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Reviews for A Change of Course

By : JediWalflower
  • From ANON - Telhuinewen on July 31, 2003
    Absolutely wonderful story and it's bloody well-written to boot. Very interesting, moving, and engaging. The characterizations are excellent and very well portrayed.

    The sword fight was awesome and well written as well. Just as well, the introduction of Jack back on the scene is very welcoming. How very tantalizing a place you leave us all off.

    I hope to be able to read until the ending.

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  • From ANON - GypsyJ on July 30, 2003
    Ahhh this is so great! Probably just about the best fic i've read so far. There really is a strong lack of good PotC fics out there.... *pouts* Fortunately, this has relieved the drought for the time being! ^_^ Though i'll need another chapter soon. Unless, of course, you want my metaphorical blood on your hands after i die from hunger strike. :D
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  • From ANON - ShadowSpirit on July 29, 2003
    Great story so far ^^ Evil of you to leave it off with Jack showing up....For some reason I'm overly amused with the part when Jack first said something and Will fell over right after standing. Kw^ Ve^ Very good, continue soon. *Kills Norrington* He's very evil, ne? Teme.....I didn't like him in the movie and I in general hate him X_x
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  • From ANON - BLACK*PLAGUE on July 28, 2003
    This is getting to be a lovly little bit of a tale there 'lassie'. Keep it up. Oh, and the rest of us want some "Turner action" too. Bring on the smut.!.
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  • From ANON - Julee on July 28, 2003
    This is positively one of the most WELL-WRITTEN (and sexy) fics I've ever read on PotC. Now, you haven't actually got to the SEX part yet, (get to it, woman!), but I looooove the dream sequencing, how you've made the whole story mesh together perfectly with the end of the movie. I can't wait for Jack/Will smut. OHHHHHHOHHH YEAH.
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  • From ANON - wren on July 28, 2003
    Squeeee!! We got Jack!! Everyone look Jack's here! Jack! Jack hey! Hey Jack we missed you!! lol.. sorry couldn't resist..

    Another great chapter really you leave us wanting more but leave nothing out of what you have written.. i certainly hope you are not looking for constructive critisism cause while i found things i liked muchly i didn't find anything to complain about!! And i never pick on things that a beta can fix !! So after reading the other reviews i thought i would put in my own two cents!!
    Loved the scene between Norrington and Will, it made me want to poof out me chest and beat it in a manly way! Ok now that was just odd! Ignore that bit! But really loved Will downdressing the commador in public.. hehe.. good on you mate!! And then the ' I shall be gone by ‘morrow noon, in search of my love' was brilliant.. truthful but not leading!! Wonderful i wish i could do half as well with my fics as you are doing with this story!!

    And the fact that the story had spred so fast as to beat hime!! e!! sooo like a small town.. i should know i live in one!! and mr brown redeeming his drunk self was cool and a bit of a pirate himself!!

    Loved the name of the ship that will caught.. 'the ass' indeed.. hehehe.. lol

    Poor Will with those nightmares.. now that he is with Jack again maybe they will stop.. and he will have hehe.. more pleasurable dreams!!! lol...

    And a message for Cat.. stop it stop it.. let the woman write!!! lol..

    As always.. more soon please.. Wren
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  • From on July 28, 2003
    OOooOOoo. Finally Jack comes into the picture! I am so excited about this. Excellent story thus far, and great way of unfolding the plot. Not too slow, nor too fast.
    This is most certainly up in my faves! Love this writing style of yours.
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  • From ANON - Madoushi Clef on July 27, 2003
    Oh yeah, one more thing, loved the description of the sword. (Can I have one? And a plushie too?) Fight scene was well written--not an easy thing to accomplish--getting the feel of movement and all. Brava(o?). Side note, gold inlay is gold, but gold's a soft metal (bite it and it dents--really! Try it, very weird.) and without something underneath it, it'll warp. And that's a Very Bad Thing for a hilt. Hilts are Good Things. They protect your hand. But I'm sure Will already compensated for the inlay.

    Love Brown in the chapter too. ^_^ That's a wonderful, kind thing he did to help Will out.

    Does Will have a cool sword too...? *evil grin*
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  • From ANON - Madoushi Clef on July 27, 2003
    *glomps* Woohoo! Another good one. I do apologize, I failed to mention in my last review how fabulous your dreams came out. Utterly terrifying, some of them.

