn't tell them what until they were strapped in.
“Tonight Rebel Sluts, you are going to simulate what you refer to as the Second Battle of Borleias,” he informed them. “Are you ready to fly in service of the mighty Empire?”
“You mean the mighty Empire that lost this battle, Sir?” Myri answered.
A second later she let out a little yelp as he gave her a small shock from her collar.
“We'll see how this one goes, Slut Two,” he replied smoothly.
Neither Myri nor Jysella had any intention of flying for the Empire against the New Republic, even in a simulator. It didn't matter how much he punished them.
A few seconds later, Myri's simulator came to life. She was flying just behind Jysella, towards Borleias. The battle was already going on. Barely a couple of seconds later, an enemy TIE quickly scored a hit, and the vibrators in Myri's pussy and ass gave her a buzz. She managed to evade a pair of laser bolts from another TIE—or maybe the same one—as she heard Jysella moan from getting vibrated. Myri got hit again, and let out her own grunt of pleasure. Her screens went dark for a few seconds, then came back to life.
The blip on Myri's screen indicated Jysella's fighter went out as Myri corkscrewed hard to her right, but not hard enough to evade another pair of bolts from the TIE. She bit her lip as she let out another little moan, and pushed the yoke forward to try to turn over the top of her opponent. Halfway through the attempted maneuver, the TIE got a lock on her, and a split-second later, she got vaped yet again. Her vibrators buzzed a few seconds, causing her to squeeze her legs together, and let out yet another moan. If Colonel Drasi would let me orgasm, getting vaped would be worth it.
The actual Second Battle of Borleias centered on Myri and Jysella's dads blowing up a reinforced conduit that was supplying extra power to the Imperial Garrison. Myri and Jysella didn't go anywhere near that, they just faced simulated TIEs from the base that kept vaping them. After several runs, Colonel Drasi took them back to his quarters, for some well earned sex.
The next day, Colonel Drasi told them that he was going to have to return the simulators back to the Imperial Security's training room, and that it would be done by the end of the day. He had already postponed returning them once. That meant they'd have to find something else to do with their evenings, besides having sex.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Two days later...
Jysella and Myri walked into the rec room, and glanced around a heartbeat. Most of the floorspace was taken up by rows of recreational-grade starfighter simulators, with a bar and tapcafe on the nearer end, along with a dozen or so chairs surrounding a handful of tables. The walls were lined with large holoscreens, displaying an assortment of sports, and a few had the Imperial news feed. The place was also very crowded. They were not in the Imperial Security section of the base, so most of the people hadn't seen them walking around in their stiletto-heeled boots, and tight uniforms.
In a military environment, women always got noticed. Besides the droid behind the counter though, only a handful of people glanced their way. That was likely because instead of their fetishy uniforms they normally wore around the station, they were both wearing standard-issue gray jumpsuits. One of the off-duty Imperial personnel who did glance towards them noticed the high heels peeking out from the bottom of their jumpsuits. Another one noticed the edge of black durasteel above the tightly-fastened collars of their jumpsuits. Neither did more than stare a few moments.
Jysella and Myri quickly moved deeper into the rec room. As they made their way, a couple more people noticed either their unusual heels or collars, and a few more just noticed them in general. Finally they found a pair of simulators that weren't being used, and were at least kind of close to one another. Myri climbed into one a row in front of Jysella's, and two to the right of hers.
The simulators were open on the sides, but enclosed on the front, back, and over the top. The pilot's seat could rock back and forth, and side-to-side a little, to give the effect of banking and turning. The control yoke was similar to a TIE fighter, but there were nowhere near as many status readouts as on an actual simulator, or a real TIE.
While Jysella could lean under the edge of her simulator's holoscreen that jutted out on the right side and see a little into Myri's simulator, she would have to lean forward, and look back over her left shoulder to see into Jysella's.
Underneath their loose-fitting jumpsuits, both women were wearing their black synthhide knee-boots with seventeen-centimeter heels, corsets, black durasteel shock collars, comlink cuffs on each wrist, and tight synthrubber panties. The panties were holding their durasteel vibrators in their pussies, and butt plugs in their asses. They were also both wearing discreet comm receivers in both of their ears.
Jysella pulled the small interface device out of her pocket, and inserted it in the socket below and slightly to the right of the control yoke. The Imperial Security logo flashed on the screen, followed by even quicker flashes of encrypted data.
