Cover Me | By : Huronoryu Category: S through Z > Transformers (Movie Only) > Transformers (Movie Only) Views: 72026 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 9 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Transformers movie, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Cover Me
By Black Dragon Queen
Author's Note: This chapter was so HARD for me. I don't know what it was but it seemed to take me forever to get past it. ^^; Anyway, to my readers in Canada, I will try and be as accurate as possible though I make no promises.
Cover Me Fan News: Brought to you by sunscreen, if you're imitating a lobster, you may want to get some. Well, Skyjack added a second chapter to "Absolutely Nothing" ^_^ Please read and review so she does more!
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three: Oh Canada!
“Jazz would you be careful already!” Prowl yelped as Jazz speed down the road, practically flying over the hills and dips and wave the land made.
“This is fun!” Jazz just called back as he practically flew over the pavement.
“Can of oil says he hurls in the next mile,” ‘Cade chuckled as they watched the small Pontiac go.
“You’re on,” Ironhide snickered, startling the ‘Con with his own wager.
“Autobit?” Barricade called out. “You in?”
“Oh he’s going to hurl all right,” ‘Bee laughed as he watched his friend and teammate fly over the road. “Question is when?”
“Soon would be my guess,” Ratchet snickered.
“I don’t get it! Hurl what?” Wheeljack asked as he pulled alongside the hummer. “What exactly is he going to hurl?”
There was laughter from the First Team and the humans. “He means throw up,” Sam snickered.
“Throw up what?” Perceptor asked curiously. Sam just rolled his eyes as Miles laughed beside him.
“Never mind, ‘Cade won,” Ratchet snickered as he watched Jazz practically slam to a halt before he turned and scuttled to the tree line, shifting into mech form in the process. Prowl instantly transformed himself and quickly went after his mate. The sound of retching soon reached everyone along with the smell of oil in the air.
“Slag,” Ironhide muttered as the group slowed down for the two.
“You guys okay?” Optimus called out inquisitively.
“’M good,” Jazz groaned as he and Prowl returned to the road, Jazz a bit shakily.
Prowl was shaking his head as he helped steady his small husband. “Perhaps we should go more slowly from now on,” he told him with a small frown. Jazz could only nod in agreement, still too ill to answer verbally.
“And perhaps you two should get back into your alt forms,” Ironhide drawled. “There may be no one around at the moment, but we are near populated areas.”
The two quickly shifted as Ratchet pulled up alongside Optimus. “So when’s the next turn off?” he asked curiously.
Optimus paused a moment as he pulled up the map he had downloaded. “Um… apparently three miles back the way we came.”
“WHAT?” Ironhide bellowed. “We passed it?”
“I don’t think that matters,” Jazz spoke up shakily. “You’re talking about that turn off onto Eighth Avenue?”
“Yeah,” Optimus confirmed. “But I don’t see how we could have missed it.”
“What are we on now?” Ironhide called out curiously.
“Ninety Nine,” four voices called back.
“What about Sixteenth?” Ratchet asked curiously. “Could we take that to One Seventy Six?”
“Possible…” Ratchet mused.
“I don’t know guys. It doesn’t look as if there’s a turn off,” Will announced with a frown, staring down at his own map.
“Oh for the love of Primus,” there was an irritated groan. “If we can’t find a turn off how about we just walk there? It’s not like we have to stick to the roads.” Everyone went silent at Barricade’s statement.
“Then you can pull the trailer,” Optimus announced happily after a beat of silence.
“WHAT?” Barricade yelped indignantly.
“You’re the ones with my tow cable after all,” Ironhide drawled.
Epps raised an eyebrow at this as he glanced at the passenger rear view mirror. “You guys haven’t given that back yet?” he snickered.
“Err…” ‘Bee hummed, trying his best to come up with an explanation.
“He never asked for it,” Barricade chuckled.
