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Reviews for Barbossa's Boys 2

By : CandyMoore
  • From ANON - iola_83 on April 19, 2004
    Very...erm... interesting. I like it. ;-)
    (okay this has to be the shortest review I've ever writen)
    Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 05, 2004
    (chapter 6)

    Yeah! Will torture.

    VERY GOOD Will torture. Please Update soon. This is too good. I want to see what's you are up to next!

    Barbossa!!! I wish Will and Jack will hurt you badly!!! bery badly!!!


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  • From ANON - Anon on April 04, 2004
    (chapter 5)

    No! Will!

    not the poor, sweet young Will! I can't bare to see it!

    wait, I can baresee see it...I want to see it.

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  • From ANON - Anon on April 04, 2004
    (chapter 4)

    Can it get hotter than this? Will/Jack smut is the best!!!!

    Will is so sweet and innocent!

    Lovely! Just lovely!

    this is on of the best PotC fic I've ever read/

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  • From ANON - Anon on April 04, 2004
    (chapter 3)

    Can't review.. want to jump to next chapter...Smut...smut

    Must review...need to review...this fic is too good not to review

    Can't review...want to read the next chapter NOW

    Need to review...


    need to.

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  • From ANON - on April 04, 2004
    (chapter 2)

    sorry I didn't sign-in. I signed in 2 times tonight keeps kicking me off, again. sob

    Well. I'm still loving it!

    I love how Jack is trying to save Will. That's so sweet of him!

    Too bad Will didn't get away. But then again the story won't be fun if Will got away right? LOL