The device was slicing the simulator’s controls, so Colonel Drasi could reduce the responsiveness of their simulators, like he had done in the other ones. Just like before, they would be flying against random Imperials, and they'd get shocked if they shot them, and vibrated when they got hit. The main difference was, this time, they'd be in the crowed rec room, surrounded by Imperials, so neither of them could moan out too loudly when their vibrators went off.
Jysella had been stunned when Myri suggested the idea. Colonel Drasi had been just as surprised. He had been worried they'd be exposed, but decided to go through with it anyway.
The default simulation program was a massive free-for-all dogfight. Specific pilots or groups of pilots could choose from an expansive list of missions to participate in, or set up their own, for a small fee.
While researching the plan, Myri had discovered that the rec room simulators could emulate X-wings, and other Galactic Alliance fighters. Both Jysella had Myri definitely wanted to fly in X-wing simulators for a change—even if they were recreational-grade. Colonel Drasi pointed out that they would attract more enemies, but they didn't care. X-wings!
“Okay, Sluts, I have control of both of your simulators,” Colonel Drasi informed them over their earpieces. “As well as your vibrators and shock collars,” he added with a chuckle. “I think we'll skip the X-wing tutorial,” he commented, seemingly more to himself than them. “Ready to fly?”
“Sure, Sir,” Jysella answered.
“Slut Two, standing by,” Myri responded.
No one would ever mistake this thing for an X-wing, Jysella thought to herself taking in the recreational-grade Imperial simulator. Still, the screens looked enough like the familiar HUD of one to let her lose herself in the fantasy, at least a little.
There was a quick countdown from three, then she found herself in the middle of a dogfight, with Myri on her wing. She quickly corkscrewed to starboard, barely dodging a pair of laser bolts that had been coming from nearly straight ahead. The simulation was set in orbit over a small planet, with a nearby asteroid field for variety.
Since TIE pilots and other officers had access to the real training simulators, the rec room simulators were almost exclusively used by support crew members. That meant that Jysella and Myri were by far the best pilots in the room. Of course, that also meant that Colonel Drasi had dialed down their controls and lasers even more to compensate. The fact that they were getting shocked when they scored a hit, and vibrated when they got hit served as a further handicap.
Suddenly Jysella got hit. The vibrators in her pussy and ass turned on, causing her to let out a moan, which she quickly bit her lip to quiet. She glanced around, hoping no one had noticed. Luckily the rec room was pretty noisy. She had heard Myri moan out right before her, but no one else seemed to have.
Jysella hadn't been nearly as excited to find out her butt plug could vibrate and shock her as Myri had been. Getting shocked in her ass was definitely more painful than getting shocked from her collar. It was almost bad enough that she didn't even want to try to score any hits. Almost. It was the principle of the thing, after all.
A few seconds later Jysella's plugs vibrated again from another hit. This time she was a bit more prepared, and stayed quiet. A few twists and turns later, she managed to shoot some TIE, and got a shock from her collar, and butt plug that caused her to instinctively raise her ass out of the seat a couple of centimeters.
Colonel Drasi was definitely right about them attracting more enemies in simulated X-wings. In under two minutes, Jysella was vaped. Her screen counted down from three, and she reappeared, out in the edge of the asteroid field, with Myri on her wing.
This time Jysella lasted close to two-and-half minutes before she was vaped. Myri hadn't been as luckily. She had also let out a distinct moan when she'd gotten shot, and another when she'd been vaped. The guy in the simulator next to Myri seemed to have noticed her moaning, but he was just half watching her, while trying to continue his own simulation.
“Okay Sluts, some brave Imperial pilots are attacking a pirate hideout. The pirates need some help,” Colonel Drasi informed them over their earpieces. “That would be you two.”
“Yes Sir,” Jysella answered with an unconscious nod.
“Jysella will be Pirate Seven, and Myri, you'll be Pirate Eight.”
Another countdown, and Jysella's screens displayed a different star system. There was an Imperial Frigate off in the distance ahead, with a squadron of TIEs heading her way, tagged as hostile. The TIEs were identified as Interceptors, modified with more powerful engines, shields, and concussion missile tubes.
A large gas giant was off to port, and a moon behind her, which was the location of her pirate base. There was also a loosely scattered asteroid field, with some hidden laser emplacements on some of the asteroids that the pirates had set up.
Myri was on Jysella's wing, with another half-dozen starfighters flying in a loose formation with them. Surprisingly, there were two X-wings, and an A-wing amongst the pirates, with the others flying variety of Preybirds or TIEs. There was even a TIE Avenger, which was tagged as Pirate Leader. He gave an attack order, and Jysella and Myri followed along.
