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Reviews for Full Time Job

By : dschinny
  • From KianaTaversMereel on June 22, 2008
    Oh, I could just cry right now...I had a wonderful review set up and completely lost it! *whimper* I'm hoping I can remember all the points I was bringing up and what I said.

    I think the first part was that I wanted to correct my assumption about Tom'ika's origins. Samurai-descended, it seems(judging from Jango's observations of her sword-use and his snooping around), but I sense she may actually be geisha, considering her use of the fans. I've heard fans can be used as weapons, but with Tom'ika, that's not the case especially when, as you said, it was in peacetime on her world.

    Jang'ika would have done well to listen more closely to Tom'ika's "bedtime stories" instead of privately mooning over her while she told them to his son. Bob'ika's learning about culture and military tactics and probably doesn't even realize it. If Jango had listened, he probably would have learned a thing or two himself and found another way to approach her instead of being such a brute. :P I adore Jang'ika, but you write his brutish side so well in these fics. :9

    The story she told the other Cuy'val really spoke of her situation with Jango. Let's hope Jang'ika listens when she finally tells it to Boba, see if he understands the meaning of the story. And Kitsune! My favorite mystical creature! I've read this story in a book before, but Tom'ika tells it MUCH better than any book I've read ever could. Well done!

    Of course, her efforts are well-rewarded when Llats tells her about Mandalorian history(abbreviated, but it's still history). With little effort, she managed to get plenty of information about Mandalorian culture without raising suspicion from the other Cuy'val to help her understand them. And then there's the Res'ol Nare, which, while not much of an explanation, is at least a start to help her understand Jang'ika's behavior towards her and her child, which I debate if it's even HIS at all.

    I'm suspecting that the gentleman Jango caught her with and brought back to his wife in the early chapters of Parttime Job was either a very good customer of Tom'ika's, or her danna(ok, I admit it, I've been reading Memoirs of A Geisha recently :P). It would explain a lot about her mannerisms, the fans, the captivating storyteling, the etiquette, and what she said in one chapter to Jango about there being proper protocols for approaching her for the purpose he took her for, rather than outright kidnapping her.

    Feel free to correct me on that, but if I'm right in that assumption, it would explain a lot about her actions and way of thinking. If the assumption's right, you wrote it so well, like Traviss herself, leaving these little hints here and there that almost seem unimportant until they all fit together later in the story. Which leaves the reader(or at least me :P) kicking themselves for missing such details until it comes together and they realize how easy it was to spot them.

    Llats was smart to not outright say what he's thinking about why Fett did what he did, just to keep it from getting back to Mand'alor, but I think he and the others know exactly why. It's just a matter of finding the right person or right way to get someone to tell her. That may unfortunately have to be Jango, who I'm starting to think really believes he adopted her, where to Tom'ika, it's just glorified slavery. Which isn't far off, really, Jango just needs to be reminded of that.

    If Tom'ika gets more history out of Llats, she could, in that subtle, gentle way of hers, remind Jango that his actions with her aren't much better than those of the Death Watchman he took revenge on years earlier. A bit below the belt, perhaps, but Jang'ika could stand to get a dose of reality to bring him back to it and get him to stop thinking with, well, the wrong part of his anatomy. :P

    I have to wonder what sort of poetry Tom'ika's going to come up with...and what sort of bet Is'ika has going on with Dred. Nice flirtation between those two, by the way.

    Ahh, there...I think I remembered most of what I lost. *shakes head* I'll have to remember to be more careful next time, find another way to write up these reviews and THEN post them so I don't lose another. Hate to lose a good review, especially one for such a good author like yourself.

    Yes, Jango's not about to outright admit a mistake. He has to get it grilled into his head the hard way that he made one in the first place. A "please" in his request for her to listen to him tell his story is a start, but yes, definitely a good long while before he admits he messed up. Sorry will help, but definitely not enough to fix things where Tom'ika's concerned. So would an explanation, but Jango definitely has a lot more to do to fix the mess he made. These small steps help, but don't fix it.

    Provided Tom'ika doesn't outright KILL him before the story's end(or herself, considering how close she's come on more than one occasion), I can only imagine that nothing less than letting her go and not having to see him again would really do anything to fix it.

