Divine Inspiration | By : LuckyPanda13 Category: S through Z > Troy Views: 5273 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Troy or the Iliad, nor any character from such, and I make no money from this story. |
I sprinted into the forest, hoping against hope that I was faster than Achilles. Hastily, I dropped my sword, shield, and helmet to keep myself from getting weighed down. I couldn’t erase the image of those cold blue eyes, heated with some emotion I refused to put a name to, from my mind’s eye. I weaved as closely as I could towards Troy, loosening the armor I wore so I could rid myself of that extra weight, too. I spotted the city walls over the treetops and dropped the armor from my chest, trying to ignore the burning in my lungs. I got closer and closer to the walls, feeling potential victory push me faster and faster.
Which was when Achilles pounced.
I rolled with the tackle, hoping to get some purchase against the ground to better defend myself from the Greek’s attacks. Achilles rolled with me, effectively preventing any hope for a counterattack and pinning me to the ground. I struggled against his grip, trying to free myself and trying not to die. It took me longer than it should have to notice that Achilles had also divested himself of his weapons and armor, probably to keep up with me, and that he was not, in fact, actually attacking me. His efforts to keep me pinned were mainly holding me still. Mentally, I panicked far more because he wasn’t trying to kill me than if he had a knife to my throat. A knife I could handle, his heavy gaze I couldn’t. I finally stopped fighting, hoping that I could still live to see my wife and son if I played my cards right.
“Hello, little princeling.” Achilles smirked, though his chest was still heaving from the exertion of the chase as well as keeping me pinned. Rage boiled in my chest, the way it always did when my pride was insulted, but I knew better than to bait the man pinning me to the ground who could kill me without thinking.
“What do you want?” Not as diplomatic as I could be, but I chalked it up to my exhaustion. I was also speaking in my native tongue, which I wasn’t sure the warrior could actually understand.
“So eager to get away from me.” Achilles muttered, switching to Luwian.
“You’re my enemy.” I pointed out, systematically testing the strength of Achilles’ hold on me. Damn, the man was strong. Damn, it was arousing. No! Not arousing. Nope.
“I’m not your enemy, Hector.” Shivers flickered up my spine and unease and apprehension settled in my gut as he said my name. He pronounced it the same as everyone did, but the way he said it made my stomach tighten nervously. It was like he was planning on playing with his food before eating it and I was the food.
“You fight for the Greeks.” I replied. “I fight for the Trojans. Therefore, we are enemies.”
“You spared my cousin.” Achilles pointed out.
“And you haven’t killed me.” The “yet” remained unspoken, though by the way Achilles’ eyes narrowed, he had heard the implication.
“Why would I kill you when I find you so fascinating?” He tilted his head curiously, his eyes still narrowed with the apparent slight. I didn’t know how I had insulted him, but apparently whatever it was he didn’t like it. I swallowed tightly and his eyes focused on how my tongue wet my lips. I abruptly wanted Achilles off me and as far from me as physically possible while at the same time the nagging voice in the back of my head reminded me of my dreams the night before.
“Why would you find me fascinating?” I replied, breathing shallowly so I could avoid his scent. It didn’t work. Achilles’ brow furrowed.
“I’m not sure.” He dropped his head down to the hollow of my throat, making my pulse jump wildly, and breathed deeply. He sighed and when his eyes returned to mine, the pupils were blown wide open, making my stomach tighten and my breathing hitch. Panic filled my chest as his gaze focused entirely on me, making me feel like his prey. I adamantly ignored the hand lines of his body as they pressed against me. More specifically, I ignored his erection that was trapped against my stomach. And I stubbornly ignored the way my own arousal was trying to make itself known. I would not be aroused by my enemy. A man who had killed more of my men in his few days of fighting than any other Greek. No. I would not be unfaithful to my wife. I would not betray her like that.
“Why are you doing this?” I managed to get out, though my voice was not recognizable.
“Doing what?” Achilles’ voice was deeper, gruffer, making me feel like I was about to get fucked. Literally. “Am I making you uncomfortable, little princeling?” And with those two words, my anger found its way over my lust. I let Achilles drop his nose back to my neck, where he breathed deeply again when I surged forward, catching him off guard and knocking his back into the ground. I gripped his wrists tightly and pinned his legs down, still disregarding his arousal and trying to keep myself from having a similar reaction.
