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Reviews for Love, Lust and Explosives

By : Lulu
  • From ANON - ROGUEFURY on December 30, 2008
    Wow! Action-packed chapter! Wolf is soo damned intriguing. I really do picture Ray Fiennes when I read his section. And WOW XD Bumbles is so fucking dead, pardon my French lol I just loved this chapter. So much was going on and it was tied together really great. I'm dying for the update now! Poor Violet ain't getting the second half of the Joker nookie =c Which makes me a bit sad, but I still hope her crazy ass can cheer Mista J up!! ^0^
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  • From virgofemme on December 30, 2008
    I continue to be blown away by your writing. Great plot, great smut scenes!!, a cool OC... this story has got it all! And I am SUPER intrigued with her connection to Dr. Wolf! I canīt wait to find out the mystery behind her!

    What an awesome story!

    As always, canīt wait for the next update!
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  • From ANON - Lady Joker on December 29, 2008
    thanks and again bea-utiful! It seems like its really going to get good soon keep it up!
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  • From seditionary on December 28, 2008
    Ah, wonderful job with the smut! Another great chapter...more, please! Oh, and hope you had a great holiday!
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  • From monklikespunk on December 28, 2008
    Now all i can think about is did he finish in his pants or on the bloody door.

    another great installment.
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  • From oliversangel on December 28, 2008
    I squeed when I saw the update!! Hurray!! I choked on my coffee when I read that the tune Violet hummed was the William Tell Overture. A little warning please..if you don't mind...just a small note at the beginning, saying "Do not drink anything while reading this chapter" would suffice. ^.^ I got all kinds of excited when the Joker went after Bumbles, I was cheering loudly, and my hubby looked at me funny. I was a tid bit dissapointed when he only got stabbed in his arm, but I have a feeling that that won't be the last of his anger and fear for his life I imagine that Bumbles will want to betray the Joker in some manner. I'm guessing anyways, and my guesses are usually pretty good. ^.^ I am still so enthralled with Violet. I love her quiet acceptance to everything the Joker offers her, and her delight in the smallest things. I love how she recognized the Joker submitting to her as a gift. Yes, I too am eager for an update from Miss Majjic. And everyone else you mentioned. There are lots of talented writers in this section, you being one of them. Oh, speaking of updates, there is a chapter of my story you haven't read yet. I like you, don't feel quite satisfied until I read your review. Although I am a bit overdue for the next chapter...a new medication has stolen from me, the will to write, not writers block...just not wanting to write. It's an icky feeling, as I love to write. *sigh* But it's starting to come back though...hopefully I will finish the next one soon. Well, great chapter, as always, and I look forward to reading more. Oh, one more thing I forgot to compliment you on, I believe it was in the chapter with the miracle whip, and crackers...^.^ I just love when cocks have opinions, and agree with things. Great addition. ^.^ XXOO
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  • From Kameya on December 16, 2008
    aww more i like it! Violet is so random its cute
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  • From seditionary on December 14, 2008
    Oh, I just discovered this, and it's sooo good!! Update soon! Really good writing, I love how you've captured the Joker and I love Violet--such a different take on this kind of thing, so much fun!
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  • From ROGUEFURY on December 09, 2008
    Just reread the last chapter! I'm dying for an update! Btw Thanks for reviewing my first Joker fic!! It made my day =P And hopefully I'll update around the same time as you do ;p or maybe I should hold it for collateral lol
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  • From virgofemme on November 29, 2008
    Nooooo! You just had to stop right there, didnīt you? lol..But damn, that spanking scene was HOT!! I do hope youīll update soon! Great work. :D
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  • From ROGUEFURY on November 28, 2008
    Wow!!! This chapter was so cute and provocative. I was on pins and needles lol loving how seductive and sensually primal the Joker was with Violet. Man oh man it's so EVIL of you to stop where you did!! But I must say the wait was worth it, and I am dying for the next update! Great chapter and hope to see more Joker/Violet smut soon!!
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  • From 2zen2 on November 28, 2008
    Another great installment of the J & V lust and violence show. Wonderful smut - thanks, I needed that! Can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 28, 2008
    Gah woman! My arse is red raw just reading it! Prey hurry up and publish the next chapter so's I can start breathing again? :oD
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  • From oliversangel on November 28, 2008
    Well then...hold on a minute.....*goes to take cold shower* Ok. Damn. Don't you just love it when a man puts you over his knee, and gives you a good spanking? Especially from *him*. *shivers* Oh man. Yeesh, there's nothing like some good kink in the morning. ^.^ Yes it was evil of you to give us such a horrible cliffie, just makes us that much more eager for an update. Yay!!! I was so happy to read this extra bonus bit of smut this morning!! Honestly, I do happy dances when I see you've updated. And if you were wondering the same about me....soon my dear. ^.^ XXOO
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  • From KrystalTheElvishHobbit on November 28, 2008
    Oh I loved this chapter! And I love how the Joker was picking on the poor fat guy! Haha! So in character. And if you know me, you know I loved the kink in this chapter too, perverted weirdo that I am >:). It doesn't have to have actual sex in it all the time for it to be kinky for me! Awesome job and I look forward to the next update!
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