Needless to say, they were the first two pirates taken out.
“I'll put you two horny sluts back into the free-for-all until they're ready to make another run,” Colonel Drasi told them.
“Yes Sir,” Myri replied over the comm.
Since they weren't fighting against a computer AI like they had been in the real simulators, they couldn't just reappear and keep fighting. They either had to wait, or go back to the free-for-all.
Jysella got vaped twice, and Myri three times before the pilots who had fought the pirate battle were ready for another go. This time, there were only seven pirate fighters.
“Let's see if you can help us out a bit more this time, Seven and Eight,” an annoyed voice announced over the comm.
Jysella glanced at her screen, and saw that it was from the TIE Avenger who was tagged as Pirate Leader.
“Yes Sir,” Myri replied.
“Acknowledged,” Jysella responded, hoping they couldn't tell how horny Myri was from her voice. She was practically moaning as she answered. Then Jysella wondered if they could tell that she was pretty aroused herself.
They made it a bit longer on the second run, but they were still the first two pirates taken out, although one of the enemy’s TIEs was vaped before Jysella.
Instead of going back into the free-for-all, Colonel Drasi had them fly another mission, as pirates again. This time though, they were attempting to disable an Imperial convoy, so they could steal its cargo. The Pirates had eight fighters again, although the one tagged as Four was a Preybird now, instead of the TIE Interceptor it had been.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Myri followed Jysella and the other pirates in towards the convoy, idly rocking back-and-forth in her seat, which caused the dildo in her pussy to move around a bit, keeping her a little closer to orgasm. Frakk I'm horny. There were two medium-sized ships, maybe six-hundred or so meters long, and three smaller ones that were about two-fifty each. An entire squadron of TIE interceptors was defending the convoy. The mission parameters were for any of the eight pirate fighters to disable one of the convoy ships.
Their TIE Avenger and A-wing were both faster than the Interceptors. Both had concussion missiles. According to the mission parameters, two missiles could disable one of the smaller cargo ships. If Myri was leading the attack, she'd split up her ships, to spread the Imperial squadron out. Either one of their faster ships would get through, or one of their other six would be able to.
Pirate Leader wasn't even an Imperial pilot though. He just flew straight towards the enemy, betting that his shields would let him get through. Of course, Colonel Drasi had reduced the explosive yield of her torpedoes and Jysella's, along with the power to their lasers.
The two groups of fighters closed, and began firing on each other. Myri got hit by the third or fourth pair of laser bolts aimed at her. She squeezed her legs together and let out a moan as her vibrators turned on for a couple of seconds. Frakk she was horny.
Seconds later, she managed to score a hit, and felt a shock from her collar and butt plug. “Frakk!” She raised up a few centimeters off the seat, then sat back down. By now she was pasted the line of enemy TIEs. They were already turning to try to get behind the pirate fighters.
Myri glanced at Jysella's indicator on her screen and followed her in their own loop to make another run at the TIEs. Since their X-wings were slower than the Interceptors, that was really their only option. Myri saw that the other Pirates were doing the same, except for Leader, who was flying the TIE Avenger. He punched through, and was heading straight for the convoy.
Myri's opinion of him went up a notch. His ship was faster than the Interceptors, only two of which were just now turning back to chase after him. He'd probably have a good run on the convoy, while the rest of them kept the Interceptors busy. One of the trailing fighters fired a pair of concussion missiles at him.
Suddenly Myri's vibrators started buzzing in her pussy and ass. She'd been hit again. Barely a few seconds later, her controls went dead, and VAPED appeared in large red letters on her screen. Myri let out a groan of frustration. Since she'd gotten shot twice so close together, she didn't get the longer vibration from getting vaped. Now she had to sit and watch Jysella and the rest of them finish the battle.
“Coming up on your right, Slut Two,” Colonel Drasi told her over her earpieces.
Myri glanced up, to see a crewer approaching her simulator, his eyes moving from her stiletto-heeled boots up to meet her eyes.
“Nice boots.”
“Thanks,” she answered, flashing him a polite smile, then turning her attention back to her screens.
“You always fly sims wearing those boots?” he asked, putting his hand on the side of her seat.
“If I want,” she replied, cutting her eyes back to his hand, just behind her shoulder. “And I'm busy at the moment,” she told him firmly, turning her attention back to her screens again.
