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Reviews for Dragonfly

By : Muse
  • From ANON - Palia on September 03, 2003
    Wow. That It's gonna be really interesting 2 see what happens between Will and Sabine next. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Cami on September 03, 2003
    Wow...absolutely amazering update!!! Absolutely loved it, you are an excellent writer! :)

    Do post more soon! ^__^
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  • From ANON - Star on September 03, 2003
    Oh my dear Lord, that was unbelievably evil of you!....I LOVE IT!
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  • From ANON - Mara on September 03, 2003
    I can't believe Will in this chapter. All that business of him warning Sabine about how other men look at her and how she needs protection and he treats her the same way. Don't get me wrong I adore Will but I hope once he sobers up he remembers everything he did and most importantly said and spends the rest of the story begging Sabine's forgiveness. Alcohol is an evil thing!
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  • From ANON - Egypt on September 02, 2003
    Nice chapter. Keep the chapters coming. The story just keeps getting better and better. I can't wait for the next chapter and see whats going to happen next between Will and Sabine. And I'm so glad that Jack finally made an appearance, although I can't say the same for Ana Marie. Geez what an asshole she is to Sabine, and she doesn't even know her. Oh well can't wait for the next update
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  • From ANON - kara on September 02, 2003
    perfect in all ways but one: i need more...please keep writing
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  • From ANON - moonshine on August 30, 2003
    JACK!!! Oh, gurl. You did him beautifully! I could totally see Johnny giving his Jack swagger to your dialogue. And the beginning of the chapter.... THUD!! Damn that first mate for coming in, and damn Sabine for not wanting to talk about it (but I can't get too mad at her... I love her so). I also loved the little daydream Will slipped into. I was craking up at the end of that. Okay... I agree with Ryo... you have to post chap 8. NOW!! :-D
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  • From ANON - Ryo on August 27, 2003
    Well now *that's* what I call a chapter, mate!! I don't have to tell you I admire the way you really get into the characters' emotions and bring them out so vividly...but I will. ;-) And I LOVE that Jack has finally made his appearance as only he can! Anna Maria--*sigh*. Sista gurl's tryin' to get on my nerves trip' ov' over Sabine, but I reckon I can understand why if I had a catch like Jack...wait a minute, what the hell am I thinking? ;-) Seriously though, the story just keeps getting better, mate. Way to go!! :-)

    *Now* you can bring on Chapter 8. ;-)
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  • From ANON - Ryo on August 22, 2003
    I reckon I ought to push for Chapter Seven before Eight, right? ;-)
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  • From ANON - Ryo on August 22, 2003
    Nicely done, mate! Very very nice! Good to see Will at least *wonder* where his heart wants to be. Bugger if you didn't tease us with the "look I want to kiss her" bit, but I understand why you had to do it. Also good that you brought her feelings of grief and revenge back into play, instead of casting them to the side. Should make for an interesting metamorphisis of the lass.

    So...where's chapter 8?
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  • From ANON - dee dee on August 21, 2003
    UUUMMMMMM!!!!! NEXT CHAPTER PLEASE!!! you defintely have me hooked girl. this is one of the BEST will/ofc i have ever read. keep it going. I only make one comment per story that i read and yet this is my second review for yours.keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - moonshine on August 21, 2003
    I'M NOT WORTHY!! I'M NOT WORTHY!! My sista, my sista, I do believe this is the best chapter so far. Yes, I know I say that about all of them, but dang girl, thatbecabecause you keep bringing it strong. I love the sexual tension that's building between Sabine and Will, sh mak make for a pretty interesting sexual situation (hint hint). :-D So of course, you know the drill... come on with Chapter 7, because I need to see what happens when these two wake up. Are they going to do the do? Don't make me wait too long, ya hear!
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  • From ANON - Cami on August 21, 2003
    WOW. This story is amazing so far! I lurve it! Keep going!
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  • From ANON - Ryo on August 13, 2003
    Poor poor Sabine! The lass has way too much to bear on her shoulders, doesn't she? Good to see Will's stepping up to the plate to help her out. Nice mix of confusion between hist ast and love for Elizabeth (the heffer), and his loyalty to Sabine. Like a few others have posted though, I have this to say: bring on Jack, savvy?! ;-)
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  • From ANON - moonshine on August 12, 2003
    HOT DAMN GIRL!!! Things are really starting to get interesting now, aren't they? Looks like Elizabeth no longer has solo control over Will's heart. It also looks like the boy is starting to wise up to what's right in front of him. Great chap! You know I'm looking forward to Jack hitting the scene. And you know I can't wait to see what you are going to have these two crazy kids do next.
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