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Reviews for Ferocity

By : Consternatio
  • From ANON - Sheraven on November 05, 2012
    Finally, a male/male fuck story that has no weird emotional attachments. You kept these men in character very well and captured the essence of the 'battlefield fuck', as it were. Thank you for this.
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  • From BloodSugar on October 26, 2009
    That was sexy. I so wish it was longer xD And had more chapters. And more smex... Oh God, WHY is this fandom so small?!
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  • From ANON - Chaosdreamer on September 29, 2006

    I honestly believe this is the only DOOM fic out there, especially with Sarge/John pairing.

    More, please! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Sonja on March 15, 2006
    Enjoyed reading this fic. This is the first ever fanfiction I seen about the movie "DOOM'. Please write more. I love the pairing of John/Sarge...
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