“Why did you follow me?” I reworded my question. I could have easily escaped from the Greek in his surprise, but I didn’t and I wasn’t sure why. Achilles looked impressed by my actions and he stretched languidly beneath me, looking for all the world like he was going to get fucked, and he knew it and was both eager and smug about it. His skin was scorching under my touch and his scent tried to overwhelm my thought processes.
“Divine inspiration.”
“What?” Achilles had never appeared to be devout, especially not compared to my father.
“I wanted eternal glory.” Achilles said. “But this war is boring, with the significant exception of you. Why did you run away? I never took you for a coward.” He was baiting me, and I knew it. I couldn’t help the rage that boiled up at his accusation.
“I’m no coward.” I growled, desperately trying to keep my head. “But I would rather give my son a father than satisfy my pride. Would you not do the same for Patroclus?”
“I do not fear death.” Achilles argued.
“It’s not about fearing death.” I shook my head. “It’s about fearing that your loved one will not be protected and you are the only one capable of keeping him safe. Leaving my son unprotected every day terrifies me.”
“Not your wife?” Achilles’ smug smirk was annoying me.
“If you think the war is boring, why don’t you leave?” I ignored his question and he looked a little annoyed in response.
“I told you: I find you fascinating.” His scent and “fuck me now” appearance was getting distracting. I had to get away before my body decided to make decisions I knew I would regret. I rolled off the Greek and moved across the clearing, trying to clear my head. I glanced back at the warrior, who sat up, regarding me with his lust-blown eyes.
“You can’t find me fascinating if we have to kill each other.” I replied.
“We only have to kill each other if there’s a war on.” Achilles argued.
“You would sue for peace?” I stared at him, trying to force my brain to ignore all the obvious signs of arousal in both Achilles and myself.
“I would.”
“Divine inspiration.” We sat in silence for a long time, me waiting for him to elaborate and him stubbornly not elaborating. “Odysseus has been trying for peace since before we left Greece, but Agamemnon is a fool and Menelaus feels jilted. Ajax added his voice for peace after his duel with you. He still admires you greatly. I have just recently added my voice to theirs, but it is slow-going.”
“I am the only voice in Troy.” I admitted. “I cannot speak it loudly, but those in power know and ignore me. If peace can be had at all, it must at least begin with you.”
“I understand.” Achilles nodded. “That is the same report Odysseus came up with.”
“Odysseus?” How had the king known my opinions at all and also how unpopular they were within the leaders of Troy?
“He’s a tricky one.” Achilles grinned. “If the war continues, I have no doubt that the victory of the Greeks depends entirely upon that king.” I agreed with the warrior’s theory. Where I would hate to fight Achilles physically, I would equally loathe to face Odysseus in a mental competition. I didn’t know for sure, but I would hazard to guess that the only reason Menelaus and Agamemnon hadn’t bowed to Odysseus’ wishes was because they refused to actually listen to him. The man was uncannily persuasive. I also guessed it was the King of Ithaca who talked Achilles into the notion of peace, despite Achilles’ claim of divine intervention.
“You honestly want peace?” Achilles rolled to his feet and, ever the prowling lion, he stalked closer.
“Yes.” And for some reason only the gods knew, I believed him. “Now, little princeling, answer my question.”
“What question?” I would not be baited by him.
“Do I make you nervous, Hector?” Once again, the throaty tone with which he said my name made shivers erupt up my spine.
“You’re my enemy.”
“With all these pretty words of peace, you can no longer use that excuse.” Achilles smirked as he prowled closer and closer. I retreated, trying desperately to keep his stupid scent as far from me as possible when my back hit a tree. Brief panic flared in my chest as Achilles halted a breath away from me. “Do I make you nervous?”
“No.” I’d always been a bad liar. His smirk widened.