    I was close in where/how Ord'ika monitored the exchange between Tom'ika and Llats. I suspected it was either the Nulls or Vau who swiped/erased the data from the droid to keep it from getting back to Jango. The Nulls get EVERYWHERE(nobody's safe, lol), and I imagine Vau has his ways of keeping an eye on Tom'ika that doesn't involve hacking into her anklet's signal like Rav and Is'ika.

    Hopefully I'll have time to work on the next bit of Eyes of a Predator for you this week. With any luck, Monday will be the busiest and I'll be free after that. *crosses fingers* Can't wait for the next chapter! Sure brightens up my day! :)
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  • From dschinny on June 22, 2008
    Oh, that folding fan isn’t much as a weapon, just a harmless dance prop everybody can see up close and she might even give away to a good customer. Larger than the standard model, but no metal spires or so… and definitely not the solid rod fake-fan-type. She was using that fan in peaceful daily live, remember? Now that simple thing has become a way to stay in touch a more civilized past.

    Jango admitting a mistake = long way to go. Fetts are the best, they don’t make mistakes! But I’m afraid will take more than an explanation… and an “Ooups, sorry” won’t cut it with Tomoe, either. Some creativity would be in order. I agree, the age gap is the smallest problem. Jango doesn’t see many problems anyway, and Tomoe’s too pissed to care about a 10-15 years detail. From her point of view, his major fault is that he’s still alive.

    Not enough fluid in that pit for an dianoga. Prudii’s problem was that one can’t really puke in a helmet but need it down there to filter the foul gases… *uagh* another good reason why this story belongs into the adult section.

    Not that scene *lol* I assume corridors and class-rooms are monitored… wherever clones are kept basically - not where the Nulls can reach (that would be everywhere). The med-bay is under the surveillance of the med-droid. Sergeants’ training room and private quarters are not included in the system, but with so many bored bounty hunters around, you never know who’s spying at whom. I assume that Vau has a good overview and the possibility to scan for active circuits (if that wasn’t fried by Mereel’s EMP)… But then, it sounds like a plot-bunny... I’ll think about it… poor Ordo.

    *yay* Got that saved and everything’s fine. Took me some time to pull the data back together, but no more losses. I’m so happy :D It practically writes itself in the moment and I have written up a couple of chapters for headstart.

    So here’s another background chapter before we up the stakes…
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  • From KianaTaversMereel on June 21, 2008
    *chuckles* Kal'ika knows Jango all too well. Yes, indeed, beskar'gam is good for hiding...certain reactions, albeit probably a bit uncomfortably. XD Bob'ika obviously enjoyed the story(as did I...Tom'ika's such a good storyteller) and the fans were a nice touch. Although I have to say, those are just as much weapon as story prop. Debating if Jang'ika caught this or not. :P

    And speaking of dear Jang' seems we can teach an old strill new tricks. Still intimidating as ever, he's at least seeming to learn a bit from Vau'ika and learn some semblance of manners. Of course, he's probably got reason for being so polite with Tom'ika and I'm sure we'll find out soon, too. ;)

    Clumsy Jang'ika may be, but Tom'ika finally got an answer behind at least some of his reasons for his actions at any rate. It almost sounds like he's trying to tell her something I recall Boba(adult version, obviously) saying to another lady in another fic; "I'm not good with women." Jang'ika's probably not going to outright admit it, but he seems to be trying anyway. Tom'ika got a "please" out of him. Perhaps with a little bit more work, she'll get a "sorry" out of him as well.

    And Tom'ika's not without her barbs as well. She politely accepted his offer of explanation(seeing as how he DID ask nicely this time for once), but she's not about to let him forget he's still got a lot to atone for.

    *chuckles* At least the Nulls seem to learn quicker than their progenitor. I'm betting Kal'ika straightened things out about what she was doing to help him and between that and his neck hurting, he'd rather risk putting himself in a position to get his neck broke than put up with that. I'm sure their trust of her(at least in this instance) says something about her patience and kindness. Jang'ika and certain Cuy'vul could stand to learn from that as well. ;)

    Speaking of garbage-compactor diving...any dianoga? XD I'm guessing poor Prud'ika saw worse than dianoga down there.

