Divine Inspiration | By : LuckyPanda13 Category: S through Z > Troy Views: 5273 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Troy or the Iliad, nor any character from such, and I make no money from this story. |
“When is Papa and Patty comin’ back?” Astyanax whined for the third time that day.
“Soon.” I promised, knowing that all I wanted to do was whine, too. Achilles had, true to form, returned in a timely fashion, but had to leave within a few days to Phthia. Patroclus had bonded with my son before the Myrmidons had left Troy, successfully earning him at least one person who thought he was perfect. Astyanax was good for Patroclus’ self-esteem as well as his patience. Patroclus had gotten significantly more patient in the few scant days he spent with my son.
Odysseus had made offerings to all the Olympians before he made a hasty exit from our shores, too. I wondered if I’d ever get to see the King of Ithaca again. We had become good friends in our time spent together. I prayed for him to receive good fortune from the gods, but a sense of foreboding always filled me when I did so. I hoped he survived whatever the gods had in store for him.
It had been two months since the Greek armies filled their ships and left the shores of Troy. Achilles hadn’t yet returned. It bothered me, being separated from him, far more than I wanted to admit. Astyanax had been asking about them daily. So had the assembly members, but that was more because they wanted to know how many Myrmidons we would be welcoming into the city. Astyanax just wanted his Papa and big brother back. Achilles had told me it would be at least three months, probably four, before he would return to Troy, so I wasn’t holding out hope.
When the horns blared a warning to the city, that a ship had been spotted on the horizon, I was more than a little surprised. Instantly, Astyanax was on his feet, chanting “papa” and demanding that we go to the beaches to welcome them home. I had to explain to the five-year-old that it would be hours before the ship was close enough to dock. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it probably wasn’t Achilles. When the horns blasted again a couple hours later, Sarpedon ran into the room.
“The Myrmidons have returned, my king.” He breathed. Immediately, I picked up my son and ran to the palace roof. Astyanax complained that we were going the wrong way, but I knew it would take more time before the boats would reach shore. Borrowing a spyglass form the sentry, Mynes, I focused on the score of ships approaching my city. At the head of the small contingent was a ship with a peace banner and the Phthian banner. I focused on the dock and managed to make out a golden head of hair.
“I wanna see!” Astyanax demanded. Obediently, I handed over the spyglass to the boy and Mynes was quick to pick him up to allow him to see over the wall. He had a great deal of fun spotting all the little ships on the horizon.
“Will you send an envoy, my king?” Sarpedon asked.
“Yes.” I said. “We need to send horses and wagons to help them haul their belongings into the city. Get the steward working on finding places for everyone to stay.”
“My king, will you be greeting our guests here or at the beaches?” Sarpedon asked. Mischief filled my mind and I bit back my grin. Odysseus had been a terrible influence on me.
“Here will be fine.” I said. “Astyanax, come. We must get ready for our guests.”
“Thank you.” Astyanax said politely to Mynes, handing the spyglass back as he was placed back on the ground. He glanced back towards the beaches. “When will Papa and Patty be here?” I looked to Mynes, who grinned.
“They have a good wind, my prince.” He said. “They should arrive at the beaches within the hour.”
“Thank you.”
“It is my pleasure, my prince.” Mynes bowed to the boy. I clapped the sentry on the shoulder with a grin, happy that my people had always loved my son. I gave him a grateful nod and took Astyanax’s hand to lead him back to our rooms. Sarpedon followed us, eyeing me suspiciously.
“May I help you?” I asked, staring at my second, amused.
“You’re not going to the beach?” He asked. “Not even to greet your lover?”
“Daddy!” Astyanax gasped in outrage.
“We’ll greet them here.” I ignored my son with a shrug. Sarpedon didn’t look convinced. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the whining boy at my side. “Go away.”
“Yes, my king.” Sarpedon bowed, but his tone told me that he’d be keeping an eye on me.
“And stop being so distrustful.” I ordered. “I’ve never given you any reason not to trust me.” Which was a bit of a lie, considering how I escaped my bodyguards daily.
“Of course, my king.” Sarpedon bit back a grain. I glowered at him.
“Go have sex with your husband or something.”
“That is the best order you have ever given me.” My second grinned and turned away from my suite.
“Don’t come get me until they reach the city!” I called after him. He grunted in acknowledgement and I took my teary-eyed son into our suite and shut the door.