    I loved that Will called Norrington rash. It tut turnabout fun? Of course, that whole scene was a bit out of character for that git, but so long as Jack and Will are together, I'll overlook it. ^_^ (Wanted to see Norrington get his ass whooped anyways.) Elizabeth's letter seemed a bit... hard even for her character. I guess I can see why Norrington thought Will wrote it. It doesn't sound like her character in the movie. Ye might want ta tweak it a bit...

    Moving right along... I can't wait to see what Jack thinf hif his sword!

    And that boat? How many slash references are you gonna put in this fic before we get to the actual slashing??? Damn hillarious. I hope Zalaman's read this far. She's gonna fall out of her seat when she gets to your boat's nickname and catpain.

    Keep up the good work, and pace.

    ~ Clef
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  • From ANON - Kari on July 27, 2003
    yay! they finally met up! *squee* you make Norrington just as ass-y and stuck up as in the movie. good for Elizabeth! and I'm from Virginia so major major props there. major props on the sword fight. loved it. cant wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Aithilin on July 27, 2003
    Yay! Jack! And Norrington got what he deserved... Though I think he should be hung, 'cause that would be amusing. Anyway, love it. Can't wait for more.

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  • From ANON - Mel on July 27, 2003
    Yay! I love it^_^ I really enjoy how you work the dream scenes; very realistic! And Norrington is wonderfully written, very much in character.

    Finally, some Jack/Will! It's about time. ^_-

    I can't wait for more of this! I'd love to see how you work parts of the challenge into it!

    It's very rewarding being your beta; I get to read the chapters early!

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  • From ANON - Nimue on July 26, 2003
    Ah, bloody hell. Enough with the cliffhangers, it was just getting really good! For some reason, I always grin whenever Jack shows up in a scene. You’ve written him well enough to convince me, even if he’s only been around a short time:) I can't wait for the next installment.

    All right, I've been reading this for awhile, and I figure it’s about time I leave a review. While there’s isn’t much I can critique thus far, I’m going to do my best to help you make your work even better than it already is. I can’t judge you on your spelling and grammar errors. I don’t beta anything I post, but I’ve often found that closing a document anddingding it again in the morning helps me find most of the glaring mistakes. Don’t worry, I realize the pressure to post often and fast can get to you, but this really helps. Of course I should add that any errors I spotted weren’t glaring enough to detract from either the story or word flow, so kudos tu fou for that.

    I love the descriptions in your work. I’m a huge sucker for poetic descriptive, and your very first line hooked me immediately: “William Turner, a silent and stoic figure of a young man, stood knee deep in the salt water that was steadily rising as the tide came in.”
    Oft, it’s the first line that’s the most difficult to write, so I thought I’d tell you that I absolutely love this one.

    I also appreciate your use of nightmares to set the story. You’ve taken the old “I woke up one morning and realized I was in love with him” cliché to a whole new level. My poor heart wrenches every time poor William goes to sleep. By playing off his fears, you make the idea of a romance between him and Jack more plausible. Not that I can possibly dismiss all the available evidence in the movie:) Jack, the scoundrel. I’m curious to see how his side of the story will go. If you can continue to write your characters with this level of thought and depth, you shouldn't have any problems pleasing the masses.

    Well, now that I’ve rambled on about nothing, you’ll have to settle for a shallow review filled with naught but compliments. I'm terribly sorry:). Constructive efforts may present themselves in the next review:)
    Oh yes, and I *adore* your disclaimer.

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  • From ANON - Izzy on July 26, 2003
    I really like this story! I hope you write more very very soon!
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  • From ANON - Cat on July 26, 2003
    I still adore this story to bits! There are a few typos and errors, yes. I'll be glad to beta the next chapter as I see it, since I'm coming over your house for a fic party. Mwaha!

    ::Pops in your fic as a Mary Sue. Shags Norrington senseless. Dies a traumatic death::

    I can't wait for the next chapter to be finished! Bring on the fight! I also am utterly amused by the fact that I know spoilers! Guess I'll have to keep my hyper mouth shut. Jack better show up soon, he's my hero! Any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. Plotting is such fun :)
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