Will just shook his head, patting Ironhide’s steering wheel absently as he examined the map. “Worse comes to worse, we can probably find a turn off in the next town.”
“What’s the road we need to get on?” Perceptor asked curiously.
“Provincial route one,” Ratchet told him.
“But that takes us back the way we came!” Wheeljack yelped after looking up a map of his own.
“Unfortunately,” Optimus sighed. “But what choice do we have, unless you want to agree with Barricade when he says we should walk.”
“Why can’t humans just build a straight road?” Sideswipe muttered from where he and Sunny were stuck between both Optimus and Ironhide.
“They have to take the land into consideration,” Ratchet explained. “Unlike Cybertron with its flat surface, the Earth’s is very rough and irregular.”
“It’s asymmetrical is what it is!” Ironhide growled.
“Ironhide, no more shooting the local wildlife, please,” Optimus groaned. “Cactus’ are one thing but we can’t have you going around shooting trees or what not.”
“But they’re not symmetrical!” Ironhide yelped.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Sunny muttered as they drove along.
“I’m just saying!” Ironhide sulked.
“These human maps making sites make no sense,” Prowl suddenly spoke up. “Why does it want us to get onto Highway Five when we can just stay on One? They eventually merge anyway at Cariboo Highway.”
“He’s got a point,” Jazz agreed looking at his own map. “Would save us some driving time. Just stay on One, then it becomes Ninety-Nine and right up to Ninety-Seven. And that way we ain’t backtrackin’!”
“What’s a ‘caribou’?” Side’s asked inquisitively.
Prowl seemed puzzled with the question. “I just said; it’s a highway.”
“I think he means the one with the ‘u’ spelling babe,” Jazz chuckled as he switched off his browser.
“It’s a deer,” Optimus explained tiredly. “Just look it up.”
“Oh! Do you think we’ll get to see any?” Sunny asked excitedly at the concept.
“Only if we run one down, maybe,” Ratchet chuckled.
“What?” Sides sounded perturbed by the medic’s statement.
“Let’s just say from what we’ve read, we’ve learned that deer have a propensity to just leap out in front of oncoming traffic,” Optimus explained with a small chuckle.
“WHAT?” Side’s yelped as he quickly got in front of Sunny and slowed down, forcing the other to do the same.
“What the-? What’s the big deal Sides?” Sunny yelped as he tried to go around the red Revingtononly to have Sides dart in front of him once again. “Slag it Sides!”
“According to the site, caribou are HUGE!” Side’s yelped horrified. “Almost up to four hundred pounds!”
“So what?” Sunny huffed as he tried to once more get around his mate.
“So I don’t want you to get injured, that’s what!” Sides snapped and all the Autobots gasped in surprise at the pure anger in the tone. Sideswipe never got angry at his other half. EVER. Sunny quickly dropped back in shock at the force of the tone and even Prowl was stunned as he slowly began herding Jazz away from the infuriated Lambo.
Ratchet glanced over at the larger big rig. “Perhaps we should have taken them home when we had the chance.”
Sunny seemed just as stunned as everyone else. “Sides, what’s wrong with you?”
“What?” Sides asked with a small huff. “Nothing, I’m just,” he let out a long sigh. “I’m just worried about you. You and the sparkling. I don’t think I could bare anything happening to you. Not now after we finally won the war.”
Sunny seemed stunned by the admission. “Sides…”
“Oh gag me,” Barricade groaned and he began making retching sounds behind them.
“I swear he’s the equivalent of a human five-year-old,” Ironhide sighed as the two Lamborghini’s dropped their speed and quickly put some distance between them and the others, wanting some privacy, Barricade taunting them the whole time. Will and Epps just snickered before Epps sat up sharply.
“Oh man, I left my coloring book with Soundwave,” he huffed.
There was a snort from Ironhide as Will gave his friend a sideways look. “I thought we shoved everything in trailer?”
“It’s a long drive,” Epps sulked as he sat back in his seat.
