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Reviews for Breaking Barriers (Chapter 28 up)

By : TheArtist
  • From Vyper on November 07, 2008
    You know I am going to have to haunt you now with frightening tales of Sesame street if you don't update soon. Either that or send lemmings to your home. They follow each other copying each other, it is really creepy.
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  • From homophobichomosexual on November 02, 2008
    I hope you plan on continuing soon, it's been quite a long time since your last update.
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  • From AngelWingedDemon on October 29, 2008
    Ok, I have a wish (not like you writing this amazing story fulfills my wishes in the first place):

    Jareth refuses to fulfill Sarah's "needs" and, to torture him, she masturbated infront of the mirror =D

    I mean think of it! Jareth all blue-balled but telling himself that the can't actually take her and then hearing his name comming from her room...He's curious and so he sneaks a peak through the mirror to see what it is she could POSSIBLY be doing and sees her all splayed out for him! Forget WHY Sarah would do that in front of a mirror, that's not important, the highly amazing masterbation scene that takes place on BOTH sides of the mirror is what is important!
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  • From oliversangel on October 28, 2008
    *sigh* I read half of this last night, and the other half today. I actually read the one shot first. I was looking for something new to read, all the other stuff I read, I am waiting for updates on, and I myself, and struggling through a bit of writers block, and am trying to work through it. So glad I found the one shot, that lead me to this, wonderful, wonderful, work of art. ^.^ Words usually fail me when I review such
    a fantastic story such as this, but I will try my best to give you a well deserved kudos. ^.^ When I am reading your story, I feel as if, I am either watching it as a movie, or I am peering through Jareth's mirror. You descriptions are nothingless than devine, and I became so engrossed in it, that I snapped at anyone that ripped me from the lovely tale you have woven. Last night, and today, when I stopped reading, it honestly took me a little while to get adjusted to being back in the "real world", and not in the "Underground", I honestly felt like I was there, and few stories have done that to me. Your story leaves me with such a happy, and dreamy feeling. *sigh* I do have to say though, that in the last chapter, Jareth was being a bit of a whiny bitch, about his inner turmoil. He reminded me of a 14 year old girl, bitching and moaning about life, and acting all angsty. I half expected him to pull out a little unicorn diary, and start writing in it, while listening to
    some equally angsty music. LOL. ^.^ I heart Jareth, and David Bowie, and I heart you!! Oh, by the way, there is a movie he did, that I love, I saw it ages ago, and I haven't been able to find it since, nor have I found anyone else that has seen it, which is a shame, because it was fantastic. It's called, "The Linguine Incident". Please tell me you've seen it? Well, thank you for sharing this lovely lovely story with us. I know how much effort it takes to work, and well...have a life, and still write a story, and put enough time in it, to meet your standards, and to not feel rushed, and not keep your readers waiting too long. So, thank you, take your time!! XXOO And I agree with you about people needing to review more. It's agravating to see the counter climbing, and the votes, and reviews remain low. We as writers need feedback, even if it's to tell us we suck, or that you like it!! XXOO
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  • From Ikaru on October 23, 2008 Jareth hasn't already fallen for her, stupid male can't see the forest for the trees. They're both already head over heels for the other. sigh....Should Sarah find out about Toby, Jareth won't be able to glitter away fast enough to escape her rage, he'll be luck to have a kingdom left for that matter. And as for using her as a tool...I don't think that idea will be around very long...especially if they finally do give into their emotions and do the boom boom, that idea go bye bye real quick then...tee hee...i love this story, and it is well worth the wait so don't feel rushed...later!!
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  • From Darksidedown on October 22, 2008
    Using Sarah as a tool huh? I know who's the tool here. Geez. Jareth get a grip. Make her love you, she old enough now, be nice, take her like rabid monkeys in the spring time, have lots of Goblin king babies and repoulate the city. How hard is that to figure out?
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  • From ginabella on October 21, 2008
    Nice chapter.
    I hope it will be more interaction between them in the next chapter.
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  • From cukid9 on October 21, 2008
    Whoa! I never expected to see another chapter just after I finished reading the others! That, like, never happens around here :)

    Short chappie, true, but I liked it anyway. It's both funny and frustrating how Jareth is trying to convince himself that he will be able to go through with his plans without falling for her, 'cuz we all know he's already screwed. Too bad he can't just realize that maybe if he just treated her with genuine affection, she would probably do anything for him. And yet, at the same time, I'm so glad he doesn't realize it because it makes things ever so much more delicious.