He seemed to be about to say something else, but then apparently got the hint, and turned and walked away. Myri didn't really have a problem with him admiring her boots, or chatting with her a bit, but Colonel Drasi had been clear that he didn't want anyone catching on to the fact that they were getting vibrated in the middle of the rec room.
“Nicely done,” Colonel Drasi said as Myri watched him climb into a simulator a few down from her own.
Suddenly she felt her dildo and butt plug vibrate, causing her to let out a moan.
“You deserve a reward,” he explained, unnecessarily.
“Thank you Sir,” Myri responded, turning her attention back to her screens.
Pirate Leader had been vaped. Only three of the Pirates were left, along with eight of the Imperial Interceptors. Only six of them were engaged with the Pirates though, as the two that had followed Pirate Leader were still heading back towards the fight. Before they made it, the Pirates signaled their surrender, and Myri's simulator began a thirty second countdown to a reset.
“Nice collar, too,” Jysella told her over the comm.
Myri leaned out of her simulator, turned back, grinned, and flashed an obscene gesture at her. Jysella laughed in response.
The next mission had the Pirates starting out almost on top of the convoy, less than four klicks away. The Imperial TIEs were between them and the convoy. In a handful of seconds the two squadrons were engaged.
Myri, of course, was the first fighter to get vaped. Jysella managed to last nearly two minutes longer. About half the pilots had to leave after that, so the rest joined up with some others who were doing a similar Imperial vs Pirate raid.
This one involved a few more fighters on each side. Myri and Jysella were still the first two to be eliminated. The Pirates decided that they didn't want them back for another battle. Myri was bit annoyed she was getting kicked out of the squadron, but then again, she'd been the first one to get vaped every time.
That put them back into the free-for-all, which wasn't quite as fun flying-wise, but allowed them to go back into the battle quicker, and keep getting vibrated when they got shot. After about twenty minutes or so, Myri begged Colonel Drasi to take them back to his quarters and fuck them. He refused, but for the next dogfight, he only vibrated her ass when she got shot. After that, he decided she still wasn't cooled-down enough, so he didn't vibrate her at all. The next one, he let her get vibrated when she got shot.
About twenty minutes later, he had to do the same thing again. Finally, after dogfighting random imperials for about an hour, Colonel Drasi decided to end it. They had been in the simulators for nearly ninety minutes all together.
Myri pulled out the security override interface, climbed out of her simulator, and stood up on her stiletto-heeled boots. Jysella was doing the same from hers. A few guys tried to talk to them as they left the rec room, but they brushed them aside. Myri was too horny to waste time chatting with some random Imps anyway. Once they got out into the corridor, they headed for Colonel Drasi's quarters.
Just before they arrived, they received a pre-recorded message from him over their earpieces, telling them that he would be delayed a bit, and that their Imperial-issued comlinks would give them access to his apartment, like it did theirs. They got to his door, and they each held their comlink cuffs over the control screen on the right side of the door. There was a beep, and it slid open. They stepped inside.
As the door closed behind them, they heard another message from Colonel Drasi, telling them to strip down to their boots, and then to put on the items on the caf table, and that there were further instructions on the holoscreen. He also told them to leave their earpieces in, so they could hear more instructions.
Myri began stripping off her jumpsuit, like Colonel Drasi had told her to. She barely noticed Jysella looking over at the caf table, but she subconsciously followed her across the room as she pulled her jumpsuit off, and reached for her tight synthrubber panties. Myri glanced at the instructions on the holoscreen, and noticed the pile of silver and black durasteel on the caf table.
Myri realized what had captured Jysella's attention from the pile a moment before she watched her pick it up. Myri tossed her panties aside, leaving her only wearing her boots, black durasteel bondage collar, comlink cuffs, and her corset. Only Colonel Drasi could unlock their collars, and the cuffs weren't meant to come off. A few days ago, Colonel Drasi had given them new corsets, that they couldn't take off by themselves. That meant that they had to take them off of each other.
“Time to get naked, 'Sella,” Myri said as she stepped up next to her girlfriend, and began unzipping her jumpsuit.
“Oh,” Jysella said absently, setting the black and silver strips of durasteel and plasteel down.
A few moments later, both of them were naked, except for their boots, collars, and comlink cuffs. Their vibrators and butt plugs were still in their pussies and asses as well, along with their earpieces.
“Ready?” Myri asked her with a flirtatious grin?
“Are we really going to lock these chastity belts on?” Jysella asked her, picking one back up.
