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Reviews for Eight Days

By : slnkstrgrl
  • From ANON - Annon on February 03, 2014
    This is a great and well-developed story. I wish more writers like you were on here, and pairing these two people together.
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  • From witchlightone on April 10, 2010
    Fantastaic, fantastic fic - I love this pairing (and the movie!) so very much and you've absolutely done them justice here. I'm glad you shared!
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  • From luna26 on July 25, 2009
    wow, I can't say I read much in the way of Star Trek fics but I must admit I was curious from the summary. I do so hope you plan to continue your tale. I think the pairing works very well. Nothing better than hot smutty dreams to destroy your concentration during the day :)
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  • From GregDienhart on July 21, 2009
    I've not read a piece of Star Trek fic in a very long time.
    Having said that, this was sincerely very well written, and the fantasy sequences very hot without being too graphic, which is always a delicate balance. You capture the characters very well, especially Uhura's sense of conflict about her intense feelings for a man she doesn't fully understand. Balanced with some very side-busting moments of humor, this was really a treat to read. Keep writing!.

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  • From gokusgirl on July 10, 2009

    I thought I had read this before...but maybe the last chapter wasn't posted yet...whatever. It's still a super read! I sure hope you will write more! I can't get enough of these two!
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  • From Helluin on July 02, 2009
    Ah. I love the sexy little interludes at the beginning: fantasizing is a lot easier to explain than their actually DOING anything. A clever gambit: it allows you to do characterization, plot, and a slow, logical buildup to sexual fireworks while still providing the animal-brain appeal of erotica in every chapter.

    Thanks for finding some plausible pretext for Spock/Uhura, some reason for both of them to overcome their professional reticence, military discipline, and proper teacher/student conduct which the movie casually tossed aside without much respect for the characters. Spock/Uhura is fun smut, but it's more fun when it doesn't violate their characters.

    Sequel, please? :)
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  • From Topcat on June 14, 2009
    the lead-up chapters were amazing... but you rushed the final scene. the final sex scene lacks description... the 'fnatasies' were almost better
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  • From TriniMinx on June 14, 2009
    ...okay, one word -- wow.
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  • From swasdiva on June 06, 2009
    I've never ventured into Star Trek fanfic until this film and this story, but holy damn if you didn't suck me right in. I know enough from TOS to get the non-movie references, and I tell you what, you have honed these characterizations to perfection. Your writing style is as energetic, witty and engaging as the movie. So much emotion is six brisk chapters. You seriously kick ass.
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  • From PsychoKitty on June 03, 2009
    Wow this story is hot! My god I think it would be way too much information for me to tell you exactly how much I enjoyed this story. I loved Uhuras dreams. And Spock talking to her to get her off was so hot.
    Great job! I hope to see more Spock/ Uhura fics from you soon.
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  • From CoffeeGyrl on June 02, 2009
    This was fantastic! The smexy dreams were hot as hell and I adored the language. But your humor and the turn of phrase was killing me. I bust out laughing at the 'delta quadrant' and the 'phaser set to yea baby' just killed me. This was one of the very best of this pairing that I've read. You kick ass, I would adore reading more.
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  • From Keen on May 31, 2009
    Gawdamn! I was positively bowled over by your descriptions. Especially at the start of the second chapter--whew. There was one line about luminous skin that was just so smooth in delivery and evoking. Love your writing style, so even if it's not Star Trek, I hope to read more of your work soon. But back to Star Trek and this, toward the beginning of the third part I had my fingers crossed, “please let it be pon farr, please let it be pon farr,” and sure enough, done with excellence, it was. Good read, thanks for posting.
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