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Reviews for Of Padawans & Perfume

By : Zoisite84
  • From DaggersApprentice on November 15, 2011
    Oh, God, it's been years since I originally read this...but I knew your author's name sounded familiar! And then I read your bio and when I got to the part about "updating 'Study Buddies'" I was like, "HAH! I knew it!" And of course I have to run off and re-familiarize myself with some of your Star Wars works.

    In any case, I've long since adored the way you describe Anakin. Your dialogue for him as well as the way you describe his expressions and reactions just...feel perfect, so absolutely true to his character, despite it all being "porn" in essence. I'm a total sucker for characterization and you do it fantastically (other characters, too, don't get me wrong - Obi is great). But I just love that I can not only watch it unfold but /hear/ their voices in my head as I work through it. Great job, really.

    I know how hard (sometimes impossible...) it can be to work on really old fics, but I will say for the record that I absolutely LOVED Study Buddies back in the day (I swear I re-read it a number of times for inspiration) and I'll probably have to re-read it again now that it's been all these years. Whether or not you ever get around to it, though, it's been ingrained enough in my memory that it left a lasting impression. Your writing was on par with what I "one day wanted to be able to write like."

    Glad I stumbled back into you, and thanks for sharing your work!

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