“We’re not goin’ t’ th’ beach?” He was about to burst into tears.
“Yes, we are.” I said, going to the window and eyeing the rotation of the guards, counting how long I’d have to climb down the wall of the palace before a guard on the wall would spot me.
“What?” Astyanax blinked, his tears magically gone.
“We are going to sneak out of the palace and we’re going to meet Papa and Patty at the beach to surprise them.” I explained. I’d have a good three minutes before the next guard walked by. Plenty of time. I turned to my son and knelt to be at his level. “But, we have to be very quiet and make sure that no guards catch us. It’s a secret mission.”
Instantly, the five-year-old was babbling and jumping around in his excitement. I let him wear himself out. In order to scale down the wall of the palace, I’d have to tie him to my back. Dealing with a hyperactive five-year-old in that capacity was dangerous and suicidal. I was more than happy to wear him out before climbing down the wall with him attached to my back. As far as the climbing itself went, as a young boy and a rambunctious teenager, I had done more than my fair share of scaling the walls of the palace and Troy herself when I wasn’t being the Perfect Crown Prince for my father and the assembly. It wasn’t that I was actually perfect, but I never got caught the way my siblings did.
“Daddy, when are we leaving?” My son asked, evidently done with his tirade of happy squealing and jumping on the bed.
“Well, first, we have to change into common clothes.” I said. “Or we’ll get caught.” It was entirely unnecessary, but it helped with the charade with my son. He tugged me to his room so I could inspect a proper “sneaking” outfit. There was no doubt in my mind that we’d get recognized no matter what we were wearing, but the more nonchalant we were, the less likely we were to be stopped, which was the important part. Plus, with Astyanax as excited as he was, I could play it all off as a game in the city, making everyone leave us alone out of respect for a child’s game. Once Astyanax and I were clothed in plain, and admittedly a little dirty, chitons, I tore up a chiton to turn it into straps to tie Astyanax to my back. I checked the hallway carefully before joining Astyanax in his room.
“Okay, now we’re going to climb down the wall.” I said. My son looked appropriately excited and terrified. “Well, I’m going to climb down the wall. You are holding onto my back.”
“Like the monkeys?” Astyanax, happily referring to the exotic animals he had seen in the marketplace once.
“Yes, just like the monkeys.” My son scrambled onto my back joyfully. “Just in case, I’m going to tie you to me.” Carefully, I ensured that the boy was in no danger of falling from me. Once he was secure, I walked to the window and he stiffened nervously.
“Are we safe?”
“Of course.” I promised, kissing his chubby fingers. “I won’t drop you. Just close your eyes and count to one hundred.” Obediently, the boy shut his eyes and started counting out loud. When the guard disappeared from my sight, I swung myself out of the window with practiced ease, making my way down the brick walls. Astyanax got to one hundred, with my help, before I reached the ground, but he became entranced by the sport of climbing, asking me question after question and trying to figure out if he could do it by himself. When my feet touched the ground, he begged me to climb again, but up this time.
“Don’t you want to see Papa and Patty?” I reminded him.
“Yes!” Astyanax crowed happily.
“Shh.” I hushed him, untying the cloths that held him tight to me. “The guards will hear.” Astyanax clapped a hand to his mouth with a gasp, eyes wide. I finally got him off my back and put him down. “How can we get to the beach?” I asked.
“Horses!” He mumbled through his fingers.
“Okay.” I said thoughtfully. “If we need to get horses, then we have to go to the…?”
“Stables!” Laughing, I took his hand and we navigated the streets and alleys of Troy “all sneaky-like” in the words of my son. Many people recognized us, but none stopped us, especially when they saw how Astyanax and I would “hide” behind barrels and boxes to keep away from the guards. When we made it to the stables, I walked inside with a grin.
“My king!” Thersilochus, the stable master, smiled at me happily. I wasn’t called the ‘Tamer of Horses’ for no reason.
“Thersilochus,” I said, “I am officially stealing my horse. Anyone who asks will know that you never saw me or Astyanax and all you know is that my horse is gone.” The older man grinned and turned around without another word, going back to the stall he had been working in. He was well aware of my oddities, but found them amusing, so didn’t question me. I quickly retrieved my horse and got Astyanax on the gelding’s back before slinging myself up.
“I wanna see Papa!” He demanded.