    Interesting that Ord'ika was watching the monitors after his brothers bailed. He no doubt saw the scene with Tom'ika and Llats, then Tom'ika and Vau. Something tells me Kal'ika has ammo on Vau, not that it would take much to get his hackled raised where Wal'ika is concerned.

    LOL! Apparently Mer'ika at least seems to have a Jango-ish libido. He's thankfully much more polite to not say anything about it, lest he embarrass them both. XD

    Sorry it took so long for me to get a review in. Been another busy week for me. Yes, Rav can't be everywhere all at once. Lucky there's others like Isabet and Vau to step in when necessary, but of course, even as many Cuy'val as there are, Tipoca's a big place and Jango I'm sure knows it better than poor Tom'ika.

    She sure knows how to wrap men around her fingers and get them all fired up on each other. In Skirata and Vau's case, though, it doesn't take much at this point. *smirk* I'm aware of the rough age difference between Vau and Tom'ika, but to be fair, lol, Jango's not much better in that respect and I doubt such an age gap would matter to a Mando'ad anyway. :P I'm still rooting for Vau and Tom'ika at any rate. I adore Jang'ika, but Wal'ika and the others don't get enough screen time for my tastes.

    Ouchie on the comp-crash. Hate when that happens. Occasionally happens on a Mac, even. I've lost parts of chapters before and at one point mysteriously lost an entire chapter to another story on my previous computer without any real explanation for it. I've become rather rabid in backing up anything I write as a result, be it on multiple memory chips or over onto my laptop(that gets toted EVERYWHERE with me, lol). Glad you only lost a little of the chapter.

    Here's to hoping there's no more crashes for you while I wait for you to post your next chapter!
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  • From dschinny on June 19, 2008
    Yay, Rav is a vigilant girl for sure - pity she can’t be everywhere at once. Yeah, that’s what Tom'ika was playing on (Jango vs. Llats, Kal vs. Vau... the rest takes sides and *boom*) but don’t space our poor Llats before we get to know him a little better ;) and Vau... uhm... he’s still Ol’Psycho – you do realise that he’s about twice Tom’ikas age?...

    You can mind read *smirks* but I can foresee the future - thanks to the force I posted two chapters last weekend instead of the usual one, loosing only the 5.3 in a PC-crash and not the extra-fat 5.2 ... Afterwards I reconstructed the 5.3 from the shards I had in the back-up. Here it is – I'm happy to announce that I’m back in the swing again. Poor Jango *snickers* - but: no spoilers...


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  • From KianaTaversMereel on June 15, 2008
    Rav's an observant gal, isn't she? She knew what was going on by the helmet scan of Tom'ika's anklet. She knew Fett was there and that he was trying to rile Tomoe(and worse, obviously). Smart of her to call Tom'ika and bail her out before things got out of hand, Boba or no Boba. Definitely looking out for Tomoe.

    Geeze, Llats is pretty intimidating, isn't he? Like Vau'ika without the refinement, but not quite as outright crude as Jango. And poor Tomoe-chan, not realizing what her neck-adjustment position looked like to two overly-paranoid little boys trained in military tactics and to kill. Seems like she'll have some explaining to do to Kal later when Mer'ika's neck bothers him again. Says a lot about Ko Sai, doesn't it?

    Tomoe has the right idea. I've had my neck adjusted by a chiropractor(hated it, too, really did feel like he was gonna snap my neck, so I can't blame Mer'ika for being freaked out) and it can't be done while tense. No adjustment really. Poor kid. Llats seems to need to have the stick removed, though.

    Man, Tomoe's got some serious gett'se. She walks or gets carried out. Clever move with the anklet, by the way, though I'm thinking she was expecting Llats to get his shebs handed to him by Jango, not Vau or even Rav. Looks like I'll have to write another chapter to Eyes of a Predator and catch up. No doubt, Mird was no more pleased to see Tom'ika being threatened than its master was. ;)

    *meeeelllts* It's official. I'm rooting for Tom'ika to end up with Vau. They're far more suited to one another than Tomoe and Jango. Something tells me Jango and Vau are going to end up coming to blows over her. Really, Jang'ika could stand to learn from Vau'ika on how to be a gentleman if he wants Tom'ika so bad. Rather than manhandling her, treat her gently and kindly and he might actually get somewhere.

