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Reviews for A Vampire Romance

By : Suryallee7104
  • From ANON - smashthemirror on November 26, 2006
    Love it, loved the ending to this...the action of the killing off of the three humans came a little fast for me but overall this was a great, great fic! Loved the final and funny and sweet all at once!

    Though after reading your description of Dwayne's room...dangit...(glances at the next chapter of free falling and heaves a sigh and goes to edit) you beat me to it, LOL. apparently we both think of him as a bookish, painting vamp...

    you have no idea how much I wish I had time to beta your fic. If I for a moment thought that I'd be able to give it the attention it deserves, I'd offer, but my schedule is always busy and it just wouldn't be fair to you. I hope you find someone, though, because yours are some awesome stories that deserve all the love they can get!
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  • From ANON - Theresa on November 26, 2006
    I love your story :D just read the last chapter and it was a great ending! one of the best Lost Boys fanfictions i've ever read!
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  • From ANON - cassie on November 24, 2006
    are you going to link this story to your other one or are you going to do two compltley different storie lines with these two?
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  • From ANON - smashthemirror on November 23, 2006
    love handle dwayne and maria eloquently, and my you are a TEASE! But I mean that in a good way, heh...I really hope this has a happy ending...I love how this is developing.

    and I hear you. I used to be able to do one shots. And then somehow along the way the gift of extended stories clonked me on the head and I never got rid of it. I've been trying to do a short lost boys fic to sort of work out ideas I can't work into free falling...ha. apparently anything less than thirty pages is impossible for me. Sigh. We need a twelve step program.
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  • From ANON - smashthemirror on November 15, 2006
    love do a great sweet dwayne...I never would have had the guts to make him as open and clumsy/vulnerable as you have...great job there. I also like the sense of community you've built with the group, and how you use laddie. You also give maria a great personality..way to flesh out an under-used character! Nice work there. can't wait to see how this turns out!
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  • From ANON - Lina on November 10, 2006
    Love this story!!! But, will you update your other lost boy story as well?
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