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Reviews for Sky and Ground

By : swordqueen
  • From kathy1meme on October 12, 2011
    Hi- I don't know when this was written, just found it. I find AFF hard to navigate...
    I really liked it, despite it being totally unlike most of the fics I like (all decepticons, a not bad-ass Barricade, etc)The emotions were really well written, the smutt was hot, and I found myself in tears several times. I'll be looking into your other works. Just wanted to say thanks.
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  • From Juliesan on November 24, 2010
    Do you have something else in the works now that this one's over? I know you have a RL and stuff, I just lurv your writing ^_^

    and yes, the site ate my formatting on chapter 6...nom nom nom
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  • From padawanjinx on November 20, 2010
    End? Please no! Dont let this story end! Its fantastic!
    Would you reconsider if I review every day? (hopeful look) I cant go without my Cade/Warp fix!


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  • From Juliesan on November 17, 2010
    O.O Great finish! Poor (or lucky?) 'Cade, surrounded by horny seekers XD
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  • From Juliesan on November 11, 2010
    Just finished reading Confrontation and the only thing that disappoints me is the fact that there's only one more chapter ;_;

    Absolutely loved the verbal smackdown. Megatron "Well I'll just-" *SMACK* "How about-" *SMACK* "What if I-" *SMACK* "Slag." LOL Denied Meggers, denied.

    I'd like to do a fanart of the Quaterne for you, but well, as Barricade mentioned in one of your other stories, Starscream has a very, um, different shape (Narcissistic Space Dorito FTW!!!*coughwithchickenlegscough*) So, now I'm wondering if Thundercracker and Skywarp look similar, but with different color schemes.

    Sorry for the double review removal, stupid italics didn't want to work >_
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  • From Juliesan on November 04, 2010
    First let me say that Chapter 48: Third Bond, was FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!!! Nice tension in the beginning with an emotional sweet ending :) Very very nice. Poor Thundercracker, I can understand feeling like you have to bear everything on your own.

    Secondly, OHMYGOD SQUEEEEEEEEEE X3 Sorry, fangirl moment ^_^; Okay, got that out of my system. Thank you so much for the positive review and use of your methods. Don't worry about review speed :P I'm just happy to have more than one review lol. I've got a friend over at the moment and I think I scared him with my flailing and squee-ing when I read your review lol.

    You say you don't know much about the Autobots, but, I loved the hell out of Controlled Burn XD Mmmmm, I think I'm going to go re-read that *^_^*

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  • From LeSang on October 26, 2010
    Please tell me that there's going to be more! I've been reading this every spare moment I've had, I feel slightly bereft now that I've run out of chapters.
    I hope there's an update soon! X
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  • From NineCrow on October 11, 2010
    I'm REALLY Enjoying This... Looking Forward to the Next Chapter
    Thank you for Sharing
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  • From padawanjinx on August 28, 2010
    Well, all I can say is its about time Screamer starts to break free and be himself. He's been the victim and weakling for far too long... but you do have to wonder... is it weakness that keeps him going back or an inner strength he doesnt realize he possesses?

    Ya know, when ya think about it, they are becoming a quartern again, arent they? Cade has been folded into their midst and settled, even getting a seeker to admit love for him. Has any other been able to do that?

    Seems rather odd, or foreshadowing perhaps, that Screamer got angry and disgusted by the thought that Soundwave had raped Cade. Was there an underlying factor there? hmm......

    Course, and I'm just guessing, Screamer said that just handed them something they could use.... could it be that Wave may get into trouble, seeing how he knew one of his officers was hurt and merely probed him and left him without summoning help? Especially since said officer returned to work, completing his tasks even thoug he was severely injured?... bastard... And it better soften Thundercracker... Cade was hurt because of him and Wave took advantage, and not to mention how awful Cade feels and how badly he wants to actually PROTECT the trine. Dumbaft.

    I think Screamer doesnt give himself enough credit. The trine isnt his only strength. And though he may not want to admit it, he's attached to Cade, and when he said he'd stand or fall with his trine, he knows he's not as alone as he thinks.. at least, in that respect. SOmeone else would be willing to sacrifice themselves to save the trine, and I believe SCreamer saw that in Cade's optics when he told him that Wave would use the info against Warp andt he trine.

    And its about damn time he stands up and faces everything. A physche can only take so much before it breaks, and I do believe Screamer's 'sick to death' levy is about to break. (WEG)

    I have sooo many ideas on where this is going... Epp! Probably be best to keep my yap shut and watch how it plays out..... (guilty look) Sorry....


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  • From padawanjinx on August 19, 2010
    Cade better not be seriously hurt, or I"m seriously gonna throttle an author. (taps foot) Awesome job putting Soundwave back in. I was wondering what the communicating pest was up to.... now he finds Cade alone and bleeding in a practically disused room and that most certainly gives him enough fodder for another tribunal or other actions, either against Cade or Warp... Or could TC be held into any account? He just arrived and I'm not sure exactly what his 'function' on the ship is... other than another aerial unit with Screamer.

    Spark cover! That's what I forgot~ Argghhh! Poor Warp and Cade... lets hope Warp does something heroic and sweet to Cade to make up, at least in part, for what he's done. So sad....

    I must admit I'm rather disappointed in TC and Warps confrontation. I mean... TC just leaving after Cade does, says something about Screamer being upset and Warp just folds? Seems rather... anti-climatic. Warp's rage at what was done to someone he loves, especially someone so small and who didnt deserve such treatment, was rather explosive... no way it would have wound down to a fizzle with just a mention of Screamer being upset.

    I also believe that Screamer knows how much Warp and Cade mean to each other... so wouldnt he want to see his trinemate happy? It seems to me that he showed a LITTLE sliver of what he truly is by telling TC that Cade makes Warp happy... there was an underlying tension there that was so very promising....

