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Reviews for Legends of the Treasure Child : Demon Spawn

By : Sparrowbirdie
  • From shinigami02mistress on September 16, 2010
    love it please continue!!!!!
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  • From Skyla on March 27, 2009
    Another wonderful up date to a wonderful story, however, I couldn’t help but notice two devastating words at the bottom. “The End” I really hope that it is the end of this addition and not the end completely. There is still so much to read about in this universe, so many possibilities and unanswered questions. Will Jacob be the next born? Will John be able to search out his messiah re-born? What of Lucifer will he really let go that easily? What of the older brothers? It will obviously be hundreds of years before Saieros will be able to even begin to comprehend the crimes he commits against Jack but will there be a slight change in the relationship or was his taking Jack in human form a one time deal? What of Sakias? I get the impression that he is not the one who joined with Jack but he seems to be like a little kid admiring his brother’s shinny new toy that he wants for himself not for what it is but for the fact that it is not really his to have, what will happen if he does get his hands on Jack will he be able to control himself or just cause more damage? Will Jack finally have a child that will have at least some sort of childhood like his eldest John or is he doomed to have more children like Erastus? Jack will be on his fifth child but he has only been able to really connect to one and that is John.

    There were a number of things that I really liked about this chapter and it revolves around your wonderful characterizations. The first set of characters that I have to mentions has got to be Ragetti and Pintel. You have their characters down exactly and I have no problem picturing them in my minds eye as the two buffoons from the movies. They are not overly important characters as they don’t have major rolls to play unlike Master Gibbs as both first mate and good friend to Jack, but they are a part of the tapestry of the Black Pearl and a slight reminder to the ‘good ol’ days and I am happy to see that you keep them about for that slight touch of comic relief. They offer a light contrast to an overall dark and imposing (but completely wonderful) story line.

    The triangle between the three brothers is also very dynamic. Each wanting Jack for their own reason and only John thinking of Jack’s best interest. As original characters they are artfully done and just as interesting as the established characters. I am not sure what to think of Sakias just yet. I had high hopes for him when he first appeared. I held onto a slim hope that he would be the one Jack might be able to find love with, the one who he had seen in his brief vision, but now I am left to wonder if Jack’s one night with Will is as close as he will ever get. I still hope that he will find this mystery person though. (-:

    When you first introduced Sakias he seemed like he would be able to defend Jack to some extent. Especially when he called his brother cruel for the things he did to Jack and while Saieros does not seem to be one to change his ways he at least showed what I took to be the smallest sliver of regret? That he did the things he did so that he would not form any kind of attachment to Jack or Jack to him? However, Sakias, despite his seeming willingness to defend Jack is also questionable as he seems to have the same low opinions of humans just without the bitter distain that his brother has. Either way these characters are very well thought out with a multitude of layers and hidden agendas which is amazingly hard to find in fan-fiction. Or at least I have run across very few anyway.

    I also have to complement you on your characterization of Jack. The fact that Jack takes a beating but just keeps going is so true to form but he finally faced a few things that I think he had yet to really face rather than just to acknowledge like he did in past chapters. For one, the mutilation of his genitals as well as actual anger towards Saieros who has now become his waking nightmare and when he said that he wanted nothing more than to punch Saieros in the face I had to smile. Of course the punch took three hundred years or so but I was happy to know that Jack does actually get that punch in. (-:

    One last note as it left a lasting impression on me and was a wonderful close to the chapter, and that is your use of imagery when Jack is getting ready for his bath. The light being reflected through the stained glass windows to create a kaleidoscope of colors on Jack’s mutilated body brought to mind the horrid stories that those stained glass windows hold in amongst themselves. Child bears of past and present, dark painful images broken down into beautiful colors fractured by a bright sun upon the worn body of a battered but still unbroken Captain Jack Sparrow. It is an oddly beautiful contrast of bright hope held within the dark grasp of despair. Perhaps it is a fore shadow of Jack’s future? That perhaps something will finally get better for Jack? Or will the darkness of the horrors he has yet to face going to take him down a road full of new horrors that John may not be able to protect him form? If Jack does manage to find some measure of peace, what will be the price that he will have to pay for it?