“Now who’s the five-year-old?” Will chuckled before he glanced at Jazz ahead of them again. “Do you think he’ll ever learn?”
Epps glanced up to watch the small silver mech weave around the road once more. “It’s Jazz,” he replied with a frown.
“In other words, no,” Ironhide chuckled.
Will shook his head as he sat back in his seat listening to the Autobots discus what road way would be the best. So far it Ratchet and Optimus were voting on One-Fifty-Second Street that apparently went right up back up to One. Will just sighed as he closed his eyes, trying his best to ignore the other human in the truck. He could feel Epps just staring at him from the next seat and he tried his best not to let it bother him but Epps just kept staring at him. Will finally sighed and opened one eye partially to look at the other man. “What?” Epps was wearing a rather worried frown on his face and Will was instantly alert and anxious himself. “What is it?”
Epps just frowned. “Since when do you get sick?” he questioned directly.
“What?” Will blinked in surprise.
“I thought all humans got ill once in a while,” Ironhide suddenly spoke up, fear in his voice.
“They do,” Will told the large mech before turning to Epps. “I’m fine,” he stressed. “I think the pancakes at that hotel were off.”
Epps frowned, continuing to stare at Will disbelievingly. “How would that matter? You have a cast iron stomach.”
“No Epps, that’s you,” Will drawled as he sat back in his seat. “Really I’m fine.” The air vents suddenly clicked on and Will’s frown turned into one of annoyance as Epps tried to hide his smile. “Really ‘Hide. It was just one of those things that happens.”
“Really?” Ironhide asked fretfully. “Are you sure? Maybe we should stop somewhere until you feel better and then we can catch up with the others.”
“Really Ironhide,” Will groaned with a small blush on his cheeks. “It’s okay. We don’t have to stop.”
“If you say so.” Ironhide didn’t sound the least convinced.
Will sighed and rolled his eyes when he realized that Epps was still staring at him. “What?” he asked, knowing that his blush was getting brighter as he slouched and tried to duck his head.
Epps was just grinning madly at this point. “So?” he said, scooting closer. “When did this happen?” he asked with a tilt of his head at Ironhide’s radio.
The blush had now migrated over Will’s nose and his down neck. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Uh huh,” Epps drawled. “Sure you don’t.”
“Really I don’t,” Will insisted, hoping against all hope that Epps would just drop it.
“I’m certainly lost,” Ironhide stated, puzzled by the cryptic conversation. “What are you talking about?”
“Nothing!” Will insisted quickly with a fearful glance at Epps.
Epps just shrugged. “He’s right, it’s nothing really.” Will let out a small sigh. “Just trying to figure out when you two became so… chummy.”
“What?” Ironhide asked confused at the new term.
Will just groaned. “Leave it Epps.”
“What?” Epps chuckled. “I’m just saying.”
“Oh!” Ironhide suddenly gasped as he looked the word up. “We’ve always been friends, you know this,” he stated, a bit of a panic to his voice.
Epps snickered. “No, you and I are friends, Sam and I are friends, you two are chummy.”
“No we’re not,” Ironhide quickly countered.
“Uh huh,” Epps chuckled as Will groaned and dropped his head into his hands.
“Epps, do you mind?” he practically pleaded.
“None whatsoever,” Epps grinned. “So… details here. What’s the scoop with you two?”
“‘Scoop’?” Ironhide sounded confused again but Will just settled on glaring at his fellow ranger.
“Drop it Epps.”
“Was that a confirmation?” Epps asked eagerly, scooting closer to Will. “Come on! You can tell your best bud! I swear I won’t ridicule, become angry or tease you…” He paused. “Well I may tease you a little.”
“Robert!” Will growled warningly.
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of it that easy,” Epps continued to grin. “You two were avoiding each other like the plague before and now this?” Epps’ grin got wider. “Clearly there’s some form of attachment here if he’s worried like he is.”
