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Reviews for The many different shades of grey...

By : Suryallee7104
  • From jgood on January 01, 2018

    Love this story and cant wait to read more, please update 

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  • From smashthemirror on January 27, 2007
    I have no clue why I've never read this. I must be slipping. Great, very witty and cute, and I love the boys' reactions! It's nice to see them shaken up and I can't wait to see who is behind this or whether it's a movie character or an original. Either way, I know you'll do a great job at developing this (even though you seem to be joining my school of lack of updates, hee...)

    Provided a great motivation while working on free falling...(oh wait, did I let that slip? heh heh heh.)
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  • From ANON - Witty Nickname on November 23, 2006
    LMAO! That was just adorable! I'm glad to see someone else is willing to torture the boys too! I have a similar painted bike scene coming up in my own LB fic, and I gotta tell ya, I'm thinking of taking it out now. I doubt I could top yours lol!

    Nice story, I love the plot you have here, please update again soon :o)
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