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Reviews for Bad Idea

By : Timekitsune
  • From ANON - wolfmoonsshadow on July 25, 2012
    Hooray! For the most adorable villain getting the girl!
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  • From DisneyGrrrl on October 17, 2011
    Yikes! I was with him until the cold shower ... I hate those. I'd be a little peeved if he got me that worked up and doused it ... I kinda thought the bath would make up for it, but no bath to be found. Perhaps that is the next chapter?
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  • From DisneyGrrrl on October 17, 2011
    Awesome! I have had the vehicular experience and it is what real estate agents call "cozy." So I'm hip to your groove here. I have read three other "alternative genitalia" stories and like them, this story makes me realize that I wouldn't be put off by it with him. Myself, I would have been proclaiming the back door a one-way orafice, but to each their own. I read one other with prehensile tentacles capable of being trained to rub her clit and that seems like an excellent design to me. Very hot and lots of cute clipped banter too. Must now go read the other chapter!
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  • From luannfeld on January 18, 2011
    Loved it! You have a great imagination, and I loved the funny ending!
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  • From madamotaku on January 17, 2011
    That is what I call intensely yummy fic! Interesting use of tentacles and "sugar". :) Sex while driving is pretty scary, but at least he pulled over before they had an accident! I'd love to see more from you, this was really great, erotic stuff!
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