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Reviews for Love, Lust and Explosives

By : Lulu
  • From oliversangel on November 28, 2008
    I always forget to compliment you on this.....the wanking scene, was good, and I LOVED "his commical attempt to be romantic with himself" LOL. That was funny shit dude. LOL. ^.^
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  • From oliversangel on November 28, 2008
    Filler...Bah!! I think not. We all knew they were going on a date, and I know *I* wanted to read about it.....the baby pea/pee thing was hilarious. I love how she just spouts out things randomly. And poor giddy Violet, I will bet she is going to start getting pret-ty horny. *evil grin* And kink. I'm getting all kinds of excited over here. Sorry about the computer crash. :( I'm glad you got a new one though. ^.^ I liked the chapter, and as always I loved Violet's reaction to trusting of Mr. Stitches too. *giggles* You have nothing to worry about...getting on my bad side I mean. ^.^ And yes, Bumbles had better watch out, I'm very protective of Violet, as you can see. ^.^ I am certain she has suffered much tradgedy in her young life, and she doesn't need any more, but then again, what would a good story be without conflict? I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, and drama free!! I didn't get any pumpkin pie dammit. I'm so bummed. :(
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  • From monklikespunk on November 28, 2008
    Anything but Baby Pee!

    great chapter. although just a filler :(
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  • From ROGUEFURY on November 17, 2008
    Whoa! That was indeed rather kinky, but very suited to the chars involved. I love Joker's demeanor and how that flare of jealousy between the two of them developed! Really great and I dare say, your fic is getting me to crush even harder on the Joker
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  • From ROGUEFURY on November 17, 2008
    FINALY, some smut with The Joker that I can actually believe!! Great job! I'm really loving this fic
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  • From ROGUEFURY on November 16, 2008
    I just watched TDK earlier tonight, so I'm officially on a Joker kick XD And I must say, of all the fics I've perused so far, this is the only one that's kept my interest. Great job so far. I believe the Joker and I'm not nauseated by the OC.
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  • From ANON - kaitlyn on November 11, 2008
    ...can i get miss jubilee's address? i need new clothes. right now.
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  • From KrystalTheElvishHobbit on November 10, 2008
    Aw I love how Violet seems so sweet and Innocent and I love the Cherrie character. I can't wait until the Joker takes her home and gets kinky with her himself! :)
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  • From monklikespunk on November 10, 2008
    Awww Violets so sweet.

    Once again great addition to the story.

    PS yay hot Drag Queen.
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  • From virgofemme on November 10, 2008
    This last Chapter was AMAZING! You outdid youself, my dear. That was certainly worth the wait! Cherri...what else can I say except what a cool character. :) And I really enjoyed the ...interaction..between Cherri and Violet! :p It was VERY HOT. And having the Joker there watching them made it even better! I also like the fact that the Joker has feelings for Violet, and regardless of how hard he tries to control himself he isn´t able to ignore them. What a wonderful chapter!

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  • From oliversangel on November 09, 2008
    Wow love. It was worth the wait!!! Where shall I start? I feel honored that you hold my opinion in such high reguard. ^.^ I love miracle whip. I'm ashamed to admit that I've eaten it right out of the jar. LOL. I loved how Violet was able to stop the Joker in his tracks and surprise the hell out of him with her innocence, something that I absolutely adore about her. I love how she floats about in her own little world. The Joker's reaction to her blushing request for him to smack her ass again was priceless. "Fucking hell in a handbag!" LMAO. And his cock nodding in agreement? LOL. The poor man. I can imagine the look of utter bewidlerment, and lust on his face. I also liked his henchmen being freaked out by her, the way she screamed, then started singing. That was utterly adorable. I can't wait to find out what her secret is....*makes fist at Bumbles, and shakes it in a threatening manner* Don't you touch Violet mister!! I swear I will gut you like a fish, then pull out my Glock 17 and change you from a rooster to a hen in one shot.....I seems that Mr. Stitches is already aware of the situation, and is more than prepared to handle it. I thought it was sweet how he decided to wait until later to administer a punishment. I loved your description of the narrows, all your descriptions really, they are magnificent. I think my favorite was about the way the buildings were constructed all wily nily, and how some, "grew from the cracks like weeds", it was beautiful. ^.^ Love, love love, that Mr. J's tailor is a tranny. It was absolutely perfect, and I can really see that as being true. (does that make sense?) I loved Violet's reaction to everything in is it? And yes, my dear that was very, very kinky, and I adored it. I loved the way Cherri worshiped little Violet's nubile body, and I loved The Joker's reaction as well, I could picture him sitting in the corner, stroking himself silently, as he watched Cherii fondling Violet. I was please to discover that he was jealous, and perfectly willing to share for a moment. Violet's reaction to herself, was sweet, it actually brought a tear to my eye, poor thing. I have a feeling Bumbles is in for a world of hurt if he doesn't die from an accute case of blue balls first. LOL. Well, I can't wait for the next chapter, take your time love. I am so glad my obsessive checking here has paid off. I hope my rediculously long review has made you happy, and thank you for reading my story, and reviewing as well. That made me rediculously happy. Well, I'm off to eat a PB&J!! XXOO
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  • From virgofemme on October 23, 2008
    I can´t wait to see why the doctor wants Violet back so badly. She´s a very intriguing character, and becoming more so with every chapter. Hope you update soon! I´m so greedy for this story, I just cannot get enough!
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  • From oliversangel on October 20, 2008
    Yay, yay, yay!! I loved the chapter. I am kind of chomping at the bit to find out whats going on violet. the handprint on the joker's back is sort of confirming my suspicions, but i still don't know how or why. I'm glad you like my reviews so much. Readers don't review nearly as often as they should. it's probably going to be a good while before I update my johnny story. I added a chapter as an authors note if you are interested. i loved being inside the jokers head, and seeing what he thought, the 'morning after'. poor thing. all confuzzled and whatnot. well, i can't wait to read more. you're awesome!! XXOO
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  • From Jacksfavoritewench on October 20, 2008
    Excellent new chapter! And yes Ralp Fiennes is absolutely perfect to play the evil doctor! Oh I'm so glad to hear that you like my story...a new chapter will be posted soon! Can't wait for the next chapter of your story!

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  • From ANON - Anon on October 20, 2008
    Whoo! I LOVE this story. I'm fascinated by Violet and can't wait to find out what she's all about.. Chapter 5 was so hot and unfortunately for me I was reading it at work!! I can't concentrate now! Keep it up, it's a very good story and I can't wait for the next chapter!

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