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Reviews for Blood and Lust

By : blood-and-lust-87
  • From Yasumi on September 16, 2008
    OMG! *drops to her hands and knees* Please please please please please write more soon!
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  • From ANON - jo schmoe on September 16, 2008
    hey, its jo schmoe- that was good- the entire time i kept on seeing the joker in a dress, it made me laugh :D
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  • From OfCakeAndIceCream on September 16, 2008
    LOVE IT~
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  • From LordDogma on September 16, 2008
    I'm SO GLAD you continued that last short story.

    It's just so EXCITING!
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 11, 2008
    I thoroughly enjoyed all four of these short stories! :D You're an amazing writer and I REALLY, REALLY hope you write more Joker/Rachel stories as they're my favourite pairing (and you're wonderful at it!). It would be really great to see a Jokachel story involving the two of them in a hot tub/jacuzzi type situation ;) Meow! lol
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  • From Lulu on September 07, 2008
    Shiver me timbers!!! Incredibly......stimulating. Great work.
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  • From LadyAnubis on September 07, 2008
    'The Joker’s eyes rolled in the back of his head as her warm hand encased his thick rod. He allowed her to give him pleasure for so long before he decided to get back to business. Releasing one of her wrists, he once again brought the shiny blade to her face. “Okay…” He rolled her over so she was now on top of him, then turned the handle to her and in a baritone voice challenged her, “Show me what you got.” '

    Is it wrong that I found that bit... INCREEEEEDIBLY sexy??? Love it love it Love it :D.

    I also thought it was great when you had her asking 'Is it so surprising that I want this?'. You can kind of imagine Joker assuming a woman would only let him because they were afraid of him, so it was really effective. I don't know, maybe you could do another chapter more along those lines? I'm just greedy :D hehe.

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  • From RiamtheWanderer on September 06, 2008
    Hehe, I love this so far. I will def. be requesting something, just not sure what yet. Keep 'em coming, they're great!
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  • From virgofemme on September 05, 2008
    Loved it. They were all great. I especially enjoyed Peeping Tom, and like how the story was described from both Joker and Rachel´s viewpoint of each other. HOT
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  • From LadyAnubis on September 03, 2008
    Oh.... Wow.... Uhhh that was increeeeedibly hot :D. I loved every second of it. Kinda glad I stopped halfway through the 'shower scene' in my fanfic since I can't imagine being able to compete with that lol.
    Congratulations - you just made me want the Joker a million times more hehe!
    I especially loved when you had him give her the knife - not sure why, but that's how I imagine him being sexually, wanting whoever he's with to be just as rough with him as he is with them.
    MORE PLEASE! If I can think up any smutty suggestions for you I'll let you know :).
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