    Clever girl, teaching Boba through storytelling. If Jango would pay attention instead of mooning over the storyteller(to say nothing of his likely daydreaming about more than her just telling stories), he'd probably learn something as well. But of course, as impatient as he is, he's cheating and turning a video over to Llats for analysis. Clever, but still cheating. :P

    Glad you liked the image of Mird. Damn adorable, isn't it? I just love the look Vau's giving the little kit-Mird and Mird's look of "Whaaaat?" on its face, as if they don't know quite what to make of it. And I wasn't quite reading your mind on which Null lobbed the EMP. Was a guess. Mereel came across as one of the most likely of the Nulls to pull such a stunt.

    Mm, second-best thing, yeah, that would be Vau, but IMO, he's better suited to her. He knows how to treat a lady in a way that doesn't involve threats and intimidation. Sure, he's intimidating, but he's at least a gentleman about it. Jango needs to stop being a bit of a brute to get anywhere with her, but I doubt that'll be happening anytime soon.

    But...hopefully before all of Tipoca turns into the galaxy's biggest powderkeg going sky high from all the fireworks resulting from poor Jango's need to get seriously laid. :P
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  • From dschinny on June 15, 2008
    Thanks for the picture! Look at those rosy six paws on the tiny cub, they are the cutest thing!

    *lol* Kick shebse IS a game for Bob’ika... enough serious time for him later. Mereel...BINGO Are you mind-reading again?! And Vau – pissed of course... I’ll post that now, before somebody gets the idea we aren’t doing this for real. The last chappy was merely a smutty lemon-shorty for writer’s enjoyment anyway.

    “Don’t you knock?” Uhm.. she doesn’t want Jango to knock unless it’s with his head against the opposite corridor wall after she kicked him out. And since she can’t do that, she went for the next best thing *evil grin* No I don’t think that he can go on like that, either. His suppressed feelings exceeded critical mass some time ago and it’s a concentrated, self-preserving obsession even his strong mind can’t moderate.

    The question is... can Tomoe and the rest of the crew?

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  • From KianaTaversMereel on June 14, 2008
    *chuckles* Bob'ika's just like any other kid. Hates doing his homework. Would rather be playing(or in Boba's case, learning to kick someone's shebs :P), wouldn't he? :P But it looks like he needs to learn how to keep his balance before he can do to Tom'ika(or anyone else for that matter) what she did to the poor Zeta clone.

    I'm almost betting the clever Null with good aim with EMP grenades was either Mereel or Jaing. Or Ordo. Seems like something one of those three would pull. Ranks right up there with the canon taking potshots at Kaminoans from high up on ropes. XD Never let it be said that the Null boys don't have some serious gett'se on them. Oh, and I bet Vau was pissed when that happened, too. *cackle*

    I didn't realize Tom'ika had nothing more than a washbasin rather than a shower(or more appropriately, bath) to wash/soak in until you said so in your reply. I can see, then, why she'd smell so strongly of strill, although I still say Mird-musk would cling to you no matter how much one bathed. :P

    Man, Jango's much more of a bastard in this fic than the previous one. Oh, he's still a SEXY bastard, but a bastard nonetheless. I half expected Tom'ika to say; "Don't you ever knock?" when he walked into the shower area. Would've served him right. At least he kept his *ahem* horniness under control around Boba, although I suspect Bob'ika's observant enough to know his father's a bit of a perv, at least where Tomoe's concerned.

    At least she was able to give him the verbal equivalent of "the finger" for his brazenness. Good for her, frustrating the poor man even worse by letting him know he wasn't going to get under her skin, even in the shower after practice with Boba. Nice touch, by the way, with the Japanese way of bathing. Pity Tom'ika can't get a good soak like she would like. I bet Boba would love that, too, taking a long time to soak in a nice hot bath to chase away the sore muscles.

    Jango could obviously learn a bit of refinement, or at least cultural sensitivity(besides his own). Anything to twist Tom'ika's actions around and make HER out to be some sort of weird pervert for bathing so openly with Boba right there. Takes one to know one, right? ;P The man seriously needs to get laid, but I don't see Tomoe-chan offering anytime soon.

