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Reviews for It's Not Who You Were Born To

By : Scribe
  • From ANON - The Summoning Dark on November 08, 2005
    Probably the coolest in the series, although I think I read them in the wrong order. Hell...I'm gonna go read them all again. Later...
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  • From ANON - rina on May 14, 2005
    Scribe, I have seen this fic sitting here every time I visited the Lost Boys section and I have passed it over, not inclined to read it cuz I thought it was gonna be another fic about some impossibly beautiful leather-wearing girl/witch/psychic/alien who knows Martial arts/Kickboxing/Spoon bending etc and who somehow ingratiates herself into the gang and hooks up with one of them/all of them in an obvious Mary Sue as so many of the Lost Boys fics are. I'm not against Mary Sues or original characters but they all seemed to be blending into each other and I couldn't tell one fic from the other. I love Lost Boys fic but I kinda got turned off reading it cuz a lot of it was the same. Granted, some of those stories are pretty decent but some are also badly written tripe. That's what I thought this was gonna be and so I've never bothered reading it. But here I sat one night, bored, and had already read some tripe to pass the time and so I thought, what the hell, I'd skim over your fic in the faint hope that yours was one of the decent ones. Plus you mentioned Dwayne and he's one of my favourites. At that point, I would have been happy just to read about Dwayne standing there doing nothing at all as long as you described him well! Even a nice girl/boy kiss or love scene to ease my boredom would have been okay. Well girlie, I totally did NOT see this fic coming. First of all, very well written and detailed and not full of spelling mistakes! Second of all - SLASH!! Yay! Hardly anyone writes Lost Boys slash. And best of all, slash between Dwayne and Paul! :D I've written about that pairing myself so clearly I enjoy them together. Finding someone else writing about these topics, and doing a damn good job of it, was like stumbling across a fifty dollar bill on the middle of the sidewalk! I was thrilled! And I've only read two chapters! I was so inspired I had to let you know how much I am enjoying your wonderful writing. Alas, I must go to bed now so I won't be able to finish tonight but as soon as I have read the rest, I will tell you what I think of the remainder of your story. So far, I am really loving the background you gave Dwayne and his vulnerability is heartbreaking. Jake is an utter bastard and I can't wait to see if/when Paul kills him! Your dialogue is very realistic and your descriptions are vivid and easy to picture in the mind. The sex is HOT and I am so in love with how tender and caring you've made David and Paul towards Dwayne. I actually teared up and that's not something I do often reading fic. It's amazing. Damn, if only you had mentioned slash in your story description, I would have read this a long time ago! I don't normally give such lengthy reviews but hell, you deserve it. *shakes your hand* I WILL be back...
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  • From ANON - ~Faith~ on April 01, 2004
    WOOOOOO! this fic rocks! is it gonna ahve another chapter? i hope so, but after this, could you do one of these for David? it'd be nice to see his life before becoming everyones fave lost boy! ^_^ please do it? for me?

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  • From ANON - Bosho on January 15, 2004
    Lovely as always.
    Feeds the need for Lost Boys ficiton nicely.
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