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Reviews for Love, Lust and Explosives

By : Lulu
  • From ANON - Toripunk on November 03, 2011
    WOW what an amazing story. I think that you have captured the joker pretty well. Good plot so far.
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  • From ANON - Liz on July 12, 2011
    Please continue this! I really really really enjoy reading it~ It's so well written and has a great storyline! You've really done an amazing job!
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  • From ANON - rangerbagel on February 06, 2011
    I keep checking on on this story hoping desperately for an update! I'm sure you're occupied elsewhere, and don't mean to bother you, but I just wanted to let you know that I love this story. It's incredible This OC is among the best I've ever read and I love the supernatural bent to contrast the severe reality of the Joker.

    I really desire a continuation. I really want to know what happens to Violet. I hope you decide to continue it!
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  • From AlyceInWandaarando on July 06, 2010
    This was really good, I like how you did it, Joker is nicely in character, and Violet ain't too bad either. Can't wait to read more, please, do continue.
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  • From brainfear on January 24, 2010
    More please!

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  • From ANON - Toni on August 05, 2009
    Love your fanfic. I Love how your writing each character so brilliantly. Chapter 2: 'Butcher, Baker, Candle-stick maker.' Loved that line. League of Gentlemen? Lol.
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  • From ANON - schmutzi on June 30, 2009
    Well, boy howdy. This is probably the first plausible Joker romance I've seen. Our psychotic clownboy stays in character; the OC is unique and refreshingly un-Mary-Suelike; there's a tranny guardian angel and a Ralph Fiennes doppelganger. We likes it. It wins.

    We can haz moar? Don't make us beg... too much.
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  • From virgofemme on May 05, 2009
    Sorry I didn´t leave a review for the past few chapters. I´ve only just now gotten around to catching up on the latest updates. As usual, you´ve done a fantastic job! With every chapter I feel more and more drawn into this amazing story. I can´t wait for the Joker to be reuinted with Violet, and I really liked that you put Cherri into the story again. I really enjoy that character!

    Great work, and I look forward to reading more!
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  • From Kameya on May 01, 2009
    Hahaha the squid toy thingy again...very good as always! Can't wait for the next one
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  • From ANON - Mademoiselle on April 27, 2009
    Aw! I thought he would have gotten to Violet already! Damn you for making me worry & wait! D;
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  • From oliversangel on April 27, 2009
    Son of a whore, hellfire and damnation, and bugger me backwards!! I read this at four am, and I left a lovely review, but as I was publishing it, the 'We are doing maintenance, play paddle ball' screen popped up. I was hoping the reveiw went through anyways, but I was wrong. Freaking A man. Ugh. Anywho...poor poor Violet, those bad bad men are taking her somewhere in another car, and ickle Mr. Crow is all jealous of her. What-ta pray tell is that emotion going to motivate him to do? Release her? Hopefully not try to kill her. That wouldn't be cool at all. But it doesn't matter what he does, nothing will save him from the wrath of the man in purple. *strikes super hero pose* Well, maybe not a superhero....LOL. The red eyed bum, I have to say was scary, and I too, am wondering if it was the same bum Violet encountered. I freaking ADORE you for having the bum hand him our favorite sex toy. That was just brilliant. LOL. Poor Joker, taking a nap, and being all crazy from blood loss and wanted a laugh, and Miss. Cherri was on the verge of tears. So glad he managed to stumble to her humble abode. And I loved the way that she was able to just scoop him up like that, and take care of him. The line about her being a glamerous amazon sized angel was poetic. I loved it!! I also loved the Joker's demand for bubbles when he woke up 10 hours later, and Cherry's unflinching watch over him while he slept. I am excited about the impending smut, but I am also just as excited to read about the guts, gore and bloody revenge as well. I can't wait to read about Joker going buckwild on those assholes that stole her. I am also wondering, is he ever going to find out what Bumbles tried to do to Violet and why she burned down the hideout? I'm not sure it would do him any good, isn't Bumbles already dead? I can't remember. Did he run off? Grrr. I can't remember damnit! Stupid parent alzheimers. (That's what happens when you become a parent, you forget junk all the time. LOL) Anyways, I would freaking LOVE to see the thing I suggested in print. That would be fan-freaking-tastic I really do hope you find a way to work it in, and I am so sorry you didn't get my review sooner. It would have been after JokersChaos Princess, but the stupid internet ate it!! Ah well, I think this one is longer anyways. As usual, this chapter captivated me, and I cannot wait to read the next installment.


