Ship in a Bottle | By : EvilE Category: Pirates of the Caribbean (All) > Het - Male/Female > Jack/Elizabeth Views: 4226 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Chapter 14: A Man, A Plan, and a Woman
Hello, Jack.
He looked up from his chart at the table, where he was trying to identify a mass of land he thought might be nearby. Mary - he wagered - was standing in front of him, dressed in the same clothes she'd arrived in, the black breeches and loose shirt with scarf wrapped under the collar. Uncanny how much she resembled Elizabeth. Spoke like her, looked like her.
I came to return this- she held the borrowed dress out in her arms - and to let you know that Elizabeth said I could have her cabin and she would stay with her husband, since there aren't enough for all of us and your first mate and everyone.
He blinked at her, lifting the bottle that sat to his right and taking a deep swig before setting it down again. So Elizabeth had gone from his bed to her bed to Will's, in less than a day. She certainly did adapt quickly. God forbid she should sleepwalk - who knows where she'd end up.
Plenty of room in here, he said matter-of-factly. Won't have it said that I barred my door against my own wife.
Under the circumstances.
He regarded Mary thoughtfully, remembering that he still hadn't told her that he knew she hadn't spend the night with him. He wondered if Elizabeth had told her that he'd discovered their game, or if she'd played along. But he hadn't had any opportunity to speak to Elizabeth since the very early morning, and it was late afternoon. Better not to risk spilling the beans.
He flashed what he knew was a charming smile. Whatever you wish, love. If you get cold an' lonely, you know the way back.
He was pleased to see her color slightly, and smile as she spread out the dress on another chair. She turned to go, and then seemed to change her mind and came around to his side of the table. He looked at her warily as she walked next to his chair, and bent down, slowly, to press a chaste kiss against his wind-and-sun-roughened cheek.
Thank you for being kind to me, she said sweetly. Then she pressed another kiss to his cheek. And thank you for saving me, and for risking your life to get me out of there. It's something... it's something I'm not sure even my husband... my other husband... would have done.
He remembered again how genuinely nice Mary was, how she fussed over him when he was hurt, and thought again that she was really very sweet. She trusted him. He would take care of her, one way or another, when this adventure was over. He couldn't simply abandon her to the four winds, the way he might any other stowaway or flotsam or jetsam they picked up.
Mary, there's something you need to know.
What's that?
When we take the Pearl, and sail back to my world, I may have to break the bottle. That means you can't ever go back... to your world.
Oh, she said, lightly at first. Then her face fell and she became more serious. Oh.
I'll try to avoid it. But a man's got to do what he can. And if the Dauntless is in hot pursuit, we've got to get away. He looked at her expression, which seem to darken a little. Was she angry? I'm sorry, love. It may be the only way.
That's all right, she suddenly said. I'm not worried about that, anymore.
You're not?
No. She rested her eyes on his face. And I want to help you get back the Pearl.
He smiled, and lifted the rum bottle again. Care to drink to that?
He offered her the rum. Try it, perhaps you'll like it.
She took a small sip, and then coughed. It's strong.
Oh, yes. That's why I like it. As she took another, longer sip, Jack looked her up and down, thoughtfully. He was trying to think how she might be useful in reclaiming the Pearl. Darling, what kind of assistance do you think you can provide to us?
She walked away from him, and found his sword lying on a side table. She tossed it into the air and caught it expertly, turning around to face him in the same instant. I have my uses.
Yes, you certainly do, Jack murmured in surprise, taking in her fighting stance from head to toe.
* * *
Jack squinted through the spyglass. He was fairly certain of who he saw on the deck of the Pearl in the twilight, but he wouldn't risk going any closer to make sure.
Is that him? Gibbs asked from behind him.
I am inclined to believe it.
Well, that's mighty interesting, ain't it, Cap'n?
Most assuredly. Jack lowered the spyglass, and felt the heady rush he often felt when he had solved a problem he'd been working on, or when a truly brilliant - and often devious - plan had formed at once in his brain.
This plan had been in early stages but lacked definition, a certain means. Until now. And it was going to require some very special skills on the part of his crew. On the part of one member of his crew, in particular.