“Of course,” Myri answered, taking the durasteel and plasteel contraption from her. She glanced at the holoscreen, and saw that the instructions had her restraints on the right side of the caf table, and Jysella's on the left. “This one's mine though,” she told her, looking at exactly how to get it on.
The chastity belt had a band of slightly flexible black plasteel that went around her waist. The plasteel looked similar to what they made Stormtrooper armor out of. There was a triangular plate of black plasteel over the front, with a two centimeter wide circular pattern of small holes for her to pee. The Imperial Emblem was embossed on it in silver as well, above the holes. The band of plasteel that went between her legs was contoured, and looked like it would be comfortable enough to wear, especially since the whole thing was lined with a thin layer of glossy synthrubber on the inside. There was a hole in the back that would line up with her ass, for that business, or perhaps anal sex. On the inside of the front of the belt was a nub, which was the only part that didn’t have a synthrubber lining, that Myri assumed was supposed to line up with her clit. She wouldn’t be surprised if it vibrated as well. The lock was concealed inside the front plate, to give it a smoother silhouette, and could only be opened with a remote.
Just as Myri had figured, the chastity belt was comfortable, like it was custom made for her. Ta’tan’ia was always raving about the one Chief Daala had given her. Myri had tried hers on, but it obviously wasn’t as comfortable for her. The plasteel bands on this one were a bit flexible, and it was very form fitting. Myri could definitely see herself wearing this during the day… probably without the vibrator and butt plug though.
Jysella was a bit more hesitant than Myri about putting on an Imperial chastity belt on, but Myri quickly coaxed her into locking it into place. Myri also discovered that their butt plugs—which had the Imperial Emblem engraved into the bases—wouldn’t quite fit through the opening in the back of the belts.
“You look so sexy wearing that chastity belt,” ‘Sella,” Myri told her, eyeing her lustily, and running her hand over the Imperial Emblem embossed on the front. “Like a real Imperial Sex Slave,” she added, leaning in and kissing her on her neck, just above her collar.
Jysella moaned, and kissed her back. After a few seconds, Myri broke the embrace, saying they had to finish getting into their bondage. Their collars would shock them if they weren’t cuffed as instructed on time.
First they locked the six-centimeter-wide durasteel shackles around their biceps. Then the matching shackles around their ankles. Next came the nerfhide harness gags with the panels that would cover the lower part of their faces, and fat cocks that were forced into their mouths. Then Jysella laid face down on the one meter square caf table.
Instead of chains, there was a set of plasteel cables linked together, one for each of them, designed for Gamorrean-cuffing someone. Each set consisted of a longer cable that would run along their backs, with attached cables running across that would lock their ankle, wrist, and bicep cuffs together. The wrist and ankle cables were maybe five centimeters long, while the one meant for their biceps was maybe fifteen centimeters.
Jysella brought her feet up to her ass, and Myri attached the maglocks on the ends of the cables to her wrist, ankle, and bicep cuffs. Then she locked the end of the main cable to the back of Jysella’s harness gag, forcing her to look straight ahead at the holoscreen. Now Myri had to cuff herself.
Luckily, with maglocks programmed to attach to each other, she could manage. She attached the maglocks to her left bicep and wrist, and laid down on the caf table next to Jysella. Then she folded her legs, and locked her ankles together. Then she arched her back, and cuffed the free end of the main cable to the back of her harness gag. Attaching the free end of the cable to her right bicep cuff was a little tricky, but it was long enough that she could get it after a few tries. Finally, she attached the last maglock to her Imperial comlink around her right wrist.
Suddenly Myri felt her elbows being pulled together. She gasped, and glanced over to see the same thing happening to Jysella. The cables connecting their biceps were some how getting shorter.
At the same time, the vibrator in Myri’s pussy started buzzing, distracting her. She let out a moan, at least as much as she could while gagged, and arched her back in arousal. She barely realized Jysella was getting vibrated too.
Myri’s cable stopped about half as long as it had been, not that she was in any position to measure it. It was definitely more uncomfortable than before, but not unbearable. Jysella seemed to be getting used to her stricter bondage as well.
Now the large holoscreen in front of them, which had been congratulating them on completing their bondage switched to Colonel Drasi.
“Hello you two sexy sluts, I hope you like your new chastity belts,” he said cheerfully. “I’m sure you’ll get used to them. I’ll be along shortly. In the meantime, I’ve arranged something for you to watch, while your vibrators and butt plugs will be on random timers to keep you entertained.”
