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Reviews for Dragonfly

By : Muse
  • From ANON - Egypt on August 12, 2003
    Wow!!!! I thought that I was going to have to wait an eternity to read what was going to happen next . I don't want to jump to things so quickly, but I want to know if they would ever confess about how they feel for each other? Anyways nice cliffhanger I got a feeling that our favorite drunken swashbuckling pirate is in the next chapter can't wait for the update and the rising relationship between Will and Sabine.
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  • From ANON - Palia on August 02, 2003
    i love it, i love it, i love it! i'm addicted, i think i can officially say this story is the best one on here, no joke. please write more!
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  • From ANON - Avi on August 01, 2003
    Excellent fic, not only well plotted and interesting, but very well written. Looking forward to more more more *lol*.
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  • From on July 31, 2003
    Hm, Hm, Hm...*shaking my head like Big Mama* Now you know that ain't right, killing the girl's father in front of her. *shaking my head again* Please tell me Jacinto bites it, and soon...please! As for Will, it's good to see he's coming around with that Elizabeth thang.

    One of the things I truly like about your writing is your mastery of description. Some authors don't say enough, others say too damn much, but you achieve that perfect balance. As an avid reader, I certainly do appreciate it. :-)

    Oh, and before I forget: YOU GO GIRL!!!
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  • From ANON - Lyra on July 31, 2003
    OMG THAT IS SO NOT WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY! MY FRIEND THOUGHT IT WOULD BE 'funny' to throw a YO HO HO in My heart swells with the loss of Sabine's father. I am so ASTONISHED that you killed him so quickly. I think Jacinto could have gotten so much more out of tha than just a map...Yeah, Im a pirate at heart, what can I say? FABULOUS story babes!


    'this is the last time Ill take the blame for the sake of being with you.' LP
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  • From ANON - Lyra on July 31, 2003
    YO HO HO.
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  • From ANON - moonshine on July 31, 2003
    DAMN!!! How could you just leave it there? How could you just have her father's head blown off like that? You're just EVIL.... promise you'll never change, and promise you will update this story, SOON!!! I'm in love with it, with Sabine, and of course with Will, with his fine self. I like that you didn't make him all mad because she didn't lock the door, and I like that he felt guilty over the kiss, and his actions to a good friend. I do hope he realizes what he's got in front of him.
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  • From ANON - EGYPT on July 31, 2003
    I can't believe that bastard shot her father. This part of the story was so sad that I started to cry. I can't wait to find out what happens next. And when is Will ever going to tell Sabine how he feels about her? And when will Jack appear? I guess I have to be patient until the next chapter. Nice work on this chapter, it was a sad one, but a nice good one. keep up the good writing. jealous I
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  • From ANON - moonshine on July 29, 2003
    Gurl, you've done it again. Just when I thought you couldn't take it up a notch, you go and raise the bar. But what's up with the cliffhanger. You know that's just cruel and unusally punishment. So now, as your payback you must update the next chapter this week. If you don't, I'll hunt you down and torture you. I will, I promise.
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  • From ANON - LyRa on July 29, 2003

    Well, I love the story and if you need any help or whatever....please feel free to write to me! Oh and if I dont get back to you in enough time...IM me at either RubZ Dawg 069 (AIM) or Sadbutrue22003 (yahoo)


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  • From ANON - steph` on July 29, 2003
    Awesome chapter! Superb! Poor Sabine, but poor Will, too, such romantic tragedy. *sighs* And such an evil, evil cliffhanger, it's not fair! Oh well, highly awaiting chapter 4 as soon as you can write it.
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  • From on July 28, 2003
    How would Busta Rhymes put it? Gimme some mo'!! :-D Great chapter, mate, though Will is starting to frustrate me. *Donning my Sophia attitude from the "Color Purple":

    I luvs Will Turner, God knows I .but.but I'll knock him out if he don't get with Sabine! ;-)
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  • From ANON - Sarah on July 28, 2003
    Oh, this is soy vey very excellent! I hope you continue to find inspiration for this story and to update it.
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  • From ANON - steph on July 27, 2003
    Excellent second chapter. Your style of writing really is quite good, and if I may add just one teensy comment on the Mary-sue thing, I didn't see any Mary-Sue-like qualities in here, either. It's a very enjoyable story thus far and I hope you can get your chapters written faster. I like the original character very well, I think you've given her depth and will continue to do so. I also can't to to see Jack show up. He's the best. Write more!
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  • From ANON - jen on July 27, 2003
    Great beginning! I like this story very very much. As others have said, you've done your homework on the history, and giving her a mixed heritage is a very interesting twist. I like the way you wove that into the story, and didn't just use it as an excuse to make her more "exotic" looking. Instead, you addressed the effects her heritage would have on her social status, and I liked that detail a lot. I've written original characters, and read even more, and there's not a trace of Mary Sue here, despite what others have said.

    It's a very interesting beginning, and a very logical sequel to the movie. I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with it.

    And may I say that I've never wanted to be a kitten so much in my life! ;-)
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