“As you wish, little one.” I smiled, using Achilles’ nickname for the boy. Thersilochus opened the stable doors, letting me lead the horse outside. I nudged the horse into a trot and we left the city walls, for one of the first times in my son’s life. The joy in that thought was freeing. I leaned forward to Astyanax’s ear. “Do you want to go faster?”
“Yeah!” I wrapped around my son, keeping him securely on the horse’s back, and kicked the animal into a gallop. At my son’s squeal of delight, I urged the horse even faster, cantering towards the rapidly approaching ships. There was no doubt in my mind that Sarpedon had discovered my treachery, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. Achilles was back. We reached the beach and I slowed the horse to a stop as the first ships were close enough to see the wood paneling of their hulls. I glanced back at the city, spotting the envoy I had ordered leaving the gates. I got off the horse and plucked Astyanax from its back, tickling him to distract him from the waiting he would have to do before he could see Achilles or Patroclus.
“Hector!” I glanced up and Achilles leapt from the prow of his ship into the waves, getting completely soaked in an instant. He waded through the sea spray and I couldn’t help the grin that pulled at my face.
“Papa!” Astyanax squirmed from my grasp to run to the Greek warrior. “Papa! Papa!” Without breaking his stride, Achilles scooped the boy up into his arms, laughing.
“Gods, little one, you’ve gotten big.” Achilles said. “What have you been eating?”
“Everything!” Astyanax said proudly. Achilles walked up to me, Astyanax still on his hip, and without hesitating, kissed me in the desperate manner of long-separated lovers.
“Welcome home.” I smiled. Achilles’ smile was small, so small many wouldn’t even see it, but it was full of warmth and love.
“Didja miss me, Papa?” My son piped up, stealing his attention.
“Of course I did!” Achilles said in mock-affront. “Wait until you see what I brought for you from Phthia.”
“Is it a sword?” Astyanax gasped in excitement.
“A sword?” Achilles laughed. “Why do you want a sword?”
“I wanna be a hero, like you and Daddy!”
“Is that so?” I chuckled. “Well, I’ll be sure to get you a practice sword for your birthday.”
“Yay!” A loud splash made us turn to acknowledge the Greeks who were docking the ships on the beach. Patroclus started walking towards us, taller than I remembered, and Astyanax squealed in delight. “Patty!” The five-year-old ran as soon as he escaped Achilles’ arms.
“Hey, squirt!” Patroclus dropped to his knees to embrace the boy.
“How was the journey?” I asked softly, watching the two interact.
“Long.” Achilles replied.
“I thought it would be at least another month.”
“I got impatient.” Achilles shrugged. “People who kept me waiting either hurried up or got left.” I glanced at him to see if he was joking. He wasn’t.
“You’re incorrigible.”
“Of course.” Achilles grinned, smugly. Out of spite, I ran my fingers through my hair, letting the curls run wilds in the ocean wind. The nervous habit was something Achilles found exceptionally arousing, much to my amusement. I looked into the steel blue eyes of my lover as I brushed my hair back.
“I’ve missed you, Achilles.” I purposefully spoke in thickly-accented Greek. I watched Achilles’ eyes dilate, shifting from blue to black, as his mouth opened slightly in a silent gasp. He clenched his jaw and reached for me, about to do something quite drastic, when Sarpedon rode up to us on his horse, angry annoyance all over his features.
“The next time I decide not to trust you, my king,” He snapped, “I’ll at least have proof for my distrust.”
“You snuck out?” Achilles sniggered.
“Of course.” I grinned. “They’ve insisted on leaving bodyguards on me day in and day out.”
“Well, that’s idiotic.” Achilles agreed.
“I hate you both.” Sarpedon sighed, dismounting his horse and turned to observe the hardworking Greeks. I glanced over and saw Astyanax and Patroclus playing in the waves. When I looked back at my lover, he was staring at me intently.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, back in Luwian.
“Anything else you want to tell me?” Achilles asked patiently. Smirking, I leaned forward and decided to switch back to Greek.
“I can’t wait for you to fuck me, Achilles.” I murmured, barely audibly over the crashing waves. Okay, so I was taunting the man, but I was so happy to see him again that I couldn’t bring myself to care. Achilles pounced, tackling me to the ground and pinning my hands into the sand as he kissed me desperately.
“Could you not wait until you get back to the palace?” Eudorus asked in annoyance. I laughed in Achilles’ mouth, but his answering growl made heat pool in my stomach and abruptly, it would take far too long to get back to the palace.