With that, Myri’s vibrator started buzzing in her pussy. Next to her, Jysella let out a yelp, and Myri realized that her butt plug must be shocking her. After a few seconds, Myri’s vibrator stopped. Bizarrely, the holoscreen was now showing footage of Myri and Jysella walking around the station, with close-ups of their fetishy Imperial uniforms. There was sexy music playing along as well.
Myri let out a yelp of pain into her gag as her butt plug gave her a series of mild shocks. The holoscreen flashed close-ups of them adjusting their chokers at the dining hall. Several seconds later, her vibrator turned on again. Frakk she was turned on.
They stayed shackled on the caf table, watching footage of themselves being sexy Imperials while they were alternatively vibrated, and shocked at random. There was even quite a bit of footage of them working out, wearing their skimpy outfits with IMPERIAL SECURITY emblazoned down the legs of their stretchy pants, the Imperial Emblem on their crop-tops, and their comlink cuffs on their wrists. Myri did notice that there wasn’t any footage of them in their room, or changing clothes at the gym, or having sex with Colonel Drasi though. Still, Myri wanted to cum soooo bad, but the vibrator always seemed to turn off just as she was about to go over the edge. She knew that Jysella was really frustrated too.
After what seemed like about half an hour, not that Myri could see the time with her wrists cuffed behind her back and her head held forward, Myri felt someone tug the cable running along her back, connecting her ankle cuffs to her head harness. She grunted into her gag in surprise, then realized that it had to be Colonel Drasi. With the earpieces in her ears playing the music, she hadn’t heard him come in. A few heartbeats later, he stepped into view in front of her.
“You two look amazing,” Colonel Drasi said with an appreciative smile, gazing down at their Gamorrean-cuffed bodies.
Myri heard Jysella grunt in reply, and she quickly grunted as well as she strained her neck to look up at him. He was almost touching the holoscreen on the wall behind him.
“Actually, let’s turn you two around, so we have a bit more room.”
With that he leaned down, and carefully spun Myri around on the caf table, so she was facing away from the holoscreen. Then he did the same with Jysella. Next, to Myri’s puzzlement, he took off her nerfhide panel gag, He pulled the cock gag out of her mouth, leaving her head harnesses in place. He motioned for her to stay quiet, and took Jysella’s panel gag off as well. Then he sat down on the poufcouch that was now in front of them.
“This,” he began, picking up a circle of black durasteel off the poufcouch next to him, “is an... Anti-Force collar.”
Myri’s eyes went wide in shock.
“I want to put it on you, Jysella,” he told her calmly.
“What!? No frakking way!” Myri shouted firmly, tugging against her restraints.
She glanced towards Jysella, and instantly realized she wasn’t anywhere nearly as upset as she was. Myri frowned in confusion a moment.
“Colonel, will this collar block me from using the Force completely, or just shock me if I use it?” Jysella asked curiously.
Colonel Drasi hesitated before answering. “You can still sense things through the Force, but it blocks you from actively using the Force with electric shocks,” he explained.
“Ok Sir,” Jysella responded with a simple nod. “Can you please turn it down as low as possible, then turn it up slowly after you've put it on me?”
“What!?” Myri shouted again, jerking against her restraints. “You are NOT letting him put that on you, JYSELLA!”
“I can do that,” Colonel Drasi answered, nodding towards Jysella.
“It's fine, Myri,” she assured her. “Besides, what can he do that he couldn't have already done to both of us a dozen times already?”
Myri tugged her restraints again as she responded with an indignant huff, clearly unconvinced. Colonel Drasi quickly told the computer to unlock Jysella’s collar, and choker. Then Myri watched in stunned silence as he slid forward on the poufcouch, and took Jysella’s collar and choker off her.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jysella ran through a quick Jedi calming technique, then held still while Colonel Drasi locked the anti-Force collar around her neck. It really didn't feel any different than a normal one, but that was probably because he had it on low.
Jysella kept herself calm as Colonel Drasi pulled a remote out of his tunic pocket, and slowly turned the collar's sensitivity up. Now she could sense its power encircling her neck. Restraining her. Controlling her.
Kriff she was getting horny.
“That should be good,” Colonel Drasi commented, letting his hand rest on his thigh, but still holding the remote. “Now I have something important to tell the two of you.” He paused, and sighed. “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while, I just needed to make sure Jedi Horn didn't overreact.”
He paused a moment, then continued. “My name is not actually Tal Drasi. It is Tal Isard. I am the son of Ysanne Isard.”
Both of them stared at him in stunned silence, then looked at each other, both still Gamorrean-cuffed.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The End ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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