“Is it such a big deal for me to be worried when one of you becomes ill?” Ironhide asked gruffly. “From the web sites, they state that a small illness could be the prelude to something worse.”
“Doubt it,” Epps snickered.
“All right everyone, the turn off is just ahead,” Optimus announced to the group at large as he passed Ironhide and his passengers. “Radio silence from here on out, the traffic is getting thicker.”
Epps snickered at Steven’s continued obviousness as he nodded to the large rig as it passed before turning back to Will. “So?”
Will just frowned. “I don’t think it’s me you should be worried about,” he muttered.
Epps actually blinked in surprise. “What?”
Will sent a small glance at the side view mirror and at the small yellow car behind them. “Nothing,” he sighed as he sat back and tried his best to ignore the other man beside him, allowing the cool air of the AC to wash over his heated skin. Maybe Epps was right and he was coming down with something. Will sighed as he closed his eyes. ‘Well, only time will tell.’
Sam sighed as he stretched out in the driver’s, cringing when his foot hit the pedal a few hours later. “Oops,” he muttered. “Sorry ‘Bee.”
“You’re good,” ‘Bee chuckled. “How are you two holding up?”
“Man, this is so boring,” Miles huffed as he watched the barren landscape pass them by.
“Tell me about it,” Sam chuckled. “I’m beginning to wonder if Mikaela had the right idea staying back at the base.”
“-Doubt it,-” Barricade drawled over the radio. “-There’s nothing to do there either.-”
“She probably wanted to visit with her old friends anyway,” Miles added. “You know, the ‘cool kids’.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “She doesn’t hang out with those kids anymore, you know this Miles.” Miles slouched and Sam had to smile softly. “Mikaela’s changed since meeting up with the Autobots. She’s not shallow like her old friends.”
Miles sighed. “I know this,” he admitted quietly, slumping in his seat. “I just…”
Sam chuckled. “Just give it time,” he laughed.
Mile’s eyes widened as he turned to look at Sam in shock. “You mean you knew?” he asked in a squeaking voice.
Sam and ‘Bee both just laughed at the boy’s gobsmacked expression. “Kind of hard not to notice all the looks you were throwing her.”
“Yeah, is it me or are there suddenly a lot of couples around?” ‘Bee asked innocently.
“-Please don’t mention that,-” Barricade groaned thought the radio. “-They’re all crazy.-”
“Though it is entertaining,” Miles chuckled as he watched Prowl and Sideswipe chase their respective partners down the road.
“Yeah, entertaining,” Sam muttered as he glanced at the rear view mirror and at the black and white vehicle behind them.
“-We’re going to be coming up to a town ahead,-” Wheeljack suddenly announced through the radio to the group at large, easily going around the arguing Sunny and Sides.
“-Did anyone need a rest?-” Ratchet called out. “-Sunny? Jazz?-”
“-Me!-” Steve called out the window.
“-I seconded the motion!-” Ron also called out. “-Sam?”
“Huh?” Sam glanced out the window at the little car beside them. “Oh, right.”
“-We’ll make a quick stop for lunch and then head out again,-” Prowl decided.
Sam groaned and slouched back into his seat and he wasn’t the only one who didn’t like the announcement. “-Aw come on Prolwie! Allow us some down time.-”
“-Yeah, we need some time to cool down,-” Sides added.
“-We need to make up for lost time,-” Prowl argued. “-We’re already a day behind.-”
“-Again, it’s not a race here Prowl,-” Optimus chuckled.
“-But Starscream may already be there by now!-” Prowl protested.
“-Doubt it,-” Barricade drawled from the back of the group.
“-Are you sure though?-” Prowl pressed on doggedly.
“-More than sure,-” Barricade replied and there was a sound of agreement from the end of the group.
“-Starscream does not know the word ‘subtle’,-” Soundwave elaborated. “-I’m sure we would have heard something about it.-”
“-He’s right you know,-” Will’s voice came over the line, sounding strangely relived. “-A fighter jet over the Arctic Circle would have been noticed.-”
“-Still,-” Prowl began again only to have Jazz interrupt him this time.