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  • From ANON - Goatboy Damient on March 14, 2004
    Julie-Rae, my firefly, I shall never surpass you. You are incredibly thorough, always intelligent, always havewith something wonderful and oh so true to say, and your amazing ability to be so very, very wonderful and intelligent never ceases to make me love you even more, and everyone around you. Apologies for starting this that way, but I have been humbled this night.
    I decided to split my review into two parts. This is the one for feelings, and suggestions!
    I've felt fear, pity, sexually...erm..frustrated, love, had tears, and felt a bond to these two men while reading this. Thier soft, secret bonding, unbroken my the depravities of one Barbossa, strong and sweet...
    and then powerful, vicious molestation, violation, beatiful men in choke collars, bondage amidst the furious scrumping perpetrated on them. Softness, hardness, light, darkness. An alternating display that creates a powerful mood. Groovy, kittens. So so groovy. Makes a cat feel good all over. *grins evilly*
    I'm interested in seeing what will happen with the corset, honestly. Because while boys may be pretty in bondage, those pretty boys in bondage would be even tastier all dolled up with a little ladies wear, or perhaps the equipment of a common street trull, eh? ^__^ *is presently salivating at wonderful thoughts in both his brains*
    A possible backstory could be built from the Dutch merchantman, of course. How it got th the the adventures of it's crew, so so many options without limit of set character definitions. An answer to where the rugged Dtuch captain came across a lovely black corset. I think the story should move on soon, get twisty..I love it truly, I truly do. I just want to see more, because you ladies do have potential. And skill. A lot of untapped, growing, changing and flowing skill. And with Julie-Rae, unstoppable and omnipotent beta goddess helping you, nothing shall stop you from teritering all boundaries and taking the community and fanfiction to a whole different level. A new game in writ pow powered by the lusts and skills and thoughts of the powerful female authors of the world. This effeminate little man was humbled long ago.
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  • From ANON - Goatboy Damient on March 14, 2004
    Lovely ones, first thing to say, is I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! *hugs the lovelies* I've been so busy, but I've been trying my best to at least make up for my horrifying slowness in reviewing! At least we got to talk about this, though! Must thank Julie-Rthe the one who is always amazing, for leading me this way..but onwards to the review!
    I love this, you know. This story is basically a series of interlinked sex scenes. And I generally hate this. But you see, you've done it a little different than the normal AFF PWP Shenanigan Mongers (TM).
    You're doing this with intelligence. With emotion to it. Feeling. Power. Love. It's groovy on so many lovely levels.
    The way you put your words, the characters, thier thoughts, it really draws me to them. I can actually picture Jack, in all his divine trinket-haired beauty, saying these things, a slight slur to his words. Saintly little Will, whispering and looking to Jack with loving, pleading eyes, sweaty bodies and soft moans and muted gasps, for fear of being discovered by thier captor...
    And Barbossa. Oh, by Master Dragon, Barbossa!
    You've done something that I deem to be the most wonderful thing of this entire story. Intelligent evil. His words are rough, his ways are unrefined, crude...but his mind. His mind, his thoughts, his words...every action, every syllable has a meaning, a feeling, a power to it. They all have a reason. Nothing is wasted. He practically oozes sexually inclined lunacy.
    The only things I could possibly recommend are the changes of words we talked of before...but of course, this has straightened itself out. Which has made it oh so very lovely, so far.^_^
    And don't censor it! If you were to make a corecore version of this it would taint it somehow. Especially Barbossa. Your version of him is now my personal fanfiction model for any villain, period. The apple scene was spectacular! So fresh, but so deliciously and psychotically erotic, all at once.
    I think that you should keep in mind our discussions of an ending too..but I'm not asking for one, and I SO SO SO look forward to more! I'm glad I bought a new box of Kleenex today. I needed it for my 3rd read through^_~ And by the way, I reviewed your Tomb Raider fic, as well!
    Continue, and keep moving forward. In reading the chapters I'm seeing your skills improve dramatically. And the way you weave a story is truly wonderful. This truly contains all the fundamental elements of everything good in fanfiction.
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  • From citricacid2001 on February 22, 2004
    wonder what's he's gettin...
    looking foward to the next update!
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  • From Yakkorat on January 31, 2004
    Again, thank you for letting me be a part of this. I am honestly honored by it. I consider it a priviledge.
    "Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jack sit up on his elbows," -- God, how BADLY Jack wants to protest Will's mistreatment! But he knows enough not to.
    "Jack shot up on his knees before he could stop himself, but an icy glare from Barbossa froze him in place." -- Again, same thing. Jack can't stop himself from wanting to protect Will. He can't suppress the desire to keep the boy safe, and that speaks volumes to the level of his devotion.
    "Should I take him on his back, like a woman," he drawled, drawing the word out sardonically , "or on his belly like a whore?" -- Oh, what a SLAP! I gasped the first time I read it. now now, it sends a jolt to the pit of my stomach.
    "After all, they were both in the same Hell now." -- I love that line. It's so deep to the root of their feelings.
    "Shoving apart pale, unmarked thighs," -- I loved the choice of word here. Excellent descriptors. You constantly find new ways to remind us that Will is an innocent, making his violations seem all the more perverted.
    "forcing out sounds that Will had given so freely to Jack only hours before… " -- Bring on that angst! Beautifully done.
    "Louder, little whore. Let Jack hear how much you enjoy this." -- I clapped my hand over my mouth and whispered "oh god" the first time I read this. Even now, it still registers that dread feeling in the pit of my stomach.
    And it was in the third reading of this chapter that I came to my stunning conclusion. Barbossa is the DEVIL. He is Satan incarnate! It's the fact that he knows so much, that he's so devious, and so intelligent that makes him such a terrifying enemy. He uses erotic asphyxiation against Will and does it so subtly that Jack doesn't even realize it's what he's doing (although he may realize after), and I was delighted to see one of the reviewers catch it as well. If I didn't know you two were on my side... you would scare me.
    "The taste of Will's blood on his lips caused his stomach to roll and he gagged." -- This was brilliant. It was just such a nice touch.
    "Eyes dark with hate, Jack sucked the black-hearted pirate's ers ers into his mouth, tongue wiping the remaining seed from the digits; unwilling to leave Barbossa even a little evidence of his young lover’s passions, forced or not." -- This whole paragraph just floors me. It was so well written. The wording is just perfect. We feelfeel the hatred just radiating from Jack.
    "Untie Jack, first, “ he said, cursing himself for the waver in his voice. -- This was unbelievable. You can hear that little bit of a warble, but he's sticking to his guns, again taking the role of the defender just a bit. To quo lin line from one of my own poems "To guard and to be guarded," Will is stepping up, taking his turn to protect Jack. Jack does it through goading Barbossa, and Will does it by swallowing a bit of his pride and asking for it. His character really shines through there, gentle yes, but strong-willed.
    When the young blacksmith could take no more, he jerked away, sucking air into his lungs. "Please, release him." He forced his eyes up, to meet Barbossa's. "Please." -- I must just love hearing Will beg. Well, he's not really 'beg' begged yet, but I have a feeling that will happen eventually. Anyway, Will's quiet way of pleading strikes me in the head, heart, and gut every time. No matter how many times I read this, those lines still catch me. They still make my heart flutter.
    You ladies are doing a superb job with this. I mean absolutely phenominal. I am so pleased and proud to be a part of it in my own small way. Thank you so much for the opportunity! (Can't wait for the next chapter!!! Write write write!)

