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Reviews for Dragonfly

By : Muse
  • From ANON - Egypt on March 14, 2004
    Hey. I am so happy that she woke. Wow I can't wait for the next chapter. This chapter was so beautiful I actually cried trying to contemplate if she was going to wake up or die. And then that kiss WOW. Can't wait for the next update please, don't wait to long OK.
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  • From ANON - Cait on March 14, 2004
    YEY!!! You made my day.
    This is truly my favorite story. Please update asap. Later
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  • From ANON - Avi on March 13, 2004
    Have been plagued by computer bugs so I just got the chance to read 17 and 18 and all I can say is Brava! You've done it again, another heartfelt, moving update to the only Pirate fic I truly love reading anymore. I adore Sabine (and your Will, Jack & Ana)...heck I even like Oliver after that last chapter. Her illness was the perfect plot twist, just what Will needed to FINALLY tell her the obvious truth. I definitely needed my hanky for this one...oh and the little interlude with Jack and Ana...very nice...just the way I always thought the two of them should be. Can't wait for chapter 19!
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  • From ANON - Aphrodite on March 08, 2004
    I still totally love this story... it is amazing... omg i cannot wait to see what happens!! She CANNOT die!! omg that would be soo horrible!! Will FINALLY (I repeat FINALLY) realizes he loves her... and she could die!! ahhhh the suspence is a killer!! keep up the good work!!
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  • From ANON - Moonshine on March 07, 2004
    FLY!!! That's the best word I can think to describe this chappie. He finaldmitdmitted what we already knew. Of course it took her getting tragically ill for him to do it. By the way, she's going to be fine, right? I mean you wouldn't do something as cruel as killing of the heroine, would you? All I can say is keep up the excellent work, you know this is my story!
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  • From on March 07, 2004
    Nicely written, as always. :-) Good to see Will get his head and heart straight, and the same goes for Jack. Excellent job :-)
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  • From ANON - NEWENIT on March 06, 2004
    I have been following your story since the beginning at another domain and have always loved it!!! Now the plot is getting really, really interesting (not that it has been dull, by not means has it been that!). I really liked this last chapter, it was just excellent, you had the right combination of angst and love. I liked the scene between Anna-Marie and Jack. You revealed that soft, tender side of him and how he feels about Anna-Marie and I just loved it. Their lovemaking was very hot!! And I also loved that Will told Sabine he loved her, and that he knew he could spend the rest of his life with her. I really hope he gets to! They are so perfect for each other and I think Will understands her very well. They are both going through phases, and I think these phases will finally break through to their truth - that they mutually love each other just as deeply!!

    Please give us more soon. I was so dellighted to see this up so soon after your last chapter. Keep em coming!!

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  • From ANON - Cait on March 06, 2004
    AHHH! *jumps up and down*
    This is so fucking good. PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON! NO LATER THAN SUNDAY OR ELSE ILL TYPE A.......*whispers* bad review. PLEASE HURRY!
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  • From ANON - Egypt on March 06, 2004
    Hey great chapter, I can't wait to here more from you. and by the way I used my real name by accident the last time I wrote to you I'm Sarah I just wanted to explain that to you since there is also another sarah that writes to you for review. but good chapter keep on ing,ing, can't wait to read more from you. Hey shout out to Moonshine
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  • From ANON - sans on March 06, 2004
    please update asap
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  • From Muse on March 01, 2004
    Okay... Sarah... Moonshine, I do appreciate you ladies having my back, and I have no intention of stopping the story because one person posted a less than glowing review. But please ladies, don't let her upset you. She doesn't upset me. I have come to realize every few months someone feels the need to say something negative, be it about my story, or someone elses... it's like burping. Gases build inside and the only way to let them out is to belch, and it just happens to be all over someones work.

    More than likely Norahs just posted that review to get some sort of response, and no doubt she will have some witty words of wisdome to destow upon us. I have made this request before, I'm making it again... it ends here. Norahs, I would appreciate you not responding. This is a review forum, notoxinoxing ring. If you don't like the story, or if it is boring you by the direction it's going, don't read it. I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't know what else to tell you. If you would like to comment on this put it in an email

    Thanks to all my readers. I'm glad that for the most part you all are enjoying and I hope you continue to enjoy the future chapters!!

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  • From ANON - moonshine on March 01, 2004
    Past chapters have been short?! Hello? The last chapter may have been short, but one thing I can say about Muse is that most of her chapters are long... My suggestions Norahs... if you don't like it... don't read it. Don't threaten not to do it... DO IT!! I don't like reading Slash fics, I have nothing against the people who write them, but seeing/reading man on man sex doesn't do it for me. The few PotC stories that I have tried to read containing slash were so poorly written I went back into hiding. So what do I do? Do I post a review on every story saying how they are horrible I think it is, or how boring. No. I keep my hateful comments to myself because let's face it, no one wants to hear them. It's not like these people are getting paid to post this stuff. If you're no longer interested in the story for whatever reason fine, but don't spew your negetivity all over us because you're having a bad life.

    Constructive critisizm makes bad writers good, and good writers better. Flame/hateration review just make people look small...

    Muse, I ENJOYED the HELL out of this chapter! I love the tension you've built between Sabine and Will. Heck, I love Sabine, she's so real, I can see pieces of myself in her. And isn't that the key to writing a successful character, to help other people identify with her? Thankr nor not making us wait so long, and I can't wait to see what you throw at us next. Please don't stop writing this because of Norahs. For every one person like that who reads, you have me, Sarah and probably a lot others that just don't review.
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  • From ANON - Norahs on March 01, 2004
    Ok.. if this is the best kind of chapter that you can come up with.. then I see absolutely NO REASON why I should waste my time in reading something that's not interesting enough to keep me entertained and wanting to read more, your past few chapters have been just like this..Short, Boring, Nothing interesting, Nothing to keep the reader entertained, and really nothing good about the story. You get into saying that Will and Sabine need to talk.. then they say three words to each other, and that's it...what the fuck..that makes no sense...saying that they have to talk and him waiting in her room ALL NIGHT for no reason at all is just stupid to do, and Jack's story, another things stupid...and leaving on a hanger like that...just that a baa bad storm and everyone relying on jack to get through the storm.. it's common sense that he's going to be the one to do that, sicne he's Captain Jack Sparrow for cryin out loud!!!

    Im dissappointed and annoyed off my hinges since this story's going right down the drain and around the corner for me. I might not be comin back to read it anymoe if this is all I'm going to be reading.. a few paragraphs of useless info...jeez
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  • From ANON - troublegirl on March 01, 2004
    I've been following your story since you began it last year. So glad that you are continueing to update and are creating a real story with real characters. Please keep it up, and I'll keep reading.
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  • From ANON - Egypt on February 29, 2004
    Hey great chapter, I can't wait to see what happens between Sabine and Will , if she falls over board will Will save her. Anyways great chapter, can't wait for the next update. Keep the stories coming alright!!! I love this Fic.
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