“-Relax babe,-” he chuckled. “-Better to take our time.-”
“Day three, it’s only day three,” Sam sighed as he sat back in his seat.
“Don’t remind me,” ‘Bee huffed. “Is it me or has this trip been agonizingly long?”
“I’ll agree with you there,” Sam muttered, glancing at the mirror again.
“-This place looks great. Where should we eat?-” Steve’s voice came over the line as they saw the town in the distance.
“-Hey Optimus, would it be all right if we kind of hung back and not go to the town?-” Jazz suddenly called out.
“-What? What’s wrong?-” Optimus was instantly in full concern mode.
“-Oh no, nothing like that,-” Jazz quickly reassured him before he clicked over onto the First Team’s private line. “-I just think that Prowl could use some… relaxation.-”
“-Damn it Jazz, TMI!-” Ironhide yelped.
“-EEP!-” Sideswipe practically leaped away from the gunner at the outburst, having not been privy to Jazz’s communication.
“-TMI?-” Sunny asked curiously.
“-Never mind that,-” Ratchet told the younger mech.
“-Ahh, going to get a little ‘alone’ time, huh?-” Ron chuckled.
“-To be young again,-” Steve snickered.
“DAD!” Both Miles and Sam yelped, aghast at their father’s antics.
“-What?-” Ron chuckled. “-How do you think you got here?-”
“-RON!-” Barricade and Epps yelped in unison.
“-What did Ironhide say about TMI?-” Will chastised.
“-Ah to be young and in love,-” Optimus sighed. “-Did anyone else wish to stay behind for a little… personal time?-”
Ratchet glared at the big rig. “-Oh you are so enjoying this, aren’t you?-”
“-We do!-” Sunny and Sides chirped.
“-Okay, then the love birds are all staying back I assume?-” Optimus chuckled.
“-What birds?-” Prowl asked puzzled.
“-Us dear,-” Jazz admitted sheepishly. Prowl still seemed confused but Optimus was speaking again.
“-So the rest of us are going to head out to this… ‘Whistler’ place,-” the larger mech was saying. “-We’ll meet up in one hour.-”
“-You got it boss man,-” Jazz chirped as he suddenly turned down a side road.
“-Jazz! Wait up! We can’t get lost again!-” Prowl yelped as he took off after his smaller husband.
“-Later!-” Sunny chirped, moving to follow when his path was suddenly blocked.
“-Oh no,-” Ratchet drawled. “-You’re coming with us.-”
“-We are?-” Sides groaned.
“-They are?-” Wheeljack yelped.
“-Yes they are,-” Ratchet drawled. “-Come on.-”
There was a small laughter from the other mechs. “-We’ll see you later guys,-” Optimus chuckled.
Sam just shook his head as he watched the six cars leave. “Do you think they’ll get lost.”
“-DON’T JINX IT!-” came Barricade’s frantic cry. “-This has already been the trip from Hell.-”
“Oops,” Sam clamped a hand over his mouth.
Miles just shook his head. “Hey ‘Bee, can you connect to our dads?”
A moment later, Steve came on the line. “-What’s up?-”
“Does anyone know where we’re going to even eat?” Miles asked.
“-I’m sure there’s some place…-” Will began only to trail off as they drove around the town.
“-Whoa,-” Epps sounded absolutely stunned and it took the boys a moment to figure out what it was they were staring at.
“What is that?” Sam gasped.
“-That,-” Ron chuckled as he glanced at the sign. “-Would be the Four Seasons Hotel.-”
“Too bad we’re only staying for lunch,” Sam chuckled and Miles could only nod as they stared at the eight-story lodge before them.
-To Be Continued
Author's Note: Like I said, it took me forever to get past this chapter. Please join us next time for chapter One Hundred Twenty Four: Pet Names
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