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Reviews for Interlude

By : rabbitwriter
  • From Jade_Max on March 31, 2012

    Sheresh is everything I expected her to be as a Mando and more. The take charge attitude up until the point her mate decides that it's his turn to take control.

    The hotness level of this fic is off the freaking scale! There's a little bit of just about everything in here and I'm not exactly sure where to start so I'll just have to say this.

    Hot DAMN!

    When they do it, they really throw themselves in and do it; the snark, the innuendo, the execution and then, at the end, the sheer level that they're involved, the complete and utter focus on one another to the point of being incoherent...

    Wow... I need a cold shower after this one!
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  • From serendip on December 25, 2011
    Nice writing and fun :)
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