If he's just come on watch now, he'll be on for the next eight hours. I have a special mission in mind for tonight.
Call Francois to me. And that smart one, the ex-surgeon, what's his name?
Maynard, ye mean?
Yes. Those two. Bring them to me at once. And ready a boat. They row out at ten.
Aye, Cap'n.
* * *
At eleven that evening, the deck of the Elizabeth was quiet except for the sloshing of the waves. Jack peered intently into the sea, watching for something. He heard footsteps behind him, and when he inhaled, he had already determined who it was by her scent.
Yes? he said, without taking his eyes from the sea. The despair that had been gnawing at him all day became an ache in earnest, squeezing his stomach and making him feel queasy. And he never felt queasy. Not on a ship, anyway. Make it quick, won't you? I've got a busy night ahead, not too much time for- scraping the battered pieces of my foolish heart off the deck was what he wanted to say, but instead said -misery loving company.
The footsteps paused, and he was sure that she hadn't expected that, hadn't expected him to know why she was approaching him. Unless... and he turned to see her, the truth of what he'd been about to say reflected in her eyes in the dim lamplight.
I have two things to tell you, she said, her voice catching.
Only two?
She sighed, and he almost took pleasure in how difficult it sounded for her. Almost. Since he did still believe she intended to rip out his still-beating heart.
Jack, what there is between us... it has to end. It's not honorable. And I won't deny my part in it, won't refuse... responsibility for it. But I'd like to think we're both honorable people, and we can end it amicably. Hard as it is... and her voice broke off, as she looked at him, her mouth open with effort to speak. He longed to gather her in his arms, to kiss away that hesitation and the misery he saw in her face, but knew he couldn't. She looked out to sea, then. We mustn't see each other any more. Let's have it be over.
You can't even look at me when you say that, he pointed out. And speak for yourself with the honorable part, won't you? I'm a bloody pirate.
She shrugged. I'm not as proud any more, Jack. But I'm going to try and be an honorable person, an honorable wife. Will deserves that.
He swallowed his bile, the anger that threatened to make him lose his temper, right there on the deck. He wanted to grab her, throw her against the side, ravish her until she forgot bloodystupidWill Turner's name. Then they'd see who deserved what, and how much it really meant to be honorable, anyway. Which was zilch, in his opinion. But all he said was, What was the other thing?
What? She seemed stunned at how readily he'd accepted her terms. Had she expected him to fall at her feet, to beg for any scrap of attention she would throw his way?
The other thing. That you wanted to tell me.
Oh... She recovered her voice, and turned to go. It's Mary. I'm aware you two have... bonded, but I don't entirely trust her. Be careful. And she was gone.
* * *
Shortly before midnight, the boat returned.
Jack accompanied Gibbs to the rail where they helped the men up. Francois was first. Well, Francois, have you brought me my delivery?
Aye, sir, Francois said proudly, turning to haul on board a struggling mass of dark fabric, assisted by Maynard, behind him, who shoved the bundle up on the deck. It toppled over and lay on the deck, flopping wildly.
Feisty one, isn't he? Jack said. After extending a hand to Maynard, he ordered them to stow the boat and turned to his prize. He tore the fabric away from what he hoped was its head, and a head did indeed pop out.
The young man's mouth had been tied with a dirty bandanna, and he bit it as he thrashed, making as much noise as possible. Jack silenced him with a firm strike across the face.
Not so much noise. We have ladies sleeping on board. And believe me, you've no wish to wake them. His tone was soft but deadly serious.
At this the young man ceased to struggle as much, and Jack noted that he seemed less afraid of Jack himself than of the prospect of the women. Smart man, he thought. Then again, it fit. He is smart, after all.
Gibbs appeared to the side of Jack and the gagged young man. Saints alive, we got 'im!
We did indeed. Now, Mr. Gibbs, go rouse Mr. Turner and tell him to get his things. It's time. Jack turned back to the young man. What's your name, mate?
In a few moments, Gibbs returned. He's on 'is way up.
Jack turned at the sound of footsteps on the stairs from the hold, but Will did not appear. Instead, Mary (Jack surmised) came out, looking hastily dressed.