    This has been a wonderful story and I shall keep a bookmark on your page. (-: Hopefully life will not be too hectic for you and you will be able to find time to get lost in day dreams. I will quite happily follow along. (-:


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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on March 16, 2009
    That's one hell of a cliffhanger. I need to know what happens. I'm glad you updated, and I hope the next chapter comes out soon. I'll be waiting until then.
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  • From Skyla on March 16, 2009
    I have to say that I love all of your stories. Most notably this one in particular but I have slowly but surely read them all, even the two under Midsomer Murders regardless of the fact that I have never seen nor heard of the show. It doesn’t matter because it is all in the same universe with Jack and John and all the others. It was a wonderful look into the future for Jack. I just really hope that he doesn’t give up his immortal life as I am afraid of what affect it would have on John and the rest of the family. That and I think the world (even though it is all fiction) simply wouldn’t be any fun with out the great Captain Sparrow of the Black Pearl and I have to say that this is the only story that I have found in this fandom that I want the characters to continue living in.(-:

    There are so many things that I love about this world that you have created that I don’t know where to start really. A part of me is amazed that you don’t have more reviews then what you have already received. Mostly because there is obviously so much thought and work that you have put into the story. You have a wonderful grasp of a number of mythologys that you have seamlessly wrapped both the established characters of the Black Pearl as well as the new ones that you have introduced. You took time to introduce Jack to a new adventure in a believable fashion with his slight fall into insanity caused by terror but of course Jack being Jack, he is able to pull himself back with the help of those around him.

    John is a wonderful character as well. It has been a long time that I have found a new character introduced that not only seems to fit well with the story but brings along so much more. He is a dangerous balance between being both good and evil at the same time and it seems to me, as a reader, that he optimizes the choice we all have in our own lives. Based on the choices he makes effects the out come of not only his life but everyone else as well. John has the power to open the gates of Hell on earth but the love of his father has given him a choice that he would not of had in another life. I think, being as he sees himself at the gate of hell but is unable to see what he is doing is all do to the fact that he has yet to make all the decisions necessary that will take him to that spot. He has yet to even try to let go of his humanity which gives him and me hope. Hope that there is still a chance that he will be fighting to keep the gates closed rather than trying to open them and that I think pivots around the fate of Jack Sparrow which, as I said, I hope he never passes and stays with his children till the end of the world and perhaps fulfill his small fore sight into the future where he does have a loving husband…Either way I shall wait and read the story loyally until you get to such a point. You as the writer having the final say in all.

    The fine line that John walks, the darkness that wallows inside him only makes him more interesting. That and the fact that he does not let his evil out unless it is upon someone who has done something in the wrong to begin with. I don’t want to say this makes him endearing just more likable I think, John offering the world a dark dose of justice. His is a complex character with many different facets and you have done a wonderful job with him. I find myself wanting to read about him as much as I do about Jack Sparrow and company and that is saying a lot.

    I know that I could go on with more but I will leave it here. I think my review has morphed into more of an essay than a review. This is a story that I will keep coming back to for a long time and re-read more than once. Each time I go back over it I find something else that I missed or another way to look at a possible character development with all the little snippets that John gets when he looks into the future. Which I think the most important part of that is how all of it can change in an instant, the future is not preordained or set, it is what we chose to make of it. While his ability to look forward is helpful to him and his family it however is something that is ever flowing and even he, with all his power can’t be certain of everything. It would seem that is his one weakness that even John cannot move past and that just makes the story that much more appealing and fun to read.

    Keep up the awesome work. I can hardly wait for the next update. (-:


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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on February 11, 2009
    A fitting punishment if I do say so myself. I can't wait to see the plot develop further. I'm always checking to see when you've updated and do a little happy dance when you do. Until next time. ^_^
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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on January 25, 2009
    Keep going. I still love it.
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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on January 14, 2009
    I could just hug you if you weren't not right next to me. I love this fic the more it keeps going, I must see how it all turns out. I'm freaking out over here.
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  • From ElenaPajaro91 on January 13, 2009
    "Dig in! But do mind those fangs!" HA! I LOVE THAT LINE!
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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on January 04, 2009
    Man. You just keep reeling me in, even though I'm already so enraptured with your story. I can't wait until the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on December 11, 2008
    For a second there I thought things weren't going to perk up, but it seems poor Will will be alright. I hope so at least. I'll be waiting anxiously for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on November 24, 2008
    Yes! Keep it coming!
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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on November 19, 2008
    No, I don't think going out there would be a good idea. Man, I'm on pins and needles as to what could happen next.
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  • From ANON - on November 13, 2008
    Thank you. You've made my week so much better with this update. I'll be waiting for the next one with much excitment as to what will happen next.
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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on November 11, 2008
    Yes! I've been waiting for this for so long. I'm glad you updated! I can't wait to see what happens next.
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  • From ANON - Neptunesdemon on October 10, 2008
    Oh no! The chapter can't end this way, not with a cliffhanger. I hope the next chapter comes soon, I want to know if John is okay. I must know! I liked this chapter as much as the others.
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