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  • From ROGUEFURY on April 27, 2009
    Another thrilling chapter! I'm so excited for the prospect of smut in the next installment, but I must say I was very happy to see Cherri again XD she's a fun character and I can't wait to see how you develop her =p everytime you update you jolt me into wanting to write more of my own story. Now that Chapter 3 is up, I'm hoping to get into a better flow. But yeah, thanks for jolting me again XD And can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From JokersChaosPrincess on April 27, 2009
    EEEEEEEEEE!!!! *lets out a loud squeal of delight that almost wakes the whole neighborhood* Teeheehee sorry…I uh…couldn’t help my lil ole self Lol My heart went out to Joker when I read that he had been shot! Oh Nooo’s!!! *covers mouth with hand and looks worried* But I couldn’t help but laugh for some reason when he thought to himself, “You know...I really do deserve this.” And then he takes a nap!! Lol! Sooo…I cant help but wonder…is it the same bum that Violet met? Hmmm *gives a look of thought while raising eyes to the ceiling and tapping my chin* And then the bum hands him the squid humping the space shuttle toy!? LMAO in a very literal sense! Really hun! You kill me with your humor! I also get a kick out of Crow’s little (or ,ahem, not so little) crush on Wolf and how he was pissed that he was being ignored. Just like a little school girl acting pissy towards her crush that’s ignoring her Lol! And his jealousy over Violet!? What a big baby! And I was oh so happy to see our lovely Cherri Jubilee again!! She really is a sweet heart!! And is indeed “a glamorous blonde super-sized guardian angel” for her to take care of our charming Joker the way that she did! And I thought it was very considerate that she was worried about where Violet was. I cannot wait for your next update! Especially since your going to make Joker and Violet’s reunion as satisfying as you can especially for me Lol *smiles and blushes* Lol And again, the car chase scene was SUPERB!! I still love reading that part! It goes to show how desperate Joker is in getting Violet back. Anywho…ummm sorry this is so damn long hun Lol I’ll end it here. And thanks for liking my name! I think yours is too cute!!
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  • From ROGUEFURY on April 14, 2009
    Gah! Two chappies?!? Or did I go MIA that long o.o Anyway, great and suspenseful work! I'm just eager to see what Mr.J's going to do about this predicament. He's got the tingly-tingles for Violet and I just know he's going to make it a wild ride in the next chapter! Love the narration, and the splash of yaoi! I've done that myself in some of my other fics, which reminds me: I DO INTEND TO CONTINUE MY FIC! I'm just fucked with senioritis, mounting deadlines, and impending graduation! I've slowly been writing chapter 3 and it's been a labor of love. I just hope you don't lose patience with me and stick around for the update lol And you better get to updating lady! I need my Mr. Stitches fix!
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  • From oliversangel on April 14, 2009
    *does Irish jig in celebration of update* So sorry lovey, that I wasn't the first to review, somehow I missed it. :( I think you flatter me too much in my reviewing skills...but that does seem to be a trend among people who's stories I read and review regularly. A small payment for the gift that you authors give us. ^.^ Anywho....this was very seat of your pants, and of course the cliffhanger you left us with was simply awful, but it's alright. As long as you don't take a long time in relieving us. ^.^ Oh poor poor Violet. It was heartbreaking, actually, the part when she was musing about how she convinced herself that the doctor wasn't real, and then they go...popping up like daisies!! I was biting nails during the car chase, and because I can't resist, (and I'm both facetious and a smart ass...) I've got to ask....what exactly was it that Mr. Stitches always wanted to say. "Get your thumb out of your ass..." or "Follow that car!!" I'm pretty sure I know which, but I'm just cheeky like that. LOL. I loved that even though they were in the middle of a highly tense situation, and car chase, Mr. Wolf shamelessly got an erection. I about died laughing when I read it. Now I've got these odd images in my mind of Joker catching up with them, and somehow catching on to Mr. Wolf's desires and restraining the doctor and allowing Mr. Wolf to have his wicked way with him. LOL. That would be super delicious. LOL. ( I love that T-Mobile commercial LOL) Do you know, I could actually hear the Joker's cackle/howl of pain? Pretty scary. ^.^ I can't wait to read what happens next. As usual, you wrote a captivating chapter that held me in in it's grips until I came to the end of it. I have 2 more chapters of my Johnny story up, and another story entirely, a pirates of the caribbean one. I know you're with life and such, but I just wanted to throw that out there. ^.^ *hugs*

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