What's going on? she demanded to know. Then her eyes fell on their guest. Her pretty mouth fell open in shock, and she rushed over to the young man with a shriek. Will! My God, what have you done to him, you... you monster! She turned eyes flashing with rage on Jack.
Apparently she had a temper similar to Elizabeth's as well, he filed away for the future. It's not him. Don't get your knickers in a twist.
What do you mean, it's not him?
It's another him. From this world. At her suddenly comprehending and hopeful expression, he wrapped her fingers around her arm and pulled her over to him. But I don't think you want him. He lowered his voice to a whisper. He's a eunuch.
Mary wrenched away from him, looking disgusted. Will told me how much he hates that joke. Do you have to put him down constantly?
Jack raised his brows and pursed his lips in innocence. Not joking. He really is a eunuch. See for yourself. But, um, not here.
Mary knelt next to Eunuch Will and helped him sit up, stroking his face and murmuring comfort words. Jack felt slightly ill.
Ask him his name. He wouldn't tell me, Jack said sullenly.
Probably because he's still gagged, you heartless fiend! Mary eased the cloth out of the young man's mouth. What's your name? she asked softly.
But Eunuch Will, seeing her face clearly now in the lamplight, flinched away and began to struggle even more violently.
What's wrong with him?
He thinks you're her, said Jack dryly. He thinks you're his evil captain. And he really is terrified of her.
At this Eunuch Will turned back to Mary, his eyes confused.
That's right, little Willy. She's not your pirate mistress. She's nice - most of the time. Why don't you tell her your name?
It's... it's William, he stammered. But if you already knew it, why did you ask?
Just making sure, Jack said. Don't want any surprises.
Then Will Turner appeared from below, a jacket on his shoulders, a small satchel over his arm. And when the other Will looked up and saw him, his eyes rolled back and he fainted dead away into Mary's waiting arms.
Will sidestepped the body on the deck, with no more than a passing glance to confirm the identity of the young man. He headed for Jack.
Will, I hope you're ready, Jack said, rising from where he had bent over their guest. We're counting on you.
Will swallowed, seeming nervous, but eager. You can count on me, Jack. Captain.
All right. Jack drew him aside, throwing an arm around him as they walked to the boat, and he beckoned to Francois, who moved to walk with them. You remember the plan?
Will took a deep breath, nodding anxiously. Slip aboard. Fulfill duties of the deckhand. Request an audience with Lady E, and claim to know of hidden treasure on an island about 16 hours sail due north-west from our current position. Gain her trust as much as I can, getting her to the island alone, at dawn the next day. Send up a signal if possible. You all will ambush her at the island, and we take the Pearl.
Very good. Now it doesn't sound easy, and it's a lot harder than it sounds. But you're the man for the job, because you're all we've got, savvy?
Now. Jack leaned closer, his arm tightening around Will's slightly smaller frame. Before, when I said 'gain her trust as much as you can,' I meant you may need to go above and beyond the normal realms of respectable societal interaction.
You want me to seduce her. It was a statement, not a question, on Will's part.
If you can - Jack looked him up and down- and I do have faith in you - it would raise a beautiful topgallant to wave over the whole thing. But one tiny piece of advice, mate. Should you find yourself getting well-acquainted, biblically speaking, with the woman we're casually calling Lady E - don't forget to ask her name.
I can do it. I'm your man, Jack. Will's bright, dancing eyes met Jack's dark, calculating ones, and Jack squeezed his shoulder, hard, between his forefinger and thumb, pushing him slightly backward.
Godspeed, Will Turner, Jack said down to him as Francois climbed into the boat and he watched them get ready to row away in the darkness.
Gibbs drew up next to Jack at the rail, waiting to speak until the boat disappeared into the night's cloak. I noticed ye didn't tell him all her crew are eunuchs, and that she be a fearsome virgin mistress who's killed or emasculated any man who's dared to try to alter that particular status.
Jack didn't move a muscle or turn to look at Gibbs. That information was need-to-know only. No need to strike fear into the hearts of the entire crew.
Ye don't think our dear Will needed to know?
Believe me, Mr. Gibbs... when he needs to know, he'll find out, won't he?
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