    Rav is like any other Mando woman. She might want to smack Jango one for what he's done to Tomoe, whether he's Mand'alor or not. She'll follow his lead, sure, but that doesn't mean she has to like him otherwise. I'm sure that even though she's not really working against Jango, she definitely seems to be looking out for Tomoe. Girls gotta stick together, right? ;P

    True, I suppose it wasn't a DELIBERATE grope on the clone's part in the previous chapter, but it was still a feel nonetheless. Might not know what to do with it, but he definitely noticed a soft breast compared to, well, a flat nothing. :P And yes, definitely time for some precautions to be put in order before 3 million young men hit puberty all at once. They ARE Jango's clones, after all. They probably have his libido to boot, even if they don't know what to do about it. :P

    There's enough sparks flying between Tom'ika and Jang'ika(to say nothing of the more subtle tension between her and Vau) that there probably wouldn't be enough water on all of Kamino to douse the flames if we added what's essentially 3 million more Jango's with a teenager's libido. Yikes.

    The picture of Mird and Vau will be on the way as soon as I get this posted. I found the pic and my husband found the artist for me, so you'll get at least SOME good Mird and Vau art to look at. :)
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  • From dschinny on June 13, 2008
    Oh yes, please! Addy is

    Smelling Mird on her was probably easier than you think. Remember Tomoe got no shower of her own, neither warm nor cold. Just a small sink. The adults like Rav were just too polite to comment. Apropos Rav: I don’t think she’s all single minded about the self-defense thing, nor that she’s working against Jango. Against some his bastard-attitude, maybe, but not against his lead in general.

    I didn’t see it as a purposeful “cop a feel” when I wrote it. The kids noticed an *oufh* instead of the usual *ploink* against that bulky back plate of the katarn armor. They have no idea where to put it… yet. Knowledge rich, experience poor, as Kal would put it. I bet some precautions are in order before some several thousand kids in the RC-program plus a million of troopers hit puberty at once next year …at a over increased hormone level to manage the physical changes in half the time.

    The place is enough of a tinderbox as it is…

    btw others: you are out of excuses since I found the button to enable anonyme reviews, so you don't need an account anymore to gimme feedback.
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  • From KianaTaversMereel on June 09, 2008
    Clever girl. Seems she gets somewhere a lot faster with Rav'ika than with Boba. Too much of his father in him, perhaps? ;P I imagine Rav might have an idea as to why Tom'ika wants to learn to use the blaster, but at least Rav seems to be more accommodating and willing to help the girl defend herself than some of the others.

    The interraction between Tom'ika and the clones was very very cute. I can't imagine they haven't seen a female that didn't smell of fish or bark orders at them before, just like I doubt Tomoe's used to yelling at someone where it wasn't warranted. She so far hasn't even raised her voice to Jang'ika, simply and calmly putting him in his place with gentle words instead. I imagine that hurts Jango worse than getting screamed at or attacked like with a Mando woman who wouldn't take crap from him from the start. :P

    Impressive that they smelled Mird'ika on her, even after she had taken a warm shower after her meditation out in the rain. Guess wet strill is worse than the smell of wet dog. I'm betting Jango might end up finding out about her latest visit with Vau considering how well the young clones pick up the smell of strill.

    And it seems the clones haven't been bred far from their host if one of them managed to cop a feel on Tom'ika while in the booth. Teenage boys will be teenage boys, even when clones, eh? :P Even so, it did provide an opportunity for a very important lesson towards civvies. Just because Jang'ika seems to take what he wants, doesn't mean that Rav's boys will be taught the same. Nice touch.

    Very nice that Tom'ika also knows field medicine. Another good lesson. These boys aren't always going to have a droid on hand or even close enough to call when out on the battlefield. Good for them to learn how to adjust joints and such things themselves when necessary. Good look into the clones' minds, too, their fear of needles, Kaminoans, and 1713's worry that he was no longer fit to fight if he was hurt while the others weren't.