“Why do I make you nervous?” That ass. I said nothing, trying not to breathe through my nose with how close he stood to me. He tilted his head, touching his nose to the dark curls behind my ear and took a deep breath. His voice was a rough growl when he spoke next. “You smell ravishing, Trojan. Spicy and exotic and so utterly you.”
“What are you doing, Greek?” My voice had deepened and roughed to the point where I didn’t recognize it.
“Playing with my food.” Gods, he was flirting.
“That’s not polite.” Gods, I was flirting! Our bodies were still separated by a breath of air, though the warmth emanating from his body in addition to his scent that was overriding any coherency I still had permeated the brief barrier between us. “Didn’t your mother teach you better manners than that?”
“Mmhmm.” Achilles’ eyes, now pure black with the pupils blown so wide, focused entirely on my lips as my tongue darted out to wet them. “Rudeness was always punished.” All appropriate thoughts fled my mind and any objection the rational, responsible part of me died abruptly. “Are you going to punish me, Hector?” His voice was a husky murmur, more liquid sex than actual words. I wasn’t sure at exactly what point my mind snapped, but I somehow managed to slam Achilles’ back roughly into a tree while simultaneously taking advantage of his open mouth to tongue-fuck him liberally. A hoarse groan escaped his throat and an answering growl left mine.
“Lost a little control there, Trojan?” Achilles breathed into my neck like we had just sprinted from the beaches to the walls of Troy. I wasn’t doing much better. His scent was intoxicating and making me lose all sense. I didn’t want to hear him speak anymore. His arrogance and sexuality was pushing me to my limit and I was about to completely lose it.
“Shut the fuck up.” I growled, slipping my thigh between his legs and feeling his erection brush against my hip. He groaned and slid his fingers into my curls, dragging our lips together crudely. He shifted between me and the tree, trying to get any form of leverage against me. I dug my fingers into his hips and brutally shoved his back into the bark. His fingers tightened their hold in my hair, exposing me to the pain that only made my lust mount. Blame it on the warrior in me, but I had long since adopted pain as another form of pleasure. I gripped his hips in a bruising force and dug my fingernails in, granting him the same sinful pleasure that accompanied the pain.
“Hector. Fuck.” I heard his mumbled curse and decided to take him up on the offer. I was admittedly surprised that Achilles wasn’t fighting for dominance more. I wouldn’t have pegged the warrior for being submissive in anything, much less sex. The knowledge that I was going to dictate our coupling and have all the power over him made me drunk with arousal. I stepped back from Achilles for a moment to flip him around, shoving his chest into the trunk viciously.
“Gods…” Achilles groaned loudly. His grin of triumph spoke louder than his words. My hand came up and covered his mouth, silencing whatever the arrogant man was about to say. Intoxicated by the power I held over the mighty Achilles, I wanted to dominate him even more. I didn’t feel in control of myself as I jerked up the back of his chiton and the front of mine. When my erection pressed against his ass, he started whining beneath my hand. I clamped my teeth on his neck for a brief moment before licking a line to his ear.
“You want this, don’t you?” The words spilled forth beyond my own volition, crude even while lacking dirty words. “You’re enjoying the fact that you have absolutely no control, aren’t you? You’re so desperate to get me deep inside you. You’re practically begging like a whore.” He whined and pressed back against me desperately. I pushed forward, shoving past the tight ring of muscles without any preparation, which probably hurt significantly more than Achilles let on as he bit my hand. He was more silent as I slid into him than he had been during our entire encounter. His heat was so tight that I thought my end would come immediately.
“Fuck me.” Achilles ordered, slipping his lips past my hand as I focused more on not finishing than on whether or not his mouth was covered. I started to pull out of him, stopping only when the head of my cock was just inside his ass. My hands gripped his hips tightly, preventing him from moving at all. It took every ounce of self-control I had to not move, but by the gods I would see the Greek humble for once. When Achilles realized that I was not moving and he couldn’t move either, he swore at me in frustration. I bit his neck roughly, dragging a thick moan from his chest. He liked his pain. Not that I was any better.