    I could live off tension. The more a story has, the more I love it. The little observations, bursts of sudden emotion, hints of things to come, the advance and retreat of characters, it's all so delectable. I look forward to that stuff more than I do to the characters going at it most of the time - especially if it's well-paced and well-done. This story, my dear, is both. Add to that Jareth's dispassionate disposition getting cracked by Sarah's fiery temper and it's just...fabulous. I can't say it enough.

    Looking forward to more (when you have the time, of course - don't rush!)

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  • From kookookitty on October 21, 2008
    i think that's why i don't like to read lemons. there are only so many ways one can describe the act, then it becomes redundant and i would rather experience it than read about it. fade to the waves crashing against the rocks...

    he's thinking himself in circles. if he's becoming emotionally entangled, how would he think those feelings would effect a mere human girl. he's not thinking how sarah feels and how her feelings could make or break him. if he gets on her wrong side and she figures out she has power she could become a very dangerous adversary or she could leave him high and dry. kidnapping her brother again isn't going to have the effect he hopes and will not give him her willing cooperation and may even twist her magic in unpleasant ways. shackles and fetters-- boy needs to whimper and beg.

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  • From Vyper on October 20, 2008
    YES!!! Chapter 25 and another stalemate. Damnit will Jereth ever get those tighty whites out of his behind and just let the emotions come. He may suprise himself and get Sarah to be his Queen. Ok, I am done with my rant. Thanks for the update!
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  • From cukid9 on October 20, 2008
    *takes deep breath*


    Most of the time, I'm way more articulate than that. I've only found one other Labyrinth story on this site that has enthralled me. I have just read everything you have posted so far straight through. My eyes are burning (because I'm sure I haven't blinked once in twenty-four chapters), I feel a little light-headed (because I know I stopped breathing during the last part of the last chapter - and several times during previous chapters), and I'm exhausted - all of which are very good things! Because it's rare for me to find something that manages to make me sit still for...however long it just took me to read this.

    I love love LOVE this story! I love the insights into Jareth and Sarah. I love the way Jareth thinks he wants her to be submissive when it's her very rebelliousness that ignites so much feeling in him. I love the way he struggles with it and yet Sarah still has no clue (although, I think with the last chapter, she's sort of starting to get it a little). I am such a sucker for unreleased sexual tension, and this story has it in spades. I'm dying from the tension and yet don't want it to end!

    FABULOUS job so far!! I'm an addict to this story already, so I'm hoping your updates won't be too few and far between.

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  • From Darksidedown on October 19, 2008
    Jolly good stuff. I ahte Sarah leaving herself so weak by saying all he ahd to do was ask but perhaps it's best for His insercurities. My goodness the Goblin king with insurcurities..the worlds gonna end.
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  • From Ikaru on October 16, 2008
    Well Jareth seems to be back to his old self....whether that is a good or bad thing for Sarsh is debatable, at least they are both starting to open up about the mutual physical attraction they have for one another. If things had kept going like they had though, poor Curlique would have learned how babies were made first seems that Sarah and Jareth are finally loosening up and i say it's about damn time!!! Can't wait to see what you come up wih next!!!

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  • From kookookitty on October 16, 2008
    well, he did take her up on her offer to forget the encounter. how else was she to respond to the exclamation?

    one also wonders why i end up reading your chapters at four in the morning, without fail. *yawns*

    i don't know why he seems so gleeful, he's just as affected as she is. was his meek and mild routine just an act or is there a few disjointed personalities floating around in his head?

    nice kiss by the way. as soon as someone writes overused descriptions like: 'asking for entrance', 'tongues battling for dominance' i start to cringe uncontrollably and refuse to go on. thank you for fresh and exciting!

    ♥always a delight♥
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  • From Vyper on October 16, 2008
    Jereth is a tease and he is going to get it. Sarah one of these times is just going to grab his scrawny but and force him to admit he loves her the fricking dork. He should just give it up. I mean he is like standing there with a damn tent in his pants and he doesn't even know how to camp. If he did he wouldn't be just standing there letting Sarah ogle him, then again he does like that so why not just offer her a strip show. It doesn't take a lot of talent for him to start swinging on a pole in his tighty whities. Maybe silver speedos? Whatever will work for him at this point because he is being rather crazy, like is he on some kind of pills for bi polar or what?
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