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Reviews for What Happens In Gotham

By : TheDisasterousChibi
  • From ANON - Jen on December 01, 2008
    You are wonderful going out in the rain to the library to update the story!!!! You're a trooper and I greatly appreciate it. Hope they get to J.C before he gets hurt. Kat might love Jack but I bet she will hurt the Joker if he hurts her baby. Hope you had a great turkey day and feel better soon!
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  • From Nghtcrwlr on November 30, 2008
    this.... is freaking amazing.....

    I must admit I had my doubts when i started reading it but I really like it

    I just have to point out one thing

    It’s doppelganger not double ganger

    other than that and a few spelling and grammer mistakes..... awsome!
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  • From oliversangel on November 26, 2008
    so sorry you are sick love. i myself, am suffering from ovarian cysts, painful, but the pain meds are helping with my writers block. *grin* i hope you feel better, take your time on writing love, hope you have a happy thanksgiving, try listening to some music for the writers block. classical music helps me. vivaldi, 'four sesasons', try 'summer' and 'winter', sarah chang playing chopin's, 'nocturne' and this might not work for you, and not that your needing to write any 'love scenes' (or are you? ^.^) but, beethoven's 'moonlight sonata' helps me out with romantical feelings. lol. XXOO
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  • From ANON - Jen on November 03, 2008
    Yeah!!!! Glad that you are back and updating! Loved that J.C was demolishing Joker at go fish. LOL!!! The joker is a typical dad! Junk food, games and late nights! LOL!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From XxThexJokerxX on November 02, 2008
    grr-eat lover! im way too oblivious to see who J.C is and the kid kicks my ass in every card game xD we-uh must have great genes,dont-ah ya think!?
    Our body weight in uh twinkies an ho-ho's *quirks eyebrow* sounds...oddly fam-liliar! *grins*
    keep'em coming Pudd'n.
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  • From Erikslittleangel on November 01, 2008
    I loved this chapter. The Joker can't see the similarities between him and J.C? I mean the kid did master all the card I thought it was funny that the Joker was beaten by a little boy. I can't begin to think of what is going to happen next, keep me guessing!!

    Great job!

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  • From oliversangel on November 01, 2008
    Huray! A new chapter, and you have a very sweet hubby!! This was wonderful. I love how, Joker was sort of nice to JC, and he ended up kind of liking him. That was sweet how he took care of his scrapes, and fed him junk food, and played cards with him!! Well, can't wait for the next chapter, here is one review, you review nazi you!! ^.^ XXOO
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  • From ANON - jj on November 01, 2008
    yay your back. please update soon, tis a good story.
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  • From ANON - Jen on October 20, 2008
    Where did you go? I miss this story! :(
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  • From XxThexJokerxX on October 06, 2008
    ive been reading your awesome story and i would like to turn it into a sorta comic/doujinshi. basically i would love to draw it when you finish it lol you can find my work here let me know, keep the good work^^
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