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Reviews for Fuck

By : birdyofthemoongoddess
  • From Koira on May 22, 2009
    I am Jack's mindblown astonishment.
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  • From LycianLecter on April 09, 2009
    Hey ^^

    So now I got an account I can finally review your awesome, brilliant, hot, kind of sad and also kind of touching story!
    I read a lot of fanfiction both english and german but yours... yours is one of the best I ever came across.
    On one hand there's the way it's written. In such a unique and capturing style that gives life to the voice so you kind of hear it really talking in your head. (Oh I hope you get the meaning of that! My english is unfortunately far from perfect...)
    And on the other hand the way the persons act is just so... in character ^^ If they ever fucked... it would be just like that I guess ^^

    Thank you so much for this story!
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