    And why would Warp go back to the other two when he was obviously still in emotional pain... TC was the freaking cause of it! Why subject yourself to that kind of torment when there was someone who was just as damaged and needs someone to help them through? ARrrghhh...... seriously... throttling....

    PJ(Bluestreak's competition)
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  • From padawanjinx on August 13, 2010
    First of all... this SOOOO wasnt a lame time to put Last Song in. It fit in PERFECTLY! Wow.... I just LOVED everything about it. The tenderness, the teasing, the sex of course, cant have those two alone without a little nookie. LOL.... and I loved the foreshadowing. I felt so sorry for Warp... he knows where he's going and what he's going to get into and it was killing him even before he left. So sad. (hugs to the jet)

    I dont wanna press, but I would like to submit a prompt, if possible? In 'Heat Seeker', Prowl tells Warp that if the situation was different... or something to that effect... point is, he sounded a little interested... but hesitant.... I really wouldnt mind seeing Warp finally get his wish.. maybe warp in, grab the door winger and teleport far away and... let the fun begin. (dreamy look) I had a couple of ideas, but I'm not very good with this sort of thing and I'm afraid I'd chop it all to the pit and back. LOL

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  • From padawanjinx on August 04, 2010
    OH man! Okay, this one I really couldnt wait until a couple of days a few dozen rereads... I was wondering if TC was gonna get in theway. That bastard! Oh man... whoops... bit repetative, but when you're trying to get your point across.. what else is there? lol

    Doesnt Cade realize that Warp wasnt telling him to stay out, as in (stay out of my life/dont get involved) when Warp KNOWS how vicious and cruel TC can be and he just wants to keep Cade away from that? Ack.. PLEASE tell me that Cade went to see Screamer! He could tell him what happened, though I have a feeling Screamer may already know.. he's a sneaky/smart little jet... little... (snort)... I doubt Screamer would come betwee them.. he may be the same size as they are, but I think the other two have him beat by sheer brutality.

    I'd love to find out what happens... are you going to do any little snippets of what Screamer was doing/thinking? I know it centers around Warp and Cade, but Screamers had a HUGE involvement with those two... some quite DELICIOUS involvement... hmm.... first chapter... yummy....

    PJ(not quite as long winded as normal)
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  • From XenophobicDoll on July 31, 2010
    I was a little iffy on this one because the pairing is a little odd to me, but I gave it a shot because, well, I love me some Barricade-- and I got hooked from the first chapter. I hated to have to stop reading it so I could go to work. Stupid real life. There is a LOT of depth to the characters. I started it because Imma 'Cade fan, but now you've managed to totally hook me on the Seekers as well. Poor Starscream, I want things to work out well for him so badly, and I so want Thundercracker to get his aft handed to him. By Onslaught. Total smackdown. No saftey word like he uses with Barricade. *Glomp* Some of your Onslaught bonker-ness has rubbed off on me. I'm going to have to see if I can find some more fics with him in them.

    Also, really liking this portrayal of Barricade. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing him all snarky/sarcastic/funny, but the 'Cade you have in this story is SO sweet it's impossible not to be all like, "awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!"

    Incase you haven't guessed, I love the story, and can't wait to see how it turns out.

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  • From padawanjinx on July 31, 2010
    WHOOT! (does happy dance) Thank ya for clearing up the Skyfire/Jetfire thing. :D Okay, story....

    Poor Warp, waking up like that. I must admit my mind went to some very dark places when I read his part. When you mentioned the streaks of silver, the first thing that went through my mind was that the trine had sensed when Warp linked with Cade and TC had come all pissed off and dragged Cade off somewhere. I was seriously going "NO NO NO"... but then I read that Cade just went to work, and boy, was I realived! You just KNOW TC is gonna be pissed... Screamer would probably be happy, but not want to show it in front of his teammate.... man, what a wicked, tangled web you wove.

    Poor Cade. Doesnt seem like when your mind is most turbulent, you get the LEAST amount of solitude and peace to sort it all out?

    And back to Warp... Screamer was right... they've been trained to think about pain and retribution. When Warp told Cade he can hurt him back, I wanted to go and slap the snot out of TC. If cons actually HAVE snot that is.. oh well... I'd put sugar in his energon. (EG) If it works on cars, it would work on their engines, right? lol

    And youre right.... considering you're using Bayverse, you've done an excellent job of continuity..... he should take notes. LOL Revenge of the Fallen was a huge disappointment for me. Makes me shudder just thinking about it. Let's hope the third installment will be better... if not, I say we find the man and give him a thorough spanking. .... TC style! lol Oh man, i could die happy if they have the trine in the next movie... course they may not be able to remove me from the theather.... hmmm...(goofy look)... seekers..... See, I always thought "Seekers" referred to body type. They orginally were these trilobal looking things before being formatted into F-15s.. 22s for Bayverse.... and later, there were three other 'seekers' that were still on Cybertron... they're the ones that made it rain and made the Autobots start to break down... They were called SEEKERS too... so I thought it was the design. Well, thats my take on it... considering i never heard the coneheads referred to as seekers from the cartoons.... Ack... and again... Bluestreak influence.... I swear, i could talk/review all day!!!!

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  • From Draiconovix on July 28, 2010
    Ok so I love this story! Everytime I see it's updated I have to take a breath and slowly click wondering how much I'm gonna cry this time. Its so angsty but the story is so well written and explained beautifully. In love with this story. i just hope things sorta work out for Cade and Sky, I'm a sucker for happy.. or somewhat happy endings, and with everything they have been through so far they deserve to be happy. Although I know more angsty-ness is incoming. :) Keep writing!!

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