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Reviews for In the Dark

By : AshtonRose
  • From ANON - Catchfire on October 08, 2008
    It was nice (really nice) but I wanted more. I've always wanted to see a Batman/Gorden fic like this but just haven't been able to find one anywhere. So could you please write another chapter taking it into the bedroom. Maybe even a series for them even if it's just a series of one-shots. Other than that it was a great fic. And you should know that while I used to review stories all the time, I haven't reviewed any in a long long time. I don't know why. I've just gotten out of the habit I guess. That and I've strayed away from to rec sites that have finished fanfiction that's really long. Usually by the time I finish one of those it's so late in the night I can't see straight and my dog is pissed because I've kept him up all night. All well at least I have a pretty good food warmer to keep my feet warm while I read really great fics like this one. So please please continue it. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - Writegirl on August 04, 2008
    Wow, I never really thought about Gordon/Batman, but you captured something beautiful here. And hot, lets not forget hot :)
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  • From ANON - Connie on August 01, 2008
    Okay, I just had to tell you how happy that made me. After my second time see The Dark Knight, I kind of stopped for a second, and said, "...dude. BATMAN AND GORDON."

    Particularly after ruffled, SWAT!Gordon. Who was just too hot for words.

    So thank you for writing this, it was lovely. :D
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  • From Siarra on July 25, 2008
    I love the way this fic is written, each word in the right place, exploring and, indeed, solidifying the undercurrents of the relationship between these two men. For all the grand-standing and simply doing what's the right thing to do, the movie never really managed to explain the incredible amount of trust and admiration between them, and this gives it all a nice conclusion. The tone of the story is nicely melancholic and suits the purpose perfectly, making its progression flow easily and naturally, not only conveying the sense of desperate comfort but hope, as well.
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