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Reviews for Peace of Heart

By : WilwarinAranel
  • From ANON - Nautica on January 19, 2006
    Excellent glimpse into Achilles and Patrocles's relationship. It was brief, but heartfelt and touching.

    You have a very clear and concise style of writing.

    As for your previous reviewer who commented on the 600 hits, I'll admit that probably a dozen of them were mine. I read this story several times just because it was so sweet, and I might read it a few more times just because it's a good distraction :)

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  • From darqstar on January 14, 2006
    Yes, another person who generally doesn't like M/M pairings reviewing your story!

    I liked it and I'm not usually a big fan of PWP, or same sex pairings. But it was a good fic. The writing was done well, the reader can tell you actually worked at this fic, you didn't just write it quickly as so many PWP writers are prone to do. And, the sex was pretty hot too. Considering I haven't seen the movie this pertains to, and I still enjoyed it, that's saying a lot for your writing abilities.

    I do agree, you need to find a better summary. Even something along the lines of "Before Achilles goes off to war, he spends a very special evening with _____ " (I'm not sure if you want to keep the name of his love a secret for your readers to discover, in which case you'd use "Someone special.")

    But, tiny peice of advice? Never put "I suck at summaries" in a summarie. Even if your summarie stinks, don't write that. I know a lot of people who will stop reading any further if they see that. If you want to ask your readers to suggest a better summary, put the request at the end of the story.

    It blows my mind though, that you have over 600 hits and only three people have reviewed this. *Shakes head* C'mon people, let the author know what you think! It's hard to improve (if you feel improvement is needed) or even to continue writing anything, if you don't know how your readers feel about your stuff! ;-D
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  • From Ariri on January 06, 2006
    Although I don't normally read m/m pairings, I found this one to be enjoyable. I liked your writing style, and your dialogue seemed to make sense in that ancient greek movie kind of way. I liked it, there was just enough background info, and just enough sex. Nice.
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  • From ANON - StoryJunkie on January 05, 2006
    Slash isn't my style, but you practically begged for a reveiw, so I'll give it. I'm sure this was an arousing tale by any standards. Your treatment of your characters was well-thought out, even for a pwp. The word "chiton" was my favorite, and I will now go look it up. The mere word lent an atmosphere to the room they were in, and my imagination painted the picture of the backdrop in my mind. The intimacy was mind-boggling and tender.
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