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  • From Yakkorat on January 31, 2004
    Okay, I let some time go by without reading the story so that I could come back and give this a fresh review, but first, let me just say that I am honored to have even a small part in a story so incredibly well written.
    "Jack knew Barbossa would be upset, but he really couldn't bring himself to care. Will's first time had been loving and gentle, and whatever consequences came now, Jack would face gladly." -- I love the way this line came out. Jack is ever the protector, ever the defender. And it really shows his courage. When he stands up to Barbossa it shows his defiance, and his stubbornness, but this? This really shows the strength of his character, his bravery.
    "Couldn't resist, mate, " he drawled, waggling his fingers at Barbossa. -- This line makes me crack a smile every time. EVERY time.
    "Wasn't yours, either." Will said, glaring at the blue-eyed pirate. -- DAMN! That is why I love that boy. It's so blatantly a slap in the face. And so true!
    Even now, rereading it for what has to be the 30th time, my breath still catches a little I p I picture the cold steel against that very tender area.
    "Eunuchs are no fun t'all, don'tcha know." -- That was just so great. So in character for Jack.
    "No, please. I asked him." Will laid a hand on Barbossa's shoulder. "Please, don't punish him for what I've done." He gazed earnestly up at his captor. "Please." -- This is one of my favorite moments from the whole story. It is just so incredibly touching, and I really and truly love it. He's got that pleading vulnerability in his eyes, something that he'en ven very loathe to show to Barbossa. And yet, the rest of him is so calm. He knows exactly what he's asking for, and exactly how horrible it's going to be, and he asks for it anyway to spare Jack.
    "There was something Barbossa loved about stripping that from him." -- Ooohh... that line gets to me! He's just so... so... HORRID. He's an evil evil man.
    "Let's see if I can't him him scream." -- Ending the chapter here was genius. Absolutely. Because that being the last line of the chapter, it rings in the readers' minds, echoing over and over. Barbossa is such a bastard.
    This was a wonderful chapter. I gasped in all the right places, and when Will ever made that quiet, gentle entreaty, I just thought my heart would burst. A great jon, ladies. Truly inspired.

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  • From ANON - leann on January 27, 2004
    ohhh, i like it alot! i can't wait for more. poor will. poor jack. hmmm, wonder what barbossa has planned?
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  • From ANON - NEWENIT on January 26, 2004
    Oh yes...this was very good, very wicked indeed. You really have quite a talent for this....I assume that the strangulation Barbossa did to Will was sexual aphyxiation? It seemed like his orgasm hit him immediately and pretty hard.

    Just brilliant! I cannot wait to see what else Barbossa has in store for these boys.

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  • From ANON - bravo on January 25, 2004
    hopefully, the next update will be sooner than you think. Thanks to our new Beta, things are progressing. (slowly, but they are moving forward.
    Thank you for you patience and for reading and We hope you continue to stay with us. Remember, the more reviews, the more We feel inclined(inspired-and threatened) to write more.
    thank you thank you thank you,

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  • From ANON - Augustine on January 24, 2004
    please make the next installment appear quicker than this one did! You can't just leave us waiting for another month for chapter 6! More J/B and JackWill angst please!
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