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Reviews for Sky and Ground

By : swordqueen
  • From padawanjinx on July 23, 2010
    I have to read a few times before I can post, it just takes me awhile to soak it all in. This chapter hit from so many ways that it leaves the reader spinning. First, let me say that I"m glad you didnt have Warp to come back to find Cade in a death match against TC. I was seriously worrying over if he got back, stormed to TC to tell him what he thought and it turns out Cade was there defending both he AND Screamer, cause Screamers a wreck and would probably be cowering away from his trinemate and not want to fight him. I was teetering on panic attack at thinking Cade trying to take TC and Warp having to come between them. I'm SOOOO glad you didnt give me a heart attack. Thank you!

    The title of this chapter fits on SOOOO many levels. Warp, and in a sense Screamer, let Cade IN. He's aware of their dysfunction and has wiggled his way into their lives... There are other definitions but that one tops my list. Of course, the VIOLATE part has tons of meaning too. Warps violating others, mainly his trinemate just for the sake of appeasing the OTHER trinemate and lets face it, ALL of their sensibility and psyche and ego and minds and sparks, has ALL been violated, either by an act or the lack of action to stop such heinous things from being done. And of course, the full meaning of Inviolate, which just SCREAMS of Cade's mix into the fold. He may have been abused by the other Cons, but he would be willing to do anything for Warp, and to some level, Screamer, if he thought it would help them. Its soooo sweet. He doesnt know the full extent of TC's 'vigor', and I doubt no matter what Warp does to him, he'll forgive him because he knows the REAL Warp has regrets and sorrow.

    Ack... I could disect this all day, but I dont want to clog up the review board. I'm sure you get tired of reading these rants and my, how they are extending to a rather LENGTHY ordeal.

    Sorry bout that.

    Oh, before I forget, Warp has spiked Cade three times... this was his third. He spiked him in the first chapter when Cade was sandwhiched between him and Starscream... oh... that was a GOOD chapter....

    So, did Warp and Cade merge there in the landing area, or is Warp feeling better from the naked honesty that Cade was showing? Or the closeness was enough to help erase the darkness? Was it that simple? Or are you going to throw another loop in there? :D

    Okay, I'm going.....

    PJ :D
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  • From padawanjinx on July 17, 2010
    Well, lets see if I can remember everything I wanted to post about this chapter. First... Cade isnt alone and wouldnt have to face TC alone... he could distract him, I"ll sneak up behind and shoot him in the aft with a sabot round. -EG- Teach him for picking Screamer and causing all of them to be so dysfunctional. He really needs to have his aft handed to him.

    Okay, I read your other stories, especially the one about Screamer and Skyfire merging sparks and I have a question. Apparently Skyfire and Jetfire are the same mech, at least a lot of people believe that, so if this set in Bayverse, then wouldnt Screamer recognize Jetfire when he was fighting in Egypt? Or were Jetfire and Skyfire brothers or the same design and Screamer didnt feel any connection as the Bots and Cons were fighting?

    I think it was very poignant that Screamer reached for Cade, even so far as pulling away from TC. He knew Cade was worried and it shows how much Screamer really cares about him. I KNEW there was something more than just an interface between them... though not as strongly as what Cade and Warp have. I LOVED the part were Cade stands up for Screamer..... I just wanted to do a little happy dance. LOVE to see TC beat down.. let him be on the recieving end for once. He was always the ringleader, right? So he never allowed the others to get as violent with him as what he commanded them to do, right? wait... TC wouldnt try to hurt Cade like what others USED to do to him... would he? OR did he only like to watch Warp hurt grounders.... and whats Cade goign to do if/when he sees Warp in full Kick Your Ass Mode? He gets scary... but its a hot kind of scary. -eg-

    I got a warm, glowy feeling when Screamer said Cade was Warp's chosen. I literally was sitting here going, -Awwwwww-..... got a few looks from family, but their used to my antics. :D

    More chapters please.... more than one a week... please.... -pleads-
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  • From padawanjinx on July 12, 2010
    Well, it took a couple of tries to FINALLY get to read this chapter and then I had to reread it a couple of times to let everything sink in. I feel so sorry for Skywarp. He wants to be happy and everything he's trying to build outside of the trine is threatening to fall apart. He's right though.. he does deserve some happiness and TC had no right to stand in the way. That just burns me. Maybe it would be for the best if Warp beats the shit out TC and vents all that rage. I would hate to see it if it was misdirected toward Cade or Screamer. And Cade being alone all that time, probably clutching his spark cover, which I have a feeling Warp just forgot to replace after he nearly sparked with Cade when he was sleeping. Warp should face Cade, just as he is, covered in trine fluids and all and speak from his spark. I think Cade knows the trine has a link that can never be broken, and lets face it, TC's actions have put more than a strain on ANY type of bond, so if they all can be together after all that, theres nothing that can break it. TC does need to finally fess up and admit how fragged up they are... dysfunctionally functional. lol I really dont like seeing Screamer so weak and pathetic. When he's fighting or glaring down a fellow Con, I dont see him as being so simpering around his trine. And another thing... Warp's hold over Screamer... where Screamer hurt him and now thats all he sees are those scars along his wing, the one Cade touched in Warps sleep, surely after all that time, and the numerous things Warp has done TO Screamer, wuoldnt that balance out? Surely getting beaten and raped by your trinemate would erase any guilt felt by maiming a wing, however intentional or not. ANyways, enough babbling.... cant wait until the next chapter!

