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Reviews for Swordplay - A Prologue

By : JacksMermaid
  • From royalpinkdogs on November 07, 2007
    Excellent! What a twist at the end! The antepenultimate moment---too wonderful!!

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  • From ANON - Lisa on November 14, 2006
    This was a superb fanfic even if it was a dream sequence (To quote you and Jack..."I didn't see that one coming"...That's a compliment too. I can usually predict exactly where a fic is headed long before it gets there. Most writers are transparent. You fooled me. Congrats to you for that!!!!). As a writer, you have wonderful powers of description and a large vocabulary which is put to good use in your fics. I so enjoy reading intelligently crafted material. I also enjoy the fact that you can write dialogue that fits the period. 21st century slang is one of the most annoying things to come across whilst reading a period fic like Pirates. I've discussed generalities. Now, I shall discuss specifics. My favorite moments in this fic are when Gibbs attempts to stop Jack from ravaging Lizzie, while unbeknownst to him, Jack is struggling with the same dilemma. I also enjoy how you deal with Lizzie's shattered reputation. Your fic is the first that I've seen that makes reference to what Port Royal society undoubtedly is saying about her. I suspected the 2nd film to deal with that too, but they surprisingly didn't. In any case, I seriously doubt that any of the local gossips believe her to still be a virgin after all the time she has spent with pirates. Ironically, the lady hasn't been "deflowered" yet. I LOVE how Jack wants to take his sword to all of them for saying nasty things about Lizzie (AW!!!! He's a darlin' when he wants to be). I also LOVE your portrayl of Jack. In one fic, you showed his humor, his roguish nature, his honor, and his insecurity. You captured all of these facets of his personality beautifully. My favorite is how you revealed his vulnerability through his thoughts and how he was amazed that Lizzie wanted him. I think that beneath the bravado Jack is insecure. He'd never show it though, unless in his own mind, the way that you depict it here. I think that you are one of the most talented fic writets that I've read. And I look forward to reading and reviewing your third effort on this site entitled "Silk".
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  • From ANON - soph on October 18, 2006
    hehehe that was cleverly done! suprized me at the end with the dream!! you never disappoint do you? hehe
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