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Reviews for Anything and Everything

By : zoinomiko
  • From ANON - Joules on January 24, 2010
    A brief note to say I've now read everything in this section (it's taken me over a week) and have thoroughly enjoyed the stories. Your characterisation is deft and quite believable, and the overall descriptions and ambience a real pleasure. It's lovely to explore might-have-beens. Many thanks for the time and obvious love that have gone into creating the fics: I hope you will continue writing - I certainly plan to continue reading!

    Just a couple of criticisms, however - all meant kindly. I'm pretty certain that Daniel's middle name is Paul, not Poe as the IMDb says. I've listened to my copy of the DVD several times and I'm sure that's what he calls himself in that annoying intro.

    There are two other small things that jar, most likely because I'm a UK English graduate: your written confusion between loose (baggy, ill-fitting), loosed (set something free) and lose (lose something). You have a tendency to use loose when you mean lose, which I find sometimes evokes a very strange image!

    I believe the last thing is an American convention, so ignore it if you wish: in English English the past tense of drag is dragged, not drug (which only means medication or narcotics over here). Again, it summons up an odd image to me, but no doubt American readers wouldn't notice it.

    My thanks, again, for your dedication to the fine art of storytelling.

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  • From alleycat88 on January 23, 2010
    Ugh! Have I mentioned how much I love Daniel!? He is so sweet! This was such a good story thanks for posting. So beautiful and heart-wrenching.
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