“I swear to the gods, if you two don’t stop, then I’ll teach Astyanax swear words!” Patroclus threatened. Achilles pulled back reluctantly.
“We are finishing this later.” He demanded.
“As you wish, Achilles.” I replied, chuckling breathlessly. Growling, Achilles got off me and helped me to my feet.
Hours later, I was on my back with Achilles slowly sliding into me and pulling out even slower. He was deliberately driving me crazy because I had been teasing him since he had arrived and even though I knew I deserved it, I wasn’t very thrilled with his choice of revenge.
“Achilles!” I groaned, whining slightly and trying to get some leverage against his leisurely thrusting hips. His hands kept my wrists pinned to the bed above my head and my feet propped at his shoulders kept me from doing anything but take his kinky revenge. “Please!”
“What does my king wish of me?” Achilles teased. While his voice was completely calm, the trembling of his muscles and the barely controlled heat in his gaze destroyed the languid visage he tried to present me with.
“Fuck me faster!” I demanded, wishing for something more. More friction, more touch, more Achilles, more, more, more! Achilles chuckled breathlessly and I clamped down on his erection, making him hiss in shock.
“You’re going to ruin my revenge, Hector.” He growled, his eyes darkening.
“Good.” I lifted my head as much as I could to kiss the Greek hard and slightly violently. The coppery taste of blood ignited something in the warrior, making his hips plunge harder and unconsciously faster into me. I cried out into his mouth as the abrupt increase in tempo. With the accompanying speed, Achilles had shifted his angle ever so slightly, making my gut tighten and stars shoot in front of my eyes with every thrust. Achilles snarled wordlessly at me while he fucked me with reckless abandon. One of his hands abandoned my wrist to wrap around my erection and stroke it in time with his thrusts.
“You shouldn’t tease me in public, Hector.” Achilles groaned against my lips.
“The consequences are far more pleasurable than painful.” I argued, arching my back into him. “You’ll never convince me to stop if this is what you’ll do to me every time.” I dropped my legs form his shoulders and shoved at him, rolling us so I was on top. I didn’t let him get his bearings before I was riding the Greek with all the finesse and power I had. Achilles groaned loudly and dragged me into a deep kiss. There was some image in his mind that had made him lose control completely because he lost all semblance of control.
“Fuck, you are so tight.” The warrior threw his head back as his fingers tightened on my hips. I sat upright, rolling my hips like he was a stallion I had to break. I rode his erection hard, desperate to feel that eruption of pleasure with him again. Months without him left me far more bereft than I had wanted and expected. Achilles caught my eye and slammed up into me violently and so suddenly that I exploded all over our chests with a hoarse shout. My inner muscles clenched to the point where Achilles lost control soon after I did.
“Welcome home.” I grinned as we tried to calm our erratic breathing.
“It’s a good thing that you practice taming horses all the time or you would have been thrown on that ride.” Achilles chuckled.
“Is that what made you lose it?” I laughed.
“I’ve been watching you ride and tame horses for years.” He said, unapologetically. “And this is the first time you’ve ever ridden me. The fantasies alone were phenomenal, but the real thing…” Achilles sighed and relaxed on the bed, completely content and sated for the moment. I slid off the warrior and flopped onto the bed next to him, far too lazy to even think about cleaning the sweat and seed from our skin.
“We’ll have to do that one more often.” I agreed. Achilles hummed in lethargic agreement.
“I’m glad to be back.” He admitted. “If only for the best sex of my life.”
“You’re incorrigible.” I pointed out, not for the first time.
“You love it.”
“That is completely irrelevant.”
“Go to sleep, Trojan.” Achilles whined, rolling over to drape himself over me.
“Good night, Achilles.”
“Good night, Hector.”
It was only then, with the sweat cooling on my skin and Achilles’ scorching skin against mine, that the knowledge truly hit me: the Trojan War was over and given the losses I had suffered throughout the decade of fighting, I had still come out much better in the end than I had started.
Thus, the story is over. I’m working on a spin-off story for Odysseus and his lover (which came from the notion of too much sass to accomplish anything) and an epilogue for both stories. Thank you so much for all the readers who put up with me at my worst (like when I forget to update for a while, like now) and still support me in my writing endeavors. This story was really fun to write and I hope everyone enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please review to let me know what you thought of the ending! Special thanks to romancelover and Tinka who reviewed this for me!
Thank you all so much!
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