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Reviews for Serendipity

By : AkashaEmily
  • From ANON - Insiss on February 19, 2011
    Wow.... This story has captivated me... I really really hope to read more, as it's one of the better ones I've read here in a long time. I nearly cried when I realized there was no chapter eight, and at such a cliff hanger!!! I do hope you continue it!
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  • From ANON - Queen Paperclip on January 27, 2011
    hey! I just wanted to say I absolutely LOVE serendipity, and I'm looking forward sosososososososo much to the next chapter!
    keep up the great writing!
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  • From jujukitty on October 30, 2010
    OMG LOVING THIS! just started reading this last night (and it's now very early in the morning *eep*). awesome story adn plot. and i love the stalker cow and the "Squishy!" thing lmao. makes me think of the old bugs bunny cartoon with the abominable snowman squeezing bugs and petting him, going "i will love him, and hug him, and squeeze him, and call him george". so yeah, loving this, can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Timberwolf on September 21, 2010
    oh, wow, that was a great chapter. So, now they know about Sam. Curious to see how Skywarp reacts and what will happen with Megatron now that the original twelve have him now. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Timberwolf on September 17, 2010
    Oh man, I love this story. On the edge of my seat.
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  • From ANON - Racheal on September 15, 2010
    Hi. I really like this story. But ugh you had to stop on a cliffhanger. Is this story going to be a bot/human or is Sam going to still be with Mikeyla? Please e-mail me when the next chapter is up, thanks. bye.
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  • From ANON - cricket on September 07, 2010
    Mmm cupcakes.... :) Great new chapter!
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  • From ANON - taiyoko on September 07, 2010
    I love this chapter! I actually feel bad for Megatron now...guess humans always complicate things somehow, don't they?

    And is Bumblebee and Jolt still alive, just accidentally got teleported to Mars?
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  • From candiedapple on August 31, 2010
    I don't normally review stories but I just couldn't -not- review this one. I absolutely love how you've written everyone. Especially the Decepticons. Everyone tends to just lump them in the 'evil bastard' category and forget that there are levels...degrees even... of evil. And even then, its not really evil. They just have differing thoughts and views compared to the Autobots ones. That said, Star made my heart hurt. Having to deal with the death of so many hatchlings. I doubt I could deal with it and that fact that he does, despite the overwhelming despair and depression from each death, shows just how strong he is. I nearly cried imagining how he talked to each dying little life, holding them close as he shared with it everything fun life had to offer that it wouldn't get to experience, and how he committed their faces to his memory. That the last one, 615, would have been a seeker?? Oh man. Depressed me! Just thinking about it is making me misty eyed. Gotta move on..!

    Though curious about what's going on with Sam, I'm more curious about how often its mentioned that Melosa and Alicia have 'parasites' inside them. It almost makes me wonder if the Decepticons are going to realize that perhaps they will have to follow Earth's example and carry their young inside them. That way both lives can get the energon they need to continue. Hmm.. Things are certainly becoming curiouser and curiouser. I look forward to future updates.

    And I will have to try my hand at mech drawing again. There are some scenes that absolutely must be illustrated! Here's to hoping the How to Draw Transformers book I've had since I was a kid actually helps out. XD;
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  • From ANON - cricket on August 29, 2010
    WOW. I have never really ever been interested in a transformers fic, but you have changed that. What a great story you have going
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  • From ANON - Mars on August 14, 2010
    I like this story :) And I rather hope youll update soon
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  • From Wingedmerkat on June 29, 2010
    More!More!More!More!!More!More!More!!!More! Very good start!
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  • From ANON - Ox King on June 26, 2010
    Fantastic story idea. You captured Leo's personality really well. Thanks for taking the time to write for us fans.
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