    And Tom'ika learns fast how to best protect the clones from another injury, asking them to tell her, rather than show her, before they could touch her arms and hands to correct her. She also did a very good job in explaining boundaries and politeness with civilians. The boys get taught everything about war, but dealing with civilians is obviously forgotten. They're expected to fight and die, not interract with anyone other than the enemy. Pity. Good thing for Tomoe.

    Well done with the debriefing review at the end. Puts all the pieces of the puzzle together and shows the entire group of clones-in-training the lesson all at once so they see different tactics used when interracting with a civilian and what works, what doesn't. Well done. :) Even the poor Omega-clone that was so afraid of getting the same treatment as 1713.

    I love the cat-and-mouse with Jango and Tomoe. Even when he's not there, he still irritates the hell out of Tomoe. Question is, who really is the cat and who really is the mouse? ;P

    I'm guessing the next chapter we'll see some action between Jango and Tomoe. He's no doubt figured that she's gotten help from some of the others in thwarting his attempts to spy on her despite her having her freedom now. Looking forward to seeing that. Boba definitely was right...Jango's wish really DID get him into a bit of trouble, or at the very least, he took on more than he could handle.

    You're right about Mird'ika. I've only seen two or three really GOOD fanarts of it and none of them were completely perfect, although there's one of Mird as a kit with Vau that's absolutely precious. I'll see if I or my husband can find it again for you. I'm glad you're planning to give Mird a bit more art. Poor pup doesn't get enough screen time as far as I'm concerned. Ugly, stinks, might have a bit of a mean personality, but the mutt really does get adorable at times.

    As Vau says in True Colors; "Who couldn't love a face like that?" XD
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  • From dschinny on June 07, 2008
    I don’t think that Jango plans to fight “fair” on Tomoe’s territory any time soon... I should know, I’m working on it already.

    Mird definitely needs it’s own story! Do you realize our poor puppy didn’t even get a single picture or portrait so far? I’m going to change that as soon as I can.

    Today’s update takes us into Tipoca’s training grounds – the long round. Enjoy!
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  • From KianaTaversMereel on June 04, 2008
    *chuckles* Somehow, I don't think Tomoe's quite a "spoiled princess". She can obviously take care of herself. I don't think Jango's plan will go like he thinks if he tries pushing her to aggression, then picking her up and soothing her when it doesn't go how SHE planned. Has he forgotten the battle circle already? Oh, she could definitely take his head off if she wanted in a fair match, but I'm doubting she will. He IS a father, after all.

    And even more background on Tom'ika. Mm, you certainly know how to dangle teasing little tidbits every so often, keep us going, wondering just as much as Jango and even Vau just who the hell she is. I also wonder who this Moro is. Otters are quite graceful creatures, and fitting to a world like Kamino, so to speak. I wonder if this is Tomoe-chan having a vision of the future, or if her nightmares won't leave her alone, even in a meditation. Nice touch in adding Geonosis, by the way.

    Ah, Mird'ika at last! Seems I have some writing of my own to do. The little strill's been after me to write more since I first read the chapter(so much for a oneshot! ;P). Little beast can be so adorable when it wants to be, fangs, smell and all. I'd say it seems quite motherly towards Tomoe, even if it can't replace Moro. Of course, Vau himself misses nothing, either, and where there's Mird, there's Vau. :9 I still debate whether or not he's as taken with Tom'ika as Jango, albeit in his own distant, gentlemanly way.

    Sorry for the delay in reviewing - been a busy week for me. Mm, I don't think this chapter's "over the top" as you put it, although it leaves me debating more and more about Tomoe and whether or not she's fully human or not considering the meditation and her ability to withstand cold. Either way, something tells me Jango's gone and bit off more than he can chew with her, captive or free.

    Can't wait for the next chapter! Perhaps by then, Eyes of a Predator will have an update of its own. Depends on how the rest of the week goes for me. :)
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  • From dschinny on May 30, 2008
    Jango’s argument holds a barb with a slow poison. Tomoe could have taken his head of for a defined price, and she didn’t use all her options yet - I suppose she won’t for moral issues. Boba... has his own agenda...