“Trying to make demands of a prince, Greek?” I teased, not recognizing my voice in any respect. Something dark, primal, and completely sadistic in me welled up and took over my mind. “You, the prince of Phthia, the finest warrior in all the world, the leader of the best warriors in all of Greece, the Myrmidons, reduced to begging. Look at yourself,” I licked the spot behind his ear, relishing in the shiver the touch elicited, “You’re so desperate to be dominated, to be fucked.” The crude word made Achilles jerk, his breath coming in desperate pants. I should have known he’d like dirty talk. “I’m going to take you however I please and you’ll thank me for it afterwards.”
Anger made Achilles’ face flush, but his hips tried to rock against me, betraying how arousing he found my words. I hesitated for another moment before slamming home into his heat. A shocked cry emerged from his throat at my abrupt motion. I growled into his ear as I fucked him as hard and slow and deep as I possibly could. He wasn’t happy with the tempo of my pace, though he definitely appreciated how rough I was with him and his body. His hands pressed into the bark, trying to keep himself from slamming into the trunk with my thrusts. One hand tried to slither down towards his cock and I stopped to bite his neck in punishment. He growled at me as my hand placed his back onto the trunk.
“No touching.” I growled right back. His hands froze obediently and I allowed my hips to continue to piston, slightly faster in reward for Achilles submitting to me. Neither of us spoke as I fucked him hard, drawing bruises into his hips and neck, though the forest around us with filled with our panting and the sharp slap of bare skin smacking against bare skin. It didn’t take long before his tight heat was dragging me closer and closer to the brink of bliss. I considered granting him friction for his erection when Achilles’ breathing abruptly hitched and his ass tightened almost uncomfortably around me. I lost all my control completely as he came undone, his seed splattering all over the tree in front of him. My hips snapped forward uncontrollably and my vision went black as I came, groaning deeply in orgasm. I blinked slowly and my sight returned, showing me the spent Achilles draped over the tree, looking well and truly sated. I slipped from his heat and took several steps back, leaning against another tree as I struggled to remain upright.
“If I had known it would be like that,” Achilles’ voice sounded like he had been screaming for hours, “I would have seduced you years ago.” He turned around against the tree, avoiding the mess he had made, a self-satisfied smirk on his face, a dark bruise on his neck and fingerprints painted onto his hips. Shame washed through me and guilt at betraying my wife made my tongue thick and a knot of terror settle high in my chest. Achilles’ eyes narrowed at me as we both struggled to catch our breath almost as if he knew what I was thinking.
“I have to go.” I got out, my voice finally somewhere close to recognizable. Achilles frowned.
“You regret this.” He replied simply. The most terrifying part of everything that had happened was that I didn’t. I felt guilty and shamed by cheating on my wife, but if I had the chance to redo everything that day, I would have done the same thing.
“You don’t?” I asked, refusing to admit my feelings. He had just gotten dominated in every sense of the word. If his men had seen that…
“Not at all.” Achilles crossed his arms, still frowning at me.
“I have a wife and family.” I didn’t know why I felt the need to explain it to him, but the guilt was doubling at the look on his face.
“I know.”
“We’re enemies.”
“Not for much longer if Odysseus gets his way.”
“One of us could die in battle.”
“We’re too good for that.”
“I was just unfaithful to my wife.” I sighed. “I’m probably going to be punished for all eternity when I die, so do forgive me for regretting what just happened.” Achilles snorted.
“The gods have selected us. Why would they punish you?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“I told you: divine inspiration.” Achilles stood up straight and walked towards me, not quite able to hide the limp. He stopped right in front of me and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me thoroughly. I don’t know why I let him. I don’t know why I kissed back. His fingers slid into my hair, wrapping around the curls possessively. When he pulled back, his smirk was back in place and he winked at me. “Thanks for the ride, Trojan.” He turned and started in the direction of the beaches. I watched him leave. Abruptly, I realized that he had actually thanked me for fucking him into a tree and it was only because I had baited him in the middle of said fucking. Heat flared over my features and I tried to figure out what the fuck I was going to tell my wife.
So… yeah. I can totally see either one of them bottoming depending on the situation. There WILL be bottom!Hector later. All in all: shit will hit the fan, angst will happen, more sex than should be appropriate will take place, and much hilarity will ensure. Let me know what you think thus far!
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