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Reviews for Dragonfly

By : Muse
  • From ANON - Muse on July 27, 2003
    Okay Moonshine, I appreciate you defending my story's honor, but let's let this drop. First of all, I don't want this to become a place where you and Janice duke it out, flaming each other until ocean turns dark. I want my reviews to be that-- reviews. Second of all, you're giving her exacwhatwhat she wants. The fact that she checked the reviews to see if anyone responded proves that. She wants to get a rise out of someone and frankly I don't have the time to go through all that and you shouldn't stoop to her level. I know my story well enough to know it has no elements of Mary Sue in it, so her comment really doesn't bother me. I do find it interesting that she has no stories posted so I would like to issue this challenge to Janice. E-Mail (don't post here) specifics. You say they are in the story, okay, where? As a writer, even of fanfictions, I am willing to grow and evolve. So please, both of you... it ends here. Moonshine: I appreciate your reviews, so please continued, the encouragement is welcomed and if you have any suggestions, bring them on! Jancie: I expect since you don't like the story (and that's entirely your choice) that you won't be posting in the future. If for some reason you do read things you 't l't like, then please act like the adult you are supposed to be and, make your criticism constructive. So please, both of you, the author has made a request, please respect my wishes.
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  • From ANON - moonshine on July 27, 2003
    Well said Ryo! Besides the more I think about it, if people really want to split hairs, Elizabeth could be considered a marysue. Anyone feel like sending a letter to Jerry or Gore? I think the bottom line is if someone don't like the story... don't read the story and keep the bitterness to themselves.
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  • From on July 27, 2003
    First of all, I love this story. I can tell you took some time to capture the period in which PotC is supposed to happen. You did your research, mate; what a refreshing thing to see. :-) To create a character caught between two worlds, and then to "flesh" her out, so to speak, is always an awesome challenge. Again, I love where you're going with this; keep it up.

    Second of all, the Mary-Sue stuff: huh? What? Examples of it in sto story--where? Mary Sue is either a "I can do everything superbly because I'm perfect", or "God help me I can't even breathe on my own" type of character. Sabine is neither of these; who sa fea female character can't have talent, or some level of education? Aren't there talented women--EXTREMELY talented women--that exist in this world? Heck, we probably know quite a few; for those of us who don't, expand your circle of friends. You'll be amazed at what you need to learn. Who says a female character--a YOUNG female character, at that--can't be insecure at times? Any woman who says she has it all together 24/7 is either a pathological liar, or is hitting the crack pipe WAY too hard. Until a firm understanding of "Mary Sue" can be achieved, I recommend laying off using the term, k?

    Having said all that, Muse: YOU GO GURL!!! :-)
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  • From ANON - Janice on July 27, 2003
    Read the story. All the evidence you need to tell it's just another Mary-Sue is right there. Pointing out specifics would be rhetorical.
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  • From ANON - moonshine on July 26, 2003
    Okay, let me start by saying, Janice... shameless lame attempt to bash much? Don't hate because this story has what yours lack, or, if you don't write, don't hate because someone else has the guts to expressing themselves. I don't have a problem with constructive criticism, (and I hope Muse doesn't either), but there's nothing constructive about your witchy statement. How is Saba maa marysue? At least have the balls to back up your allegations, and give examples so the author has a chance to either: A) justify it. B) correct it. or C) acknowledge it and continue on the same course. I've read some mary sue stories not all of them are bad, some are down right entertaining. How can you tell she's a marysue in 2 chapters?

    Now, as forpterpter 2... Veice!ice! I enjoyed seeing more of Sabine's and Will's personalities, and a chance to see the way they interact with each other, although I do agree... bring on Jack! I do so love that pirate. I can't wait to see the direction you take this story and these characters. Question: Are you the same Muse that has Knight takes King on scribeoz? If so, damn girl, where the hell did you learn to write!?

    Sorry all for the venting, and Jancie I'm not picking on you, it just irks me when people throw something out like that and don't back it up.
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  • From ANON - Janice on July 26, 2003
    Shameless Mary-Sue, much?
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  • From ANON - Egypt on July 26, 2003
    Oh my God! Can I just say that I think that you are an extremely talentrd writer, because you are. You have an terrific plot and you make the characters s so so real. This is the best fiction I've read in a long while. You have a talent in writng stories, I can tell NO BAD REVIEWS COMING YOUR WAY. Or at least I hope none will. When will she ever get around to finding out what happened to her father? And how will Will feel about seeing Elizabeth again? And will Sabine finally tell Will how she really feels about him, And will Will finally tell Sabine how he really feels about her? And the fact that I know her heritage backgroune I can actually picture how she looks, My half sister is African and Spaniard. And she is gorgeous. I can't wait to find out what will happen in the next chapter. Please don't wait long to update. I absolutely love this story.
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  • From ANON - Amy B. on July 26, 2003
    A great set-up for the story so far! I agree with moonshine's assessment that it's much more believable for Elizabeth to end up with Norrington than with Will the Blacksmith! Will and Sabine seem to have a better future as roughly social equals. Elizabeth comes across as very noble and dutiful, yet saddened to loose Will. I hope Will gets a chance to play hero for Sabine, and when is Jack going to show up? I love Jack!
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  • From ANON - Dani on July 25, 2003
    I love the story line you have going. Can't wait to read some more chapters! Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Egypt on July 25, 2003
    I can't wait for the story to really start. the story is really interesting and I like the title of the movie. What will happen to Sabine's father? Will Sabine get home in time to see her father in his condition? And when will Will make an appearance in the story? Only the next chapter can tell where the story goes. Please dont wait long to update the story, Im anxious to find thi this story is going to turn out. I'm loving it so far, nice job keep up the good work and I'll keep it coming with the reviews.
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  • From ANON - steph on July 25, 2003
    Oh please write more of this. You write very well, and the plot seems to be pretty good. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
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  • From ANON - moonshine on July 24, 2003
    Okay, I get to the be the first to review this terrific fic. Howl isl is that? I'm enjoying getting to know Sabine, she sounds like an interesting person, and I must say, I know what it's like to be completely in love with someone and know they are completely in love with someone else. I like that you didn't just make Elizabeth a bitch to fit the story too, butgreegree that although her and Will looked good together, I don't really buy the governor's daughter setting up house with a blacksmith/pirate. Please write more soon, I am very interested in seeing what happens between these two.
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