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Reviews for A Change of Course

By : JediWalflower
  • From ANON - Kari haru on August 10, 2003
    even yummy-er than the version on!
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  • From ANON - Sanomi on August 10, 2003
    Ahaha! XD I love it! One question though... Did Jack just lose his arousal during the fight and then get it back up? Or did he fight having a hard-on? Wouldn't that be awkward? -->Sorry, my brain's weird. These are the things I think about when I'm bored.
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  • From ANON - SwordsNSparrow on August 09, 2003
    Oh my god. I have to say that you're definately my favorite author! The way you write Will is beautiful. So much emotion and detail. You've done quite a brillant job with him. I loved his thoughts and dream about Jack. So vivid, real and full of emotion. Just beautiful. The sword fight between Norrington and Will was excellent. It made me really happ got got to nail the bastard. Sending Elizabeth off like that was very original and suited her brave nature. I think she'll do find in the new world. But how you wrote Jack was just...perfect. I love his interaction and cheeky boldness when around Will. I think the way you write them is beautiful and so magical. They're really meant for each other and they're slowly learning that fact. I also love the whole idea, about Will forging a special sword for just Jack. That was truly an act of selflessness and love of the purest kind. My heart swelled in joy when Jack accepted it. Then the passionate scene following it was breathtaking. Absolutely amazing, those two together. Just stunning! Urg, the way I feel about your story so far, is beyond words. It's a bubbling admiration and respect from my gut. I've never read someone who portrayed the characters so well. Not to mention the obvious effort and devotion, with all the research you've made. It's wonderful anep uep up the great work. I can't wait until the next chapter comes out. I've been hanging on the edge of my seat in antisipation every twist and turn that's been made. Jack and Will are like soul mates, especially yours, and are so worth reading! I love you for this story, you have no idea. selfself roleplay Will and have been inspired from the conduct you've made. You're a very talented writer and very smart person. Keep on pleasing the crowds!

    - Tony.
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  • From ANON - RavensHaelo on August 09, 2003
    Hmm... Well... I am pleased with the smut.
    Out of all the Pirates slash I've read, you've got Jack the most in character. Will seems a little out to me... But that might just be me. You're also doing research. Great! It helps a lot with the story - makes it more... umm... realistic, for lack of a better word.
    The mutiny was an amusing way to interupt their first time.
    Please continue! ^_^
    I want to see where this is going.
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  • From ANON - colie on August 08, 2003
    oh, loved that chapter, can't wait for more ^_~
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  • From ANON - GypsyJ on August 08, 2003
    Yay for smut! XD Now i KNOW you're gonna write more to that. Soon. Hehe, "Will work for RUM"...... *giggles*
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  • From ANON - Wren on August 08, 2003
    Oh wow.. we suld uld not have asked for anything hotter than sex and fighting.. mmmm.. o'course i am one of those that prefers a little bloodsexpainsexbloodsex.. well you get the idea.. kinds of kinks and mmm .. wow.. so gotta go get a hot shower now.. and jack didn't tell will he loved him.. i sorta pouted .. but then i just went back and read the sex part again and it made it mostly better.. lol.. lovely chapter.. hope you have fun in nyc.. bite the apple for me.. lol.. Wren
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  • From ANON - Mel on August 08, 2003
    What can I say? Very lovely chapter! So lovely, I read it three times. ^_^V I'm very intrigued to see how you get it to where it's going (that could have been phrased better -_-'). It will prove to be interesting, I know. ^^

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  • From ANON - kali on August 06, 2003
    i love it! this is the best jack/will fic i have read! and i totally agree on the will on a leash thing. keep writing!
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  • From ANON - colie on August 06, 2003
    ieeee!! that was so awesome! i don't think i've ever found a PotC fic so nicely done! then again, i don't really read many of these fics. but my friend Jen (aka shades of hades) has been bugging me to read this. i'm glad she did this is such a good fic. and i could definately see a chibbi-jack leading a chibbi-will around on leash and collar! ^_~ you really did your homework for this fic, didn't you? i can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - casey on August 04, 2003
    I am enjoying this story very much. You have captured the mood wonderfully, and have described Will's feelings to such detail that I can immerse myself in it. Not to mention the fact that it's realistic. The part when you wrote how Will forged Jack's sword with his emotions...*sighsblisbliss* Was literally sighing in bliss when Jack finally caught on to what Will was feeling and kissed him.

    Am also thoroughly enjoying your portrayal of Elizabeth, and her relationship with Will. Want to know more about the nightmares Will is having. Is that a foreshadowing of what's to some? *shudders* Hoping that this would be a happy ending fic. Can't wait to read more. So *points a sword to your throat* Update soon! Savvy?! *grins*

    Nice work! Wishing you smooth writing ahead!
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  • From ANON - Dusty on August 03, 2003
    Ohhhh I love you for writing this. Truley the best fanfiction I have read, ever. (And I have been reading them for a long time!) Oh your characterization is perfect and the dialog is to die for. You make me want to give up the pen and just sit around reading your fiction forever. I'm not being overly dramatic, I assure you. You must write more, and then more stories after that! Please! Although, as a college student myself, I know how hard it is to update at times. Maybe you should drop a few courses and work on this.... Just kidding. I love it. Drink up me Hearties! YoHo!
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  • From ANON - Jackal on August 01, 2003
    Pretty good all around. You've got the commadore all wrong, but you seem to know that. The dreams are cheesy, but not soul-scarringly so. I like the overall feel of it, and Will, Jack, and Elizabeth aren't exactly don, on, but more than close enough for government work. You use "savvy?" wrong a few times though. Savvy's connotations run from "see?" to "got it motherfucker?!" Still and all, a most creditable effort. *bows with flourish of feathered pirate hat.*
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  • From ANON - Ash on August 01, 2003
    Lovely story~! Not choppy or plotless at all! Well written also! Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - BLACK*PLAGUE on August 01, 2003
    Don't mind the doubles, my computer had an epileptic fit
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