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Reviews for Dragonfly

By : Muse
  • From ANON - Avi on February 29, 2004
    Brilliant exchange between Jack and Sabine...another example of the subtlety and delicacy in your wonderful story. I love seeing how confused she is about her relationship with Will, it's complex and messy like real life...and now the storm...I'm shivering with anticipation, can't wait to see what you've got planned for the next chapter. Hope it arrives soon - though the quality of each update more than makes up for the wait time :)
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  • From ANON - Cait on February 29, 2004
    OMG I didn't realize how hooked I was to your story. Everyday since you wrote chapter 15 I've been checking, and now im dying for chapter 17. Please hurry. Later
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  • From ANON - sarah on February 24, 2004
    this is a wonderful story. you are an impeccable writer. i hope you will continue adding to it. it would be a waste to leave it here. my suggestions for what should happen: don't have her do anything with the oliver guy. when she gets back to the ship have will corner her in their room and force her to tell him everything (how she feels, what shets, ts, and especially what happened that night--he needs to know) then have him make love to her, not have sex with her but make love to her and show her what it can be like. then continue on to find the treasure.

    please continue writing, it is rare to come across a wonderful story like this. just keep writing even if its just for me to read (hahaha).
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  • From ANON - Fan81981 on February 21, 2004
    I have been reg thg this story faithfully since you started. I think I must have read it three or four times already. I feel compelled to re-read practically everything whenever you update. It is just that you update so infrequently these days *pout*.

    Your write very well - a very controlled style of writing which is both lucid and interesting. Sabine is a fantastic OC - real, but still intriguing. I was so afraid this would become a Mary Sue but it really hasn't. And you have caught the voices of Will and jack so well as well.

    I can't wait to read the rest. I hope you update sooner. Waiting impatienly,
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  • From ANON - Moonshine on February 21, 2004
    okay you make us wait forever and a day for a new chapter, then you deliver with this and the length. I only have one thing to say to you... SUBLIME!!! Your work, your words, the feelings and emotion you are able to convey. Why aren't you writting and selling books somewhere? I love the friction between the two lovers, and can't wait to see how you have them overcome it (yes, I have no doubt they will). I also like the way Oliver didn't turn all assholey when he discoveredine ine wasn't going to be the one for him. (For a minute I thought you were going to have him do something nasty to her, thrilled you didn't). And I love the way you have JACK of all people advising Will on women! You have managed to amaze me with another wonderful chapter! Can't wait for 16!
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  • From ANON - Daisy on February 21, 2004
    I am really enjoying yuor story... it is very well-written. Please post more soon. *~*~* Daisy
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  • From ANON - Avi on February 19, 2004
    Brilliant chapter! But just when Will is about to stop whining and do something sensible, Sabine has to spend the night at Oliver's. OMG!!!!!!! I't 't wait to see Will's reaction, these two are driving me crazy but as I've said before I adore them and the story you've crafted - I'll be checking daily for pressure ;)
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  • From ANON - Alex on February 09, 2004
    This is an awesome story. The plot is well thought out, the Pirates characters are exactly how they should be, the Sabine character is amazing. It draws you in and holds you captive. I check for a new chapter almost everyday.
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  • From ANON - Moonshine on January 27, 2004
    I agree, this is the BEST Priates fanfiction out there hands down! At least the best one that I have read. Everytime I see you've updated I get excited. Very interesting chapter, and I like how it finally came out that he called Elizabeth's name. I also like how you've got the "I can't make you love me" angle going. It makes it all very angsty, and captivating. Hurry with the next chapter girl and keep up the excellent work.
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  • From ANON - Avi on January 27, 2004
    Your story gets better with each update, your writing is wonderful. Their inability to deal with their true feelings for each other is so touching. Sabine is such a cool heroine - I absolutley adore her. I am excited to see how your new character is going to play into everything. You still have the best Pirates fic I've seen anywhere, every chapter is worth the wait...can't wait for the next one.
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  • From ANON - DarkSeductress on December 29, 2003
    Your story is absolutely wonderful. There's no wordr itr it....and if anyone has been telling you otherwise, they should definitely be shot. There's not a loophole in the plot to be found and the characters seem real. It's an awesome masterpiece.
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  • From ANON - moonshine on December 27, 2003
    YOU SCARED ME!!! I was afraid I would never hear/read another chapter again. Don't you ever do that to me again... now that that's out of the way... DAUMN!! That was a good, no great, chapter. One of the best so far. I loved the fight scene on the Lucielle, and I loved the tender moment between Will and Sabine before he stuck his foot in his mouth again. Those two really need to sit down and have a talk... or maybe all they need is a good fuck. Either way, please don't make me wait so long again, you know this is my absolute favorite story.
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  • From ANON - becca on December 26, 2003
    omigod!! wonderfull!! please write more!
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  • From ANON - Avi on December 15, 2003
    You've turned out yet another wonderful chapter. I am still in love with this story, but had almost given up looking for an update. Please don't make the wait so long for the next one. Pretty please???
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  • From ANON - Palia on November 20, 2003
    this story is so great! please continue writing it, i'm addicted!
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