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Reviews for Dragonfly

By : Muse
  • From ANON - Ryo on October 24, 2003
    Jack fighting a woman??? Yeah, somehow I can see that happenin' with the old scallywag. ;-) This is a good solid chapter, mate. No one said transformation is easy; Sabine is definitely beginning to see that. The question is, is Will? And if so, what's he going to do about it? Hrm...I suppose I'll have to wait until the future chapters, right? ;-) (Like I can talk; I'm just now starting chapter 9, hehe)
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  • From ANON - steph on October 19, 2003
    Good lord this story is awesome. I LOVE that part where she punches Jack, that is the best. Really Sabine is one of the best original characters I've ever seen in a fic, and this fic is very good. I love how you're not having Sabine tell Will why she's so pissed off with him. Good girl! Let him suffer! *evil laugh* Anyway I hope you never stop writing this fic. It's wonderful. Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Ryo on October 04, 2003
    I guess I should feel sorry for Will, huh? Well guess what? I do...and I don't. ;-) But I suppose that was your intent, huh? ;-) Excellent chapter, mate. Make Will squirm a bit more, and *then* I'll *consider* rooting for him, again. ;-)
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  • From ANON - moonshine on October 02, 2003
    Well hell, you just keep on shoveling them out don't you? I lovhe bhe beginning, the remorseful Will (as well he should be, the lil' bastard). And I loved that fact that Sabine isn't just giving in and asking him to sweep her off her feet, even though it's clear she's still got some serious feeling for Will. You are really writing the both of them (not to mention Jack) beautifully. I also liked the little angeange between, Anamaria, and Sabine... then between Jack and Will. I really think that young man could benefit with a father figure type right now, and since no one else is around, Jack might as wdo ido it. So when are you going to have Will and Sabine have another go at it? If so when and what's going to lead up to it. I can't wait for the next chapter ms. thang!!
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  • From ANON - Egypt on October 02, 2003
    Great chapter!!! Can't wait to see what going to happen next between the two. And when are they going to tell each other that they love one another. I can't wait till that happens, they are dealing with mixed emotions right now. Man you are so good keep up the good work. I'm expecting to read alot from you. Your a great writer.
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  • From ANON - Ryo on September 25, 2003
    And now the "genius" knows what he did to piss my girl off. I've told you this offline, but damn if you're not the "Angst Queen"! (Somehow you wrestled that title from me...I'll have to wrestle it back, you know) I liked how you made Sabine strong enough to resist breaking down in Mary Sue fashion before Will; let her do that out of sight (like a sista would, ya heard?) And Jack...what can I say about Mr. Sparrow? I luv the stinkin' bastid; bring more of him on, please! ;-)

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  • From ANON - moonshine on September 24, 2003
    That was awesome, just completely awesome! I'm loving the way you are bringing Jack and Anna-Maria to life, I also like the way Anna-Maria is starting to warm up to Sabine, those two would probably make great friends. And the way Sabine decked the shit out of Will... you go girl. Another marvelous chapter cracked out and away. So you know I can't wait to see how Will tries to make this up to Sabine, and if she will take him back with open arms, or make him CRAWL!!!
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  • From ANON - Moonshine on September 18, 2003
    ARGH!! I know you probably think I hated this chapter... on the contrary, I loved it. But this friggin site kept going out of service every friggin time I tried to post my review. Like I said, I love it, it was a great chapter, but then, I'm starting to expect nothing less from you. I love that Sabine knows what really happened, but poor dumb Will thinks it was someone else he slept with. Boy is he in for a RUDE awakening. I do hope you update soon. I'm starting to become and addict, and this story is my drug of choice!
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  • From ANON - Ryo on September 10, 2003
    And so the transformation begins. Bless Sabine's heart; she's got one hell of a hill to climb. As for "he which shall not be named in this review" (i.e., Will)...serves him right! ;-) You know I eagerly await the next chapter, to see how Anna (who needs to chill out) and Jack react to the new, improved "Dragonfly"?
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  • From ANON - Egypt on September 09, 2003
    Hey I can't wait to see if Will is ever going to find out thabinabine is he one hes slept with and how will he react to finding out that he took her virginity. Man this story just keeps getting better ans better can't wait for you to update the story. You go girl this is the best damn fic I've read so far that has to do with POTC. Keep on writing.
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  • From ANON - Ryo on September 04, 2003
    That sumbitch...that sonuvabitch...that's all I will say about that sorry bastid. I agree with Moonshine's kudos on the realism of the sex scene. Of all the chapters--of all the stories--I've read of yours, this is one of the best. Every time you keep it real, every time you take a character and make him/her your own, and that's what I love about your writing. You do realize that you've raised the bar for me...yet again, right? ;-)

    You're doing fargin' fantastic, mate. Keep the chapters coming!!
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  • From ANON - moonshine on September 04, 2003
    OH HELL NO HE DIDN'T!!! Why that lil'... I am very angry at Mr. William Turner right now (even if technically it was the demon alcohol in him), still, how could he do that to Sabine. Poor thing, I just want to hug her and tell her everything will be alright. I love how you wrote that scene, and that you didn't go the easy route and make her first time all magical and pain free. It felt real, everything that was happening felt real, even the shift in Will. I also adore the chemistry between Anna-Maria and Jack. Those two are a hoot! I can completely see Jack being a breast man. Hopefully Anna will "sense" something's wrong with Sabine and cut her some slack. G cha chapter, girlfriend... you did it again!!
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  • From ANON - steph on September 04, 2003
    Let me at him! I'll throttle that bastard! That is so wrong, so very very wrong. Poor Sabine! Yet I could see this happening...and I think it works quite well. Excellent writing as usual, keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Andrea Tuff on September 03, 2003
    I enjoyed reading this story. It's very well-written, with lovely use of imagery. All of the original characters are great, especially Sabine. She's pleasantly different from the normal PotC original female characters.

    My one qualm is Will. I'm sorry to say, but he's pretty out of character. Will would never do anything "improper" unless it was a matter of extreme urgency. He would never sleesideside a woman who wasn't his wife, no matter how long they had known each other and how close they were. He wouldn't be that openly affectionate, either. He was always careful to maintain a sense of propriety with Elizabeth in the movie, despite how deeply in love with her he was. Will is just too uptight and careful to behave the way he does in this fic.

    Aside from this minor problem (which isn't really that bad in the grand scheme) , the story is very good. I like the twist it's taken, with Will and Sabine finally moving to the next stage while Will is still in love with Elizab It It'll be interesting to see what happens next. :)
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  • From ANON - Egypt on September 03, 2003
    OK so finally they have sex. But man how can Will do that to her, even though he was intoxicated it's still painful that he said his ex lovers name at the end, now that just flat out sucks.Man hasn't she been through enough already. I love Will but he really pissed me off in this chapter. He just screwed up everything . Can't wait to see how hegoingoing to make it up to her, if he even remembers when he's sober. Well can't wait for the next chapter.Excellent cliffhanger by the way. Keeps your readers guessing whats going to happen next.Please!!! Don't wait to long to update.
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