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  • From padawanjinx on June 30, 2010
    No no no no.... Cade needs the attention... damn it. That blasted TC... but I just LOVE the foreshadowing of Cade standing up TC for Warp's sake.. that was/is going to be.. so beautiful! Even if he gets thoroughly trashed in the process, I have a feeling the other two may step in to protect him. Seems as if Screamer is really protective of Cade too.... and he may say its because of Warp but I think since Cade stepped in to keep Onslaught from hurting him, Screamer really warmed up to him... if he CAN warm up. LOL Maybe they should introduce Onslaught to TC and show him out some of them Cons really like it rough and can play with the seekers... hehehehe

    As always... fantastic.. and angsty... and cant wait for the next chapter! Glad you survived the convention
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  • From padawanjinx on June 24, 2010
    Oh man... not layered in angst is it? Sheesh...

    But I must say it was very eloquently done, even if I do just want to take duct tape and super glue and mold those two together and DARE TC to do anything about it. I have a feeling TC is going to screw everything up but I think Warp is stronger than he thinks/realizes. I think he's just never had a strong enough excuse or desire to turn around and tell TC that it ends. They are still a trine, but they have been punished enough. They've paid a horrible price... for a long time... its sadistic to think they need to spend the rest of their lives feeling this hopeless and soiled. I think even Screamer sees a bit of hope, knowing what Warp is feeling and though he may not love Cade the same way, I think he does have some affection for him. Screamer above all should know that love conquers all... and heals. Wounds may never be completely healed, but their ache can be minimized with love... its the perfect balm. ;) I just hope things work out... I dont know where you're going with this and you've proven to have a twisted side... not that Im complaining :D, I just dont know how much pain and suffering the boys will have to endure... not to mention the readers.

    Oh, and frequent updates would be appreciated... say... daily? EG

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  • From padawanjinx on June 22, 2010
    Okay, just read through it again, and I made the BIG mistake of listening to music. Seems to always make it worse. Needless to say, I'm sitting here blubbering like an idiot and wanting to hold Cade, Warp, and Screamer and give TC a good smack upside the head. I mean, havent they suffered enough? I feel like hosting a support group for them.... thats bad, isnt it? lol well, if that was your intention, well done... if not... I need therapy. Probably do anyways. *shrugs*

    Oh, if you want the same effect as I just tortured myself with... go to youtube and look up "Straight No Chaser Fix You"..... I couldnt stop bawling imagining the look of acceptance and fear and want and humility on Cade and Warp during their more serious moments. *sniffles* damn... here I go again....
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  • From padawanjinx on June 16, 2010
    WOO HOOO! Great description of the etchings and their reasons why. Beautiful expression Thundercracker put on his trinemate. Im SOOOO worried about how TC is going to react to Barricade. I feel so sorry for the little grounder. He really is sweet... I know, I know, bad thing to say about a Con, but its true. I just hope TC doesnt intiate a subvoc when Warp and Cade are in the middle of something. And what are the other cons up to? I sure hope Soundwave isnt up to anything again... bastard. He really needs to be put in his place.... *growls*
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  • From padawanjinx on June 11, 2010
    ok, now I"m curious...... what does etchings on a seeker mean? Bonded? Carrying? Marked as a hoe? Oh.... slutty Starscream.... hmmm... now thats tasty. I am curious though.. if Starscream and Thundercracker merge sparks, wouldnt Thundercracker be able to 'see' through Screamers eyes and then, possibly, the flashbacks of the times he, Skywarp and Barricade interfaced? The scene where Barricade stands up for Screamer keeps flashing to the front of my mind.... I think its because that was such an adorable scene. ;) And lets face it, Cade is adorable.. even when he's trying to be macho and protective.

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  • From sukaitlan on May 28, 2010
    FYI, I am absolutely in love with this story. I can't wait to see how it all plays out.
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  • From sukaitlan on May 10, 2010
    I wasn't too sure about this one at first, but it sucks me in and keeps me comming back for more. I really like the in-depth view of the Trine's dysfunctions.
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  • From Draiconovix on April 22, 2010
    Awwwwwwww this chap is sooo sad!! Poor Sky :( ~hugs~
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  • From Draiconovix on April 13, 2010
    Ohh man.. I'm like hyperventilating right now! I need Moar!!!!! Whats 'Cades reaction gonna be.. heck whats Skywarp gonna be like when he gets back?? And what the heck is TC gonna think?! AHHHH .... ok freak out is over. This is amazing and I'm DEFF looking forward to ur next update XD
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  • From Draiconovix on April 10, 2010
    I LOVE this story! Its a totally different look on Barricade and the trine, specially Skywarp. The emotions you have churning just make me giddy waiting for the next chapter! Keep up the amazing work, I look forward to your updates XD
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  • From flamekaat on March 31, 2010
    ^_^another good chapter. Boy oh boy has TC messed those two up in the processors! They need hugs!*Gives Sky, 'Cade and Screamer huggles*
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  • From bleedingink on March 04, 2010
    Love, love, love!
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