    I’m not quite sure about chapter 4.2, it’s probably a little over the top, but the two of us want more Vau ... AND MIRD! ...and silent readers (I know there is a dozen of you who grab their update regularly as a clockwork within the first 48 hrs and never tell if they liked it or not!) have no right to complain *bla* you have to take it as we write :P

    So here we go...
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  • From KianaTaversMereel on May 26, 2008
    Fett really should've thought to freshen himself up a bit if he didn't want to let Tomoe know he'd been doing research on her. Of course, unless he WANTED her to know. *grin* He's certainly clever enough, but apparently not clever enough to out-argue Tom'ika.

    Oh, Jang'ika makes a good arguement, but like the story Tomoe-chan told, he didn't do quite enough reece to corner her just yet. He seems to have underestimated her, although I wonder what Tom'ika meant in her thoughts of saving him from her and a lot of trouble, not just his own moments of pigheadedness. Curious. :)

    Clever Nulls, too. Always into trouble trying to find out more than they should and loopholes around Kal'buir's orders to keep quiet. Typical boys, even if they're clones. XD At least Boba's learning his lessons, too, and not giving them all the information they want without something in turn. Looks like he's learning a bit from Tom'ika and Jang'ika after all. :)

    And even if the rest of the Cuy'vul Dar aren't taking sides, girls will be girls and boys will be boys. ;P At least Tom'ika has some friends to give her support and keep her close. And Kal'ika, always the peacemaker. Has to be with six little Nulls in his care. XD

    Would love to see more of Vau. I've contemplated writing more to Eyes of the Predator, at least the "morning after" scene as it were as there WAS a bit more Mird there. I'll let you know if I update it any. Usually happens that way with me. I intend on a "oneshot" and it occasionally gets away with me. But can you blame me? Mird's such a lovable little beast. *grin*

    Thanks for the link in Parttime Job! Glad you liked it! :)
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  • From dschinny on May 24, 2008
    Linked „Eyes of the Hunter“ into Chapter 14, so that little gem won’t be missed. I see I really need to bring back Vau to get more Mird ;)

    All in all, I think the Mando‘ade will try hard not to take sides on such a private matter. While Isabeth probably likes to spice up her boring existance but Vau’s an eremit and Rav / Kal are teamed up. Especially Kal tries to play fair. He’s informed Jango because he want’s to keep the peace and not because he favoures Jango’s methods in any way.

    So this chapter 4.1 is about the effectiveness of Jango’s argumentation...
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  • From KianaTaversMereel on May 17, 2008
    Oh, hon, you just made my night with your latest update. Had a fairly good day 'till a medical bill came, but this cheered me right up again. Thank you. I'll try to get Eyes of the Hunter up tonight on here in appreciation so you can read it if you haven't already. :)

    Absolutely LOVED the scene where Tom'ika was trying on Rav's helmet. Had Isabet right on the money asking if she'd gotten into Rav's tihaar. *chuckles* I bet I'd walk around like I were drunk, too, if I wore a helmet with all sorts of high-tech views. I seem to recall that Karen Traviss said in I BELIEVE it was Sacrifice that even Mirta had to get used to wearing a buy'ce before she could walk around and not fall over in it.

    Something tells me Tom'ika'll end up with her own set of beskar'gam by the end of the story, eh? *grin*

    The tale of Amaterasu and Susanoo is one of my favorites. He sounds like quite the bully(like our dear Jang'ika, eh?), scaring his sister like that. And how they got Amaterasu-sama to show her light again. *giggle* Sounds like Rav and Isabet, with Tom'ika as Amaterasu. *pause* Ok, she and Jango are definitely NOT siblings. Japanese pantheon, not the Greek pantheon. ;P

    lol, plan B for Bastard, I love it! Tomoe definitely loves animals(as her instant bond with Mird would show), but Jang'ika's one "animal" she could probably do without. Jango seems to be playing games with her indeed, making it seem like he doesn't know what's going on, but, well, he's running a 100-man army to train clones. He HAS to know what's going on and I'm betting he has his own spies(Skirata and Vau, perhaps?) in turn.

    Tomoe/Rav/Isabet vs Jango/Vau/Skirata? Seems like a battle of the sexes. *grin*

    I love your story, so take your time in writing it. I won't mind if you split this section up or not. Just keeps me waiting for more. Thanks for making my night! :)
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